Advice for poker odds calculator

Hi, Im about to start building an application that will keep track on what hand has best odds to win in texas holdem.
For every card I get I push a button, for ex AK spades I push two buttons. One for the A and one for the K, and then the final two buttons if it won or lost.
That will take 52 + 2 Buttons. Is there a better way to do it then create 54 JButtons?
Best regards Magnus.

MagnusT76 wrote:
paulcw wrote:
I realize this is probably beyond the needs of your project, but if I were doing this, I'd use an image of all the cards in a deck, as a sort of imagemap. (I think that Swing doesn't support HTML-style imagemaps, but they're easy to implement -- just have a mouse listener that takes the x,y position on the image and do some math to figure out which card the mouse click was on.)
You can find images of all the cards in a deck on the net. They're so you can write card games. The idea is that you load the image and use it as a tile of card sprites, but you could just use the image as a whole.
It would be a really intuitive interface. Just click on the card you want.Yes that is a great idea, That would look really nice.Also you could add a feature where an animation of Lady Gaga appears singing "Poker face" when the odds of winning are greater then 90%.

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    bought | stored | sold
    0 | 5 | 0
    2 | 5 | 0  (raw products need to be manufactured before stored so they're added 1 by 1 later).
    0 | 6 | 0
    0 | 7 | 0
    0 | 4 | 3 (but when sold we can subtract directly from storage)
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  • Poker odds

