ADOBE FONT - Helvetica Neue

je souhaite utiliser Helvetica Neue sur 24 pc + 1 serveur windows . Que propose Adobe ?

Ah ouii bien vu! Du coup cela a piqué ma curiosité et voici ce que j'ai trouvé. Sur cette page on trouve des polices , avec une date de design (et pas de publication) mais estampillées adobe à une époque improbable, ce qui prête à confusion, dans les années 50 Max Miedinger | FontShop
Et sous le titre  Helvetica® Neue LT Std
by Adobe
About this font family
Helvetica grew in popularity throughout the 1960s and 1970s, and more versions of the family were introduced. This led to vast confusion: the same weight is often referred to by two different names, design features often vary from one face to another, and so on.In the early 1980s, Linotype remedied this situation by redrawing the entire Helvetica family. Differences in alignment were corrected, subtle features were made consistent from one face to another, and all the weights and widths were designed to work together as one family. More…
See a typo? Edit the description!
Designers: Max Miedinger
Design date: 1983
Publisher: Adobe
Design owner: Linotype

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  • Missing Font Helvetica Neue LT

    I've got a Problem with my Adobe InDesign CS6.
    When i want to open a file it says there are missing Fonts.
    The Fonts that are missing are:
    Helvetica Neue LT LT 55 Roman
    Helvetica Neue LT LT 75 Bold
    Helvetica Neue LT LT 45 Light
    So i looked them up in the Adobe store to buy them, but i can only find the Helvetica Neue LT STD 55 Roman/Bold/Light.
    So now my question is, are these the same fonts?
    Or where can i buy the fonts that are missing?
    Thanks for your help.

    Your fonts have been old T1 fonts which are not supported anymore in modern OS, Win and Mac.
    With InDesign you could use them for a while when you copy them into the Font folder which is found in the same folder as your InDesign program.
    But I would strongly recommend to buy licenses of modern OTF fonts, these have often a Std or Pro added to their name. Pro have more glyphs and have in most cases support for Cyrillic, Eastern European (Czech, Poland, Hungarian, Turkish) and Greece alphabet, and complete math characters.
    When you change to the modern OTF you will have to redefine your styles and check your text flow as some glyph might have a different metric.

  • I am having trouble getting access to fonts on hard drive. In particular Helvetica Neue Black.  It seems that since HelveNeu.dfont is a system font Font Book  does not give me the option to activate HelveticaNeuBlack.

    We recently started using Font Book instead of Suitcase Fusion for our font management program.  We are unable to activate our postscript type 1 font (Helvetica Neue Black)  It seems since hel neu is a system dfont that Font Book thinks we already have it activated but HelvNeueBlack is not part of dfont.  So even though I have it in my fonts folder the font is grayed out and am unable to activate.  I might add that HelveBlack is also a problem.  I've read the article by Kurt Lang on Font Management.  I followed his directions on how to remove dfonts from system but caused more problems than it solved.  I would appreciate a certified way to handle these particular fonts.  Do I need to purchase the Open Type fonts to solve problem.

    What I did to fix was remove Helv Fractions that cleared up the problem.
    It's been quite a while since I've seen that one come up. When you mentioned that some of the type looked like jumbled fractions, that should have jogged my memory. Yes, Helvetica Fractions is long known to be a bad font. Delete it from the hard drive and never reinstall it.
    The HelvNeuBlack and HelvBlack fonts you sent are indeed creating conflicts. Here are screen shots of their internal names. HelvBlack first, and HelvNeuBlack second.
    In Helvetica Black, the menu name is just Helvetica, which leaves nowhere for the regular Helvetica font to display in your font lists. It also then creates a cross reference between the two fonts. It is also reporting two other different names to the OS for the same font. Helvetica Black, and Helvetica-Black. You can technically get away with doing that, but it's bad practice.
    Helvetica Neue Black is the same type of bad naming. The menu name is just Helvetica Neue, which leaves nowhere for the real Helvetica Neue to go in your menu lists. Then they rather oddly threw in Helvetica 95 Black for the full name, as opposed to HelveticaNeue-Black for the other two spots.
    Just some really sloppy work here by someone for what I would guess were Type 1 PostScript fonts converted to Mac legacy TrueType. If you don't have the software to fix the names, the only good suggestion is to throw these fonts out and purchase new ones from a vendor who builds fonts correctly. And while they're kind of pricey, that means either Adobe or Linotype.

