Adobe Illustrator Registry Association Issues

Hi, When I start my Illustrator, I get Registry Association Issues. Run as Administrator. How do i solve this issue permanently?

Hi Sanjay,
Yes I have admin rights in the system. I am doing the same from morning i.e. Run As Administrator. But once you close the program and run it again, the same pop up appears. So finally i have uninstalled the app and trying to re-install it again.

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    that is exactly what i did. I uninstalled the adobe cc illustrator and photoshop after i installed the new 2014 versions. and my extension manager won't upgrade either

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    that is exactly what i did. I uninstalled the adobe cc illustrator and photoshop after i installed the new 2014 versions. and my extension manager won't upgrade either

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    Without proper system info and details about your documents nobody can say anything. We don't even know your version of AI...

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    I had the same issue, Mylenium where is this notion of flaky emulation? Genius produce their own products, as it turns out my solutions proves that this seems to be an issue with illustrator where it directly supports only wacom drivers, which is obviously a software issue, it should support any pressure pen devices. Besides why does it work with photoshop ? perhaps adobe should directly support certain mouse products too then.
    anyway heres the solution, make sure you have the latest driver from Genius,
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    This is an open forum, not Adobe support... you need Adobe staff support to help
    Adobe contact information -
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

  • Issue with transferring from Adobe Illustrator Draw to Illustrator on the desktop

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    This error message can occur if you have a mismatch of Adobe Draw and Illustrator CC. Double-check that you have the latest version of both. The latest version of Draw is 1.0.1, and the latest version of Illustrator is v18.1.1.
    Hope that helps,
    Draw Engineering

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    attach a screenshot of the error.

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      I'm using BroadVision's Quicksilver.  I've attempted to embed AI Artwork
    files as OLE objects (linked and not linked), but they don't render within
    Quicksilver.  After working with their support team, they came to the
    conclusion that it was an Adobe Illustrator issue because they were
    able to reproduce the issue in Wordpad (not MS Word).
      The problem can be reproduced by the following steps (tested in Vista,
    XP, & Server 2008):
    :- Open Wordpad
    :- Click Insert -> Object -> Create From File -> Browse -> Find and select a file -> Open
      Other variations on this theme encounter the same problem, including
    pasting it from the clipboard.
      If you open a Wordpad document in MS Word and embed the OLE
    object, it saves a preview of the image which is visible from Wordpad
    if you open it later on (as long as you don't link to the original; if you do,
    and attempt to update the link, the preview image will go away).  However,
    subsequent alterations of the OLE object don't show up in Wordpad -- rather,
    the image that was rendered in Word continues to be displayed (unless, of
    course, you open it in MS Word again and re-save after the link is updated).
      It appears the support team at another company encountered a user
    experiencing the same or similar issues with their product, but on
    Illustrator CS2 as opposed to CS4:
      Unfortunately, the "export to another format" workaround won't suffice.
    We're working with thousands of Illustrator artwork files that need to be
    version controlled, and other technical documents will link to the same
    Illustrator file.  When an AI file is updated, all technical documents
    need to use the altered version; linking to an exported version of the
    file just creates one more link in the chain that can create problems
    or confusion.
      Even if the version control stuff wasn't an issue, exporting to other
    formats seems rather limited.  If we export to other formats (eg, pdf)
    the images render poorly compared to what they look like in AI.
      We've tried a number of things to work around this:
    * Make sure AI [is/is not] already running
    * Rasterize paths
    * Alter the size of the image in AI
    * Alter the size of the object in the target application
    * 'Save as' with a different version of AI selected (for all versions)
    * Saving as an EPS or PDF -- the former has the same rendering issue
      as AI files; the latter renders but the drawing is blocky, probably because
      the graphics are being rendered at a very low resolution and scaled up
      after the fact.
    * Looking for or changing preferences in Illustrator that might affect it
    * Altering color scheme and various other similar settings
    * CS5 trial version -- same problem as CS4
    * Save the [wordpad] document -> close -> re-open
    * Switching between 'display as icon' and displaying the image
    * Copy & paste from various sources (from AI -> Wordpad,
      MS Word -> Wordpad, etc)
      The only way I can get it to render in Wordpad (or quicksilver for that matter)
    is if I embed the AI file in a Word/RTF document, then embed that in
    the target application (which is awfully convoluted).  Furthermore, if the
    embedded Word/RTF file links to the original file, when you open the
    document containing the embedded Word/RTF it doesn't attempt to
    update from the linked AI file, just the linked Word/RTF file.
      I'm sure there's other things we've tried to resolve this, but that's what comes
    to mind right now.
      If anyone can help with this, or clue me in that it's a bug in AI, I'd sincerely
    appreciate it.

