Afraid to upgrade

I am currently running version 2.0 on my mini. I'd like to purchase another iPod, but am reluctant after seeing all of the threads dealing with errors using version 6.0.
Surely there are people out there who have had 0 issues.
Please tell me your success stories with upgrading.
Dell Dimension   Windows XP  

hi badger1!
if you're not running Norton Internet Security 2005, you're not subject to one of the three most common types of post-upgrade "error-less" launch failure problems. (at one stage, about a quarter of the posts i was answering in this particular forum were due to the NIS 2005 firewall.) leaving the Norton Antivirus running while you're doing an install is also a known factor in increasing the risk of getting a Quicktime-related installation error (but i don't have quite such a feel for whether it's more troublesome than other antivirus packages in this regard.)
actually, the odds of getting an upgrade/installation problem are lower than you might expect. still, that's no great comfort to anyone who gets one of them.
going with my gut, if you want to reduce the risk of being in the small percentage of people getting installation and post-installation errors, the following measures probably give you the most bang for your buck:
general preliminaries:
(1) head to Windows Update to make sure you're completely up to date in that regard.
(2) download some fresh definitions and conduct some vigorous virus and spyware scans.
(3) if you haven't done it for a while, do a disk cleanup, run your favorite disk checking/repair utility, and do a disk defrag.
(4) download and save fresh installers from Apple to your hard drive (if you've got a decent broadband connection). rather than running the install from the CD or "online".
just prior to the install:
(6) reboot the PC and don't open other applications prior to the install.
(7) disable any antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the install.
if you've got a history of installation problems on a given PC (of any kind), also have a look through these documents ahead of time to check for a few other additional prophylactic measures that might be helpful:
Troubleshooting iTunes, iPod Software, and QuickTime installation on Windows
InstallShield Consumer Central Frequently Asked Questions: Tips and Pointers
love, b

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    _You all scared me!_
    I need some reassurance that upgrading to Leopard is worth it and that I can do it without having to rebuild my whole system.
    As Pink Floyd once said, "is there anybody out there?"
    Thanks a bunch,
    Nick from Boston

    Nick, I see you're running OS X 10.4.11. Working OK for you I assume? Try going back at least a year in the forum posts and you will see the very same posts about the very same problems in the version of OS X you are running now. Go back farther and you will the very same posts about the very same issues for EVERY version of OS X that was ever released. Some people have issues with anything they attempt to do and they post here about it for help. Think about it for a second. If Leopard were really "off the rails" you wouldn't be able to login to this forum because it would be overloaded.
    Apple's commercials are indeed correct. Macs "just work" for 99% of users. You know all the voodoo people post abut here? Repair permissions, don't do an upgrade, do an archive/install instead, do this, don't do that? Most of it is pure baloney. My Mac shipped with OS X 10.3.6 in 2004 and I have applied every single update, every patch, every security update since then. I installed OS X 10.4 Tiger right over the top of 10.3 with no issues what-so-ever and have applied all patched and updates since then. This past weekend I installed OS X 10.5 right over the top of 10.3 and 10.4. Then I applied ALL of the updates since then in one massive Software Update session. I came up on a fully patched Leopard installation without ANY issues. I can even type upper case letters in Google Mail (which some people claim was broken by the latest security update. It wasn't).
    Luck? Not hardly. Those of us who seem never to have many problems or issues have several things in common. We know precisely what we have installed on our systems at all times. We tend to stay away from most of the little add-on "thingies" that are supposed to enhance OS X because we know they almost always break when a new update comes out. And most importantly we do our homework before applying any update. We check to make sure our hardware and software is in absolutely perfect condition. We make backups. We check with third party developers.
    Yes, if you took to heart all the wailing and gnashing of teeth around here you'd be afraid to update anything. Most of the heartache is self-inflicted however. Know what you have going on before you upgrade and you will not have a problem. Trust those who know.