  • Can I change the Yosemite system font from Helvetica Neue to Lucida Grand?

    I have a hard time seeing the Yosemite font, Helvetica Neue, on my 27 in Apple Thunderbolt Display. This is not a Retina display. Is there a method I can use to change the font to Lucida Grande?

    No, but you can make some desktop/folder fonts larger in Finder > View > View Options. Or, in order to make everything larger, go to System Preferences > Displays and change the resolution (take it down a notch) - less crisp, but everything will be a bit larger. If you don't like it, simply revert to the default.

  • PDF's & Helvetica Neue

    I've just completed a project for a client using Helvetica Neue, and whilst all fonts worked and looked fine on my Mac when I sent the final pdf doc. to the client on their PC's the font Helvetica Neue looks jagged and changes clarity/density in places? Has anyone experienced this and/or have any solutions to prevent this from happening?

    Are there other fonts in the document that look OK? When you look at the PDF on your machine in Preview, are the Helvetica Neue characters selectable as text, or have they been converted to images? Did you create the PDF via the Export command, or through the Print dialogue? You might try the alternative and see if that solves things. You might also use the PDF menu in the Print dialogue to export as PDF-X, and see if that helps.
    If you can give some more details, it may be possible to come up with some alternative solutions.

  • Unable to load font"^0" "Helvetica Neue" After Effects CC

    After updating After Effects CC, the warning appears: Unable to load font"^0" "Helvetica Neue"
    HelveticaNeue.dfont is available in my HD/System/Library/Fonts
    I work with:
    Before the CC update everything worked fine.
    Please help me.

    See this thread and ask further questions there:

  • Helvetica Neue PostScript fonts not appearing in font list

    Just curious if anyone else out there on a Mac (I'm on 10.5.8) is having trouble with Helvetica Neue (or any other System fonts) being accessable from the Fireworks CS5 font list?
    I expect that I should see a whole slew of Helvetica Neue typefaces (PostScript) in my list (from 25 Ultra Light on up to 107 Extra Black Condensed Oblique) but instead all I get are the TrueType options that you see in the image below:
    Also, Helvetica Neue appears in my font list twice... but both options give the identical TrueType font choices.
    The crazy thing is that I can copy/paste a string of editable text from Photoshop and it will display the correct typeface AND maintain its editability within Fireworks CS5 but, the second drop-down menu appears blank. It's almost as if the system knows I have the PostScript font installed and available, but Fireworks doesn't know how to let me choose it.

    I'm having this same issue. I can fix it by removing the system version (dfont) but then my browser won't show the font properly (outlines). I've got the whole creative suite and this is the only program that has this issue.
    When I migrated from CS3 to CS5 this happened. Fireworks won't show the Post script version unless you remove the system font.
    Adobe should use the same text/font handling throughout the suite.

  • Helvetica Neue Fonts

    Hi all,
    I have a pdf which has Helvetica Neue Roman, Helvetica Neue Bold fonts. If I buy Neue Helvetica 55 Roman and Neue Helvetica 75 Bold fonts. would I be able to edit that PDF? I have Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro.
    Thank you

    It is embeded Subset.
    I do not have any of those fonts. I am going to order them. but still when I try to edit them by using touch up tool, it says " all part of the selection has no available system fonts. you can not add or delete using currently selected fonts."  Touch up tool works when I try to edit any PDF which has Times new roman or arial fonts.
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    and sometimes I put the Text Box over the text I want to edit.
    Thank you so much jacob for you time and effort to answer my questions.. I really appreciate that.

  • After 12.1 Update - Unable to load font "^0" "Helvetica Neue" error

    I've just updated to After Effects CC 12.1, and I'm now getting the following error when launching:
    After Effects warning: Unable to load font "^0" "Helvetica Neue"
    After pressing OK, I get another error:
    Cannot load font required for the After Effects interface. Please replace the font or reinstall After Effects.
    And then a final error:
    After Effects can't continue: unexpected failure during application startup
    I'm on Mac OS 10.9, and this was working just fine with the 12.0.1 patch. I've double-checked that Helvetica Neue is installed and all other CC apps work just fine. Any ideas?

