Aftereffects expression BUG. cannot compare the values of 2 sliders???????

so do this:
make a new comp with a new solid.
add 2 slider effects to the layer.
add an expression to the Opacity of the solid, add this tot he expression:
// begin expression
if(effect("slider_01")("Slider") == effect("slider_02")("Slider")){
// end expression
then try setting the values of the sliders to be exactly the same. IF they are exactly the same, the solid should be visible.
they NEVER evaluate as true. Which means this is a bug, no?

why is it like this?
to compare the values of sliders, you can't just pick whip to it, like you are able to do for almost everything else.
the trick is to pickwhip, get this: effect("slider_01")("Slider")
then add    .value      to the end of it. because consistency is key.

Similar Messages

  • NullPointerException - Cannot get the value from variable f_cashGiven

    In (a POS), what I want is when Payment button (f_cashPayment) is pressed, the action "Cash" is performed, get the value from Cash Given (f_cashGiven), do the subtraction and post the value as Cash Return (f_cashReturn). The code is filled in actionPerformed. But I cannot get the value by using f_cashGiven.getValue() from VNumber class. It returns NULL. This should be quite straight forward, but I do not know what is wrong. Please help!
    Enclosed please find the source code of and
    This is the code of :
    * The contents of this file are subject to the   Compiere License  Version 1.1
    * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
    * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
    * The Original Code is Compiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution. The Initial
    * Developer of the Original Code is Jorg Janke. Portions created by Jorg Janke
    * are Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Jorg Janke.
    * All parts are Copyright (C) 1999-2005 ComPiere, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
    package org.compiere.pos;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import org.compiere.grid.ed.*;
    import org.compiere.swing.*;
    import org.compiere.util.*;
    *     POS Checkout Sub Panel
    *  @author Jorg Janke
    *  @version $Id:,v 1.3 2005/03/11 20:28:22 jjanke Exp $
    public class SubCheckout extends PosSubPanel implements ActionListener
          *      Constructor
          *     @param posPanel POS Panel
         public SubCheckout (PosPanel posPanel)
              super (posPanel);
         }     //     PosSubCheckout
         private CButton f_register = null;
         private CButton f_summary = null;
         private CButton f_process = null;
         private CButton f_print = null;
         private CLabel f_lcreditCardNumber = null;
         private CTextField f_creditCardNumber = null;
         private CLabel f_lcreditCardExp = null;
         private CTextField f_creditCardExp = null;
         private CLabel f_lcreditCardVV = null;
         private CTextField f_creditCardVV = null;
         private CButton f_cashPayment = null;
         private CLabel f_lcashGiven = null;
         private VNumber f_cashGiven = null;
         private CLabel f_lcashReturn = null;
         private VNumber f_cashReturn = null;
         private CButton f_creditPayment = null;
         /**     Logger               */
         private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(SubCheckout.class);
          *      Initialize
         public void init()
              //     Title
              TitledBorder border = new TitledBorder(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Checkout"));
              //     Content
              setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
              GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
              gbc.insets = INSETS2;
              //     --     0
              gbc.gridx = 0;
              f_register = createButtonAction("Register", null);
              gbc.gridy = 0;
              add (f_register, gbc);
              f_summary = createButtonAction("Summary", null);
              gbc.gridy = 1;
              add (f_summary, gbc);
              f_process = createButtonAction("Process", null);
              gbc.gridy = 2;
              add (f_process, gbc);
              f_print = createButtonAction("Print", null);
              gbc.gridy = 3;
              add (f_print, gbc);
              //     --     1 -- Cash
              gbc.gridx = 1;
              gbc.gridheight = 2;
              gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
              gbc.weightx = .1;
              CPanel cash = new CPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              cash.setBorder(new TitledBorder(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Cash")));
              gbc.gridy = 0;
              add (cash, gbc);
              GridBagConstraints gbc0 = new GridBagConstraints();
              gbc0.insets = INSETS2;
              gbc0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              f_lcashGiven = new CLabel(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(),"CashGiven"));
              cash.add (f_lcashGiven, gbc0);
              f_cashGiven = new VNumber("CashGiven", false, false, true, DisplayType.Amount,
                   Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "CashGiven"));
              f_cashGiven.setColumns(10, 25);
              cash.add (f_cashGiven, gbc0);
              f_lcashReturn = new CLabel(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(),"CashReturn"));
              cash.add (f_lcashReturn, gbc0);
              f_cashReturn = new VNumber("CashReturn", false, true, false, DisplayType.Amount,
              f_cashReturn.setColumns(10, 25);
              cash.add (f_cashReturn, gbc0);
              f_cashPayment = createButtonAction("Payment", null);
              gbc0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
              gbc0.weightx = 0.1;
              cash.add (f_cashPayment, gbc0);
              //     --     1 -- Creditcard
              CPanel creditcard = new CPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              creditcard.setBorder(new TitledBorder(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "CreditCardType")));
              gbc.gridy = 2;
              add (creditcard, gbc);
              GridBagConstraints gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
              gbc1.insets = INSETS2;
              gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              gbc1.gridx = 0;
              gbc1.gridy = 0;
              f_lcreditCardNumber = new CLabel(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "CreditCardNumber"));
              creditcard.add (f_lcreditCardNumber, gbc1);
              gbc1.gridy = 1;
              f_creditCardNumber = new CTextField(18);
