Aggregator preload slightly confused

I am having a problem trying to figure out the preloader,when
you use the aggregator in Captivate 4. It seems like there are two
preloaders,one for the aggregator and one for the swf file.
If I do not place a preloader on in the project preference
for the swf film when published,a default preloader is shown, when
published in the aggregator. There is no loading percent action
given ,just an image of the default preloader. If I place a
preloader on the swf file when published,when I load it and publish
it in the aggregator,two preloaders are shown,the video one works
showing a percentage up to 30% then shuts off and the still image
of the aggregators preloader is shown.(Even though I placed 100%
for the value of the preload for the swf film) Is this normal? Does
the preloader for the aggregator supposed to show no percentage,
and just an image of the preloader. I am using AS2.

Same here on the preloader issues. You're right about the
preloader having a different appearance in aggregator content
Also, I'm finding that the SWFs are not preloading at all
before they start playing.
I'm using AS3.

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  • Captivate 5 using the aggregator, preloader loops and will not start.

    All videos were created in Captivate 5, AS3 on Windows 7 Professional, Internet Explorer 8.
    I created and loaded a video series using Aggregator to our website on IE8 and it worked great. I needed to revise a slide for audio and made the changes. I republished the videos and loaded them again to our website. But now, the video launches with a pre-loader that just remains on the screen as if it were looping. I have deleted/published/loaded several times, but cannot get the video to play. When I preview the video on my desk it works as expected. The TOC works great-this is why I want to use the aggregator. I have deleted all the published files from my computer and the web site-more than once and started over. Not sure what else to do. I have cleared the pre-loader from the aggregator but it still displays. All videos were created on my local drive and saved to a network drive where I can load them to the web server.
    If I do not use the aggregator, the .htm pages open without a problem however I want to use the TOC. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I have scanned the Captivate Forums looking for a solution to my problem, I can’t find a solution.

    Hi Rod,
    Sorry it is taking me so long to answer you back. I have other projects at work besides videos that I need to get completed.
    The videos series I created, using the demonstration mode (we show them how to use our software i.e.; run a payroll, create a purchase order etc), is a set of 9 videos. There maybe a few of them that are over 50 slides but the whole series is about 30 minutes long. Each of them have audio, no click boxes but I do use highlight boxes. With the Aggregator, I have no pre-loader selected; it just seems to default in.  Once all created and published, I load them to our web site for our clients to view.
    When we were on CP3 and using menu builder I never had any problems linking the videos together, but I really would love to use the Aggregator. When I view it on my desktop, it plays great, the TOC is on the left and I can choose any of the 9 to view. But they will not play on our web site…the preloader just sits there.
    I have a LOT of videos to create/update. Any help is greatly appreciated. I apologize if I am not explaining this well enough.

  • Slightly confused about notify method

    I'm currently studying for the SCJP exam and have 2 questions about the thread notify call.
    (1) Is it possible when a thread owns an object lock, i.e. say in synchronized code, that it can call the notify method on a particular thread. For example, say there are 2 threads, names thread1 and thread2, and thead1 obtains object lock, can it call Thread2.notify()? The reason I'm read conflicting web-pages, saying it isn't possible for 1 thread to notify another thread and it is up to Object to decide which thread to invoke, say must use notifyAll() or notify() call. Is this true?
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    class running extends Thread
         public void run(){
    public class fredFlintStone{     
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              running  thread1 = new running();
              running thread2 = new running();
              //confused here     
              catch(InterruptedException e)

    its best not to confuse terminology here.
    marktheman wrote:
    I ... have 2 questions about the thread notify call.Thread is an object which has a notify() method. However you should never use it. You should only use notify() on regular objects.
    (1) Is it possible when a thread owns an object lock, A Thread holds a lock, see []
    i.e. say in synchronized code, that it can call the notify method on a particular thread. A thread calls notify() on an object not a given thread. (Unless that object is a thread, but don't do that!)
    For example, say there are 2 threads, names thread1 and thread2, and thead1 obtains object lock, can it call Thread2.notify()?It can, but it would fail as you can only call notify() on an object you hold the lock to.
    The reason I'm read conflicting web-pages, saying it isn't possible for 1 thread to notify another thread It is possible but not in any useful way.
    and it is up to Object to decide which thread to invoke,The Object has no say in the matter, its up to the scheduler in the OS.
    say must use notifyAll() or notify() call. Is this true?no.
    (2) Which thread in following code is Thread.sleep() referring to? The javadoc says "Causes the currently executing thread to sleep". You should always check the documentation for asking that sort of question.