    Hi, i found some source code online for a holdem poker odds calculator.
    i had a look at the code, and tried to copy and compile it. It compiles, but doesn't give the answer i was expecting! bascially it's for a java appletts which you can see here:
    As you can see, a % probability shows in the top left of the applet. What i need is the same code, so that when i supply hard-coded values for the number of players, the cards etc, it will print to the console the % probabilty. I have literally tried to work out the code for two days without any luck. I was wondering if someone who knows abit more about java could take a peak.
    here is the code contains what i am after basically (the evaluate function i think is the most important)
    package cardgame;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    // Referenced classes of package cardgame:
    //            Card
    public abstract class Poker
        public static final int HIGH_CARD = 0;
        public static final int PAIR = 1;
        public static final int TWO_PAIRS = 2;
        public static final int THREE_OF_A_KIND = 3;
        public static final int STRAIGHT = 4;
        public static final int FLUSH = 5;
        public static final int FULL_HOUSE = 6;
        public static final int FOUR_OF_A_KIND = 7;
        public static final int STRAIGHT_FLUSH = 8;
        public static final int WIN = 0;
        public static final int TIE = 1;
        public static final int LOSE = 2;
        protected boolean cardTable[][];
        protected int suitSum[];
        protected int rankSum[];
        protected int event[];
        protected int totalEvent;
        protected int rankList[];
        protected int cardNum;
        protected int maxSimulation;
        protected int reportInterval;
        protected boolean stopSimulation;
        private Set cardSet;
        private static Logger logger;
        private static final int effectiveValues[] = {
            5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1
        private static String handType[] = {
            "High Card", "One Pair", "Two Pairs", "Three of A Kind", "Straight", "Flush", "Full House", "Four of A Kind", "Straight Flush"
        public static class HandValue implements Comparable
            public String toString()
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(Poker.handType[type]);
                for(int i = 0; i < Poker.effectiveValues[type]; i++)
                    buf.append(' ').append(Card.rank2text(values));
    return buf.toString();
    public int compareTo(Object obj)
    HandValue hv = (HandValue)obj;
    if(type != hv.type)
    return type - hv.type;
    for(int i = 0; i < Poker.effectiveValues[type]; i++)
    if(values[i] != hv.values[i])
    return values[i] - hv.values[i];
    return 0;
    protected int type;
    protected int values[];
    public HandValue()
    values = new int[5];
    public Poker(int numCard, Card deck[])
    cardTable = new boolean[4][13];
    suitSum = new int[4];
    rankSum = new int[13];
    event = new int[3];
    maxSimulation = 0x7fffffff;
    reportInterval = 0x186a0;
    cardSet = new HashSet();
    rankList = new int[cardNum = numCard];
    for(int i = 0; i < deck.length; i++)
    public abstract void startSimulation(boolean flag);
    protected abstract void report();
    protected abstract void finished();
    public void stopSimulation()
    stopSimulation = true;
    public void maxSimulation(int ms)
    maxSimulation = ms;
    public int maxSimulation()
    return maxSimulation;
    public void reportInterval(int ri)
    reportInterval = ri;
    public int reportInterval()
    return reportInterval;
    public int[] getEvent()
    return event;
    public void clearEvent()
    event[0] = event[1] = event[2] = totalEvent = 0;
    public void getEventProbability(double prob[])
    prob[0] = (double)event[0] / (double)totalEvent;
    prob[1] = (double)event[1] / (double)totalEvent;
    prob[2] = 1.0D - prob[0] - prob[1];
    protected void setCards(Card cards[])
    for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
    protected void setCard(Card card)
    cardTable[card.suit()][card.rank()] = true;
    protected void removeCards(Card cards[])
    for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
    protected void removeCard(Card card)
    cardTable[card.suit()][card.rank()] = false;
    protected void holdCards(Card cards[])
    for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
    protected void holdCard(Card card)
    logger.fine("Card hold: " + card);
    logger.warning("Card not in deck: " + card);
    protected void unHoldCards(Card cards[])
    for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
    protected void unHoldCard(Card card)
    logger.fine("Card unhold: " + card);
    logger.warning("Card already in deck: " + card);
    public Card[] getRemainingCards()
    Card remain[] = new Card[cardSet.size()];
    return remain;
    public void getRemainingCards(Card remain[])
    protected int evaluate(HandValue hand)
    int flushSuit = -1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    if(suitSum[i] < 5)
    flushSuit = i;
    int straight = 0;
    int pair = 0;
    int three = 0;
    int four = 0;
    int rankCount = 0;
    for(int i = 12; i >= 0; i--)
    case 4: // '\004'
    rankList[rankCount++] = i;
    case 3: // '\003'
    rankList[rankCount++] = i;
    case 2: // '\002'
    rankList[rankCount++] = i;
    case 1: // '\001'
    rankList[rankCount++] = i;
    if(straight < 5)
    straight = 0;
    if(i == 0 && straight == 4 && rankSum[12] > 0)
    if(straight >= 5 && flushSuit >= 0)
    int straightflush = 0;
    int highest = rankList[0];
    int lowest = rankList[rankCount - 1];
    for(int i = highest; i >= lowest && straightflush < 5; i--)
    if(++straightflush == 1)
    highest = i;
    } else
    straightflush = 0;
    if(i == 0 && straightflush == 4 && cardTable[flushSuit][12])
    if(straightflush >= 5)
    hand.type = 8;
    hand.values[0] = highest;
    return hand.type;
    if(four > 0)
    hand.type = 7;
    for(int i = 0; i < rankCount; i++)
    if(rankSum[rankList[i]] == 4)
    hand.values[0] = rankList[i];
    if(i == 0)
    hand.values[1] = rankList[1];
    if(i == 0)
    hand.values[1] = rankList[i];
    } else
    if(three > 1 || three > 0 && pair > 0)
    hand.type = 6;
    boolean threeDone = false;
    boolean pairDone = false;
    for(int i = 0; i < rankCount; i++)
    if(rankSum[rankList[i]] == 3)
    hand.values[1] = rankList[i];
    hand.values[0] = rankList[i];
