AE CS5 MAC Memory problem

I´m using Abobe Master Collection with my Macbook pro (mid09) and 8 GB RAM.
I have a strange behavior with my ram when using After effects and actually Premiere too. When I start a render first everything goes smoothly. Then suddenly RAM usage jumps to max almost (8 GB) even if I have set it to leave 1,5 GB to other applications. My computer almost freezes cause there is only 20-100 MB left of ram...
The second and even stranger behavior is that after I have quit the programs, RAM usage stays very high. It stays up to 4-5GB even if I close all programs. And I mean now the ACTIVE RAM, not the INACTIVE... I look at the processes window in the activity monitor and there is nothing that explains the high RAM usage. First on the memory usage list is Kernel_task with about 120 mb of usage. So there is nothing that will explain the 4-5 GB usage. Only way to "reset" the memory back to normal is to reboot the computer... I have tried this many times and result is the same... Only solution is to reboot computer...
And as a reference. I reboot my computer about 1 h ago and havent used any Adobe programs after that and now my memory usage is 656 mb even when many other programs running (firefox, skype etc.)
Is this a bug in Adobes programs or is it a broken memory in my computer or something else? Cause it really seems that there is some process that is locking the memory and that process can´t be seen on the activity monitors processes window... I updated new memorys about a month ago and have had few kernel panics right after update as well, so thats why I´m thinking this might also be a bad memory issue even if it sounds like a software issue.
Any ideas,

Memory Leak
apparently the open GL is messed up in CS4 and CS5
turn off openGL
in photoshop preferences/performance
then restart photoshop
it fixed my problem with photoshop eating up all the memory
here is a article about the fix
here is info about the change that CS4 and CS5 have in open GL 
that seems to create the problem

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    -- Duane --

    Why would saving in compatibility modes make a difference???
    It's not recommended to open older files Directly in a newer verison. The workflow for migrating older files to a newer version has always been to export the file from Old Indesign as an IDML file and then open that in the New InDesign.
    You really should read the Help Files.
    Save an InDesign Markup (IDML) document
    In some cases you may want to save an InDesign in interchange markup format. It’s especially useful to save in this format when you open a QuarkXPress or PageMaker publication in InDesign, when you open a document created in a previous version of InDesign, or when you’re experiencing problems with your document, such as not being able to delete color swatches.
    Choose File > Save (CS6) or File > Export (CS5).
    From the Save As Type (Windows) or Format (Mac OS) menu, choose InDesign Markup (IDML).
    Click Save.
    You can open the saved IDML file in InDesign CS5 and InDesign CS4 but not in any previous version of InDesign.
    For information on using IDML for development purposes, see

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    Jaap Clarenburg
    [email protected]

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    a. Free space on Start-up Mac OS hard disk. How much ?
    b. Is there any more hard disks ?
    I have figured that my Mac works best with
    • Macintosh HD / Mac OS and FinalCut
    • Second internal HD - ALL Scratch and All material Audio/Photos etc. on this
    Nothing to movie project on first one
    second HD as a FireWire - and IMPORTANT - Mac OS Extended formatted ! !
    Yours Bengt W

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    Dear Sir,
    I'm in a big ****. I've directed and edited 1h documentary for Finnish television, also, the technical specs requested by the TV Channel is all production Broadcast masters must be encoded with Apple ProRES codec or MJPEG A or B.
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    What can i do ??

    Things is my prpject includ few effect plugins i bought, so what ever i could find a mac, not your i could export xml project to finalcut with plugins it dont have
    Sent from my iPad.
    Le 31 mai 2013 à 15:20, Fuzzy Barsik <[email protected]> a écrit :
    Re: PREMIERE PRO CS5.5 Gamma problem while exporting project to mjpeg A or B
    created by Fuzzy Barsik in Premiere Pro - View the full discussion
    If it were me, I wouldn't encode to MJPEG.
    So as to encode to ProRes on Windows you can utilise any solution based on ffmpeg/ffmbc or better yet find a Mac with Final Cut or Compressor installed for delivering critical work.
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    Here's what the "Plugin Loading.log" file says about it:
    Scanning /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST and sub-directories
    Loading /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/WaveShell-VST 8.0.vst
    The registry tells us to cache so the plugin will be loaded from the cache.
    The plugin is marked as Ignore, so it will not be loaded.
    What does this means?

    I don't know anything about Waves "Masters" plugins,
    but if they're not 64bit versions they won't work.
    Waves "Masters" plugins 64 bit

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    Cs5 Brush cursor problem, on MacBook pro, tried the latest update, and the genious dude had no idea of what to do! Apple any fix?

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