              creditcard.add (f_creditCardNumber, gbc1);
              gbc1.gridx = 1;
              gbc1.gridy = 0;
              f_lcreditCardExp = new CLabel(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(),"CreditCardExp"));
              creditcard.add (f_lcreditCardExp, gbc1);
              gbc1.gridy = 1;
              f_creditCardExp = new CTextField(5);
              creditcard.add (f_creditCardExp, gbc1);
              gbc1.gridx = 2;
              gbc1.gridy = 0;
              f_lcreditCardVV = new CLabel(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "CreditCardVV"));
              creditcard.add (f_lcreditCardVV, gbc1);
              gbc1.gridy = 1;
              f_creditCardVV = new CTextField(5);
              creditcard.add (f_creditCardVV, gbc1);
              gbc1.gridx = 3;
              gbc1.gridy = 0;
              gbc1.gridheight = 2;
              f_creditPayment = createButtonAction("Payment", null);
              gbc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
              gbc1.weightx = 0.1;
              creditcard.add (f_creditPayment, gbc1);
         }     //     init
          *      Get Panel Position
         public GridBagConstraints getGridBagConstraints()
              GridBagConstraints gbc = super.getGridBagConstraints();
              gbc.gridx = 0;
              gbc.gridy = 3;
              return gbc;
         }     //     getGridBagConstraints
          *      Dispose - Free Resources
         public void dispose()
         }     //     dispose
          *      Action Listener
          *     @param e event
         public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
              String action = e.getActionCommand();
              if (action == null || action.length() == 0)
     "PosSubCheckout - actionPerformed: " + action);
              if (e.getSource() == f_cashGiven) {
              //     Register
              //     Summary
              //     Print
              if (action.equals("Cash")) {
                   BigDecimal CashGiven, GrandTotal, CashReturn;
                   System.out.println("Cash given is "+f_cashGiven.getDisplay());
                   CashGiven = (BigDecimal)f_cashGiven.getValue();
                   GrandTotal = (BigDecimal)p_posPanel.f_curLine.getOrder().getGrandTotal();
                   CashReturn = CashGiven.subtract(GrandTotal);
              //     Cash (Payment)
              //     CreditCard (Payment)
         }     //     actionPerformed
    }     //     PosSubCheckoutThis is the code of :
    * The contents of this file are subject to the   Compiere License  Version 1.1
    * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
    * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
    * The Original Code is Compiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution. The Initial
    * Developer of the Original Code is Jorg Janke. Portions created by Jorg Janke
    * are Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Jorg Janke.
    * All parts are Copyright (C) 1999-2005 ComPiere, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
    package org.compiere.grid.ed;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.beans.*;
    import java.math.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.logging.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import org.compiere.apps.*;
    import org.compiere.model.*;
    import org.compiere.swing.*;
    import org.compiere.util.*;
    *     Number Control
    *      @author      Jorg Janke
    *      @version      $Id:,v 1.41 2005/09/03 01:57:16 jjanke Exp $
    public final class VNumber extends JComponent
         implements VEditor, ActionListener, KeyListener, FocusListener
         /**     Number of Columns (12)          */
         public final static int SIZE = 12;
          *  IDE Bean Constructor
         public VNumber()
              this("Number", false, false, true, DisplayType.Number, "Number");
         }   //  VNumber
          *     Create right aligned Number field.
          *     no popup, if WindowNo == 0 (for IDs)
          *  @param columnName column name
          *  @param mandatory mandatory
          *  @param isReadOnly read only
          *  @param isUpdateable updateable
          *  @param displayType display type
          *  @param title title
         public VNumber(String columnName, boolean mandatory, boolean isReadOnly, boolean isUpdateable,
              int displayType, String title)
              m_columnName = columnName;
              m_title = title;
              LookAndFeel.installBorder(this, "TextField.border");
              this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    //          this.setPreferredSize(m_text.getPreferredSize());          //     causes r/o to be the same length
    //          int height = m_text.getPreferredSize().height;
    //          setMinimumSize(new Dimension (30,height));
              //     ***     Text     ***
              //     Background
              this.add(m_text, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              //     ***     Button     ***
              m_button.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
              this.add (m_button, BorderLayout.EAST);
              //     Prefereed Size
              this.setPreferredSize(this.getPreferredSize());          //     causes r/o to be the same length
              //  Size
              setColumns(SIZE, CComboBox.FIELD_HIGHT-4);     
              //     ReadWrite
              if (isReadOnly || !isUpdateable)
         }     //     VNumber
          *  Dispose
         public void dispose()
              m_text = null;
              m_button = null;
              m_mField = null;
         }   //  dispose
          *     Set Document
          *  @param doc document
         protected void setDocument(Document doc)
         }     //     getDocument
         private String               m_columnName;
         protected int               m_displayType;     //  Currency / UoM via Context
         private DecimalFormat     m_format;
         private String               m_title;
         private boolean               m_setting;
         private String               m_oldText;
         private String               m_initialText;
         private boolean               m_rangeSet = false;
         private Double               m_minValue;
         private Double               m_maxValue;
         private boolean               m_modified = false;
         /**  The Field                  */
         private CTextField          m_text = new CTextField(SIZE);     //     Standard
         /** The Button                  */
         private CButton              m_button = new CButton();
         private MField          m_mField = null;
         /**     Logger               */