    Well, no offense
    None taken.  I'm helping someone else solve a technical problem, I'm just not questioning their approach; I'm not a tech writer, so I'll pass your suggestions on.
    (...) you are trying  to solve one hell of a crooked workflow on the wrong end and the one  fatal flaw being that you insist on using an office tool to create  layouts and expecting it to render print-ready documents.  That just  cannot work. Even the most stubborn tech writers I occasionally work  with, recognize the need for eventually firing this at InDesign/ InCopy/  Framemaker and associated server versions and fuse the imported RTF/  Word documents and illustrations based on template layouts, scripting  and rule-based formatting, which can all happen automnatically on a  server with the respective software.
    I was mistaken when I described how things are version controlled.  They would prefer to embed the AI images in each document and have each document be version controlled (that is, if the image changes it should /not/ affect other documents).
    However, I wasn't mistaken when I said there are thousands of already developed AI images.  The team working with these images has already procured a volume license for Framemaker and is hesitant to purchase other software unless there's no alternative, or the time savings would justify it.  I wish I could comment on the efficacy of your suggestion, but I'm not a tech writer; I'm unfamiliar with InDesign, InCopy, and FrameMaker.
    So for what it's worth, you are  probably wasting your time and resources on something that by its nature  starts out with a limited process. I'm not even sure if AI fully  supports OLE. I seem to remember having read about it not supporting  several features and commands....
    If we export to other formats (eg, pdf) the images render poorly compared to what they look like in AI.
    What  do you mean? If they look "bad" in Acrobat or something, then you are  simply using the wrong export settings. which is perfectly fixable.
     In Acrobat the SV graphics look beautiful at any scale, but if the PDF is OLE embedded in another application it looks terrible.
    If  they look "bad" within your word documents, then we pretty much return  to what I said in the first paragraph - there's a good chance it's  simply Word rendering the artwork poorly due to its limited abilities of  dealing with graphics of any kind. I would even think that manually  changing the graphics properties would improve appearance then....
    I'm not an expert on OLE; I made the [potentially bad] assumption that Acrobat would be responsible for rendering the graphic when a PDF is OLE embedded, so the application making use of the object would have limited control over the quality of the image it receives (if my assumption were correct anyway).
    I know the host process can specify whether the image is rendered as an EMF or WMF image, otherwise I know very little about the OLE API and what limitations the host process can impose.
    I'll keep tinkering to see if the PDF solution can be made to work.
    In the meantime, would anyone like to make a determination as to whether this is a real bug in AI or not?

  • Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 crashes on start Windows 8

    I can't start Adobe Illustrator CC 2014.
    When it shows "initialising" there is the program-window building up (only white screen) but then it crashes down (showing that the programm does not work anymore :/ )...
    I allready tried all advises in this forum and others, but nothing worked (the Verdana/Tahoma issue and so on....).
    Is there a way to solve the Problem?
    Please excuse my bad english.
    Thanks a lot!

    Interestingly, my problem was only fixed for 2 days, but doing this fixed it. I removed everything relating to Wacom (drivers, etc.):
    Issue | Illustrator CC crashes at launch
    Users have reported that Illustrator crashes during or after launch. Specifically, using an input device (for example, a mouse, stylus, tablet device, or others) soon after you start Illustrator CC causes the application to crash immediately.
    Cause | Outdated device drivers:
    This error occurs due to outdated Wacom device drivers on your computer. Updating the drivers (or uninstalling old or unused device drivers) fixes this issue. This issue can occur even if you do not have any Wacom device currently attached to your computer.
    Solution 1: Update Wacom device drivers
    Uninstall your current Wacom device drivers. See your Wacom product documentation, for information on how to uninstall the device drivers.   
    (Recommended for Mac users) If available on your computer, delete the file WacomMultiTouch.framework. To check for and delete the file:
    In a new Finder window, click Go > Go to Folder > type /Library/Frameworks > click Go.
    In the opened folder, check for a file named WacomMultiTouch.framework. If the file exists, delete it.
    Visit the Wacom support site, and reinstall the latest Wacom device drivers for your computer.     
    Solution 2: Uninstall Wacom device drivers
    If you are not using a Wacom device, uninstall the drivers associated with the device, and then launch Illustrator

  • What can I do to respond to an "Adobe Illustrator cannot run" message?

    I have a PC running Windows7 with a virtual machine running in XP Mode.  I loaded my old Adobe Illustrator 9.0 on the XP side.  The installation went smoothly.  When I try to start Illustrator I receive a "Adobe Illustrator cannot run" message.  Criptic to the point of being useless.  I used Windows Explorer to pull up all the Adobe files.  Nothing appears amiss.  Ideas/suggestions will be welcomed.