    Here's what worked for me
    In font explorer I had several instances of Helevetica Neue fonts (Same font name but not same file name).
    I deleted these instances in Font explorer.
    I went to fontbook and restore defaults fonts.
    After effects opened perfectly.
    but now as KLTV8
    i get this message when I quit the application
    ( 76 :: 0 )
    Unable to allocate 0.003 MB of memory. Either decrease the memory requirements for the rendering of this frame, or install more RAM. (12803 / Text Engine Data). For more information, see
    I didn't even open any projects.
    Buggy update !

  • Helvetica Neue monotype, linotype or adobe?

    Hello everyone
    I'm doing a job using Helvetica Neue for a client who has specified that it should be from the Monotype foundry. On checking mine (in Quark's utilities) it says what I'm using is a Adobe Systems Type 1 Postscript font. When I looked online to research about purchasing the Monotype version I keep finding it mostly available as either as Linotype or Adobe but Monotype is really rare, other than from 1 US font site. Certain sites imply that Linotype and Monotype is the same !!! Are they so different from the different foundries that text will reflow quite a bit? It's an expense that I can quite do without if I can help it.
    In addition I find it very confusing that there is a Helvetica Neue Roman AND a Helvetica Neue 55 (or light and 45 etc) in my drop down font menu. Is this because they are from 2 different foundries that has mixed up in my system? Sometimes when I get work back having used the '55', I find that it's been changed to the 'roman' version and I need to change it back again. I am concerned that if I use the Monotype version it'll add another layer of problem to this existing one.
    Another thing is, sometimes you see the font listed as Neue Helvetica, and Helvetica Neue (reversed order). Other times it's spelt as HelveticaNeue with no space between the 2 words and other times there's a space. It's all very confusing. Again is this because thaey are from different foundries?
    Lastly, is there a place in InDesign v5 that gives this info in a similar way to Quark's Utilities eg Path, Folder and Foundry etc for easy reference?
    Thanking in advance for your help.

    If a client is going to be that specific about a font—down to the exact foundry, I mean—I'd ask them if they can supply it along with the job. If not, and it's crucial, I think you could include the purchase of the font in your billing to them. In that case, it would be appropriate to include the font with the job, for them to keep, if they requested it; otherwise, you could keep it for your own use. (You shouldn't both keep a copy if you've only purchased a single license.)
    It sounds like you're concerned about reflowing text, which is an understandable concern. You should be able to test this simply by making a copy of the document and seeing how the text flows with your version of the font.
    It also sounds like it's time for you to consider installing some font management software, which will allow you to view font information, activate and deactivate fonts, etc. Personally, I think Linotype FontExplorer Pro is easy to work with, flexible, and has a lot of nice features.

  • After installing Helvetica Neue font onto my PC (Win7) it now appears almost everywhere online in the interface of websites?

    I installed Helvetica Neue recently onto my PC and ever since that font is being used on most websites I visit, and even in the google website's troubleshooting settings. Ive also noticed the font used for the number of likes on a likebox on my website has changed and is all being displayed in Helvetica. It is very annoying and I have no idea how to resolve this issue. Here are a few examples:

    Unless a web page uses a “web font” that it supplies itself, web pages typically provide a list of fonts, in priority order, of fonts to be used to render text. Typically, this list of fonts represents “system fonts” of MacOS, Windows, iOS, and Android - fonts that can be counted on being installed. Helvetica Neue is a MacOS system font that is not typically found on Windows systems. And even if a user licenses recent versions of Helvetica Neue OpenType fonts and installs same on Windows systems, they are in the “Helvetica Neue Std” family which would not match “Helvetica Neue” which is native to MacOS. Thus, I suspect that the Helvetica Neue you have installed on Windows is an older font offering.
    There are three issues here:
    The first is that web pages provide a priority list for font usage. I suspect that the web pages you are seeing Helvetica Neue actually used on your system are requesting fonts in the order of Helvetica Neue and then Arial. The typical MacOS system would display the content with Helvetica Neue and the typical Windows system would display the content with Arial. Since you have Helvetica Neue on your system, you are getting rendering similar to what a MacOS system would have.
    The second issue is that there is no way to force a web page to reverse the order of priority of the fonts it lists.
    And finally, the third issue is that there is no way to hide a font selectively by application.
    The only way you can avoid Helvetica Neue being used on web pages preferring Helvetica Neue to let's say Arial or any other font on its list for particular text rendering is to uninstall Helvetica Neue.
    That having been said, other than perhaps personal type design preferences, are there any other issues with regards to use of Helvetica Neue for display of these web pages?
            - Dov

