After a week using Adobe Reader 10

One of the things I've always enjoyed about Reader is that I never have to think about it. It just works.
When 10 asked me to download it last week I did right away. Now I wish that hadn't been the case.
Can't find a roll-back in my Programs Folder. My experience has been :
First there was a message that I could only use it so many times and then I'd have to pay for it. (Caught a glimpse as I hit OK - not sure of the actual words there!) Today I've been testing another application that opens a pdf from a stored location. Got a strange error message (not found in the forums - only only one found on Google) saying that there is a problem with Adobe Reader and I should close it and start again. ? Closing and restarting was less than successful and I discovered someone had tweeted that exact message.
Fortunately, by combing through these forums I found the answer. Go to Edit > Preferences > General and uncheck the "Enable Protected Mode at Startup" box. There's a warning. Then I closed the program, ended it in Task Manager and retried my other application.

Sorry, it wasn't a question. Trying to help the next person with this issue. Plus a little feedback. I do not understand the star above the post that says 1 correct answer available and isn't clickable to take me to the available answer.

Similar Messages

  • I can't seem to get rid of OR use Adobe Reader after I let it into Safari 7.  How do I get to the point where Reader is not my preferred anything, but can still be used if Preview won't open something?

    I can't seem to get rid of OR use Adobe Reader after I let it into Safari 7.  How do I get to the point where Reader is not my preferred anything, but can still be used if Preview won't open something?

    Back up all data before making any changes. Please take each of the following steps until the problem is resolved.
    Step 1
    If Adobe Reader or Acrobat is installed, and the problem is just that you can't print or save PDF's displayed in Safari, you may be able to do so by moving the cursor to the the bottom edge of the page, somewhere near the middle. A black toolbar should appear under the cursor. Click the printer or disk icon.
    Step 2
    There should be a setting in its preferences of the Adobe application such as Display PDF in Browser. I don't use those applications myself, so I can't be more precise. Deselect that setting, if it's selected.
    Step 3
    If you get a message such as ""Adobe Reader blocked for this website," then from the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Security
    and check the box marked
              Allow Plug-ins
    Then click
              Manage Website Settings...
    and make any required changes to the security settings for the Adobe PDF plugin.
    Step 4
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it, the copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Paste into the text box that opens by pressing command-V, then press return.
    From the folder that opens, move to the Trash any items that have "Adobe" or “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari.
    Step 5
    The "Silverlight" web plugin distributed by Microsoft can interfere with PDF display in Safari, so you may need to remove it, if it's present. The same goes for a plugin called "iGetter," and perhaps others—I don't have a complete list. Don't remove Silverlight if you use the "Netflix" video-streaming service.
    Step 6
    Do as in Step 4 with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari.

  • Firefox repeatedly asks me what to do with PDF files, even after I tell it to use Adobe Reader to open them.

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    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Firefox > Preferences > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    See also:

  • Using Adobe Reader for PDF Files

    I am having a heck of a problem using Adobe Reader to open PDF files.
    Work very well until last week when I downloaded the upgrade for the program. I had been using Adobe5 (6), upgraded to Adobe Reader 9. Now, I can not open a pdf file that is sent to me. Nor, can I save a file into the PDF format.
    I have done the pass word, permission thing, have removed the Adobe 9 from the hard drive and than reloaded it.
    Still have the same problems.
    Does anyone have any suggestions that they would be willing to provide that might get me back into business?

    Well up front I would like to thank all of you that responded, and tell you that I am sorry that I have not posted back. But, I have been trying to incorporate and to ensure that I have been following the suggestions that you have provided.
    Let me provide a bit more of information:
    I am trying to safe a chart from the Reunion Family program, which I have been using for a few years.
    I did save one Descendant chart and was able to send it to a group of the family as a PDF file. This was using adobe 5. After I sent that chart, I upgraded the adobe 5 software to adobe reader 9. Since the upgrade I have not been able to save a chart in the Graphic File.pdf. The file saves but when I open the file it is a one page blank document. However, I can go into preferences and by changing the view size, it will show the entire document (sometimes). I tried to save that document and send it, but the people who receive it stated that it comes as a blank page. I also, saved the file as a JPEG and sent it, but the people stated that it comes as a very narrow column, unreadable, and can not be open.
    I have went back and removed the installed upgrade and started from scratch, I am using the correct software package, and after uploading it, I do run the permissions program.
    So, once again I am trying to obtain some knowledge on how to safe the descendant file as a PDF file and send it by e mail.
    It is driving me crazy-and once again proves that the machine is much smarter than I.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Recently no matter what I do, Firefox will not allow me to use Adobe Reader instead of it's own

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    Help? This only started happening in the last month or so. I am running latest released Firefox (33.0.2), Windows 7 (up to date with all updates, etc.).