    Well folks I finally got my "can't connect to iTunes" issues fixed. Seems that there was an unauthorized change to my email address and account therefore not allowing mr to connect to iTunes.
    Here is how I got it fixed.
    1. Contacted iTunes store support
    2. Followed their instructions and replyed with the following info:
    An order number from one of my purchases
    Last 4 digits of the c.c. Used for the iTunes store acct
    Answer to one of my security questions
    And 2 items from this list.
    Billing address for Acct
    Phone number on acct
    It was after all of this that they saw that someone had made an account modification back in February when the issue began. Seems they changed my email address just slightly and that is what kept me from being able to sign in and not a password issue. This was likely due to a phishing email that came out in conjunction with iCloud asking users to change their passwords to a more secure form by adding a capital and number.
    To get all of this cleared up it took about 4 days as we emailed back and forth. I also needed a seperate email address they could use to send me info. Once they determined the issues and went to get them fixed by changing the email address associated with the acct and I created a new password I was able to access iTunes with no issues and even my previously thought lost acct balance was there.
    Hope this helps

  • Error message when starting Adobe Illustrator CC [Error loading plugins   AppBarControls.aip]

    I get the following error message when I start Adobe Illustrator CC.
    Error loading plugins
    Then it gives me the option to continue by clicking okay. When it opens, the Application Bar is just blank.
    I've tried uninstalling, then ran Adobe CC Cleaner, then downloaded and reinstalled.
    Computer details : OS X 10.9.5, 1.3 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Help is kindly appreciated!

    I also have had a difficult time with Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 crashing upon launch.  The support staff was great even though we had to work through several sessions.  Below is the email explaining our final session.
    This email is in regards with the issue you had been facing with Illustrator CC 2014.
    While going through the installer logs, we found that there was an issue with the installation & the program installer had been denied access to several critical files & folders during installation.
    This was the main reason for Illustrator crash as several critical components had not been installed properly.
    We tried installing the program in a new user account & that worked.
    Though the program has been installed properly now & is working in your old account, I will still strongly recommend you to get your computer user account repaired with a Windows 7 operating system diskette.
    This is required so that you do not run into more trouble later while working with the Adobe Applications or even while installing other programs.
    Avanish Divya was the final support person that successfully resolved my problems.

  • Type 10 error when starting adobe illustrator

    Hi all,
    Recently when I started adobe illustrator ver 10, i receive a time bomb and it gives me an error type10. I tried increasing the memory and also did a PRAM but the problem still persist.
    Have anyone encounter this before, would appreciate if someone could help. By the way, when i started the photoshop apps. there is no problem. i am not sure if this is a illustartor error or should i look for updates, as it was working before this.
    Thanks for all the help.

    I also have had a difficult time with Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 crashing upon launch.  The support staff was great even though we had to work through several sessions.  Below is the email explaining our final session.
    This email is in regards with the issue you had been facing with Illustrator CC 2014.
    While going through the installer logs, we found that there was an issue with the installation & the program installer had been denied access to several critical files & folders during installation.
    This was the main reason for Illustrator crash as several critical components had not been installed properly.
    We tried installing the program in a new user account & that worked.
    Though the program has been installed properly now & is working in your old account, I will still strongly recommend you to get your computer user account repaired with a Windows 7 operating system diskette.
    This is required so that you do not run into more trouble later while working with the Adobe Applications or even while installing other programs.
    Avanish Divya was the final support person that successfully resolved my problems.

  • Can't open the application "Adobe Illustrator" because it is not supported...

    UPDATE - Ahhh haaaa!  If I log in with the guest account Illustrator works fine! WTF!? Oh well, at least I have a direction to be working towards, thanks for all the suggestions and assistance Adobe Community!
    That was sarcasm by the way...
    UPDATE - Just installed the latest Illustrator update from Adobe - still not loading. Tried reseting the iMac's PRAM, no luck.
    UPDATE - I've just reinstalled the whole CS6 Suite, and the only things that have changed are that I now have a little white no entry sign over Illustrator (it still won't load) and I also have 1.5GB of application updates to do
    I don't have any direct evidence but I'm guessing this is a Mavericks incompatibility judging by the other issues people are having with Illustrator. Any suggestions are welcome!
    I've been using CS6 on my iMac for the past year (3.2GHz Intel Core i5, 32GB ram).  Everything running fine, no problems.
    Then I get the popup from Apple saying to upgrade to Mavericks, so I did. After updating my Java version, for the next two weeks everything carried on running fine. Until just now.
    I finished working on an Illustrator file, saved it and then exited, only to remember I needed to make one more small change. So I clicked on the AI icon and got this error message;
    'You can’t open the application “Adobe Illustrator” because it is not supported on this type of Mac.' Eh???
    I tried doing a reboot thinking that maybe something had just gone wonkey and needed resetting. Still no luck. So I reinstalled Java again. Nope. Then I tried every other CS6 app and they all ran fine.
    Does anyone know what could cause Illustrator CS6 to be working fine for weeks and then suddenly become an unsupported app? These things always happen with you're right up against a deadline! I NEED ILLUSTRATOR WORKING NOW! HEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPP!

    I had the same issue and resolved it
    I first remove the prefs folder and the plist files for illustrator in ~/Libary
    next I logged off,
    then I uninstalled illustrator using the adobe uninstaller(
    Next I reinstall illstrator
    after that it worked for me.

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