         private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(VNumber.class);
          *      Set no of Columns
          *     @param columns columns
         public void setColumns (int columns, int height)
              Dimension size = m_text.getPreferredSize();
              if (height > size.height)               //     default 16
                   size.height = height;
              if (CComboBox.FIELD_HIGHT-4 > size.height)
                   size.height = VLookup.FIELD_HIGHT-4;
              this.setPreferredSize(size);          //     causes r/o to be the same length
              this.setMinimumSize(new Dimension (columns*10, size.height));
              m_button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(size.height, size.height));
         }     //     setColumns
          *     Set Range with min & max
          *  @param minValue min value
          *  @param maxValue max value
          *     @return true, if accepted
         public boolean setRange(Double minValue, Double maxValue)
              m_rangeSet = true;
              m_minValue = minValue;
              m_maxValue = maxValue;
              return m_rangeSet;
         }     //     setRange
          *     Set Range with min & max = parse US style number w/o Gouping
          *  @param minValue min value
          *  @param maxValue max value
          *  @return true if accepted
         public boolean setRange(String minValue, String maxValue)
              if (minValue == null || maxValue == null)
                   return false;
                   m_minValue = Double.valueOf(minValue);
                   m_maxValue = Double.valueOf(maxValue);
              catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
                   return false;
              m_rangeSet = true;
              return m_rangeSet;
         }     //     setRange
          *  Set and check DisplayType
          *  @param displayType display type
         public void setDisplayType (int displayType)
              m_displayType = displayType;
              if (!DisplayType.isNumeric(displayType))
                   m_displayType = DisplayType.Number;
              m_format = DisplayType.getNumberFormat(displayType);
              m_text.setDocument (new MDocNumber(displayType, m_format, m_text, m_title));
         }   //  setDisplayType
          *     Set ReadWrite
          *  @param value value
         public void setReadWrite (boolean value)
              if (m_text.isReadWrite() != value)
              if (m_button.isReadWrite() != value)
              //     Don't show button if not ReadWrite
              if (m_button.isVisible() != value)
         }     //     setReadWrite
          *     IsReadWrite
          *  @return true if rw
         public boolean isReadWrite()
              return m_text.isReadWrite();
         }     //     isReadWrite
          *     Set Mandatory (and back bolor)
          *  @param mandatory mandatory
         public void setMandatory (boolean mandatory)
         }     //     setMandatory
          *     Is it mandatory
          *  @return true if mandatory
         public boolean isMandatory()
              return m_text.isMandatory();
         }     //     isMandatory
          *     Set Background
          *  @param color color
         public void setBackground(Color color)
         }     //     setBackground
          *     Set Background
          *  @param error error
         public void setBackground (boolean error)
         }     //     setBackground
          *  Set Foreground
          *  @param fg foreground
         public void setForeground(Color fg)
         }   //  setForeground
          *     Set Editor to value
          *  @param value value
         public void setValue(Object value)
              log.finest("Value=" + value);
              if (value == null)
                   m_oldText = "";
                   m_oldText = m_format.format(value);
              //     only set when not updated here
              if (m_setting)
              m_text.setText (m_oldText);
              m_initialText = m_oldText;
              m_modified = false;
         }     //     setValue
          *  Property Change Listener
          *  @param evt event
         public void propertyChange (PropertyChangeEvent evt)
              if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(org.compiere.model.MField.PROPERTY))
         }   //  propertyChange
          *     Return Editor value
          *  @return value value (big decimal or integer)
         public Object getValue()
              if (m_text == null || m_text.getText() == null || m_text.getText().length() == 0)
                   return null;
              String value = m_text.getText();
              //     return 0 if text deleted
              if (value == null || value.length() == 0)
                   if (!m_modified)
                        return null;
                   if (m_displayType == DisplayType.Integer)
                        return new Integer(0);
                   return Env.ZERO;
              if (value.equals(".") || value.equals(",") || value.equals("-"))
                   value = "0";
                   Number number = m_format.parse(value);
                   value = number.toString();      //     converts it to US w/o thousands
                   BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(value);
                   if (m_displayType == DisplayType.Integer)
                        return new Integer(bd.intValue());
                   if (bd.signum() == 0)
                        return bd;
                   return bd.setScale(m_format.getMaximumFractionDigits(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
              catch (Exception e)
                   log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Value=" + value, e);
              if (m_displayType == DisplayType.Integer)
                   return new Integer(0);
              return Env.ZERO;
         }     //     getValue
          *  Return Display Value
          *  @return value
         public String getDisplay()
              return m_text.getText();
         }   //  getDisplay
          *      Get Title
          *     @return title
         public String getTitle()
              return m_title;
         }     //     getTitle
          *      Plus - add one.
          *      Also sets Value
          *     @return new value
         public Object plus()
              Object value = getValue();
              if (value == null)
                   if (m_displayType == DisplayType.Integer)
                        value = new Integer(0);
                        value = Env.ZERO;
              //     Add
              if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
                   value = ((BigDecimal)value).add(Env.ONE);