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    I have many programs in which I have had dreamweaver create a
    recordset as below. You'll notice that I comment out the line that
    begins RsTrans.Souurce and use it for a model for my own sql
    statement to use as a replacement.
    Does anyone know what will happen if I install 8.02 and try
    to work on such a file?
    Dim RsTrans
    Dim RsTrans_numRows
    Set RsTrans = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    RsTrans.ActiveConnection = MM_locbookdata_STRING
    'RsTrans.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.Transactions WHERE
    Adsize <> 'Credit' AND Book = '" +
    Replace(RsTrans__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "' ORDER BY Price DESC,
    RsTrans.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.Transactions WHERE Adsize
    <> 'Credit' AND " & Filter1 & Filter2 & Filter3
    & " ORDER BY" & Sor1 & Sor2 & Sor3
    RsTrans.CursorType = 0
    RsTrans.CursorLocation = 2
    RsTrans.LockType = 1
    RsTrans_numRows = 0
    Here's an example of "Filterx" that comes earlier in the
    If (Request.Form("Book") <> "") Then
    Filter1= " Book = " & chr(39) & Request.Form("Book")
    & chr(39)
    End If
    I'm afraid I'll get all confused if 8.02 starts rewriting the
    recordset, but I know at some point I'll need to upgrade to 9.0
    Thanks for any suggestions as to what will happen.

    Why are you afraid to upgrade to 8.02?
    Be sure to have all sites backed up before proceed to

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    The other poster is correct. Don't go by these forums to make decisions. Very rarely do people come here to post how great everything is. Now, my experience:
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    Hope this helps.

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    mistyprochaska wrote:
    Due to reports of poor LR4 performance, I am afraid to upgrade. But because of my desire to use some LR4 presets, I think I want to try it. What steps do I need to take when I upgrade to preserve the option to return to LR3 if LR4 doesn't work well for my system?
    Adding to the wise words above, it is generally true that you can roll back to your previous “state” if you retain your LR3 catalogue just prior to the upgrade.    However, if you use publishing services of any kind (Flickr, SmugMug etc) then keep in mind that your estate  is more than just the LR database and images on your hard drive and includes these external things as well.  
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  • Afraid to upgrade from OS X 10.3 to 10.4.

    I'd like to run OS X 10.4 on my G4 Tower because my newer G4 Powerbook runs 10.4.10 but my tower has ALL my video files and programs (FCP, Kona LS, After Effects, etc.) i.e., my livelihood. I'm afraid I'll run into problems with my existing files. I've already read about some problems in these forums. Are those problems exceptions or the rule?
    I'm afraid I'll get trapped with compatibility problems.

    If you have an extra scratch drive, try cloning your system to that drive with CCCloner or SuperDuper. After cloning, change the startup drive in system prefs to the cloned system. It is probably a good idea to repair permissions before cloning.
    Next upgrade the cloned system to 10.4.x via the DVD, then update to 10.4.10 by download, and, finally, work for a while with the new system, being sure to test all your must-have apps. If all is good, well... then your good.
    If not, then just boot off your original, untouched drive, like you always have, and you back to 10.3, with no damage done. If you're really paranoid, make a second backup to a firewire drive (that since you seem to be a video pro, you probably have a few) just for safe keeping.
    My G4 performed much better under Tiger than Panther (which was better than under Jaguar. Now if only the same holds true for Leopard...)

  • HELP - Afraid to upgrade my iTunes!

    I have not upgrade iTunes in QUITE some time, because the first and second times I upgraded (years ago) I lost my entire music library and playlists. That was then. I downloaded the few dozen songs from scratch and, yes, paid Apple AGAIN for those that I had already purchased but had not burned. Now I am being told that I can no longer download songs without upgrading, and I have HUNDREDS of songs that I am terrified will be lost in the upgrade. PLEASE, give me advice. Is there is anything I can do prior to the upgrade to prevent my library from being lost? I'm not a computer whiz, so if you have instructions for me, please give them to me like you are instructing an idiot. I'm wondering if I could purchase a memory stick and put all my music on that, upgrade iTunes, and then move the music back over after Apple wipes out my library. What do you think? THANK YOU!!

    If that is the case why have I just finished reading a recent thread with over a thousand views about this same problem.
    I accept that there are a lot of people who have not experienced problems but just look at these forums to see how many people have!
    It is all very well saying you have not experienced any problems but I have now spent 3 full evenings trying to get Itunes to work. (and I am far from alone in this) I am relatively computer literate and have tried all the fixes suggested - still nothing.
    I am just trying to prevent someone else from experiencing the same frustrations as me.
    My advice is to wait until these obvious bugs have been fixed before downloading any updates - just keep checking on these forums and you will soon see when the problem gets solved.

  • Deathly afraid of upgrading...what's the right way?

