Aggregate History

Is the a place that store aggregate usage history?  I know you can get last used date in the aggregate maintenance screen.  The only problem is that the last used date gets reset when you do a roll-up. 
Ultimately, what I trying to do is delete unused aggregates.  I want check if an aggregate has been used in the past 3 month.  If not I want to delete it.

If you're on 3.x, the table RSDDSTAT should contain a row for each navigation of the query, and indicates if/which aggregate was used.  This does hold true for MultiProviders as only one row exists and a MultiProvider obviously could reference more than one aggregate, which is actually true as well for an InfoCube query that has multiple RKFs in it - each RKF could use a different aggregate depending on the RKF definition.
Have to believe though this is captured somewhere else as well, because when you are in the Aggr Maint screen, it tells used the last date/time each aggregate of a cube was used.

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    use MC$G - Puchasing values
    And MC$I - Puchasing quantities
    Or use ME87 - Aggregate PO history
    Edited by: Priyanka Paltanwale on May 13, 2009 12:57 PM

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    Check MC$G - Puchasing values and MC$I - Puchasing quantities OR ME87 - Aggregate PO history.
    Also check: MC$G - material pur val. selection, MC$4 - vendor pur val selection which ever suits your selection criteria nearest.
    Syed Hussain.

  • Function to return an aggregate

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    create or replace function get_sum_costs3 (v_ID_COUNTER in number) return number
    Return sum escalated costs based on filters filename: create_display_functions.sql -- -- History -- 06/04/06 SDR Created
    v_escalated_cost number(20,2);
    v_SC_1 varchar2(100);
    v_SC_2 varchar2(100);
    v_SC_3 varchar2(100);
    v_SC_4 varchar2(100);
    v_SC_5 varchar2(100);
    v_SC_6 varchar2(100);
    v_SC_7 varchar2(100);
    v_SC_1PER number (10);
    v_SC_2PER number (10);
    v_SC_3PER number (10);
    v_SC_4PER number (10);
    v_SC_5PER number (10);
    v_SC_6PER number (10);
    v_SC_7PER number (10);
    v_return number (12,2);
    cursor c1 is
    select curr_8, text_16, text_17, text_18, text_19, text_20, text_21, text_22, num_17, num_18, num_19, num_20, num_21, num_22, num_23
    from areg
    where areg.ID_COUNTER = v_ID_COUNTER ;
    v_return:= 0;
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into v_escalated_cost,v_SC_1,v_SC_2,v_SC_3, v_SC_4,v_SC_5,v_SC_6,v_SC_7,v_SC_1PER,v_SC_2PER,v_SC_3PER,v_SC_4PER,v_SC_5PER,v_SC_6PER,v_SC_7PER;
    c1%notfound then v_return:= 0;
    v_return:= (v_escalated_cost * (v_SC_1PER / 100))) + (v_escalated_cost * (v_SC_2PER / 100))) etc on through v_SC_7PER / 100 I haven't written this atm ;
    end if;
    close c1;
    return v_return;
    It doesn't quite do what I need and I'm having trouble altering it. It uses the ID_Counter from another table (which is defined by other inputs) to reference records. I want to search these records for the occurence of a "catchment name" matching the session state of one of my inputs (SER_1).
    This "catchment name" could occur in any of the variables v_SC_1 to v_SC_7 and there will be a corresponding % of the cost of that job that can be charged to the "catchment name" which is found in v_SC_1PER to v_SC_7PER. Where it finds a match for the name I want it to go and multiply the v_escalated_cost by the percentage applicable to give the cost of the job I can charge to that catchment.
    Then I need it to total up these costs and return a total cost of all projects in that catchment. So if there's one job that's 100% in a catchment I need 100% of that cost, if there's one that's 25%in the same catchment I need to add 25% of the total cost of the job to the 100% of the first.
    Clear as mud?
    At present the function will only look for the occurence of the Catchment name somewhere in the record and return the entire value if the name is in there somewhere.
    What I probably need to do is say IF the name is in SC_1 then times the cost by SC_1PER, if its in SC_2 do the same for SC_2PER and so on. Then return the sum. Anyone help? Do I need multiple cursors, one for each SC_x variable? How do I write an aggregate function like sum into the return clause, it doesn't seem to like that?
    All help is greatly appreciated Thx