    if(rankSum[rankList[i]] != 2 || pairDone)
    hand.values[1] = rankList[i];
    pairDone = true;
    } else
    if(flushSuit >= 0)
    hand.type = 5;
    int copied = 0;
    for(int rankId = 0; copied < 5; rankId++)
    hand.values[copied++] = rankList[rankId];
    } else
    if(straight >= 5)
    hand.type = 4;
    hand.values[0] = rankList[rankCount - 3];
    for(int i = rankCount - 4; i >= 0; i--)
    if(rankList[i] - hand.values[0] != 1)
    hand.values[0] = rankList[i];
    } else
    if(three > 0)
    hand.type = 3;
    int highCard = 0;
    boolean threeFilled = false;
    for(int i = 0; i < rankCount; i++)
    if(rankSum[rankList[i]] == 3)
    hand.values[0] = rankList[i];
    if(highCard == 2)
    threeFilled = true;
    if(highCard >= 2)
    hand.values[++highCard] = rankList[i];
    if(highCard == 2 && threeFilled)
    } else
    if(pair > 1)
    hand.type = 2;
    int pairFilled = 0;
    boolean lastFilled = false;
    for(int i = 0; i < rankCount; i++)
    if(rankSum[rankList[i]] == 2)
    if(pairFilled < 2)
    hand.values[pairFilled++] = rankList[i];
    if(pairFilled == 2 && lastFilled)
    hand.values[2] = rankList[i];
    hand.values[2] = rankList[i];
    if(pairFilled == 2)
    lastFilled = true;
    } else
    if(pair > 0)
    hand.type = 1;
    int highcard = 0;
    boolean pairFound = false;
    for(int i = 0; i < rankCount; i++)
    if(rankSum[rankList[i]] == 2)
    hand.values[0] = rankList[i];
    if(highcard == 3)
    pairFound = true;
    if(highcard >= 3)
    hand.values[++highcard] = rankList[i];
    if(highcard == 3 && pairFound)
    } else
    hand.type = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    hand.values[i] = rankList[i];
    //System.out.println("ht: " + hand.type);
    return hand.type;
    public int evaluateHand(Card hole[], HandValue hand)
    int val = evaluate(hand);
    return val;
    protected int registerEvent(HandValue my, HandValue op)
    int comp = my.compareTo(op);
    int e = 1;
    if(comp < 0)
    e = 2;
    if(comp > 0)
    e = 0;
    return e;
    protected void registerEvent(int e)
    logger = Logger.getLogger(cardgame.Poker.class.getName()); i think contains the functions which call the gui:
    // Decompiled by DJ v3.8.8.85 Copyright 2005 Atanas Neshkov  Date: 22/09/2005 15:07:13
    // Home Page :  - Check often for new version!
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3)
    // Source File Name:
    package view;
    import cardgame.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
    // Referenced classes of package view:
    //            BoardListener, Simculator, CardHolder, CardBoard,
    //            SpringUtilities, CardView
    public class OneHoldEm extends JPanel
        implements BoardListener, Simculator
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 0xb3551d00c69d3aa0L;
        private CardBoard board;
        private CardHolder holder[];
        private JTextField winScore;
        private JTextField tieScore;
        private JTextField losScore;
        private JTextField potSize;
        private JTextField unitSize;
        private JTextField betSize;
        private JButton resetButton;
        private JButton simulButton;
        private JSpinner pNumSpinner;
        private JComboBox sNumBox;
        private JProgressBar progressBar;
        private JButton stopButton;
        private CardLayout ctrlLayout;
        private JPanel ctrlPanel;
        private int inHolder;
        private long startTime;
        private ExpectedWin expectedWin;
        private double pot;
        private Card deck[];
        private HoldEm holdEm;
        private String progressView;
        private String controlView;
        private NumberFormat proForm;
        private NumberFormat betForm;
        private ActionListener cardReturner;
        public OneHoldEm(Color bkground, Font defFont)
            throws Exception
            holder = new CardHolder[7];
            winScore = new JTextField(8);
            tieScore = new JTextField(8);
            losScore = new JTextField(8);
            potSize = new JTextField("0.00");
            unitSize = new JTextField("0.05");
            betSize = new JTextField();
            resetButton = new JButton("Reset");
            simulButton = new JButton("Simulate");
            pNumSpinner = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(2, 2, 10, 1));
            sNumBox = new JComboBox(new String[] {
                "Unlimited", "100,000", "1,000,000", "10,000,000"
            progressBar = new JProgressBar();
            stopButton = new JButton("Stop");
            ctrlLayout = new CardLayout();
            ctrlPanel = new JPanel(ctrlLayout);
            expectedWin = new ExpectedWin(0.050000000000000003D);
            deck = Card.createDeck();
            holdEm = new HoldEm(deck) {
                protected void report()
                    System.out.println(": " + event[0] + "\t" + event[1] + "\t" + event[2] + "\t" + totalEvent);
                    double winProb = (double)event[0] / (double)totalEvent;
                    double tieProb = (double)event[1] / (double)totalEvent;
                    System.out.println("prob: " + winProb);
                    losScore.setText(proForm.format((float)event[2] / (float)totalEvent));
                    int playerNum = ((Integer)pNumSpinner.getValue()).intValue();
                    expectedWin.setTable(pot, winProb, tieProb, playerNum);
                    double breakEven = expectedWin.breakEven();
                    System.out.println("Breakeven size: " + breakEven);
                    if(breakEven < 0.0D)
                    if(breakEven < expectedWin.unitBet())
                        betSize.setText("less than " + betForm.format(breakEven));
                    if(maxSimulation > 0)
               //     else
    //                    progressBar.setString(totalEvent);
                protected void finished()
                    long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    System.out.println("endTime - startTime");
          , controlView);
            progressView = "progress";
            controlView = "control";
            proForm = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
            betForm = NumberFormat.getInstance();
            cardReturner = new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            board = new CardBoard(deck, true, bkground);
            for(int i = 0; i < holder.length; i++)
                holder[i] = new CardHolder();
    if(defFont != null)
