Airport Express Frustration

I am trying to set up an airport express but I'm not getting very far. The airport express was previously used by a different network in a different house so I reset the express to the factory settings. When I plug the express in it starts flashing amber. When I go to the Airport Setup Assistant or the Airport Admin Utitlity it doesn't show up. I have tried connecting it to my computer using an ethernet cable (which I've tested and works fine using my other router and my cable modem) it still won't show up in the Setup Assistant or Admin Utility. I'm at a loss for what to do or why this would be happening. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

Hi there. I had a very similar problem, although my AX was brand new. I configured the AX using an ethernet cable - it doesn't show up in Airport Admin Utility, BUT I can connect to it's network by going to the Airport icon at the top right of the desktop and selecting the network I created. I hope this helps.

Similar Messages

  • Airport Express frustrations

    Extremely frustrated trying to set up AX.
    Connected my new Airport Express to a wired router, after numerous re-sets & reboots finally got a steady green light. But I was unable to pick up the signal on my laptop or Touch, following all directions on this forum. Took it back to Apple and exchanged for a new unit (techs at Apple couldn't get a signal either)
    So now, with a shiny new AX I'm finally able to recognize the wireless signal, name the base station, set up password. But no green light when connected to my router. Only blinking amber. Have reset, rebooted etc.
    Furthermore, when I try to troubleshoot via the Airport utility I get error 6753 which prevents me from accessing the device.
    Am I destined to failure here, or is there hope?

    So now, with a shiny new AX I'm finally able to recognize the wireless signal, name the base station, set up password. But no green light when connected to my router. Only blinking amber. Have reset, rebooted etc.
    Most likely you were getting the flashing amber status light because you have two routers in series and getting a "double NAT" error.
    I suggest trying the following:
    o Perform a "factory default" reset on the AirPort Express Base Station (AX).
    o Temporarily connect the AX directly to your PC using an Ethernet cable.
    o Reconfigure the AX as a bridge and then restart it to save the configuration.
    o Disconnect the AX from the PC and reconnect it back to the wired router.

  • Airport Express Total Frustration

    I'm totally frustrated.
    I've had my Airport Express for about 3 months. I used it a lot at the beginning, and everything worked fine, but I haven't used it for a while. Now that I'm back trying to use it....
    ...It can't be found by iTunes and it can't be found by Setup, but I can get to it by using "Other" in the Base Station Chooser and typing in it's IP address.
    Here's some background:
    My network is a simple wired Ethernet Setup. My computers and the Airport Express (and Tivos) are connected directly to a Linksys Etherfast router, which is connected to a cable modem. The router is serving DHCP and uses NAT. The Airport Express has wireless disabled -- I'm just trying to use it to stream iTunes to my stereo.
    All my devices are on the same subnet:, where X runs from 1 to 5. My PC is, and the Airport is
    I run Norton Internet Security on the PC, but disabling it doesn't seem to help. I've also plugged in my laptop (not running any firewall software) and it has the same symptoms.
    The only real change to the network has been the router. I had an older version of the same router that finally died (power supply, I think), so I replaced it. I don't think I've done anything unusual (or even interesting) in the router config that's different than before.
    I've tried messing with just about every setting on the Airport Express....
    Any thoughts? This is unbelievably frustrating!
    Dell   Windows XP Pro  

    First of all, I'm the biggest Apple supporter of all time. I have been using Apple computers since 1982, and wouldn't own any other. Having said that, the Airport technology is inferior. It has been inferior since day one, and it is inferior to this day. I have owned the original Airport Graphite, Airport Snow, Airport Extreme, and Airport Express. All were problematic. I spent hours on the phone with Apple tech support... and more hours changing settings, trading in wireless phone systems, boosting signals with multiple Airport Express units, etc... ad nauseum. In my experience, no matter what I did, Airport has always been problematic. Intermittent connections... deteriorating speeds... unreliable connections... weak signals. I switched from b to g and back again. I switched channels... on into the night. I finally hooked up the **** Westell Versalink wireless router that comes free with my Verizon account. Setting it up is a minor challenge because the interface is clunky, but after a ten minute call with Verizon tech support, it is up and running. The wireless connection speeds are double what I was getting with Airport... and the connection is rock steady reliable. I'm sure this post will be deleted by the forum Nazis any second now, but if you're lucky enough to read it before then, and you are frustrated with Airport problems... trust me, the problems will not go away (I have invested five years in trying to solve them). Get a plain old standard issue wireless router and welcome to a whole new world. The Airport technology is just plain inferior, and Apple should admit it once and for all.