                   value = new Integer(((Integer)value).intValue() + 1);
              return value;
         }     //     plus
          *      Minus - subtract one, but not below minimum.
          *      Also sets Value
          *     @param minimum minimum
          *     @return new value
         public Object minus (int minimum)
              Object value = getValue();
              if (value == null)
                   if (m_displayType == DisplayType.Integer)
                        value = new Integer(minimum);
                        value = new BigDecimal(minimum);
                   return value;
              //     Subtract
              if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
                   BigDecimal bd = ((BigDecimal)value).subtract(Env.ONE);
                   BigDecimal min = new BigDecimal(minimum);
                   if (bd.compareTo(min) < 0)
                        value = min;
                        value = bd;
                   int i = ((Integer)value).intValue();
                   if (i < minimum)
                        i = minimum;
                   value = new Integer(i);
              return value;
         }     //     minus
          *     Action Listener
          *  @param e event
         public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
              if (ValuePreference.NAME.equals(e.getActionCommand()))
                   if (MRole.getDefault().isShowPreference())
                        ValuePreference.start (m_mField, getValue());
              if (e.getSource() == m_button)
                   String str = startCalculator(this, m_text.getText(), m_format, m_displayType, m_title);
                        fireVetoableChange (m_columnName, m_oldText, getValue());
                   catch (PropertyVetoException pve)     {}
         }     //     actionPerformed
          *     Key Listener Interface
          *  @param e event
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)    {}
         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)  {}
          *     Key Listener.
          *          - Escape           - Restore old Text
          *          - firstChange     - signal change
          *  @param e event
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
              log.finest("Key=" + e.getKeyCode() + " - " + e.getKeyChar()
                           + " -> " + m_text.getText());
              //  ESC
              if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE)
              m_modified = true;
              m_setting = true;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER)     //     10
                        fireVetoableChange (m_columnName, m_oldText, getValue());
                   else     //     indicate change
                        fireVetoableChange (m_columnName, m_oldText, null);     
              catch (PropertyVetoException pve)     {}
              m_setting = false;
         }     //     keyReleased
          *     Focus Gained
          *  @param e event
         public void focusGained (FocusEvent e)
              if (m_text != null)
         }     //     focusGained
          *     Data Binding to MTable (via GridController.vetoableChange).
          *  @param e event
         public void focusLost (FocusEvent e)
         //          log.finest(e.toString());
              //     APanel - Escape
              if (e.getOppositeComponent() instanceof AGlassPane)
                   fireVetoableChange (m_columnName, m_initialText, getValue());
              catch (PropertyVetoException pve)     {}
         }   //  focusLost
          *     Invalid Entry - Start Calculator
          *  @param jc parent
          *  @param value value
          *  @param format format
          *  @param displayType display type
          *  @param title title
          *  @return value
         public static String startCalculator(Container jc, String value,
              DecimalFormat format, int displayType, String title)
              log.config("Value=" + value);
              BigDecimal startValue = new BigDecimal(0.0);
                   if (value != null && value.length() > 0)
                        Number number = format.parse(value);
                        startValue = new BigDecimal (number.toString());
              catch (ParseException pe)
         "InvalidEntry - " + pe.getMessage());
              //     Find frame
              Frame frame = Env.getFrame(jc);
              //     Actual Call
              Calculator calc = new Calculator(frame, title,
                   displayType, format, startValue);
              AEnv.showCenterWindow(frame, calc);
              BigDecimal result = calc.getNumber();
              log.config( "Result=" + result);
              calc = null;
              if (result != null)
                   return format.format(result);
                   return value;          //     original value
         }     //     startCalculator
          *  Set Field/WindowNo for ValuePreference
          *  @param mField field
         public void setField (MField mField)
              m_mField = mField;
              if (m_mField != null
                   && MRole.getDefault().isShowPreference())
                   ValuePreference.addMenu (this, popupMenu);
         }   //  setField
          *      Remove Action Listner
          *      @param l Action Listener
         public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)
              listenerList.remove(ActionListener.class, l);
         }     //     removeActionListener
          *      Add Action Listner
          *      @param l Action Listener
         public void addActionListener(ActionListener l)
              listenerList.add(ActionListener.class, l);
         }     //     addActionListener
          *      Fire Action Event to listeners
         protected void fireActionPerformed()
              int modifiers = 0;
              AWTEvent currentEvent = EventQueue.getCurrentEvent();
              if (currentEvent instanceof InputEvent)
                   modifiers = ((InputEvent)currentEvent).getModifiers();
              else if (currentEvent instanceof ActionEvent)
                   modifiers = ((ActionEvent)currentEvent).getModifiers();
              ActionEvent ae = new ActionEvent (this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,
                   "VNumber", EventQueue.getMostRecentEventTime(), modifiers);
              // Guaranteed to return a non-null array
              Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
              // Process the listeners last to first, notifying those that are interested in this event
              for (int i = listeners.length-2; i>=0; i-=2)
                   if (listeners==ActionListener.class)
         }     //     fireActionPerformed
    }     //     VNumber

