Airplay icon in iTunes missing

As the title says the icon is missing. I have IPv6 unchecked so thats not doing the trick. ANyone know how to get the icon back?

This is the work-a-round for now: If you hold down the alt-key and click on "Get info" the old Info-tabs are presented including the videotab. I've sent feedback to Apple on this and so could you.

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    You need Mountain Lion and a compatible modern Mac for Airplay mirroring.  Does your system satisfy Apple's requirements?
    (See feature specific requirements listing Airplay capable Macs).

  • Missing Airplay icon in iTunes

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    Sorry, it is an Apple TV3, not 2

  • Cant get airplay icon in iTunes to display

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    Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring
    even called tech support, reloaded itunes and turned off windows firewall, what next to try.  It works on another pc with similiar config so I know it works in my network , just not on one PC and I really would liek it to.  Wish to see my videos on my apple tv, help please.

    Have you tried another AirPlay "server" on this particular PC to send the audio stream other than iTunes? For example Rogue Amoeba's Airfoil?
    You can download it for free to try it out. If this option works then there must be something amiss with either the iTunes or QuickTime configuration on your PC.

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    There is nothing wrong with Apple and nothing that happens in Cupertino has any affect on AirPlay working for individual users.
    The vast majority of AirPlay issues are the result of a network issue, troubleshoot the network.

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    How do I fix this?

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    Airplay Icon Missing from Itunes on PC
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    Hi. just want to tell you i had the same problem Ipad--->tv working ok iphone---->tv also working ok pc home sharing not working and airplay icon in itunes is missing. iam running windows 7 64bit
    NOW! i can tell you in my case it was nothing to do with your router or antyvirus ip connection.
    my pc is auto updating every sunday and icon has disappeared on monday i realized this fact and i have started uninstalling windows updates one by one after each uninstall i have restarted PC each time always run itunes and check if airplay icon is back. AND THER SHE WAS fiew windows updates uninstalled and icon is back in itunes
    Now i can not remember what Update it was KB28 ..... something i didnt wright it down at the time i hope this will help someone.

  • List of solutions for airplay icon missing in iTunes 11 (windows)

    It seems like there are a lot of problems out there with airplay and iTunes 11.  I think it would be great if Apple or someone were to make some sort of diagnostic tool for airplay.
    I am starting this thread in an attempt to collect some of the various solutions to the airplay problems.  Hopefully, other members of the community will add other solutions that they are aware of.
    Problem: Can't find the airplay icon in iTunes 11 for windows
    1) make sure you are looking in the right place.  The icon will appear to the right of the volume slider in the normal iTunes view.  If iTunes can't find any airplay devices, this icon will not be present and the area will just be blank.
    2) For me (iTunes, I did some system work in Windows 8 64-bit, and installed AdAware, and uninstalled it.  I think this reset my firewall settings.  The airplay icon was missing from iTunes but I was able to do airplay from my iPad over the network.  I searched the start menu for "firewall", started "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security", and in the Inbound Rules list I saw that I had 5 entries that started with "Airport".  2 of them were disabled.  I double clicked on each disabled rule, and changed the action from "Block the connection" to "Allow the connection".  After hitting ok and doing this for both blocked rules, I restarted iTunes and the airplay icon appeared and everything works fine.
    3) A popular solution which has worked for me in the past has been to switch the program to miniplayer view.  There you will hopefully see an airplay icon.  Some people say you should select each of the entries in the airplay list here in order to get them to "stick."  When you switch back to normal view, the airplay icon should remain visible.
    4) I have seen someone update their dd wrt (open source based) router firmware and had the problem go away.
    5) Some have had luck unplugging their airplay device (ie: receiver) for a few minutes and then plugging it back in.
    Please add to this list if you can!

    Windows 7 64bit
    Apple TV (New Shape) / Airport Express 3rd Gen.
    I've had the issue of no Airplay button for the past few weeks. Strangely, it appeared randomly, but never stuck around for too long before disappearing. However, from reading this thread i uninstalled my wireless driver, and reinstalled from a generic windows search, and also installed Apple's Bonjour service (did this one after the other) and restarted my machine. All seems fine now, and the airplay button is there.
    Thank you all so much for your inputs in helping get a resolution. I hope this works for everyone else with the issue.

  • Where is my airplay icon?

    I've lost my airplay icon in itunes.
    I have a mac, ipad and iphone and they are all connected to the same router so is my apple tv. All software is up to date and airplay is activated.
    I have no icon on any of my devices when I use itunes. I can go into control centre on my iphone and ipad and can airplay there no problem. I cannot airplay from my mac.
    If I go into other apps that use airplay such as spotify or instagram then the icon is visible. I also run an old laptop with windows 7 and the icon is visible in itunes when I turn it on
    What can I do
    Any help would be appreciated

    Hi bradley,
    If you are not seeing the Airplay icon in iTunes on your Mac, you may find the following article helpful:
    iTunes: Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring
    - Brenden

  • Airplay issues in iTunes 10.4

    Just about to purchase Lion but still running Snow Leopard.  Upgraded iTunes yesterday though to 10.4.
    Problem is this.  I've got my 1st Gen Apple TV (connected to surround sound) and an Airport Express (connected to speakers) in another room hooked up via Airplay - or at least I did have!
    Now, when I attempt to 'tick' to add these two speakers to the Airplay icon in iTunes it blinks (milli-seconds) as though it's trying to add but then doesn't on either ATV or AE.  These worked beautifully before I updated iTunes.  Is this a known issue?  Would it be rectified (knowing the 10.4 update is geared towards Lion) once I have updated to Lion?
    It's a pain in the rear so if anyone can help I'd appreciate.  I've not really seen same on here so I guess it's just me?!?