  • Airport Express; Seriously unreliable and frustrating. Please Help?

    Hi Guys,
    I'm a bit of a novice with Macs but not to the extent that I can't follow some some simple instructuons !
    I have a 2009 Unibody Macbook Pro running OSX 10.8.5 and use an Airport Express 2nd generation to send music from iTunes to the Express and then a phono cable from the Airport Express to my hi fi. The Express is no more that 2 meters away, yes ONLY two meters away yet it's always been very unreliable.
    I find that when I wake in the morning and switch everything on then double click an internet radio station I have in itunes that the Airport Express will be located after a little while and begin playing sound thorugh to my speakers.
    If how ever I switch everything on and leave it for longer that 3 minute then click an sound file in iTunes that iTunes or Airport Utility can't locate the Express.
    Also if I then switch off the Express and back on after only a short while iTunes or Airport utility still doesn't find it. I find that I have to switch it off for much longer periods then make sure I start playing music in iTunes right away or I'll miss a window of connection if I get one at all or then again the Airport Express wont be detected.
    I've tried a soft re-set and a hard re-set but this doesn't change any thing.
    To me The Airport Express is extremely unrealible and frustrating to use.
    Can any of you suggest what else I could try that would enable to me to more reliably connect and send music to my Airport Express?
    Cheers guys,

    Keeping saying that somthing is a bad product when a) you are not that technical and b) new to mac is not really fair now is it.   I've got 6 Airports in Total - 4 AE 1 time machine and one old Extreme - they all work perfectly together. And the correct network configuration is always tricky. Most people never set it up right.
    We are here to help!
    Personally I have issues with Virgin's Super Hub and resorted to turning off the Wifi and router part of it, so it's just a modem and having an Airport express be a Router and I have 4 others connecting to that.
    Not for your problem... If you don't need the signal boost and are happy with the connection in the house, certainly in the room you are in then just 'Join a network' Way simpler and will not cause possible network conflictions.
    For example if you try and extend a network you can sometimes get double nat errors.   What you don't want it for the Airport AND the BT hub to act as routers on the same network  - you only want one.
    Also, just did some more research on here 'airport and homehub' The BT hub appears to not have Open WDS standards.  So more than likely that is your issue if you are trying to extend the network. May work for a while then fall over.
    Another thing to check is the Wireless security type on your home hub it seems.  Both should be the same.
    WEP  (Avoid!)
    WPA2 - PSK - AES
    WPA - PSK - TKIP
    WPA/WPA2 Personal
    WPA2 Personal

  • Frustrated with airport express

    I recently puchased apple airport express hopnt to replace my netgear wireless router. After many attempts i gave up trying to use it as a stand alone router.It will extend my netgear to another room but wont work alone  i have a Mediacom modem any help on this .please

    Hi Up North,
    I have an airport express connected by ethernet cable to a Netgear modem which is connected to a phone socket. Those devices stay at one end of the house. I can use my MacBook Pro to connect to the internet (by Wi-Fi, no cables) anywhere else in the house. I don't think airport is a stand-alone router. I hope this helps.

  • BEYOND frustrated with airport express/extreme

    first of all, can someone please explain to me the difference between the following:
    1. airport
    2. airport extreme
    3. airport express
    4. airport extreme card
    and with regards to #4: I own a new powerbook (purchased in dec 2005) which apparently does not have a card, but has the wireless receiver built into the motherboard and the ant. built into the screen. but it's still called a "card" apparently.
    the problem is that I have an airport base station located about 15 feet from my powerbook. there is a clear glass window between the two. I simply cannot get the poserbook to show a full signal. I've tried changing the channel on the base, I've tried using interference robustness. nothing works. my signal is firmly stuck at 5 bars less than full.
    my housemate has an old G4 ibook, and his bedroom is farther away from the base station than mine, and he gets a full signal.
    thanks in advance to anyone who can sort this out!