  • Hi I am slightly confused with using CSS to control links.

    I have set the Hover,active and visited colour properties.
    the issue is that once a link has been visited the hover colour no longer shows up.
    So I tried removing the visited colour and now even when i hover it is staying the default purpleish.
    please advise on how to keep the links one colour except when hovering

    To get best results in all browsers,  a:active MUST follow  a:hover in the  CSS definition order. A simple memory device for link order is " LiVHA" for link, visited, hover, active.
    a:link {color: #FF0000}     /* unvisited link  */
    a:visited {color: #00FF00}  /* visited link */
    a:hover {color:  #FF00FF}    /* mouse over link */
    a:active {color: #0000FF}   /* selected link  */
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Importing photos to Aperture - slight confusion

    Dear all,
    I am fairly new to Aperture and I have a question to ask. When I used iPhoto to store and manage all of my photos I used to create folders and insert albums inside. For instance I had three major folders assigned to three different years e.g. 2009,2010 and 2011, inside of which I had many different albums. Now, in iPhoto when I wanted to add a photo to already existing album I simply drag and droped it there. As far as I can tell, it is the same with the Aperture, however, for some reason everytime I add a new photo to already existing album in Aperture it automatically created a new Unnamed Project at the top of the folder in which the album was found. Attached is a printscreen describing the question I want to find an answer for.
    I am sory for the poor explanation, but I hope my question makes sense.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    What are your settings in the Import Settings panel - in the File Types brick and Raw and Jpeg pairs?
    Did you exclude any file types?

  • Interfaces...slightly confused =S

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    Basically Iv got a board game that mostly uses just ordinary classes but now im trying to introduce interfaces so that testing can be done easily...However I'm not sure how to go about naming these or even how to set them up properly. For example:
    Currently I have a CardStack class and this is used for objects whenever there is a need for a representation of a bunch of card....if I was to introduce an interface one options would be like so:
    - Have a CardStack interface
    - Have a AvailableCards implement CardStack
    - Have a DiscardedCards implement CardStack
    - Have a PlayerCards implement CardStack
    But now those three implementation use a lot of duplicated code since they have almost the same methods (pop, push, add, remove, get, etc.) so it seems pointless to have this CardStack interface =S might have as well used inheritance instead of an interface no? Or even just stick to how I had it before...I guess another way would be to have a Stack interface and a CardStack implement this Stack interface? But now what will I have as the return types/parameter types that the interface's methods use? They can use
    Card for example but then if I want to implement a PigStack rather than a CardStack I'm doomed.
    So yeh im not too sure on how to go about incorporating interfaces like this...any help?
    Also sorry for the long post!

    kman91 wrote:
    hmm...but I don't see how having getters will make it any better? I mean now your just passing the reference to the private field, essentially giving it full access (just cant overwrite it) now.First of all, you need not provide a setter. For example, it's easily possible that only the Board itself needs to set the variable. In that case you can provide a getter but no setter.
    Also, you can do stuff other than just returning the variable in the getter: you can log access, count access, deny access (by throwing an exception) or returning a wrapper object.
    The thing is there will be alot of methods (and apparently thats a design smell)"Design smell" does not necessarily mean that it's a bad thing, it just means that it's something to investigate (as you're doing it right now!)
    since each card has an action that can be activated that can do a whole variety of things.Really? If each card has an action, then i'd expect a single invokeAction() method on the Card class with multiple different implementatons. How do you have multiple methods on a single class because of this?

