After installing itunes 7 my it locks up after a minutes

After installing new Itunes Verson 7 my computer locks up only if I am using Itunes and no nothing else. I tried deleting the program and reinstalling with the sames esults. Can I fix it or how can i go back to ver 6?

Do you have the cover on your ipad? If so you may need to go into settings>General and turn on lock/ unlock so that it goes into standby when cover is closed. Not sure this is your problem but it was why my battery didn't last long. As far as long charge time goes I have noticed it is taking longer to charge also. Hope they fix some of these bugs in the first update.

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    Hello, LoudenFam. 
    Thank you for the question.  Try the steps in the article below as they may help you resolve the issue that you are experiencing with iTunes becoming unresponsive.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
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    Hey there. May I interject? Anyone mind?
    For the most part, what's occurring is one of two things. Either...
    A) an application (such as Roxio, Nero, iTunes, etc.) is installing a driver file (as a .SYS) or replacing a working driver file that is referenced within your registry. For some folks, the replaced driver is still referenced by either an UpperFilterCheck or a LowerFilterCheck, and the device manager is actually seeking out that file that, well... no longer exists. Or, when you try and uninstall the application (iTunes is the frequent transgressor) everything is removed, including the related driver files, but the registry isn't altered... so the device manager continues to try and locate that driver file... which no longer exists.
    B) a virus (or trojan) burrows its way into your file structure, and creates an element of itself disguised as a .SYS file. We've seen this happen before with viral elements disguising themselves as audio or video card driver files, in the efforts of masking themselves from lower-class anti-virus programs (or un-updated ones). In this case, they take on the name of a driver file that the optical drives are "familiar" with, and so, with the intention of being "fast, friendly, and efficient", the optical drives are tapped to utilize this new "driver" file... and it gets referenced in the registry as such.
    However, when your anti-virus actually snaps to it, and removes the virus / trojan, and you go off on a virus-killing mission, galavanting through the registry and cleaning the little buggers out in Safe Mode and everything... you might remove the viral elements... but... the reference to them might still remain. The device manager is still looking for that "driver file", and will cause the optical drives to lock up in a Code 39 or Code 41 because of it.
    Either way, the thing to do to reclaim your optical drives is located in your registry here:
    HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE1 0318}
    You'll want to have that open, and a mini-window of the following:
    START -> CONTROL PANEL -> SYSTEM -> Hardware (tab) -> DEVICE MANAGER -> Offending Drive (with yellow tag by it) Right-Mouse-Click and PROPERTIES -> Driver (tab) -> DRIVER DETAILS
    Notice that list. It references all the drivers that that particular drive is utilizing. There should be a single .DLL (dynamic link library) file and multiple .SYS files. It's the .SYS files we're focusing on, and they should be located in your C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ folder stem. If you want to open a new window explorer, and go verify that each of those driver files still exists in that folder stem, you may.
    At this point, compare the Driver File Detail list with the Registry Tree Location you're sitting in, and look at the UpperFilterCheck and LowerFilterCheck key values. Your offending key value will NOT be on your Driver File Detail list!!! It might be as small as "PFC" or something else, but that value is referencing to a driver file that no longer exists. Delete that offending key value. Close the registry.
    Close the Driver File Details and Drive Properties windows. At this point, to finish this up, you need to Soft Uninstall (Right-mouse-click on the drive, and hit "Uninstall" ) the drive(s), let the Device Manager refresh... then hit ACTION -> Scan For Hardware Changes ...
    This should start a new Found New Hardware cycle, and.... poof!... your drives should be back to normal
    I don't know if this will help, I think it should.
    Good Luck. Post back if you have a problem.

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    I'm having a very similar issue, paired with iTunes not being able to get online.
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    Pretty meticulously went through all the 'cannot connect' trouble shooting, and have uninstalled, restarted, and then reinstalled every piece of apple software; issue is just as firm. Starting in safe mode or admin mode don't fix it; signing in as a different user doesn't fix it.    

