Advice about the OS

My wife and I are due for the New Every 2 in a few weeks. We are looking at DROID phones to upgrade from our EnV2 phones. I am tech savvy, my wife is not. How difficult would it be for her to learn the DROID system as opposed to the non-smartphones we have had until this point? Will I be spending hours explaining how to do everything on the phone to her?

The Android Operating System in many ways is easier to use than a conventional cell phone menu.  What it does well is take the  touch  feature and combine it with simple to use menus and icons, which allow you to easily explore the phones features.   Once you get use to the Android Operating System it is hard to go back to a regular phone.
You would want to explain the basic touch functions of the device like press, swipe and press and hold for more options, but everything else is pretty straight forward.  The Android Operating System is very well thought out for all users. 
You can copy and paste the link below into your browser's address bar for support information on various devices.

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    I agree with LowLister, the best option for you to share the video online is to upload it to your online storage account for example : Box, Dropbox, SkyDrive (All of them provide free storage beginning from 2GB).
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    alidav wrote:
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    As far as payment goes, I agree with the at least 50% up front rule. As far as how much you charge, that will depend on how many days of production and post production are being planned. Also your skills should come into play. This is a completely different job than your typical work and requires a much different skill set.
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    I bought the 2nd generation MBA (released last November). I purposely held off on buying the first generation because of the complaints about the overheating etc. I follow a lot of Mac forums and can tell you that any problems you heard about have been resolved.
    There are always a few people that have issues with their machine - not matter what generation it is - but I would recommend the new versions to anybody that wants one.
    Fan noise is very subjective. I use my MBA a for Audio Recording and production - so my fan comes on pretty fast on mine - as the software I use maxes out the processor right from the start. And here is the best way I can sum it up:
    If I take the MBA with fan on into a dead quiet room - yes - I can hear the fan - and to me it sounds like blowing air out of your mouth to cool down hot food....
    If I take that MBA with the fan on into the kitchen where the fridge is running - I cannot hear the MBA anymore. Or if the dishwasher is on, or the clothes dryer etc.....
    I can only hear it is a dead quiet recording room. Subjective as it may be - it's perfectly acceptable to me.
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    If there's any more questions just post them and I'd be happy to answer.

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    Hi @VVel ,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums and Welcome. It is a great site for information and questions. I have looked into your issue about your HP ENVY 17 Notebook and issue with keeping the Notebook on while closing the lid. Here is a document on changing the Power option.
    Control Panel - Power Options - upper left - Choose what closing the lid does.
    Change Plan Settings and also check Advanced Settings. Make sure you do this for both battery and power.
    Hope this helps.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    thanks per advances !

    Some general information for a Cloud subscription
    Log out of your Cloud account... Restart your computer... Log in to your paid Cloud account
    -Sign in help

  • Should I have concerns about the integrity of Best Buy's Mac sales?