    That doesn't solve the problem. I have all those defaults. But in Firefox, it won't let me select for "Portable Document Format" to "Use Adobe Acrobat (in Firefox)" which it used to let me and which is what the Mozilla Firefox help stuff says to do. I can select Adobe Reader but then it downloads it and opens it in a separate reader window rather than using the plugin. If I select to let Firefox "Preview in Firefox", then the Firefox built-in PDF reader will display it. I have added an add-on "pdfViewerSwitcher" which then lets me display in the Adobe Reader plug-in but only after first displaying it in the Firefox preview. So that verifies that the Adobe Reader plug-in works. But I can't set it to always use the Adobe Reader plug-in.
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    This all used to work and stopped working at some point in the last couple months. And if you search the web, you will find I am not the only one with this complaint.
    I don't know whether it is Adobe's fault or Mozilla's fault but at least one of them is broken. And I think it is Firefox since it won't even let me select it but does let me select it for Adobe Forms.

  • After up grading to Adobe Reader XI why can't I open any PDF files?

    I am running windows vista and had been using Adobe Reader 8 - when I upgraded,  can not open any PDF files. When I attempt to open a PDF file, I receive the following messages:
    Update available
    Please take a few seconds to update Adobe AIR and get the very latest features. cannot continue until you update Adobe AIR.
    after attemptng to down load the "update" I receive the following message.
    Sorry, an error has occurred
    This application requires an update to Adobe AIR but downloading that update was not successful.
    I have uninttalled all of my Adobe freeware & reinstalled statring with "adobe AIR" then "adobe Reader" and then attempted to opne a PDF file only to see the same  message
    Update available
    Please take a few seconds to update Adobe AIR and get the very latest features. cannot continue until you update Adobe AIR.
    Agein after attemptng to down load the "update" I receive the following message.
    Sorry, an error has occurred
    This application requires an update to Adobe AIR but downloading that update was not successful.

    Thank you Pat,
    I have already been there done that. I first  Un-installed all of my adobe freeware (reader, flash player, air. etc) then started reinstalling. First I reinstalled reader (latest version Reader X), same error messages. added AIR (latest version not listed - Last updated April 1st, 2012 -
    maybe that should tell me something), same error messages. I un-installed these two and reinstalled AdobeFlash Player,Adobe Shockwave Player,&Adobe Media Player, verifying that each worked after each reinstall of the next program everything was OK until I put Reader back on (NOTE: I dug all the way back to version 8 & still had the problem). for some unknown reason I finally right clicked on a PDF file on my desk top & was greeted with a the drop menu & he option of "open with" for fun I clicked on the "open with" & found that I had two options the first was a white Icon with the Stylized A and labeled the second was the normal red Icon we all know & live
    when I reset the default to the normal red Icon everything began to work just as I have always had adobe reader work. Now I have no clue how or when I picked up the "" program even worse it does not show up under programs on the control panel. When I have a few moments this evening, I will run a search for "" & hopefully be able to remove it from my computer.
    Bottom line I don't know how I got the program which seems to have caused the breakdown of adobe reader but by resetting the default program to open PDF files it is now working as it should
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Richard L. Cornick
    Contact information: Cell (562) 522-5504;  Fax: (562) 531-0684

  • Viewing print thumbnail only works after a TAB in adobe reader X

    Viewing print thumbnail only works after a TAB in adobe reader x.
    In adobe reader 9 when you go to a specified page (the red circle in the screenshot), the example on the right site directly go´s to that page,
    In adobe reader x when you go to a specified page nothing happend in the example, when you then use the TAB then de example wil go to the specified page.
    Is this a incident in Adobe Reader X ?
    On my

    PDF files have to be specially enabled for you to save the contents. It appears the old version of these files had this capability, but the new version does not. Without Acrobat you will be unable to save the files. If these are truly government files, you can try going to the government's website and see if you can download a copy that will allow you to save the form field data.

  • Unable to open any PDF document in Windream using Adobe Reader (11.0.9)

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    Try disabling Protected Mode (see Pat's response here: Anyone having problems with the Acrobat Reader 11.0.9 update on Win7 X64?) and see if that helps...