    So I am an iPod nano (1st generation) and 4G 20G Ipod user. I've been using iTunes 4 ever since iTunes 5 nearly devoured my Thinkpad. However, I've recently discovered that I can no longer purchase music on I am CONSIDERING upgrading to iTunes 7.02. My questions are:
    1) Should I upgrade??
    2) What is the SAFEST way to do so? i.e. do I need to uninstall this, that etc to ensure a smooth transition?
    I'd appreciate any feedback from other PC users (your pain makes me wince as I read thru the forums!) and the MAC expertos!

    Hi Drew267
    Like you I was scared of upgrading after reading the posts relating to the iTunes7 upgrade. However, I had read enough to put together my own "best practice" and I successfully upgraded to 7 from 6 without any problems whatsoever.
    Think about it for a moment - how many ipods are out there? Only the users with problems come here.
    So, my advice:
    a) back up all your music to a removable drive - real cheap these days and easy to do. Search the forums for how
    b) download iTunes 7 to your pc - DO NOT install online
    c) temporarily disable antivirus/antispy programmes
    d) run the install
    e) reboot
    My guess is you will be fine. Don't forget, your back up copy of your music is your insurance. If all else fails and you end up trashing your HD and you have to reformat all your precious music is still there to be reinstalled.
    Believe me I have been in your place and in the past been at the "throwing the pc put of the window" stage, but as my 15 year old keeps telling me very calmly "dad, its only a computer"!
    Good luck - strength and honour! Post back to let me know how you got on.
    Local retailer custom built pc. Pentium 4 chip 2.4GHz   Windows XP   SP2 20Gb iPod

  • Afraid to upgrade to 7.5

    I did the automatic upgrade last week to 7.5 and got the same launch problems that many in this forum are reporting ("cannot install for missing files" etc.), and I tried all of the suggested solutions (disable firewall, uninstall QT, reinstall QT7.2, uninstall, reinstall, blah blah blah) and still and still had the same problem.
    The solution that worked for me was to reinstall the old version 7.4, and I've been a happy camper since.
    I still get the messages to upgrade to 7.5 though, but am hesitant to do so since it seems the same problem persists. Has Apple addressed the issue systematically (other than re-/un-install fixes)? Should I just wait 'til 7.6 comes out? What exactly does 7.5 offer that's so crucial?

    I am right there with you...only I upgraded and am getting the same message "cannot install missing files". When I open iTunes it states it was not properly installed and the files that allow export or import from my CD/DVD drive are missing. I am on WIndows Vista and upgraded from iTunes 7 to 7.5.
    This is my questions, can my fix be as easy as:
    1) copying all files in my Music/iTunes (backup copy) folder to the desktop.
    2) uninstall iTunes 7.5 (Would I uninstall QuickTime, too?)
    3) reinstall iTunes 7.0
    4) reinstate my iTunes library by copying my backup iTunes folder over the newly created one.
    Can anyone tell me if they think this might work?

  • Afraid to upgrade to new version

    Last time I upgraded I lost all my music. It asked me a question I didn't understand and the next thing I know the library is empty and I was very angry for weeks. Now I have reloaded much of my music, but ignore any offer for updating. What is the "right" procedure for an upgrade?

    Before upgrading or updating iTunes make a backup copy of entire iTunes folder. Not just the iTunes music folder. Preferably to another hard drive, internal or external doesn't matter. That way if there are problems you can uninstall the new one and reinstall the older version. Then copy your backup back over.
    That being said I have been lucky enough to not have any issues with updates or upgrades to iTunes. I started with v6 though.

  • Afraid to upgrade because Mozilla is changing versions too often.

    I was about to upgrade from 3.6 to 4, but they already came out with 5 and 6 is in beta. This fast cycle makes me uncomfortable as I am sure that my add-ons cannot keep up, so I have not upgraded. Chrome is seeming more attractive to me now. There should be a better way than continual frenzy.

    Another to thing consider is where your extensions are hosted (where you installed those addons from), add-ons hosted at the official addons website - - Mozilla checks add-0ns for compatibility with an upcoming release of Firefox and automatically labels add-ons as compatible, and for the add-ons that aren't deemed as compatible, they notify each developer that their add-on isn't compatible with the pending version release. That way as Firefox is updated, your "compatible" extensions are updated at the same time.
    When you install add-ons from all over the internet, it is up to you to look for updated versions of those addons and to install the updated version by yourself.

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    How do I ensure that malware will not piggy back on any updates from Adobe?

    Keep your attention on the download interfaces for preselected options for downloading other products.

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