    private void buildGUI()
    setBorder(new TitledBorder("Hold'Em Odds Simulator"));
    resetButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    for(int i = 0; i < holder.length; i++)
    pot = 0.0D;
    simulButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    stopButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    unitSize.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
    public void focusGained(FocusEvent focusevent)
    public void focusLost(FocusEvent arg0)
    double newUnit = Double.parseDouble(unitSize.getText());
    if(newUnit > 0.0D)
    System.out.println("New bet unit: " + newUnit);
    catch(NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { }
    unitSize.setText((new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(expectedWin.unitBet()))).toString());
    potSize.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
    public void focusGained(FocusEvent focusevent)
    public void focusLost(FocusEvent arg0)
    double newPot = Double.parseDouble(potSize.getText());
    if(newPot >= 0.0D)
    pot = newPot;
    System.out.println("New pot size: " + newPot);
    catch(NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { }
    potSize.setText((new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(pot))).toString());
    JPanel holePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(0, 1, 1));
    holePanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Hole"));
    JPanel commPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(0, 1, 1));
    commPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Community"));
    Box butBar = Box.createHorizontalBox();
    JPanel optBox = new JPanel(new SpringLayout());
    optBox.add(new JLabel("# of simulation", 0));
    optBox.add(new JLabel("players", 0));
    SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid(optBox, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    JPanel ctrlBox = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    ctrlBox.add(optBox, "North");
    ctrlBox.add(butBar, "Center");
    Box proPanel = Box.createVerticalBox();
    ctrlPanel.add(ctrlBox, controlView);
    ctrlPanel.add(proPanel, progressView);
    JPanel scorePanel = new JPanel(new SpringLayout());
    scorePanel.add(new JLabel("Win: "));
    scorePanel.add(new JLabel("Tie: "));
    scorePanel.add(new JLabel("Lose: "));
    scorePanel.add(new JLabel("Pot: "));
    scorePanel.add(new JLabel("Unit: "));
    scorePanel.add(new JLabel("Bet? "));
    SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid(scorePanel, 2, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    JPanel botPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    botPanel.add(holePanel, "West");
    botPanel.add(commPanel, "East");
    botPanel.add(ctrlPanel, "Center");
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    add(scorePanel, "North");
    add(board, "Center");
    add(botPanel, "South");
    public void stop()
    protected void simulate()
    int max = -1;
    case 1: // '\001'
    max = 0x186a0;
    case 2: // '\002'
    max = 0xf4240;
    case 3: // '\003'
    max = 0x989680;
    max = -1;
    if(max > 0)
    } else
    holdEm.setHole(holder[0].getCard(), holder[1].getCard());
    if(inHolder > 2)
    holdEm.setFlop(holder[2].getCard(), holder[3].getCard(), holder[4].getCard());
    if(inHolder > 5)
    if(inHolder > 6)
    holdEm.setRiver(holder[6].getCard());, progressView);
    startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    private boolean checkHolder()
    if(holder[0].isEmpty() || holder[1].isEmpty())
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Need 2 hole cards");
    return false;
    if(inHolder > 2 && inHolder < 7)
    case 5: // '\005'
    if(!holder[5].isEmpty() || !holder[6].isEmpty())
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Need 3 flop cards");
    return false;
    case 6: // '\006'
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Need turn card");
    return false;
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Need 3 flop cards");
    return false;
    return true;
    public void cardFlipped(CardBoard board, Card card, boolean faceUp)
    if(inHolder >= holder.length)
    System.out.println("Holder full");
    board.flip(card, 1);
    for(int i = 0; i < holder.length; i++)
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println(card + " put in holder " + i);
    private void returnCard(CardHolder holder)
    Card c = holder.removeCard();
    board.flip(c, 1);
    System.out.println(c + " removed from holder");
    public static void main(String args[])
    throws Exception
    File cimg[] = {
    new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"),
    new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"),
    new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"),
    new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"),
    new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png"),
    new File("cards.png"), new File("cards.png")
    CardView.loadIcons(cimg, null);
    Color wizYellow = new Color(206, 231, 245);
    UIManager.put("Panel.background", wizYellow);
    Font defFont = new Font("Arial", 0, 12);
    UIManager.put("TitledBorder.font", defFont);
    UIManager.put("Label.font", defFont);
    UIManager.put("ComboBox.font", defFont);
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("One hole table test");
    OneHoldEm ohe = new OneHoldEm(null, defFont);
    frame.getContentPane().add(ohe, "Center");
    holdem extends poker , and cntains a startsimulatoin method which i think is really important:
    // Decompiled by DJ v3.8.8.85 Copyright 2005 Atanas Neshkov  Date: 22/09/2005 15:07:12
    // Home Page :  - Check often for new version!
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3)
    // Source File Name:
    package cardgame;
    // Referenced classes of package cardgame:
    //            Poker, Card, Dealer
    public class HoldEm extends Poker
        public static final int FLOP = 3;
        public static final int TURN = 4;
        public static final int RIVER = 5;
        public static final int MAX_PLAYERS = 10;
        private Card holes[][];
        private Card flop[];
        private Card turn;
        private Card river;
        private int playerNum;
        private int needCommunity;
        private Poker.HandValue myValue;
        private Poker.HandValue opValue;
        private Dealer dealer;
        public HoldEm(Card deck[])
            super(7, deck);
            holes = new Card[10][2];