  • Confused! Airport or Airport Extreme for M9145

    Hi there folks.
    I'm slightly confused over this one.
    I've read on a number of forums and resellers that my PowerMac G4 MDD 1.25, or more specifically the M9145 is able to take an Airport Extreme card - but then in the next breadth I read that it takes the standard Airport card!?
    Hence me being confused!
    Could anybody out there please confirm to me as to which one it actually requires? Also, any chance of a part number?
    Many thanks in advance.
    Regards, Mark.

    The M9145 comes up as the dual 1.25GHz MDD from 2003. That is, it takes the older, original AirPort card.
    Now the painful part, for the wireless speed the original AirPort card offers, you may as well put a chocolate biscuit in the AirPort card slot. In todays wireless standards, it's really painfully slow.
    You could look at a PCI wireless option, or an Ethernet attached WDS router option. Both would come in at about 50x faster, and probably cost less too. Or live with an Ethernet connection to your router.
    If you're only going to use the MDD for web browsing, rather than connecting to other local computers, and you're not on superfast broadband, then the original AirPort card may be OK.

  • Mutations to update entity store by several versions - confused

    I am slightly confused about how mutations work. We have been working in our development environments making changes to a particular entity as follows:
    Version 1 - deleted a field. It was not marked as a database key. Added a deleter like this:
    new Deleter(XXXXXXX.class.getName(), 0, "xxxxx")
    Version 2 - added a field. It is not marked as a database key, hence incremented version number, but no mutation code.
    Version 3 - deleted a filed. It is not marked as a database key. Added a deleter like this:
    new Deleter(XXXXXXX.class.getName(), 2, "yyyyy")
    This worked fine for multiple deployments in local development environments, but when we tried to deploy to a test environment, we got this error message when trying to initialise the database:
    Caused by: com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.IncompatibleClassException: (JE 4.0.103) Mutation is missing to evolve class: version: 0 to class: version: 3 Error: Field is not present or not persistent: yyyyy
    Mutation is missing to evolve class: version: 1 to class: version: 3 Error: Field is not present or not persistent: yyyyy
    (Note that when upgrading an application in a replicated environment, this exception may indicate that the Master was mistakenly upgraded before this Replica could be upgraded, and the solution is to upgrade this Replica.)
         at com.sleepycat.persist.impl.PersistCatalog.init(
         at com.sleepycat.persist.impl.PersistCatalog.<init>(
         at com.sleepycat.persist.impl.Store.<init>(
    This is not a replicated environment. I had a read through the documentation and don't see anything that prevents us from working like this. Can anyone explain what is going on please?
    Incidentally, in case it matters, this is how the mutations are handled during entity store initialisation:
    EntityModel model = new AnnotationModel();
    entityStore = new EntityStore(......
    Kind regards

    Hi James,
    Mutations must be configured to transform all old versions to the current version. So you also need:
    new Deleter(XXXXXXX.class.getName(), 0, "yyyyy")
    new Deleter(XXXXXXX.class.getName(), 1, "yyyyy")
    I figured this out from the version numbers in the error messages. Note that there are two error messages listed in the exception. The doc explains this in a little more detail, although in very abstract way:
    Mutations are therefore responsible for converting each existing incompatible class version to the current version as defined by a current class definition. For example, consider that class-version A-1 is initially changed to A-2 and a mutation is added for converting A-1 to A-2. If later changes in version A-3 occur before converting all A-1 instances to version A-2, the converter for A-1 will have to be changed. Instead of converting from A-1 to A-2 it will need to convert from A-1 to A-3. In addition, a mutation converting A-2 to A-3 will be needed.When you say this:
    This worked fine for multiple deployments in local development environments, but when we tried to deploy to a test environment, we got this error message when trying to initialise the database:I worry that you're evolving your environment separately on different machines. This won't work. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but if you add mutations and create multiple new versions in a development environment, that sequence of steps won't work for the deployed environment that hasn't gone through the same sequence of steps. Perhaps something like this is what happened.