  • Digitally Signing a PDF using Adobe Reader

    I am trying to create a PDF with a digital signature form so that any of our users with Adobe Reader can digitally sign (to authorise) the document.
    I am using Acrobat 9 Standard, I have created the signature form and saved with "Extend Forms Fill-in & Save in Adobe Reader..." This works fine for other forms (tick box for example) but not the Signature field. The field is viewable but all options are greyed out.
    The security settings prior to saving "Extend Forms Fill-in & Save in Adobe Reader..." are all allowed, but after Changing the Document/Document Assembly/Commenting/Signing/Creation of Template Pages are all Not Allowed. I appreciatesome need to be restricted to allow for extended features to work in Adobe Reader but the link below implies (unless I am missing something) that signing should be possible in Adobe Reader: ff-7d48.html
    Am I missing something, or does this just not work?
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for the information. I am now trying using a trial of Acrobat X.
    However I am having the same issue now I can't even tick the checkbox. When the PDF is opened with Reader on the same PC it works as expected (both checkbox and signature field are available). Soon as it is emailed/moved somewhere else we can't even tick the checkbox with the message below coming up on opening:
    "This document enabled extended features in Adobe Reader. The document has been changed since it was created and use of extended features is no longer available. Please contrct the author of the orginal version of this document"
    I've also tried using Distribute through Acrobat but receive the same message.
    So I am struggling with creating a PDF on one PC that needs to be digitally authorised by someone else on a different PC, using Adobe Reader.
    I have been using Save as...>Reader Extended PDF as the Advanced menu is no longer there...
    Apologies if this something obvious and simple, this is the first time I have tried to do this.

  • Fillable forms with radio buttons (Using Adobe Reader X)

    I have two questions: First question, I have a fillable form with "yes" and "no" radio buttons. Currently the radio defaults to answer "yes", but I would like both the "yes" and "no" fields to be empty, which would allow the user to select an answer on his or her own.  Second question, is there a way to make an answer required before moving on to the next question?
    (Using Adobe Reader X)
    Message was edited by: mp2athome

    You need to check and make sure that the options  for each radio button do not have the "Button is checked by default" selected.
    You can make all the following answer radio buttons "read only" and only after one of the choices for the preceding question has been answered are the radio buttons for the next question are write enabled.
    You will need Acrobat to create the form.

  • I can't use Adobe Reader

    Hi, Not sure if this is the right place to post.
    Just bought a new Mac a few days ago and its amazing! The old one died after 5 years, anyway, am impressed.
    BUT I can't view a PDF in Adobe Reader!! I have Max OS X 10.6.2.
    Any help? I did a search on google but a little confused as other people seemed to have similar problems, but slightly different and found solutions.
    Any help MUCH appreciated!

    Thanks Actionmarker. i do actually have Adobe Reader 8 installed on my computer. I could use it with my old Mac, but when I bought this new one, and i double click Adobe Reader (or if I click on a PDF file to open), this message comes up:
    You Can't open the application Adobe Reader because it is not supported on this type of Mac.
    If I go to the Adobe website to download it, I notice that it can't be downloaded for OS 10.6.2. It only goes up to 10.6.0.
    How come they haven't made an Adobe Reader update that's compatible with the new Macs? Is that the reason I can't use Adobe Reader?