    here are some addiotonal files which may be needed
    package cardgame;
    public class Card
        implements Comparable
        private int suit;
        private int rank;
        private int index;
        public Card(int s, int r)
            suit = s;
            rank = r;
            index = s * 13 + r;
        public int suit()
            return suit;
        public String suitString()
            return suitString[suit];
        public int rank()
            return rank;
        public String rankString()
            return rankString[rank];
        public int index()
            return index;
        public boolean isPair(Card c)
            return rank == c.rank;
        public boolean isSuited(Card c)
            return suit == c.suit;
        public String toString()
            return suitString[suit] + rankString[rank];
        public static Card createCard(String name)
            if(name != null && name.length() == 2)
                return new Card(getSuit(name.charAt(0)), getRank(name.charAt(1)));
                return null;
        public static Card[] createDeck()
            Card deck[] = new Card[52];
            int i = 0;
            int cardCount = 0;
            for(; i < 4; i++)
                for(int j = 0; j < 13; j++)
                    deck[cardCount++] = new Card(i, j);
            return deck;
        public static boolean isPair(Card c1, Card c2)
            return c1.rank == c2.rank;
        public static boolean isSuited(Card c1, Card c2)
            return c1.suit == c2.suit;
        public static String suit2text(int suit)
            return suitString[suit];
        public static String rank2text(int rank)
            return rankString[rank];
        public static int cardIndex(String name)
            if(name != null && name.length() == 2)
                return getSuit(name.charAt(0)) * 13 + getRank(name.charAt(1));
                return -1;
        private static int getSuit(char sc)
            case 83: // 'S'
            case 115: // 's'
                return 0;
            case 67: // 'C'
            case 99: // 'c'
                return 1;
            case 68: // 'D'
            case 100: // 'd'
                return 2;
            case 72: // 'H'
            case 104: // 'h'
                return 3;
            return -1;
        private static int getRank(char rc)
            case 50: // '2'
                return 0;
            case 51: // '3'
                return 1;
            case 52: // '4'
                return 2;
            case 53: // '5'
                return 3;
            case 54: // '6'
                return 4;
            case 55: // '7'
                return 5;
            case 56: // '8'
                return 6;
            case 57: // '9'
                return 7;
            case 84: // 'T'
            case 116: // 't'
                return 8;
            case 74: // 'J'
            case 106: // 'j'
                return 9;
            case 81: // 'Q'
            case 113: // 'q'
                return 10;
            case 75: // 'K'
            case 107: // 'k'
                return 11;
            case 65: // 'A'
            case 97: // 'a'
                return 12;
            return -1;
        public boolean equals(Object o)
            if(o instanceof Card)
                return index == ((Card)o).index;
                return false;
        public int hashCode()
            return toString().hashCode();
        public int compareTo(Object o)
            return index - ((Card)o).index;
        public static final int SPADE = 0;
        public static final int CLUB = 1;
        public static final int DIAMOND = 2;
        public static final int HEART = 3;
        public static final int TWO = 0;
        public static final int THREE = 1;
        public static final int FOUR = 2;
        public static final int FIVE = 3;
        public static final int SIX = 4;
        public static final int SEVEN = 5;
        public static final int EIGHT = 6;
        public static final int NINE = 7;
        public static final int TEN = 8;
        public static final int JACK = 9;
        public static final int QUEEN = 10;
        public static final int KING = 11;
        public static final int ACE = 12;
        private static String suitString[] = {
            "S", "C", "D", "H"
        private static String rankString[] = {
            "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J",
            "Q", "K", "A"
        private int suit;
        private int rank;
        private int index;
    }dealer:package cardgame;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Random;
    // Referenced classes of package cardgame:
    //            Card
    public class Dealer
        private Card shoe[];
        private int dealt;
        private Random random;
        public Dealer()
            random = new Random();
        public int getShoeSize()
            return shoe.length;
        public int getRemainingSize()
            return shoe.length - dealt;
        public void resetShoe(Card deck[], boolean shuffle)
            shoe = deck;
        public void resetShoe(boolean shuffle)
            dealt = 0;
        private void shuffle()
            if(shoe == null)
            for(int i = shoe.length - 1; i > 1; i--)
                int swap = random.nextInt(i);
                Card sc = shoe[swap];
                shoe[swap] = shoe;
    shoe[i] = sc;
    public void sortShoe()
    public static void sortDeck(Card deck[])
    public boolean deal(Card holder[])
    if(shoe.length - holder.length < 0)
    System.err.println("Not enough cards.");
    return false;
    for(int i = 0; i < holder.length;)
    holder[i] = shoe[dealt];
    return true;
    public Card deal()
    if(shoe.length == 0)
    System.err.println("Not enough cards.");
    return null;
    } else
    return shoe[dealt++];
    package view;
    import cardgame.Card;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Insets;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.Border;
    // Referenced classes of package view:
    //            CardView
    public class CardHolder extends JButton
        public CardHolder(boolean noborder, Color defbk)
            if(defbk != null)
            if(empty != null)
        public CardHolder()
            this(false, null);
        public CardHolder(Card c, boolean noborder, Color defbk)
            throws Exception
            this(noborder, defbk);
        public CardHolder(Card c)
            throws Exception
        public Card getCard()
            return card;
        public void setCard(Card c)
            throws Exception
            card = c;
            if(empty == null)
                Icon cardIcon = CardView.getIcon(c);
                int h = cardIcon.getIconHeight() >> 1;
                int w = cardIcon.getIconWidth() >> 1;
                empty = new Insets(h, w, h, w);
        public Card removeCard()
            Card c = card;
            card = null;
            return c;
        public boolean isEmpty()
            return card == null;
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0x813e3a79e1b09158L;
        private static Insets empty;
        private static Insets noEdge = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
        private static Border emptyBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder();
        private Card card;