  • Set Aggregation type of Count Distinct to use correct table aggregation in

    Hi there,
    Currently I use OBIEE , and there is a case where a fact table consist of 2 logical table source: detail and aggregate table, which has some measure using count distinct as aggregation type. The problem is everytime I browse the measure with no dimension at all , it always use detail table not aggegation one..
    Really appreciate for any suggestion ..
    thanks a lot

    I don't think it's the same case as mine. Let say I have 2 table : detail and aggegate
    Detail Table consists 4 fields:
    *) Period
    *) Market
    *) Region
    *) Measure : Customer ID, Sales
    Aggregate Table consists 3 fields :
    *) Period
    *) Region
    *) Measure : Customer ID, Sales
    in the measure I set aggregation type for each field:
    *) Sales >> set as Sum
    *) Customer ID >> copy as "Number of Customer" and set as Count Distinct
    In each LTS' contents I set the level of aggregation using "Get Levels" feature..
    Then I try to browse via Presentation and do some querys belows:
    a) only choose single field of measure : Sales, the session shows that the value is taken from aggregation table and just as I expected.
    b) choose period and sales, the session shows that the values are taken from aggregation table, and still just as I expected.
    c) choose period, sales , and market, the session shows that the values are taken from detail table, just as I expected.
    d) only choose single field of measure : "Number of Customer", the session shows that the value is taken from detail table , this is NOT as I expected. It suppose to take the value from aggregation table..
    e) choose period and "Number of Customer", the session shows that the value is taken from detail table , this is also NOT as I expected. It suppose to take the value from aggregation table..
    I've tried to override the aggregation , but still confuse how to apply in measure "Number of Customer" and did not work at all..
    any idea ?
    thanks a lot

  • JComboBox event confusion: not enough generated? :-(

    I am slightly confused about the events generated by the combobox.
    I have a combobox and and actionlistener registered on it. If I programmatically use setSelectedIndex on the combobox, and event is generated and the actionlistener is triggered. If I do a setSelectedIndex on the same combobox within the code of the action listener, no event is generated, though the index does get updated. Though I am happy it doesn't generate that event, I don't understand why it doesn't. Anyone?

    Instead of using ActionListener you should use ItemListener for combo box. This is an example
    comboBox.addItemListener(new java.awt.event.ItemListener() {
         public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
         try {
         JComboBox box = (JComboBox) e.getSource();
         } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exp) {}
    });Note: Item Listener only listens when you change something in Combo Box. If you click on a combo box, and selects the same value, item listeners doesn't call.
    Hope this helps.

  • Widget confusion

    These widgets seem to be very useful, but I'm slightly confused about what they are, exactly and what standard they adhere to, if any.
    Do they conform to a generic widget standard that can be used with any widget framework in a platform-independent way? Or are iWeb's Widgets specific to iWeb?
    Also, if I wanted to make my own iWeb widget, where should I look?

    what standard they adhere to, if any....
    Do they conform to a generic widget standard that can be used with any widget framework in a platform-independent way?
    none and no.
    Or are iWeb's Widgets specific to iWeb?
    yes, they are very specific to iweb... iweb widgets are special kind of folder/bundle, they have instruction/directive for iweb to recognize them (while in iweb) and add code to the page when publish.
    Also, if I wanted to make my own iWeb widget, where should I look?
    the first place you should look is 'HTML Snippet' widget.
    as with iweb themes and templates, every iweb widget is controlled by an XML file, XML schema is the way to decode XML, and only iweb sw engineers know this schema.
    as of now, there is no instructions, tutorials, tips and tricks or tools to build iweb widgets.
    but you can use Dashcode (OSX Dashboard widget tool) to create iweb widgets.
    give them feedback and ask for tools to make widgets:
    if you like to make your own iweb3 widgets, you should look into:
    XML and inside
    and to build anything meaningful, you should look into: HTML, javascript, css and DOM.
    I'd built many iweb3 widgets with the above method:

  • Confused with default domain policy

    Hello I have a screensaver timeout policy that is enabled on the Default domain policy. It has a very short time value so that administrators lock out quickly
    however for general users in a different OU I created a new policy and enforced it which sets the timeout to be a bit longer.
    but for some reason the winning GPO is always the default domain policy. I looked at the default domain policy and it is not enforced so I am slightly confused why my enforced GPO lower down does not win .
    any idea?