    If getValue() returns null, you need to trace the execution of the code and figure out which sequence of code is leading to the return of null. This method looks complex - a lot of if statements. If you do not have a debugger, put System.out.println statements inside the method to figure out what's going on.

  • How to compare the value of a specied attribute to a string

    I am looking for an example of how to compare the value of an attribute to a string. (I think)
    I have been trying to:
    if (attrs.get("title")== "Vampire") -- you already know this did not work.
    How can I check to see if the title="Vampire"?
    The code below will get me the title of admin (which should be Vampire)
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    class Giles {                  
    public static void main(String[] args) {
              Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://");
         try {                                                                     
         DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
         Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes("cn=admin");
         System.out.println("Title: " + attrs.get("title").get());
         } catch (NamingException e) {                                     
         System.err.println("Problem getting attribute: " + e);
    Thank you!!

    I guess, you are looking for searching for attributes of an user object.
    Here is the sample code to list all the attributes of an 'user' objectclass.
    Tell me if it helps or not.
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.ldap.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    public class GetAttributes
         public static void main (String[] args)
              Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
              //Must use either the userPrincipalName or samAccountName,
              //Cannot use the distinguished name
              String adminName = "cn=abcd,cn=Users,dc=ssotest,dc=com";
              String adminPassword = "DEF1234";
              String ldapURL = "ldap://pni3w067:389";
              //connect to my domain controller
              try {
                   // Create the initial directory context
                   DirContext ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env,null);
                   // Create the search controls
                   SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();
                   //Specify the search scope
                   //specify the LDAP search filter
                   String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user))";
                   //Specify the Base for the search
                   //String searchBase = "ou=policyusers,ou=ssoanay,dc=ssotest,dc=com";
                   String searchBase = "cn=abcd,cn=users,dc=ssotest,dc=com";
                   //initialize counter to total the results
                   int totalResults = 0;
                   // Search for objects using the filter
                   NamingEnumeration answer =, searchFilter, searchCtls);
                   //Loop through the search results
                   while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
                        SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
                        System.out.println("\nName of Object : " + sr.getName());
                        // Print out some of the attributes, catch the exception if the attributes have no values
                        Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
                        if (attrs != null) {
                             try {
                                  /*NamingEnumeration enum = attrs.getIDs();
                                  while(enum.hasMore()) {
                                  NamingEnumeration enum2 = attrs.getAll();
                                  while(enum2.hasMore()) {
                                       System.out.println("Attribute - ";
                             catch (Exception e)     {
                                  System.out.println("Exception:" +e.getMessage());
                        else {
                             System.out.println("attribute is null");
                   System.out.println("Total results: " + totalResults);
              catch (NamingException e) {
                        System.err.println("Problem searching directory: " + e);
         //return 0;

  • I cannot change the value in about:newtab from "newtab" to "blank." The dialog is displayed but when I click Ok, the value is not changed.

    I cannot change the value in about:newtab from "newtab" to "blank." The dialog is displayed but when I click Ok, the value is not changed.
    Comment on usual method and solution, by a forum Moderator.
    As long as there are no confounding factors, such as certain extensions, or a user.jsfile the procedure is as follows
    # Open a new tab and type "about:config" in the address bar.
    # In the Search bar type: "newtab"
    # Locate and double click "browser.newtab.url"
    # In the "Enter String Value" box change "'''about:newtab'''" to "'''about:blank'''" and click OK.
    # Verify that the value has changed and now all new tabs will be blank.
    See post under by ''pirate048'' [/questions/976589?page=2#answer-509482] ~J99

    Have to say that I rather agree with Mark..all we want is a simple, unadorned clean page that doe not track and show usage!! WHY NOT!! Is it too simple for developers..we aren't all (nor do we want to be!) software experts! Come on Mozilla..tidy up and clean might be a quicker programme too!!