  • PDF created with InDesign CS6, Helvetica Neue font, causes lower-case "r's" to be bold

    The pdf was created from InDesign CS6 using Windows 7. I cannot recreate the problem on my machine, but it is happening on a coworker's machine. The only character affected is the lower-case r. It appears bold when viewing the pdf of his machine. I am also running Windows 7 and it looks fine to me. My boss is using a Mac and it also looks fine to her. Does anyone know what might be causing this problem?

    Hmm...until it's isolated to the 'r' it surely sounds like the typical effect often caused by the "Enhance Thin Lines" preference setting in Acrobat/Reader/browser-x-plugin, which most commonly affects l's and i's.
    It's also true that various servings of Helvetica Neue are at the center of many such tales of woe.
    I'd recommend some simple testing on the co-worker's computer with PDF's produced under the same conditions using different fonts; perhaps some varied weights of the same Helvetica Neue.

  • Helvetica Neue font conflict causing problems in Dashboard and elsewhere

    I'm an art director who makes extensive use of the Postscript version of Helvetica Neue. With Leopard, Apple has also started using it for certain interface elements, and unfortunately the system doesn't seem to know the difference between the OpenType version in /System/Library/Fonts that it's supposed to be using to render them, and the PostScript version in ~/Library/Fonts that it should be ignoring.
    For example, here's a taste of how my Dashboard looks:
    It also causes any web page that specifies Helvetica Neue to render wrong. I can't disable the Postscript version because I use it so frequently. Is there a way to rename or otherwise alter it so Leopard "finds" the appropriate OpenType version first?

    I'm having the exact same problem, my widgets look just the same as yours.
    I've tried moving and removing various Helvetica font files, but, there appears to be no good solution. It looks like you can't have Type 1 Helvetica Neue and Apples' Helvetica Neue installed at the same time. The Type 1 fonts screw up the whole OS interface, and the Apple .dfonts aren't identical to the Type 1 fonts, so, they are useless for design and layout.
    Obviously Apple really screwed something up with these fonts in Leopard, I just wish they'd fix it, this has been a HUGE headache for us because we are a design shop. I can't believe Apple hasn't fixed this considering how many creatives use their OS.

  • Helvetica Neue Pro -- Mac to PC font conversion (and vice versa)

    I have a designer I exchange files with -- she's on a Mac, I'm on a PC (don't judge). Everything is seamless because we're both using Illustrator files created in CC. The one issue we're having is with fonts, specifically with Helvetica Neue Pro font family. They don't substitute automatically because the PC version names of that font family do not precisely match the names of her Mac Helvetica Neue Pro family. I have compatible (visually speaking) Helvetica Neue fonts (LT Std) that you can 'find and replace' each time either of us opens a file, but it's a pain. Is there a way around this without having to purchase the (very expensive) Helvetica Pro family OpenType fonts? And if I purchase that font family, will it even solve the problem? Or asked another way, is there a Helvetica Neue font family that is named the same in both PC and MAC versions?
    Thanks for any advice or guidance.

    I don't know where to ask this question
    Please post questions regarding Microsoft Office on Microsoft's own forums for their Mac products:

  • How do I solve my FONT conflict issue with the system Helvetica Neue

    Everytime I start up in Leopard I get the error message "There is a conflict with the "HelveticaNeue" font file". How do I resolve this issue? I require the Postscript versions of Helvetica Neue for my design programs. I use Linotype FontExplorer to manage the fonts. Is there a way to rename these postscript versions so they don't conflict?

    Currently, the only way is to remove Apple's supplied versions of Helvetica. They have exactly the same internal names as the PostScript versions. Follow the instructions in section 4 of my article, Font Management in OS X, to see how to do that.
    The link, or one of the links above directs you to my personal web site. While the information is free, it does ask for a contribution. As such, I am required by Apple's rules for these discussions to include the following disclaimer.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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