    > but still I don't know what I can do to get it to apply the timeout
    > value overriding the default domain policy timeout value.
    First read through the links I provided.
    Then either link your "override" GPO to the computer OU and give domain
    computers read access, or disable loopback, or choose a totally
    different approach without using loopback:
    Mal ein
    GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    Good or bad GPOs?
    And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

  • Save Options a Bit Confusing

    I've been using LabVIEW for about 7 months now, and am still a bit confused about the save options.  It seems that whenever I modify a sub-VI for my app, the previous sub-VI I created ends up with the same settings that I changed in the newly modified one.
    Example:  I use an existing VI created by Daytronic Corp for monitoring a binary signal.  I change the channel and a few other settings, and name the file oil, saving it in the new folder I created for my app.  Then I close the oil I modified, then close the original, unchanged VI without saving it.  When I create another VI starting with the original, unmodified one again, and save it using the same procedure, but using a different filename (let's call it fuel, oil takes on the characteristics of fuel, although the filename is still oil  So, I end up having to use the "replace" option on the block diagram and select oil as the replacement file.  I have to keep doing this for every sub-vi I create.
    This take a lot of time and is a bit annoying.
    I hope you can understand what I'm saying.  The Save options seem confusing to me, with all the references to keeping a vi in memory, closing the original, etc.  Is there some text or a tutorial online that explains the save options in a simpler, more direct form?  I have even read about it in my book (Labview for Everyone) and it doesn't go into much more detail about how saving the Vis actually works.
    Todd Munsell
    Turbine Engine Test Technician/IT Tech
    Wood Group Pratt & Whitney Industrial Turbine Services, LLC
    Plattsburgh, NY

    Hi Mike,
    Actually, I'm using LV 8.5.  It's the descriptions of the save options that are slightly confusing.  The information about what's left in memory and what's closed and opened is what's got me baffled.
    For example, what, in layman's terms, do each of these options below mean... exactly?  I would think that an option that simply says "Save as path/filename" would be enough.  Then, the renamed, saved file stays open, since that's the one that's currently being used, and the original is closed and left as it was.  Which option (and sub-option) would I choose to do this?
    The number of options below seems a bit excessive, and not very clearly defined, at least to me.   Even the explanation in the book "LabVIEW for Everyone", which is supposed to be for beginners, doesn't do a very good job of describing exactly what each option does.  Thanks again!
    Original file—Displays the path to the open file. You can
    use this field to determine the location of a file on disk.
    Copy—Creates and saves a copy of the file in memory to disk with a name you
    choose. If you enter a new file path or name for the file, the original file on
    disk is not overwritten or deleted.
    Substitute copy for original—Both the original file and the
    new file exist on disk, but the original VI closes and the new VI opens. Use
    this option if you
    want to create a copy of the original file and immediately edit the copy.
    Caution  If the original file has
    calling VIs in memory, this option updates all these callers to refer to the new
    If the original file is in a project
    library or project, this option substitutes the new file for the original in the
    project library or project.
    Create unopened disk copy—Both the original file and the
    new file exist on disk, but only the original file remains open in memory. Use
    this option if you
    want to create a copy of the original file but continue editing the original
    file, for example, if you want to create a backup copy. This option does not update
    callers in memory to refer to the new file. You can update callers manually by
    finding all instances of a
    VI and updating the name of each instance. If the original file is in a
    library or project, this option does not add the new file to the same library or
    Open additional copy—Both the original file and the new
    file exist on disk and are open in memory. You must give the copy a new name,
    because two files of the same name cannot exist in the same application instance
    at the same time. Use this option if you want to create a copy of the original file,
    continue editing the original file, and also immediately edit the new file. This
    option does not
    update callers in memory to refer to the new file. You can update callers
    manually by finding all
    instances of a VI and updating the name of each instance. If the original
    file is in a library or project, you have the option of adding the new
    file to the same library or project by placing checkmarks in the appropriate
    checkboxes. If you place a checkmark in the checkbox to add the copy to the
    library, the checkbox to add the copy to the project is disabled and
    Rename—Renames the file in memory with a new name you
    choose. This option
    closes and deletes the original file and opens the file with the new name, so
    only the new file exists on disk and in memory. Use this option if you want to
    change the name and/or location of the original file.
    Caution  If the original file has
    calling VIs in memory, this option updates all these callers to refer to the new
    If the original file is in a library or
    project, this option adds the new file to the same library or project,
    and removes the original file.
    Duplicate hierarchy to new location— Use this option if you want to
    save the original
    VI and its hierarchy to a new location. You might want to rename the new VI
    hierarchy after duplicating it.
    Message Edited by tmunsell on 08-09-2008 01:54 AM
    Message Edited by tmunsell on 08-09-2008 01:56 AM
    Todd Munsell
    Turbine Engine Test Technician/IT Tech
    Wood Group Pratt & Whitney Industrial Turbine Services, LLC
    Plattsburgh, NY