  • LabVIEW done right: Requesting advice for a large LabVIEW project

    Hello Everyone,
    I have been coding LabVIEW for about 2 years now, off and on as my company requires it, and although my coding abilities and neatness have improved greatly since I first started I still end up with large, messy looking programs.
    I have a great understanding of SubVIs and use them regularly and often. I am also familiar with the various code structures such as a producer/consumer or state machine. But I keep finding that too much of my main code is interdependent on common variables, indexes, and values that it seems impossible to simplify any of them into subVIs because I would need like 10+ inputs or a custom cluster for each one. This seems counter productive and time consuming.
    I have searched far and wide for good programming technique for larger labview programs and I have only been able to find the most basic advice such as "Use subVIs" or "Use a state machine" and all the examples I can find are laughably simple.
    I can reduce my program to 3 while loops. One captures Events and gives commands on a queue, another takes those queued items and performs actions, and the third performs data gathering, plotting, and saving once each second. This starts out good, but by the time I've incrementally added all the features my company requires, each loop is a huge interconnected mess of wires with no clear way to section them up into subVIs.
    A solution would be to make everything either a global variable or FG but as a native C programmer I was always taught to avoid globals. And if I went the FG route I would need somewhere around 100+ different VIs just to handle them all. 
    Is there something I'm missing? I want to know how you pass data between the various loops of your program. Do you use one big cluster? Globals? FGs? None of these options seem ideal to me but maybe I'm missing something obvious.
    If anyone has any advice for me, it would be well appreciated. Better yet, if anyone has, or could point me to, an example program exhibiting an ideal programming structure for a project similar to the one I mentioned above, I would love to take some time to look it over. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up some good tips and tricks for keeping my main VI to one screen size, and effectively passing all the required data to all the subVIs that require it.
    Thanks in advance,

    AaronMcCollough wrote:
    I have a great understanding of SubVIs and use them regularly and often. I am also familiar with the various code structures such as a producer/consumer or state machine. But I keep finding that too much of my main code is interdependent on common variables, indexes, and values that it seems impossible to simplify any of them into subVIs because I would need like 10+ inputs or a custom cluster for each one. This seems counter productive and time consuming.
    I can reduce my program to 3 while loops. One captures Events and gives commands on a queue, another takes those queued items and performs actions, and the third performs data gathering, plotting, and saving once each second. This starts out good, but by the time I've incrementally added all the features my company requires, each loop is a huge interconnected mess of wires with no clear way to section them up into subVIs.
    Do you try to identify related information that can be used by a whole set of related subVI's?  For example, you might have several parameters related to a specific piece of hardware.  These can be grouped into a typedef cluster (or, even better, an object with all the related subVIs part of the object class).  You definitely don't want to be using custom cluster for each subVI, but well designed subVI's shouldn't have more than a few custom inputs once related information is grouped.  
    As for data in the loops, I usually just have one big cluster in a shift register.  This is never itself sent into a subVI, but parts of it (the typedef clusters or objects from above) are unbundled and sent into subVI's.  It's basically just serves as a cleaner way of holding all the parameters.  I'll attach an image of a "state" of the program I'm now working on.  There are only a few wires unbundled in each individual "state", even though the full cluster (the top shift register in the image) has 20-odd components (and some of them are subclusters/objects that themselves have many components, such as the "Selected Record" object in the image which itself is a 15 element cluster).
    BTW, I'm using the "JKI state machine toolkit" which you might want to look at to get some ideas.
    -- James
    Code example.png ‏45 KB

  • HT204053 Is it possible to have two (or more) different icloud mail accounts (not alias) under the same apple id? If not what is you best advice for all family members to have their own e-mail and still share the purchases under the same apple id. Thanks

    Is it possible to have two (or more) different icloud mail accounts (not alias) under the same apple id? If not what is you best advice for all family members to have their own e-mail and still share the purchases under the same apple id. Thanks

    mannyace wrote:
    Thanks for the response.
    So I basically won't run into any trouble? I
    There should be no issues. Its designed to work like that.  You don't change Apple IDs just because you get a new device.
    mannyace wrote:
    Thanks for the response.
    Is there any chance that the phones can fall out of sync?
    Unlikely. But nothing is impossible.   Though I don;t see how that would happen. As long as both are signed into the Same Apple ID / iCloud Account they will be N'Sync. (Bad Joke)
    mannyace wrote:
    Thanks for the response.
    If I get a message or buy an app or take a photo on the iPhone 5, how do I get those things onto the iPhone 6?
    If you buy an App, you have 2 ways to get it to the iPhone6: If Automatic Downloads is enabled in Settings->iTunes & App Store, it will automatically download to the iPhone 6 when you buy it on the 5 and vice versa if you buy it on the 6, it will download to the 5.
    Alternatively, you can simply go to the App Store App->Updates->Purchased and look for the App there and download it. Purchased Apps will not require payment again. i.e They'll be free to download to the iPhone 6 once purchased.
    SMS Messages will sync over using Continuity as long as they are on the same Wifi network. Otherwise, restoring the iPhone 5 backup to the iPhone 6 will transfer all messages received up until the backup was made onto the iPhone 6.
    Images, can be transferred either through Photo Stream
    My Photo Stream FAQ - Apple Support
    Or any Cloud service you want such as Dropbox, or One Drive.
    mannyace wrote:
    Also, something i forgot to ask initially: Should I update the iPhone 5 to iOS 8 first or does that not matter?
    If you want the Continuity features as explained above you need to update the iPhone 5 to iOS 8. Otherwise its not all that important.

  • Multiple libraries, Pbook/Pmac, advice for management & updating please.