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    let it sit for about 30 min and still got nothing
    I then did a "hard shutdown(just pressed power button till it turned off the computer)"
    That may not have been long enough.  But a "hard shutdown" would definitely have been construed as a problem due to the update.
    Asus apparently is a known problem case...
    Link courtesy Darrell Gorter [MSFT] found here
    "Windows 8 Keyboard and mouse not working"
    (RSS given to avoid overhead of opening long thread for IE users)
    Note that there may be useful tips for you in both of those threads' comments.
    Robert Aldwinckle

  • HT1386 I just reinstalled my windows operating system and decided to put on windows 8.  After loading all of my music back into a freshly installed itunes, my 4th gen ipod is not recognized by itunes.  My 1st gen ipod nano works with no problem.  Help!

    reinstalled my windows operating system and decided to put on windows 8.  After loading all of my music back into a freshly installed itunes, my 4th gen ipod is not recognized by itunes.  My 1st gen ipod nano works with no problem.  I can eliminate any problems with the cable and connection.
    I've stopped and started the service, and also have performed cold reboots.
    Nothing seems to have helped the situation.

    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    I would start with
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Have you tried on another computer to help determine if you have a computer or iPod problem?
    The iPod Classic uses different drivers than the Nano

  • Apple Application Support was not found. Apple Application Support is required to run iTunesHelper. Please uninstall iTunes and then install iTunes again. Error 2.   After this I

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    Now it gives me this error. "Apple Application Support was not found. Apple Application Support is required to run iTunes. Please unistall iTunes and install iTunes again. Error 2 (Windows Error 2)." I did this and it gave me the same message... Please help! How do i get iTunes running again?

    Let's try a standalone Apple Application Support install. It still might not install, but fingers crossed any error messages will give us a better idea of the underlying cause of the issue.
    Download and save a copy of the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64setup.exe) installer file to your hard drive:
    Download and install the free trial version of WinRAR:
    Right-click the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64Setup.exe), and select "Extract to iTunesSetup" (or "Extract to iTunes64Setup"). WinRAR will expand the contents of the file into a folder called "iTunesSetup" (or "iTunes64Setup").
    Go into the folder and doubleclick the AppleApplicationSupport.msi to do a standalone AAS install.
    Does it install properly for you?
    If instead you get an error message during the install, let us know what it says. (Precise text, please.)

  • So, I installed itunes on windows xp, but system locks up when I try to sync ipod classic

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    I should mention that my previous computer crashed with my original Itunes account(that went with my ipod classic). I didn't know how to recover it so I just started over. When I tried to sync it with my cd collection everything locked up. Itunes and my computer froze up to the point where i had to do a "hard shut off". Although, it still accepts my iphone with no problem. How do I sync both on the same itunes account?

    The problem is likely iTunes 10.5, which has loads of sync problems with the iPod Classic. If you look on this forum, you'll see lots of users like you with similar problems. Normally, I'd advise you to read this summary post of mine and consider downgrading to 10.4. But you want to sync both an iPhone and your classic, and you need 10.5.x if you want to use the iCloud features. So I'm not sure what to advise, other than to use the correct USB ports and possibly to disable realtime virus scanning during your sync efforts.

  • After installing itunes 10.5 itunes wont open it says i have an error , i need help so i can update my ipod , HELP!!

    after instaling itunes 10.5 i cant open itunes , my pc says its an error . . what do i do  ?

    In order to download iTunes 10.7, which requires OS X 10.6.8, you have to buy OS X 10.6. It's available from the online Apple store, in the US by calling 800-MY-APPLE, or online here.  After OS X 10.6 installation, run Software Update until there are no more updates available, at which point you'll be at OS X 10.6.8 and can install iTunes 10.7.

  • I have installed itunes 10.7 several times.  All goes well.  After reboot, I go into itunes and check for updates and it says I need to download the update 10.7! (And so cant sync with my Iphone)

    I have installed itunes 10.7 several times, all goes well. After reeboot, I go to check for updates and it still wants to update to version 10.7! I cant sync to my iphone4 because I get an error message saying I need version 10.6.3 or later. Help

    Thank you for getting me started on the track by mentioning "Revo" Uninstaller.  The results of "Revo" spoke volumns on why a successful install of ITunes is so difficult to achieve.  It is the evil "BONJOUR".
    I then tripped upon the following site by Apple and the detailed directions (I read, printed, re-read and followed the instructions.  It was intense) brought a successful ITunes, Quick Time and the lovely Bonjour home.  Thank you for the start JD42.

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