    The first thing I would do is pass all your page items. This way you can debug your function independent from your Apex application. Something like:
    FUNCTION get_sum_costs4 (p_SER_1  VARCHAR2,
                             p_CAT_1  VARCHAR2,
                             p_SUB_1  VARCHAR2,
                             p_PIPL_1 VARCHAR2,
                             p_PIPV_1 VARCHAR2) return number
      CURSOR c1 IS
             CASE WHEN INSTR(text_16,p_SER_1) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE curr_8 * (num_17/100) END +
             CASE WHEN INSTR(text_17,p_SER_1) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE curr_8 * (num_18/100) END +
             CASE WHEN INSTR(text_18,p_SER_1) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE curr_8 * (num_19/100) END +
             CASE WHEN INSTR(text_19,p_SER_1) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE curr_8 * (num_20/100) END +
             CASE WHEN INSTR(text_20,p_SER_1) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE curr_8 * (num_21/100) END +
             CASE WHEN INSTR(text_21,p_SER_1) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE curr_8 * (num_22/100) END +
             CASE WHEN INSTR(text_22,p_SER_1) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE curr_8 * (num_23/100) END
      FROM areg
      WHERE category = p_CAT_1
        and (text_15 = p_PIPL_1 or p_PIPL_1 = 'ALL')
        and (text_10 = p_PIPV_1 or p_PIPV_1 = 'ALL')
        and (subcategory1 = p_SUB_1 or p_SUB_1 = 'ALL')
        and yesno5 <> 'Y';
      v_return NUMBER := 0;
      OPEN c1;
      FETCH c1 INTO v_return;
      CLOSE c1;
      RETURN (v_return);
    /Here is the test case I used:
    (category VARCHAR2(1),
    subcategory1 VARCHAR(2),
    text_15  VARCHAR2(20),
    text_10  VARCHAR2(20),
    yesno5   VARCHAR2(1),
    text_16  VARCHAR2(20),
    text_17  VARCHAR2(20),
    text_18  VARCHAR2(20),
    text_19  VARCHAR2(20),
    text_20  VARCHAR2(20),
    text_21  VARCHAR2(20),
    text_22  VARCHAR2(20),
    num_17   NUMBER,
    num_18   NUMBER,
    num_19   NUMBER,
    num_20   NUMBER,
    num_21   NUMBER,
    num_22   NUMBER,
    num_23   NUMBER,
    curr_8   NUMBER);
    When ran via
      v_value NUMBER;
      v_value := get_sum_costs4('BOGUS','C','SC','ALL','ALL');
    /it gave me (100*(100/100)) + (100*(50/100)) + (100*(25/100)) + (100*(15/100)) + (100*(10/100)) + (100*(5/100)) = 205.