    Hi Everyone,
    I travel frequently, and am looking for suggestions to keep all my iPhoto libraries up to date. I currently have a g5, Powerbook, and Mini.
    I just upgraded to iPhoto 6 and I have several thousand photos on my Dual g5. I just came back with 1000 more from my diving trip. The problem is, they are on my Powerbook, and taking up alot of space on the relatively small hard drive. I managed to work through the rough upgrade from 5 to 6, and now I need some more help...
    1) What is your advice for managing multiple libraries of photos.
    2) What is the best way to transfer the iphoto pics (and movies) to my desktop, which of course has the larger storage capacity, after travelling...

    There are several different approaches to what you want to do. Let me just throw out a couple that I'm familiar with.
    To get the new photos from your PB to your G5 and maintain any keywords, and other organization effort you put into them, you'll need the paid version of iPhoto Library Manager. It will allow you to merge libraries or copy between libraries and maintain the metadata, etc. That's the only way currently available to move photos from one library to another and keep the roll, keywords, comments, etc. with those photos. You can connect the two Macs with one in the Target Mode, probably your PB, and then run iPLM to move the photos to the G5 library.
    Now there is a way to have a library on your PB that reflects the one on your G5 but is only a fraction of the size. That's to have an alias based library on your PB that uses the Originals folder as its source of source files. (My 25,600 files, 27G, are represented by an iPhoto Library folder of only 1.75G). When the PB is not connected with the G5, say with a LAN, it will have limited capabilities which are in part: you'll only be able to view the thumbnail files, be able to add comments, create, delete or move albums around, add keywords (but with some hassle-but it can be done). You can't do anything that requires moving thumbnails around, work with books, slideshows or calendars. Once the two computers are networked together again the library will act as normal.
    Now while on the road you can have a "normal" library to import new full sized files, keyword them, add comments, etc. and then transfer to the G5 library. Once in the G5 library they will be represented in a roll(s) and corresponding folder in the Originals folder. You then fire up the "alias" library, and import those new folders in the G5 Originals folder.
    It may be a lot of work but it may be one way of doing it.
    I've not done any of the "sharing" with iPhoto so don't know if that's another possible candidate for transferring.
    P.S. FWIW I've created this workflow for converting from a conventional library to an alias based one.

  • Advice for real performanc​e of LV8.5 operate in the XP and Vista

    Hi all
    My company had purchased new computers for LabVIEW programming purpose.
    We may install the LV8.5 in these computers but OS are not decided yet. Also, we have the current PC is only XP licensed
    Therefore, can anyone give the advice for the real performance advantage of using :
    LV8.5 with Vista over LV8.5 with XP
    LV8.5 with Vista over LV7.1 with XP
    LV7.1 with Vista over LV7.1 with XP
    New computers detail:
    Intel(R) Pentium(R)Dual-Core processor E2160
    BCH-P111 -1.80GHz, 1MB L2 cache, 800MHz FSB
    2GB RAM
    Best Regards
    Steve So

    The biggest issue I have seen with 8.5 Vista vs. XP is that if you leave Vista in the standard theme, the fonts have changed.  I designed several front panels to have them be out of whack with XP.  So if you are going to be using code across platforms, you need to keep in mind they will look different unless you use the XP theme in Vista, or customize your fonts to make sure they remain the same between the systems.  The dialog font is a different size (13 on Vista vs. 11 on XP), and a different font (can't remember the difference).  That was the big one I noticed.
    8.5 over 7.1 is mostly going to be the learning curve to learn the new features.  Overall, I have appreciated the changes, but there are some things (mostly development related) that I have seen run a little slower in 8.5 than in 7.1, but have not noticed any runtime issues as of yet.  One big change between the versions is application building, which is more complex in 8+.  I do appreciate the new features, though, but NIs project still hasn't rubbed me the right way yet.
    NI doesn't support LV 7.1 with Vista.  I have used it and haven't seen any problems, but that doesn't mean one won't pop up.  If you're going to stay with 7.1, you better stay with XP.  8.5 is the first version NIs supports as Vista compatible.  You will also have to use a relatively new set of device drivers, so if you have old hardware you are trying to use in your new system, make sure it is cimpatible with the latest drivers.
    I have actually had more issues with other hardware drivers and software packages than I have with LabVIEW.  TestStand is not yet supported in Vista, and i found out the hard way, one of the ways it is incompatible and had to move back to XP for devlopment.

  • Creation of ACH pmt advice for EU C.Cd (PMW activated)

    Hi experts,
    I'm a little at loss with my 1st dealings with the payment medium workbench. I got a requirement to setup payment advice a EU company code that currently sends out ACH payments without advice.
    Currently In FBZP,
    1- The EU CCd is a paying company and the form is the same Z_REMITT_S used for the client's US company.
    2- The ACH payment method is defined for the country. The medium is the payment medium workbench and the format is Z_SEPA_CT.
         The US company uses the classic workbench and program RFFOUS_T for ACH.
    3- In Define Payment Method for Company code, I hit a snag because Under Form Data, there is only the "Drawer on the Form" segment; the entire "Forms" segment where you'd select your script is missing.
    Bottom line is How do I set up payment advice for ACH for a EU company paying EU vendors? (am I even asking the right question here?)

    maybe OP want to extract all numbers from his inbox using regular expressions?