  • I am having issues with printing using Adobe Reader

    I am currently using adobe reader and have not been able to print with my HP DeskJet 3050, I have both reinstalled my drivers and Reader, yet they both will not work.  Every time I click print it brings up the printing options screen, from there I have tried the following:  I have tried printing the document as an image, changing the language to see if the printer itself could not handle the printing language and I have also tried to save the document as a preprint and printing it from there yet it is still not working.  Here are all of the notes from Reader showing the build and features:
    System Parameters:
    Account Detail:
       User Rights: Admin
       User Account Control: Default
       Process Integrity: Undefined
       Profile Type: None
    Acrobat Detail:
       Sandboxing: On
       Captive Reader: No
       Multi-Reader on Desktop Support: Off
    Available Physical Memory: 1808376 KB
    Available Virtual Memory: 3937960 KB
    BIOS Version: ACRSYS - 6040000
    Default Browser: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
        Version: 9.00.8112.16421 (WIN7_IE9_RTM.110308-0330)
        Creation Date: 2013/02/13
        Creation Time: 10:31:26 PM
    Default Mail:
    Display Detail:
       Screen Width: 1366
       Screen Height: 768
       Number of Monitors: 1
       Number of Mouse Buttons: 5
       Has Mouse Wheel: Yes
       Has Pen Windows: No
       Double Byte Character Set: No
       Has Input Method Editor: Yes
       Inside Screen Reader: No
    Graphics Card:
        Check: Not Supported
    Installed Acrobat:
    Installed Acrobat: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
        Creation Date: 2013/02/15
        Creation Time: 5:04:53 PM
    Locale: English (United States)
        Name: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series
        Resolution: 1366 x 768 x 60
        Bits per pixel: 32
    OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
    OS Name: Microsoft Windows Vista
    OS Version: 6.1.7601  Service Pack 1
    Page File Space: 4194303 KB
    Processor: AMD64 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 2  AuthenticAMD  ~1995  Mhz
    Session Detail:
       Boot Type: Normal
       Is Shutting Down: No
       Network: Available
       Inside Citrix: No
       Inside VMWare: No
       Remote Session: No
       Remote Control: No
    System Name: USER-PC
    Temporary Directory: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\acrord32_sbx\
    Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
    Total Physical Memory: 2881904 KB
    Total Virtual Memory: 4194176 KB
    User Name: User
    Windows Detail:
       Tablet PC: No
       Starter Edition: No
       Media Center Edition: Yes
       Slow Machine: No
    Windows Directory: C:\Windows
    Installed plug-ins:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\plug_ins\Accessibility.api
        Creation Date: 2012/12/18
        Creation Time: 2:08:34 PM
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\plug_ins\AcroForm.api
        Creation Date: 2013/02/15
        Creation Time: 5:04:56 PM
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\plug_ins\Annots.api
        Creation Date: 2012/12/18
        Creation Time: 2:08:30 PM
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\plug_ins\DigSig.api
        Creation Date: 2012/12/18
        Creation Time: 2:08:32 PM
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\plug_ins\EScript.api
        Creation Date: 2012/12/18
        Creation Time: 2:08:30 PM
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\plug_ins\IA32.api
        Creation Date: 2012/12/18
        Creation Time: 2:08:32 PM
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\plug_ins\PPKLite.api
        Creation Date: 2012/12/18
        Creation Time: 2:08:34 PM
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\plug_ins\Updater.api
        Creation Date: 2012/12/18
        Creation Time: 2:08:34 PM
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\plug_ins\weblink.api
        Creation Date: 2012/12/18
        Creation Time: 2:08:30 PM

    Adobe will not send data to que up with the printer, when checking the print que, even if I set the printer to offline it will not que up.

  • I cannot open pdf files from one supplier when using Adobe Reader but I can using another Viewer

    I cannot open pdf files from one supplier when using Adobe Reader but I can open it if using Google PDF viewer or another viewer. The Adobe reader gives the error "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired" when I try to open the file. The version of Adobe Reader is 10.1.7, however I have tried other versions and they all fail the same way.  I have tested on a number of different PC's in different networks and all fail using Adobe Reader but work using alternate viewer. Also the PC's will open a PDF from any other source.

    Newer Reader versions are more strict than older versions (and other PDF viewers).  If certain minimum requirements are not met, Reader will tell you that the PDF is damaged.  This can happen when a document was created with software that does not adhere to PDF standards, or when the file was damaged during a download or email transmission.
    You should contact the creator of these PDFs.

  • Issue with web links in PDF document using adobe reader 10.1.1

    We are creating the PDF documents that contains website links. The problem that is occurring is whenever we click on the website links in the pdf file, it opens up IE browser but just show connecting message without actually showing the link and its content. This is ocuurring when we open the PDF using adobe reader 10.1.1 . However it seems to be working fine with Adobe reader 9 . Moreover the length of the URL is bit large and seems like links work fine when we have 253 characters in the URL and if they are more than that then it is not working.Since it is working fine in Adobe reader 9 is there any constraint imposed on the length of URL with adobe reader 10.1.1 . Anything regarding this will be of great help.

    Try removing a plugin...
    Quit Safari.
    Open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type this exactly as you see it here:
    /Library/Internet Plug-Ins
    Move the Adobe PDF Browser plugin (or just PDF Browser plugin) from the Internet Plug-Ins folder to the Trash.
    Relaunch Safari to test.

  • Adobe Reader Splash--I have a PDF file that whenever I try to open it suggests using Adobe Reader with a link to download Adobe Reader...

    Adobe Reader Splash--I have a PDF file that whenever I try to open it suggests using Adobe Reader with a link to download Adobe Reader. I can't get beyond this. I have made Preview the default for all PDF's and yet this persists. I have also deleted Adobe Reader. This particular file is a portfolio, btw.

    I have similar issue. Did u find an answer?

Maybe you are looking for