    Thanks, I learned something new. I didn't realize they had changed the wireless on newer PowerBook G4s. You are right that it is not user accessible, however it really is a separate card from the logic board (motherboard).
    The PowerBook G4 (Double-Layer SD) models now use the combined AirPort Extreme/Bluetooth card.
    The module is not user installable.
    The PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) case has been redesigned to remove the AirPort Extreme access door present on previous versions.

  • HP AIO 1315 Printer w/ Airport Express

    Before I buy the Airport Express, is there ANYONE who has gotten this HP all in one to print wirelessly from a Macbook or ibook. If so, can you tell me how, & what drivers? Cups?
    Thanx, my Mac bros.!

    Hi Guys
    I just stumbled across this post cause I've been troubleshooting problems with printing using a new AirPort Express and USB with my HP PSC 1350. I get the same error (9672) using the printer utility. After updating my HP software and print drivers to the latest versions and still no luck, I've been working with HP support on this, and they responded by saying that my 1350 is not designed to use USB printing on a network and that they recommend that I buy a new printer only one with Ethernet capability built in. They won't guarantee wireless USB printing on any of their products with Apple AirPort, even the ones that they advertise work.
    I'm real frustrated by Apple's advertisements that if customers want to print wirelessly, just hook up a USB printer to your AirPort network and your all set. The fine print says to use a "compatible" printer, but what does that mean. So I bought an AirPort Express for the sole purpose of printing and I can't use it. I even went to the local Apple Store, and the clerks there told me that wireless printing using USB for the most part doesn't work and is not recommended.

  • Wireless iBook not connecting to Airport Express

    As in previous discussions i've seen, all of a sudden my iBook which i have used for quite some time now without any major problems will not find my airport express wirelessly, i am using a router and the same connection for my desktop (hardwired) and the desktop works 100%, i've even replaced the cable from the router to my Airport Express and when I take the very same cable that goes from the router to the AE but plug it straight into my iBook it works 100%, but when plugged into the "AE" the iBook is not finding it, or actually it does come up in the list of available wireless ports (I live in new York city so there's a bunch on there at any given time) but it does find mine automatically as it used to, but when I try to connect to it when i find it in the list, it says "There was an error joning the AirPort network"... if i hit 'try again' several times it it will evntually (somrtimes after 3 tries othertimes after 30 tries)... but even after it says in the menue bar that I am connected with 100% strength, nither iTunes Air tunes finds the AE connection nor Safari (which says "You are not connected to the internet.")
    At the browsers suggestion i then go to the network diagnostics and run through the prompts, until it gets to the 'Select AirPort network" window and nothing shows up.
    Then i tried the AirPort Admin utility and it does not find my base station either.
    My connection to the internet is 100% without the AE, so obviously something is wrong with my iBook airport card or the AE itself.
    Yesterday I uplaoded the newest software 6.2 then reset the AE and actually it worked 2 sessions, then I got back on later in the evening and was having all the same problems...
    so I read on these discussions that going back to 6.1.1 was what was helping others, well so far it has made no difference here.
    that said the signal that it did find after trying again and again and that does show up in the pulldown signal menue drops off eventually... and all this while still not being able to connect to the internet or airtunes wirelessly. and again all the while my connection on my desktop (hardwired through the same router) works 100% (I have verizon DSL and it's pretty great.
    I have not done a 'hard 5 second re-set" of the AE becuae i thought it might be difficult to imput all the settings all over again, since i did not set it up myself originally... is this my only choice? can some one give me any other ideas? thank you.