  • Error in Roll up & Filling up an aggregate

    Hi all,
    We have created 4 aggregates on 0SD_C03 ( Sales Overview cube). Initially we had filled the data to all the aggregates after the history data load successfully. Now after the delta load we are trying to manually roll up the aggregates. We have only one delta package request currently in the system. Now as we tried to schedule the roll up manually it gave an error stating:
    Roll up terminated: SQL error 12801. the diagnosis of the error says:
    "The database system registered an SQL error. As available, the error number and a description are included in the short text. Possible causes for SQL errors include:
    1. Overflow of database objects such as buffers, temporary tablespaces, rollback segments or data containers/tablespaces.
    ->These problems can generally be eliminated by system administrators.
    2. Missing generated database objects such as tables or views based on inconsistent or inactive InfoCubes or InfoObjects. Examples of this include the view of the fact table for an InfoCube or the attribute SID table (X/Y table) of a characteristic.
    -> These problems can generally be eliminated by a BW administrator.
    3. SQL requests with incorrect content.
    -> Problems of this type are generally programming errors"
    In the manage>requests Tab for the cube under the roll up status it says the roll up is still running !
    now when we are trying to fill one of the aggregates after deactivating & activating sequentially that process is also getting terminated. error message from the job log states:
    The roll up for InfoCube <cubename> has terminated
    The system is not able to fill the aggregates at this time
    Lock NOT set for: Fill aggregate (initial)
    So we are not able to fill the aggregate either. Need your help badly as we are short on timeline as well.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks M & Maithili for your prompt replies.
    Let me give you more details.
    1. There are no run time errors in ST22
    2. There was a lock for the cube in SM12. I deleted that as suggested by you & then tried filling up the aggregate again but unfortunately it is giving me exactly  the same error once again.
    3. in SM37 I could find a job BI_SAGR* getting triggered as soon as I tried to fill the aggregate. But the job terminates in 4 seconds.
    4. in SM21 I could find 2 errors --
    a. database error 12801 in FET:
    Program                                                  Cl                            Problem cl                                 Packag
    RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS             K                             SAP Web    AS Problem           SBAC
    Module nam      Line          Table Name        Field Nam
    dbacds             1433          12801                FET
    Documentation for system log message BY 2 :
    After the attempt to call a database operation, the database sy
    returned the error code specified in the message, which indicat
    the operation concerned could not be executed successfully.
    b. database error 12801:
    The log of this is exactly same as the above, only thing is the field name is missing.

  • Building an aggregate on non-cumulative cube

    Hi all,
    My Question is very specific, kindly review the scenario below :
    1) we have non-cumulative cube which was loaded with
    a) Data from BX - initial stock - compressed in the cube with marker update
    b) History load - compressed in the cube with "No Marker update"
    c) Deltas - compressed in the cube with "with marker update'
    I wish to now create an aggregate. Will the Intial-fill program generate the markers correctly in the aggregate?? i think i read an OSS note - which i cannot locate any longer - that it is not possible & markers may not be accurate on the aggregate

    Note 1116174 - MultiProvider on non-cumulative cube
    It solved my problem

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    thank you in advance!

    Hi, here is the steps by step procedure to create SOP flexible plan along
    with trasaction codes. Let me know if you have further problems
    S&OP Flexible Planning Checklist
          Step #
         Create Field Catalogue MC18
         Create Info Structure MC21
         Create Update Rules for Characteristics and Key Figures MC24
         Activate Update Rules OMOZ
         Testing (Use Sales Order, Purchase Order, Material etc.) to test data
         Set Parameters for Info Structures MC7f
         Create Planning Type for Info Structure Planning Table MC8A
         Generate Master Data and generate proportional factors MC9A
         Create Planning Hierarchy MC63
         Create Forecast Profile MC96
         Create Planning Activity MC8T
         Setup Mass Processing Job to generate forecast MC8D then MC8G
         Maintain all Material Master records with unit of measure conversions
    so that the planning table can aggregate materials into a common unit of
    measure. MM02
         Apply OSS patch program that enables visibility of all nine hierarchy
    planning levels in planning table. (Check version 4.5 and prior)
         Set up program to collect Historical transaction information (Need
    Custom ABAP program to populate the SOP table with historical data)
         Run Monthly Sales Forecast MC8D
         Transfer to COPA (if applicable)
         Run COPA Analysis
         Transfer forecast to Demand Management MC94 (Extra Menu -> Transfer to
         Demand Management receive the updated Sales Forecast quantities MD61

  • Index's on cubes or Aggregates on infoobjects

    Please tell me if it is possible to put index's on cubes; are they automatically added or is this something I put on them?
    I do not understand index's are they like aggregates?
    Need to find info that explains this.
    Thanks for the hlep.

    Indexes are quite different from aggregates.
    An Aggregate is a slice of a cube which helps the data retrival on a faster note when a query is executed on a cube. Basically it is kind of a snapshot of KPI's and Business Indicators (Chars) which will be displayed as the initial query run result.
    Index is a process which is inturn will reduce the query response time. While an object gets activated, the system automatically create primary indexes. Optionaly, you can create additional index called secondary indexes.Before loading data, it is advisable to delete the indexes and insert them back after the loading.
    Indexes act like pointers for quickly geting the Data.When u delete it will delete indexes and when u create it will create the indexes.
    When loading we delete Bcs during loading it has to look for existing Indexes and try to update so it will effect the Data load performence so we delete and create it will take less time when compared to updating the existing ones.
    There is one more issue we have to take care if u r having more than 50 million records this is not a good practice insteah we can delete and create during week end when they r no users.