    Had the same frustrating issue...  I have (3) Airport Express' and (1) 1st Gen Apple TV.  All was working fantastic until I installed 10.4.  I would select which speaker I wanted and it would display "Connecting to Airplay" (which I had never seen before) - and would think and think and then the dreaded unknown error code -15000 kept popping up.  Then I decided to try and push content via iTouch and iPad and both worked without flaw.  So I decided to reinstall 10.4 again with the same results.  After that, I began suspecting a network issue. 
    I then went into my advanced settings within my Windows (Vista) Security Center - iTunes was selected, and still the same -15000 error code.  After being in my Security Center, and noticed that iTunes Help did not have the the procedure correct, I began looking around and discovered a little note on my Vista Security Center that stated having 2 firewalls can cause some some networking conflicts (I currently have McAfee protection), which also has Firewall protection.  So, after reading that friendly note on the Security Center, I turned off my Windows Firewall, which doing so still noted that I my Firewall was on -- but only via McAfee.  Once I did that - viola - all speakers, including Apple TV connected immediately. 

  • Airplay icon missing on iMac after installing airport extreme

    Can't get my iMac to display the airplay icon after changing to the AirPort Extreme wireless router.
    Previous Setup: 
    Cable Modem ->LinkSys Wireless Router -> AirPort Express for Home Stereo access using Airplay
              Accessed Airplay from iPhone 5S, iPad, iMac - all worked
    NEW Setup:
    Replaced old wireless router with Airport Extreme
    Cable Modem -> Airport Extreme -> Airport Express for Airplay on home speaker system
    Airport Utility (v 6.3.2) see's both the Airport Extreme and the Airport Express
    The Airport Express is in Network Mode of :Join a wireless network.  My AirPort Extreme wifi network is Why Phi
    The Airplay option is selected
    My iMac does not see the airplay option in the menu bar.
    Note:  The Airplay icon used to show up on my iMac before I had the AirPort Extreme. 
    My iPhone 5s see's the AirPort Express for airplay, and plays the music fine.
    The display for my iMac is flagged to show for AirPlay but it doesn't see any devices.
    If you know what I have missed, please let me know!  I loved the AirPlay option from my iMac, and would really like to get it back!

    The AirPlay icon within iTunes appears when iTunes "discovers" that an active AirPlay-ready "speaker" is available on the network. In this case the speaker would be your AirPort Express base station.
    It may be possible that the Express has not properly joined the Wi-Fi network provided by the new Extreme base station.
    Anytime you change networking hardware it is always a good idea to perform a complete power recycle of that hardware. Check out the following AirPort User Tip for details. Please post back your results.

  • HT4325 My Yamaha AV RX-V675 Reciever AirPlay icon will not click on.

    I have just purchased a new Yamaha AV Receiver RX-V675 which is AirPlay capable.  I have everything installed and configured as per directions in the Yamaha manual and according to Window& and iTunes directions.  iTunes AirPlay icon shows the receiver (with a speaker icon).  However when I click to initiate the Yamaha it will not execute nor will a check mark show up.   Everything seems set up correctly as far as I know.  I am looking for help and a solution.  I have updated my firmware on the Yamaha and set up with the following equipment configuration:
    Dell Studio XPS
    Yamaha is on a hard wired network connection
    W7 set up for HomeGroup network and sharing
    Router  - Netgear WGR614v9
    Problem is that the Yamaha AirPlay icon in iTunes will not click on.

    Airplay on Yamaha's models is extremely unstable.
    ​It appears that the Airplay broadcast that's built into the receiver will crash - and it does, often.
    ​That said, you can force the receiver to refresh it's Airplay receiver broadcast by renaming the receiver's network name.
    ​1. Load the receiver's web interface in a browser (if you don't know the IP, you can check it in the network settings menu in the onscreen display).
    ​2. Once you do, you should be able to click the 'Settings' button and rename the network.​
    3. ​Click the Apply button - this should complete the process of renaming the receiver.

  • No airplay icon tunes ios7

    There is no airplay icon in itunes on ios7. I can use airplay if I access it from the control center, but there is no icon in the app itself.
    My other apps have an airplay icon next to the playback control and work as before.
    I called Applecare and they were stumped. I was instructed to provide feedback via itunes which I have.

    If you don't see the AirPlay icon in Control Center:
    1. Reset the AirPlay devices
    2. Reboot the router
    3. Reboot the iPad

  • HT4437 How do I move Air Play icon in iTunes to the Menu Bar?

    How do I move AirPlay icon in itunes to the menu bar on and iMac?

    Why would you want to?
    AirPlay icon in iTunes controls AirPlaying of content from iTunes.
    The only AirPlay icon that appears on the OSX menu bar is that availbale for AirPlay mirroring on compatible machines.

Maybe you are looking for