  • SharePoint List Form using InfoPath 2010 "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'tp_DocId', table 'Content_SP_00003.dbo.AllUserData'; column does not allow nulls"

    I am experiencing issue with my SharePoint site , when I am trying to add new Item in List . Error given below :--> 02/03/2015 08:23:36.13 w3wp.exe (0x2E04) 0x07E8 SharePoint Server Logging Correlation Data 9gc5 Verbose Thread change; resetting trace
    level override to 0; resetting correlation to e2e9cddc-cf35-4bf8-b4f3-021dc91642da c66c2c17-faaf-4ff9-a414-303aa4b4726b e2e9cddc-cf35-4bf8-b4f3-021dc91642da 02/03/2015 08:23:36.13 w3wp.exe (0x2E04) 0x07E8 Document Management Server Document Management 52od
    Medium MetadataNavigationContext Page_InitComplete: No XsltListViewWebPart was found on this page[/sites/00003/Lists/PM%20Project%20Status/NewForm.aspx?RootFolder=&IsDlg=1]. Hiding key filters and downgrading tree functionality to legacy ListViewWebPart(v3)
    level for this list. e2e9cddc-cf35-4bf8-b4f3-021dc91642da 02/03/2015 08:23:36.17 w3wp.exe (0x1B94) 0x1A0C SharePoint Server Logging Correlation Data 77a3 Verbose Starting correlation. b4d14aec-5bd4-4fb1-b1e3-589ba337b111 02/03/2015 08:23:36.17 w3wp.exe (0x1B94)
    0x1A0C SharePoint Server Logging Correlation Data 77a3 Verbose Ending correlation. b4d14aec-5bd4-4fb1-b1e3-589ba337b111 02/03/2015 08:23:36.31 w3wp.exe (0x2E04) 0x07E8 SharePoint Foundation Database 880i High System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert
    the value NULL into column 'tp_DocId', table 'Content_SP_00003.dbo.AllUserData'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at
    System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject
    stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavi... e2e9cddc-cf35-4bf8-b4f3-021dc91642da 02/03/2015
    08:23:36.31* w3wp.exe (0x2E04) 0x07E8 SharePoint Foundation Database 880i High ...or runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream,
    Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior,
    RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SqlSession.ExecuteReader(SqlCommand
    command, CommandBehavior behavior,

    Are you trying to setup P2P? Could you explain the process you followed completely? By anychance you create the backup and then created the publication?
    Regards, Ashwin Menon My Blog - http:\\

  • Create a new column in a table that compares the value of one column with its previous value

    The DDL:
    @T TABLE
    @K TABLE
    INTO @T
    VALUES(22,'C_V_Harris','2014-01-02 10:23:49.0000000',
    INTO @T
    VALUES(21,'C_V_Harris','2014-01-02 10:05:13.0000000',
    INTO @T
    VALUES(20,'C_V_Harris','2014-01-02 09:56:15.0000000',
    INTO @T
    VALUES(19,'C_V_Harris','2014-01-02 09:45:26.0000000',
    INTO @T
    VALUES(18,'C_V_Harris','2014-01-02 09:43:20.0000000',
    INTO @T
    VALUES(17,'C_V_Harris','2014-01-02 09:34:28.0000000',
    INTO @T
    VALUES(16,'C_V_Harris','2014-01-02 09:30:37.0000000',
    INTO @T
    VALUES(15,'C_V_Harris','2014-01-02 09:18:12.0000000',
    INTO @T
    VALUES(14,'C_V_Harris','2014-01-02 09:16:06.0000000',
    INTO @K
    by IDNO)
    AS RN,*
    * FROM
    --not working:
    @K a
    JOIN @K
    I need to create  a view with a column (say 'Comp' below) that compares the value of each row in Price2 with the previous Price2 row, and it is greater then +1, the
    same 0, and less -1.
    The processed table should be:
    1/2/2014 10:23:49
    1/2/2014 10:05:13
    1/2/2014 9:56:15
    1/2/2014 9:45:26
    1/2/2014 9:43:20
    1/2/2014 9:34:28
    1/2/2014 9:30:37
    1/2/2014 9:18:12
    1/2/2014 9:16:06
     How can I structure the statement to get (the most recent - order by date ) result for Comp?

    Satheesh Variath, I just had to make some corrections from your script to get the correct answer:
    VIEW vw_Comp
    TOP 1 t.IDNO,,t.[Date],t.Price1,t.Price2,
    WHEN t.Price2
    > LAG(Price2,1)
    BY name
    THEN 1
    WHEN t.Price2
    < LAG(Price2,1)
    BY name
    THEN -1
    ELSE 0
    AS Comp
    @T t
    The adjustments: the selection of the most recent comparison (Top 1) and the use of the function LAG (instead of LEAD) to get the previous value of the column.

  • Error :cannot show the value of the filter.The Field may not be filterable or the number of items returned exceeds the list view threshold enforced by administrator

    Issue : In sharepoint 2013, I am experiening below error while using filter in the list view due to the number of items in this list exceeds the list view threshold, which is 10000 items. Tasks that cause excessive server load (such as those
    involving all list items) are currently prohibited.
    Error :cannot show the value of the filter.The Field may not be filterable or the number of items returned exceeds the list view threshold enforced by administrator
    Could you please suggest a way to avoid this issue apart from incrementing the list view threshold limit .