  • How do I stop FF from restoring previous session, I've already played with all the options I can find but nothing stops it unless I delete history each time.

    Recently, FF has started opening my last tabs when I start a fresh session. I have already checked to make sure that none of the applicable settings are enabled, such as under Options->General: When FF starts "SHOW MY HOMEPAGE" is selected. But for some reason, it opens my last session. The only way I've been able to get it to stop doing this is by having it delete my browsing history after I close the session. I don't want this since I often use my history to re-find information I need for class research. I have made certain that all my settings are the same from before FF started doing this. It only started doing this after the computer was turned off for a long weekend.
    I've already searched through the Mozilla help pages and all I can find is how to restore the previous session or similar. I don't want to restore my previous session, I want it to stop restoring my previous session without having to delete my browsing history each time.

    Using the instructions here:
    I was able to turn off that feature entirely without having to create a new profile.

  • I can't print anymore, the "help" button doesn't work, and Firefox always sets to "Never Remember History" even if I change it

    SO many issues with Firefox now! For one, it crashes quite a bit. I submit the crash report, and go from there. Keeps happening. But the main thing is this:
    I go to "Options" and under "Privacy" it has "Never remember history" - I change it to "use custom settings for history", hit "ok" and then when I go back to it, it's back on "never remember history" already. What gives?
    The issues I'm having right now is that I used to click on Print in my email (Yahoo) and pop-up blocker would stop it, but a dialog would pop up saying "try again", and I would hit that, and a separate window would open where I could print the email. Now, when I click on print, NOTHING happens. No box, no changes whatsoever. No pop-ups blocked, nothing at all. I mean, the button for "print" doesn't even react like I clicked on it. Nothing happens.
    The other issue is that when there's a text box, if I start to type my email address, it suggests my email address. It never used to do this! I don't want this, either. How can I stop the suggesting of my email address. I don't want it to remember what I typed!
    Another issue with Firefox is that when I click on the "menu" button in the top right, there's a question mark that says "open help menu" at the bottom. When I click on that, the help menu is EMPTY. I included a picture so you can see.
    I've "reloaded Firefox", as well as downloaded another copy and actually reinstalled it. All these errors keep happening. How can I get them to stop or function correctly? What's causing them to work all wonky?

    The "Use custom settings for history" selection allows to see the current history and cookie settings, but selecting this doesn't make any changes to history and cookie settings.
    Firefox shows "Use custom settings for history" as an indication that at least one of the history and cookie settings is not the default to make you aware that changes were made.
    If all History settings are default then the custom settings are hidden and you see "Firefox will: (Never) Remember History".
    "Never Remember History" means that Private Browsing is active and "Always use private browsing mode" gets a checkmark.
    You need to remove the checkmark on "Always use private browsing mode" to leave Private Browsing mode or chose the "Remember History" setting.

  • How can I make sure my history doesn't expire and that I can transfer over places.sqlite?