  • Automatic creation of remittance advice for employee expense reimbursements

    Hello experts
    Is there a way to have remittance advices for employee expense reimbursements created automatically at the time of payment media run? In case of suppliers, in the supplier base you can heck "Advice Required" and then at the time of media run the remittance advice can be generated alongwith the payment. Is there a similar setting that can be done for employees?

    Just to follow on from Ravi's reply:  most sites that I work at have the report RPRAPA00 scheduled to run on a periodic basis (define the job via transaction code SM36) to automatically create employee's vendor accounts.   A screen variant is usually saved for the program, and then the batch session is monitored on a regular basis to ensure that it has run successfully.

  • I recently had a kernel panic in which I think my hard drive only had so much space left after I ran a bunch of drivers I thought I needed. I uninstalled all and moved files. For some odd reason I'm not getting sound of of my hdtv/monitor.HELP?

    I recently had a kernel panic in which I think my hard drive only had so much space left after I ran a bunch of drivers I thought I needed. I uninstalled all and moved files. For some odd reason I'm not getting sound of of my hdtv/monitor.HELP? I uninstalled all the drives and apps I download. I moived files either to trash if not needed, and others to other external drives. I went into disk utility and did a repair disk permission and verify disk. Clean out junk files. Now my hdtv/monitor does not give me any sound, nor does my mac mini. Can someone please tell me what to do?

    What drivers?

  • Can anyone help me with advice for a replacement hard drive

    Hi there,
    Can anyone help me with advice for a replacement hard drive and RAM upgrade for my Mac Book Pro 5,3
    Its 3 years old & running Snow Leopard 10.6.8
    I do a lot of audio & movie work so performance is important.
    The logic board was replaced last summer & I was advised to replace the hard drive then...oops
    Anyway it has limped on until now but is giving me cause for concern...
    I have found a couple of possibilities if anyone does have a moment to take a look & help me out I would be most grateful ef=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1356787585&sr=8-1 im_computers_5
    Kind regards

    Thanks guys that is so helpful :-)
    I will follow your advice Ogelthorpe & see how I get on with the job!!! Virgin territory for me so I may well shout for help once my MBP is in bits!! Is there a guide for duffers for this job anywhere??
    & yes in an ideal world I would be replacing my old MBP but I'm just not in a position to do that at the moment....let's hope things pick up in 2013
    All the very best

  • Asking for advice--for beginning (but artistic) photographer.  Recommend Lightroom 5 or Photoshop Elements 12 (Windows 7 OS)?

    Asking for advice--for beginning (but artistic) photographer. Recommend Lightroom 5 or Photoshop Elements 12 (Windows 7 OS)?

    MarwanSati your install log appears to be free of errors.  I would recommend you post your inquiry about accessing this feature within the Photoshop Elements forum.

  • Payment advice for down payments

    hi ,
    anyone know how to generate the payment advice for downpayment made to Vendor..
    thanks in advance

    Go to FBE1 and select account type k and create a payment advice for the down payment.
    Edited by: boddupalli srikanth on Apr 28, 2009 9:53 AM

  • Payment Advice for Payment method T- Transfer

    When I run F110 (Automatic payment program), I need to provide the payment advice for payment method T (bank transfer)
    to the vendor in the format provided by the client.
    My question is:
    1. Where to assign the payment advice form  in customisation for payment method T
    2. which program has to be assigned to the payment advice form.
    Very Important note:  Here we are ALSO using DMEE file to upload- Under payment method country -I have configure the same for use payment medium workbench

    Hi Vidhya,
    All this is done in a single screen transaction code FBZP.
    Where to assign the payment advice form in customisation for payment method T
    This is in Payment methods in Company codeSelect your payment method-Expand form data and assign the paymnet advice form.
    which program has to be assigned to the payment advice form.
    FPAYM_INT_DMEE(For DMEE)./ in the next form you may have F110_IN_AVIS.

  • Unable to print remittance advice for certain quick payments

    This is regarding issue " Unable to print remittance advice for certain quick payments."
    Product version:
    -Customer has paid through the payment batch.But the payment batch data is not available in ap_inv_selection_criteria_all.
    -The status of the check is 'RECONCILLED'.
    -The payments have already been submitted to the bank and reconciled to bank statement lines.
    -While running "Send Separate Remittance Advices" concurrent program, some payments generated from Quick Payment are not available for selection for generation of remittance advice.
    Search in the metalink but could not find any related issue.
    Could you please adivce me how to proceed on this issue.
    Edited by: user13536207 on Feb 13, 2012 12:43 AM
    Edited by: user13536207 on Feb 13, 2012 12:46 AM

    Found the problem.
    Paper size for those documents are actually A5 size.
    Solve it by adjusting the Scale to paper size in the printing option to the size that our printer is set to printout 
    which in my case is 'Letter'
    Hope this helps anyone who is encountering the same problem.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • MM and PM details

    Hi all, I am new to MM and PM, i need to work on combined mm and pm(i dont want integration and configuration i would just like to know whether if we first work on mm then automatically PM will trigger or if pm then automatically MM will trigger.)...