    Reorganizing content, or creating more specific views. sharepoint is warning you that the content is structured in such a way that it can cause performance issues, which should be addressed in some way.
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site:

  • Help comparing the value of a button using the Property Node (I get a variant)

    Dear Sirs:
    (I'm using LabView 6. I guess the solution is different for 6.1)
    Currently I have created an array of Boolean RefNums (which point to many, many buttons). When I need to know when any (and which) of the buttons was pressed I just compare every element on the array with the constant TRUE. It fact, as the array is built from RefNums, I should compare the VALUE from the Property Node.
    The problem here is that the Property Node for this type of Boolean is a LV Variant, and I need to compare this with a TRUE/FALSE value.
    I tried to convert the TRUE constant to a LV variant and visc. But nothing works... I always get that none of the buttons was pressed.
    Here it co
    mes the question: "How can I compare the value of a Property Node for a Boolean (Button) with a TRUE (or False) constant?"
    BTW, maybe I should explain why I'm using RefNums instead of the direct values: As my project requires tons of buttons, I would preffer using RefNums to refer to them. (I.E. I could use a single VI that takes the RefNum and formats the button to hide it for certain users).
    I have enclosed a VI that contains what I've achieved until now, which is nothing
    I appreciate your time and help.
    Best regards,
    Attachments: ‏103 KB

    There is another problem in your code: the booleans are not polled by the main loop so they will remain false until the user presses them again. This renders the boolean latch action useless.
    What you can do is to change the mechanical action of the booleans to non-latch. When you detect a "true" in the polling loop, set the boolean to false again. One added benefit is that once all boolean are non-latch, the value property won't be a variant but a boolean so conversion is no longer needed.
    LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW

  • How to compare the values stored in the list

    I am having the requirement that i want to compare the values stored in the list.How to store the values in the list and compare the list values stored inside it.

  • Error 1406. Setup cannot write the value mlcfg32.cpl

    Hi to all. I am attempting to upgrade Office 2007 Standard to Office 2013 Pro. I have used the OCT tool to create a custom MSP. On some machine the upgrade fails. It is always the same error (see below).
    Error 1406. Setup cannot write the value mlcfg32.cpl to the registry key \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cpls. Verify that you have
    sufficient permissions to access the registry or contact microsoft product services (PPS) for assistance. For information about how to contact PSS, see
    I have attempted the following:
    1.Log on to the computer by using an Administrator user account.
    2.Start Microsoft Windows Explorer.
    3.On the Organize menu, click Folder and search options.
    4.Click the View tab.
    5.Under Hidden files and folders, click Show hidden files, folders, and drives.
    6.Click to clear the Hide extensions for known file types check box.
    7.Click to clear the Hide protected operating system file (Recommended) check box, and then click OK.
    8.On the Warning dialog box, click Yes.
    9.Open the following folder: C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Office\Data\
    10.If you are running Office 2007, right-click Opa12.dat or if you are running Office 2003, right-click Data.dat, and then click Properties.
    11.Click the Security tab.
    12.Click Advanced.
    13.Click the Permissions tab.
    14.Click to select Everyone in the Permission entries list, and then click Edit.
    15.Click to select the Full Control check box.
    16.Click OK four times. If these steps do not resolve this issue, delete the Opa12.dat, the Opa11.dat file or the Data.dat file from the following folder, and then restart an Office 2007 program, an Office 2003 program or an Office XP program
    C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Office\Data
    Has anyone seen this issue previously?
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Phil,
    Thank you for your questions. Have you uninstalled Office 2007 from the machine before the Office 2013 installation?
    I believe you've already seen this KB article before, the steps above are quoted from it:
    As can been seen from the article, the steps above are specific to Method 4. There are three other Methods mentioned in the article, have you ever tried them? If not yet, I would suggest you to have a try:
    Method 1: Set the permission for the Everyone group of the registry subkeys that are listed in the error message to Full Control.
    Method 2: Disable the third-party application.
    Method 3: Try the installation again in
    Let me know if the issue persists after the steps above, we'll take a further look then.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Compare the value of the current and the Last keyframe

    Hey there,
    in our company we built some ad, which is an html5 game (view the attachement). The user is able to move the ball through the labyrinth by tilting/moving the phone using the gyroscope-sensor inside of it.
    Now our ceo asked me if i would be able to make a video out of it for a power-point presentation.
    With a software tool i made a video-screenshot of the iphone screen, with it's interaction.
    After that i imported the video to afx and added the video the iphone-frame and the hand.
    Tracking of the ball didn't worked because of the rotating texture of the ball, but i followed the movement with a null-object.
    Owning the information of the Balls movement in a null-object i connected the hand and the phone to the null-object. Getting the look the hand interacts with the game.
    The movement of the Hand was to much so i divided the movement of the distance by 2 in an expression.
    The movement of the ball is just changing the parameter of the "position" not of the "rotation".
    So i would like to the value of the current keyframe and of the last keyframe and get a value which is the difference of them (x-y=new value). But i don't know how to collect the data of these by an expression.
    Could someone help?

    Hey Wow, you guys are really quick here.
    Sorry didn't want to confuse anyone here.
    I will go a little more into it.
    If i am only taking the x value of the position and compare the actual state of x value with the satus of the x value of the keyframe before.
    i will take this two values x1 and x2 to take the difference between them. With this new value.
    i can modify the angle of the rotation between -90 and +90.
    Know what i mean?
    but i am not sure if valueattime works in this case because i need the information dynamic.