    There's probably alot of questions on this subject asked already but I've gone over just about all of the possibly relevant ones that've been already asked and I still can't figure out what to do. I'm trying to move my complete history from an XP Firefox profile over to a Windows 7 profile on another computer. Do I just do it by copying the places.sqlite file within that XP profile over into my USB flash drive, then replacing the places.sqlite in the Winodws 7 profile with the one from the other one? And after the file's in the right profile will I be able to just view all the sites I viewed on the old computer on the new one's history dialog box? I only am transferring my XP history to my Windows 7 because I want to look at stuff several months back and it keeps expiring on me, even to the point of getting rid of a month of history a week or so ago. This brings me to my other point, I keep up fairly well with updating both of my Firefoxes but recently (and I think this was way, way after they updated the browser so the history isn't set to expire by days anymore) the history just isn't reliable anymore. My XP will not only expire older months of history faster and faster it seems, but individual websites at the end of each month will actually disappear as I view new ones, instead of it all staying in there and just expiring each old month as a whole. Also, random sites in every month scattered all over the list of URLs will just disappear, and random sites that I've only visited in the past couple days will insert themselves randomly into much older months of history, which makes it hard to figure out the URLs I've seen, this last one seems like a common problem from what I've read, and all of these problems seem to be slowly creeping into my Windows 7 as well when they were originally on only my XP. The thing is for a very long time my Windows 7 would keep every ounce of my history that I kept on it, unless of course I went through the Clear History process myself. Now it seems to be slowly deleting it and having all the other problems that I mentioned earlier. I've got 592 GB out of 931 GB that's free space on my Windows 7 that I want to transfer my XP history into, and my Control Panel System panel says I've got 8 gbs of RAM in total. If I need to get some other information on RAM mention how to do that if you could. So in total, how can I transfer my XP history over into my Windows 7 so I can view all the sites I viewed on my XP in my Windows 7 history panel, as well as view all the old expired and/or manually deleted history on my Windows 7, without worrying about whether it will expire itself while I'm viewing it and writing down the relevant URLs that I need to know about. If I can only keep all my history through installing an add-on, a link to a relevant legal add-on that'll work well on both operating systems would be appreciated. Thanks to all here. (:

    Hello Saethwyr99,
    ''Do I just do it by copying the places.sqlite file within that XP profile over into my USB flash drive, then replacing the places.sqlite in the Winodws 7 profile with the one from the other one?''
    you are correct : [ Your important data and their files]
    ''Also, random sites in every month scattered all over the list of URLs will just disappear, and random sites that I've only visited in the past couple days will insert themselves randomly into much older months of history, which makes it hard to figure out the URLs I've seen, this last one seems like a common problem from what I've read, and all of these problems seem to be slowly creeping into my Windows 7 as well when they were originally on only my XP.''
    from Firefox 4 and above versions there is not a time limit for the history.
    Firefox determines automatically how many pages can be kept '''without affecting the performance.'''
    ''as well as view all the old expired and/or manually deleted history on my Windows 7''
    i think this in not possible
    ''If I can only keep all my history through installing an add-on, a link to a relevant legal add-on that'll work well on both operating systems would be appreciated.''
    check the next add-on : [ Expire history by days]
    thank you

  • How to handle BP who is both Customer and Vendor during history import?

    Hi Forum,
    This is for importing Financial transactions for Open Sales Orders, Open Sales Invoices, Open Purchase Orders and Open Purchase Invoices and also for importing history for all Closed Sales Orders, Invoices, Purchase Orders and Invoices.
    Our prospect has in their current system Business Partners who are both Customers and Suppliers (Vendors). In SAP Business ONE, BP is unique. It is recommended I believe in situation where BP is both Customer and Vendor, we need to create two BP Ids.
    How do we import open and history of invoices in this situation where the same BP is both Customer and Vendor? Any tips would help please.
    Thank you all very much.

    Hi Syed,
    As Gordon and Rahul said, it is painful for you if you import closed transactions.
    Try to compromise your client that to use the old system for last year/old reports.
    Its always good practice to import the Opening balance and even the open documents only.
    If you have partially open items, then import the document for open quantities only.
    Let's say, if you have a sale order with an item of 100 Qty. Among that 100 qty, lets 20 qty has been already delivered then you have to create the sale order in SAP for remaining 80 qty only.

  • Invoice payment history report

    I'm looking for a report that will show me the payment history (open items and cleared items) that corresponds to an invoice or a list of invoices. I have played around with a couple of standard SAP reports and I don't find them to be all that pretty or easy to use.
    Does anyone have a custom report that they've built to gather this information and would be willing to share? Or, even better yet, does anyone know of an SAP function module or report that gives this information in a reasonably nice format?
    I am looking for detailed information on each payment if possible.
    Thank you,

    Naimesh, thank you for the quick reply. I have checked out that transaction and it is a good start for me. I'm hoping someone might have located or created a report that is more specific to this particular function that I am thinking of.
    If not, this will work well as a starting point.

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