  • A bit confused...

    I have just received my MacPro, and have installed Logic Pro onto it.I am slightly confused with one thing though... When playing back audio in Logic, it is coming out of the internal speaker? I've been searching, but have failed to find a setting to change the output from the internal speaker to the line out on the back of the machine. I have all other audio coming out of this line out, like iTunes etc, just in Logic it is coming out of this internal speaker. how do I fix this?!

    Thanks a lot for replying again, I really appreciate your help!
    Again, I've been into the Audio-MIDI Utility. Out of the 3 options: "Built-In Output", "Built-In Line-Output", and "Built-in Digital Line Output", I have selected as the default output setting "Built-in Line-Output". Having it on this means that, in iTunes, songs are played out of the Line-Out into my external speakers. However, in Logic, it still comes out of the internal speaker.
    I have tried changing the setting in the Audio MIDI setup utility to the Built-in Output (I presume this is the internal speaker) to see if changing this would reverse the effects in Logic, and therefore have the output of logic come out the Line-Output and onto my speakers, but this isn't it.
    I'm guessing that because the songs in iTunes, for example, play back in the correct way, that the problem is somewhere in Logic itself. I remember there is an Audio configuration when you first install Logic. Might this be it? If it is, I am surprised if this configuration can't be changed at a later date. Either you can't change it, or I just don't know where to look!
    Thanks again for your help, really appreciate it. If anyone has any comments to make please do, I'm really stuck and this is very frustrating!

  • Confused about cover "art" versus cover "page" (ePUB)

    I'm just wrapping up the creation of my first fixed-layout book for the iPad, and treading a vicious circle in my mind over the difference between the cover art as I want my book to be represented within the iTunes Bookstore, and the cover page I see referenced in documentation, books, and sample code.  In designing my book I have images/xhtml for the front and back covers (as you'd see in a printed book), and then I have a cover page within my book that acts as "the first page" to correctly align all following pages to work as two-page spreads.  This interior cover page is intended to look different that the exterior cover page.
    My confusion is in the specification of elements within the package.opf file.  Is the interior cover page for a fixed-layout book supposed to specify as the "cover" in the <spine> and <guide> elements?
    I think my brain is simply freezing around concepts that are probably too simple to grok.

    Sort of... but not entirely.
    I created two versions of my cover: one is simply a jpeg image, while the other is xhtml.  Within the package.opf file I specified the jpeg in the "cover" meta tag, and this image appears on the bookshelf when the book has been loaded into my iPad.  The xhtml version of the cover is the first item specified in the <spine> and <guide> elements so the reader can flip back to a nice full page cover  (and back cover) while reading.
    Where I'm now slightly confused is how the cover dropped into iTunes Producer relates to the cover image jpeg included in the epub file.  Does this image:
    Represent your book within the iBookstore?
    Appear on a reader's bookshelf after the book has been purchased
    For me, this distinction is very important, as my book is a fixed-layout landscape book of photography, and landscape book covers look pretty horrible on the bookshelf side-by-side with portrait books.  As such, I designed a very nice looking portrait version of my cover which acts as the cover jpeg in my epub file.  It looks good on the shelf, but once you start reading the full landscape version of the cover appears (which is what I want).
    I'd also like the full landscape version to appear in the bookstore, but I don't want this to end up replacing what buyers see on their bookshelf.
    Wish there was a little more clarity on how various aspects of a book directly relate to the bookstore.

Maybe you are looking for