  • How can i set the "Keep the following number of major versions" to a limit suppose 20 and then disable it from the users so that they cannot change the value?

    I want to set the value of "Keep the following number of major versions" in the versiong settings of a documnet library to a limit say 20 and then disable the option from the users so that they cannot them. Is it possible thorugh some custom coding?

    Hi Moumita10,
    Just curious about that how the custom CSS code works in your environment if put it in the “LstSetng.aspx” page.
    In my environment, it hides the "Keep the following number of major versions" setting in the “LstSetng.aspx”
    page after applying the custom CSS style there.
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • How can i compare the values of the objects in a class?

    hi ,
    i am testing how to test the values of the two objects
    this is the code i have return below.....
    class Sample{
              String name;
              int age;
              Sample(String name,int age){
    public class sample2{
              public static void main (String []arg){
                   Sample one = new Sample("cat",20);
                   Sample two = new Sample("cat",20);
    how can i test that object one and two are equal.
    can anyone clarify me about this?

    hansbig wrote:
    Um, this part doesn't work, it will never return true.
      public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (obj == this) {
    return true;
    It will :) try for example objectOne.equals(objectOne); and add a System.out.println() at that part. It will return there.
    but this part, woah dude, that's some pretty slick code you got here:
    I couldn't figure out how to do the compare inside the class, but I think I see how this works.
    Not sure how I would do it for an object with more than one value to check though.
        if (obj instanceof EqualsExample) {               //Not the best implementation considering possible subclasses but the easiest.
    EqualsExample temp = (EqualsExample) obj;
    return (; //Always use the equals function when comparing strings!
    } else {
    return false;
    You could add them in one massive return (this.something == temp.something && etc). Or you could split it in a series of if statements. It's really dependant on what kind of variables there are in your class.
    Maybe you have an ArrayList you need to compare but also an id. then it would make more sense to check the id first and then possibly loop through the arraylist.
    Hope it's a bit more clear :)
    Edited by: hms on Jan 16, 2008 11:25 AM

  • How to compare the value of a cell before changing and after changing.

    Hey there,
    Now I want to implement a JTable. And the requirement is that users can edit a cell in the Table only once. I think there are two possible ways. One is that after user edited a cell, I will set this cell read only. Another way is to compare the vaule before and after the changing. If it is different, then write back the previous value.
    But I did not know how to implement in Java. Can anybody help me?
    Thanks alot!

    inevitably, you will have to save a before copy of
    the data, what this many times amounts to is that you
    will need to have 2 identical data structures before
    you start or some type of locking mechanism for each
    piece of data.Why is this inevitable? I don't see it as inevitable at all. In fact, it's quite simple to implement a TableModel that returns false when isEditable(int, int) is invoked for any cell that has already had setValueAt(Object, int, int) inovked on it, for example. Depending on the requirements and implementation a different methodology may be needed for determining when the edit has taken place, such as a custom editor that notifies the TableModel when stopCellEditing() is invoked. Heck, overriding editingStopped() in JTable to do it might even work.
    So, create a TableModel that returns isEditabe(int, int) as true only if the cell hasn't been edited yet. The only problem to solve from there is how you know when it's been edited. I've already given you a few leads on that, it's not particularly hard but depending on your exact implementation it may require different solutions.

  • Cannot get the value after space

    i am doing my double module project for my degree course and i am also a newbie in JSP. Hope there is someone can help me to solve this problem. Now, i set the value of a radio button to "don't smoke", "smoke lightly", and "smoke heavily". Then i use request.getParameter ("smoking behavior") to get the value selected by the user, but the result is only "don't" or "smoke", which the character after spacing will be not be retrieved. I dun know how to solve it, so can any expert here help me to solve this problem? Thanks for helping.

    You can't use spaces in passed parameters; either give your options numerical values that you can translate on the receiving end, or do an URLEncoder.encode() on the values before submitting them. If you encode them, you'll do an URLDecoder.decode() on them on the receiving end.
    URLEncoder.encode("don't smoke") = "don%27+smoke"
    URLDecoder.decode("don%27+smoke") = "don't smoke"

Maybe you are looking for

  • SharePoint 2010 Report using a Shared Data Source Connection file (.rsds) is forcibly closed.

    Hi - When attempting to render a report (.rdl) in a SharePoint 2010 document library that has a Connection Type specified as a Shared data source (the connection succeeds when tested in the SharedDataSource.aspx page), the following error message is

  • CS3:Problem in generating .ps file for an indesign document.

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  • Computer accounts in Workgroup Manager

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  • Cant make a recovery NB-100

    first of all.. if my english doesnt make sence. im sorry. I have a mini NB-100 and i want to make a recovery of it. But i cant!! i press '0' before i turn it on and it freezes, black screen after the toshiba logo. I have a pendrive because i cant sta

  • Multiple Selections for Reporting

    hi BW Experts, I am asked by my clients to design a BEx query for a report that requires multiple selection for a data field. They want to select multiple codes (out of 10) in the selction window. As far I know I can have a single value (1 value) or