      I bought my iMac OS X, Early 2008 Model from a Best Buy store. I was a naive & pensive 1st time [ever] PC buyer. The sales [kid] led me to an iMac that had been returned, and referred to it as an "open box sale." I was re-assured the Mac had been completely "wiped clean of all..." After setting it up at home, I found out different; and the previous owner had it for 4 months! Earlier at B.Buy the sales kid told me after asking "why was it returned?" His reply, "Because the screen was too big." His answer certainly didn't make sense to me then, or when I discovered [at home] that it took the 1st owner [him] so long to decide it wasn't what he wanted. So I packed up my Mac & returned to the B.Buy store to have everything cleared.
      I knew I had a lot of trial & error lessons on my hands, not being a computer literate person, but evidently I like a good challenge; and that it has been! No complaints; at first I was concerned about 'doing something wrong'. I was re-assured by the Geek Squad, "You can't harm it; just explore your Mac to get to know it." Well, needless to say, not being able to follow instructions in Owner's Manuals, I'm more of a "slowly SHOW me HOW TO, and what's what" type of learner. I had to Google everything pertaining to PC terminology, steps on how to download & install, files, folders, using delete/trash, keeping all in place/order and NOT duplicating [and which one to keep if I did!] Please don't think I'm stupid; my Mac has been properly stored for 6 years, minus 8 months. I was not in the position in my life to have it set up in a secure environment. Since Jan 2014, my Mac & I have spent many hours, equalling weeks & months face-to-[screen] face!
      I've had many problems since installing OS X Mavericks 10.9.4; and was very apprehensive updating due to the many unfavorable Reviews I had been researching. But I couldn't keep ignoring Apple's repeated recommendations of keeping every item updated. So I eventually found my way to all info, ON ONE PAGE! Yipee! I could not believe what I was reading! Even though I was aware my APPLE apps, plug-ins, utilities, etc. were not auto updating [set to do so]. I FINALLY found my Mac's PROBLEM. My main software, Snow Leopard (10.6.8) is GROSSLY OUTDATED! I totally spaced that due to my Mac being packed away for so long. So I'm working on that. I'M SHARING all MY INFO hoping to help other's who are at my technical level. SO all YOU COMPUTER WHIZZES can SCOFF, GIGGLE all YOU WANT . I take no offense, I'm kidding ☀️. 
      BUT!! Since learning how & where to navigate through the system's files & such, and seeing documents, folders and files that strike me as odd, I have a NAGGING ITCH something is there from the ORIGINAL OWNER. He CREATED SOMETHING, a way into my system, CURRENTLY. I've had to Google 'plist names', and with the help of a very longtime good Facebook friend in New York State, I am learning more from his knowledge & advice. ALL my APPLE security settings are set-up, deny's & allows, and I'm not downloading Videos from MeTube , or anywhere else for that matter. I only download SAFE game apps, and I'm the ONLY user. ANY IDEAS or SUGGESTIONS COMP WHIZZES? Besides updating my software; I'm just trying to find out [on that subject] if I have to buy, download/install all Software Programs of past to be able to run the current OS X Mavericks? Which I read already has a 10.9.5 version. I wanted to become a part of the "Preview Program" for Yosemite; but nope, I cannot! 
    REASONS for MY PREVIOUS OWNER Concerns: My system got so bad, while attempting to Chat on fb w/one friend; every letter I typed, the rainbow ball would spin forever, highlight & delete partial words, and would totally crash. I downloaded an anti Virus app for Mac; scanned my system [took forever]; ending w/a report of 55 VIRUSES!! Many files could not be scanned too. My Mac HD Encrypted Logical Partition Drive un-mounted at least two times, and there's one too many files than there should be. But the file name was not shown, only that the count is off. HELP?
    Message was edited by: SFO.13

    While I am no fan of Best Buy and would not buy a lightbulb from them I doubt you issues have anything to do with your iMac and more to do with your lack of experience and simply getting bad advice. Judging by you post I suspect you have loaded your computer down with a lot of crapware and that  has caused it's problems. For example running antivirus apps on a Mac not only is a waste of time, it's a waste of money, system resources and will eventually create more problems that it solves. Please begin educating yourself on the subject by reading Thomas Reeds articles on the subject, Thomas is a frequent and knowledgeable contributor to these forums. You can find his webpage at
    The good news is here are absolutely no, zero, zippo viruses for OS X. There are other types of malware available (for example trojans) however they differ greatly from viruses in that the use has to download and install them, whereas viruses do not work that way. OS X is not like MS Windows and is extremely secure.
    My suggestion at this point would be to clean your computer of the crapware (including antivirus apps) however before doing so please download and install EtreCheck and post its report. Then we can see how your computer has been configured and begin to give you some advice on the next steps.

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    The best way to do what you're asking is with the Composition widget. Start with the Tooltip preset, which, by default shows the info on rollover. You can change the option to show on click, which is what you're after. You can also add the close button or have the info disappear on rollout.

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    My sessions are primarily audio recording and mixing with a virtual instrument from time to time. I rarely use MIDI except to play the synths and instruments.
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    I'd prefer free advice but I'm not against paying if it's worth it. I have read the manual but I have a feeling that it will be more helpful once I have a better grasp on the big picture. It's a reference manual more than a how-to.
    My MIDI devices are an Axiom-61 and PreSonus FaderPort.
    Message was edited by: John Curley

    Apple has what they call "online seminars" available on the main Logic page
    If you look on the bottom right hand side of the page, you see a link for online seminars. You'll have to go through a regstration process, then you can watch 3 or 4 streaming Quicktime videos of people using different functions in Logic. There's nothing really in depth there, but it does show you a few useful shortcuts and methods.

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