    I feel your pain buddy - same issue here. I have a PG G4 running AE as well. I have internet through Comcast which is coming from the wall, into the modem, and then to the AE. I have faced similar problems as you at least twice in the past three days. Tonight I went to check my e-mail after reading for a couple hours and my drop-down showed a check next to my network, the AE status light was green, and it looked fine. However, when I went to check e-mail I was not connected and same thing with internet. I finally launched Airport Admin Utility and my base station did not show up in the source list - hmmmm?
    I am a little concerned about this myself because it is frustration. If you push the reset button on your base station while it's still plugged into power and hold it down for five seconds it will go through a "hard" reset (keep in mind this is not the same as a "factory default" reset). Have you done this before? It takes about 45 seconds. When done and the status light is back to green, you can join the Apple network _______ (some strange numbers) from your airport drop down and then launch Apt. Admin Utility. When you double click on your base station from the admin utility it will come up with a list of profiles. It will allow you to select your previous saved profile from a list. Click on your previous profile, click OK, and the AE will reset with your previous settings. This has gotten mine back up and running, but it's a littl disconcerting that it's happened so much
    Any other thoughts out there? Anyone else having these problems and have suggestions for troubleshooting?

  • Why do I need to reset my Airport Express multiple times a day?

    I purchased an Airport Express (AE) in 2008.  Ocassionaly since I've owned the device, I've had a problem connecting to it via iPod touch, iPhone, Macbook Pro, Macbook, etc.  I would see the AE in my wifi router list, I just couldn't connect to it.  I simple reboot always seemed to fix the problem.  As time has passed, I found myself having to reboot it more and more often.  Within the past few months, it seems to be a daily occurance.  Within the past couple weeks, I've had to reboot it multiple times a day.  I have also performed a facory reset via the button and via airport utility - neither seem to affect the issue.
    I like the AE for the simple fact that it has AirTunes abilities, this is quite frankly the only reason I have it.  I would like to replace it, but I fear another unit would have similar issues.
    Is anyone else having these same problems on a 2+ year old AirPort Express?  if so, is there a fix action?  thanks.

    Hi, I'm having the same problem and have to reboot my Airport Express at least once a day. It is extremely frustrating.
    Firmware is 6.5
    Hopefully someone can help us

  • Need help setting up WiFi - Xfinity with Network Switch, Time Capsule, Airport Express and Apple TV

    Hello - I recently got Comcast Xfinity service.  We had switched from a different service.  Our wifi service was never great, but prior to Xfinity, it worked decently.  But now that we have Xfinity, our wifi is much worse and very unreliable.  I am seeking advice on how to setup my various Apple wifi devices in my home.   I have attached a diagram that illustrates what I am dealing with.  We have a large old house with stone walls.  Comcast does not support this issue. 
    To explain the attached diagram, we have a total of 4 levels in our house - an unfinished basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor, and 3rd floor.  The Xfinity router is in the basement and it is connected to a NetGear 10/100 network switch.  I already have ethernet cables running from the network switch in the basement to various locations throughout the house.  So I have ethernet connected to my time capsule and ethernet connected to each of my 3 Airport express devices.  The dark lines running from the network switch to the various devices represents ethernet cable.
    The immediate problem that we are having is that we are unable to connect to our wifi networks.  The networks show on my mac laptop and my iPhone, for example, but I am unable to connect.  I know that I am inputting the correct password, but most of the time, we cannot get in.  Sometimes we can..... Very frustrating!  Also, due to the fact that I setup what I have over several years, I have multiple network names.  I once tried to fix that issue, but was unable to tackle it due to my lack of understanding.
    Here is what I am looking to accomplish:
    1. Seamless wifi access throughout our house.
    2. One name for our wifi network.  Right now we have multiple names for multiple networks.  Just want to simplify and have only one network.  (I guess that an additional "guest network" would be ok, but not absolutely necessary.
    Also, if you think I should disable the Xfinity wifi, and just rely on my mac wifi devices, I am perfectly fine with this.  Just tell me how to do so.
    I have no idea how where to start or how to set this up.  I imagine that I would need to disconnect everything and reset and start from scratch?  Can someone tell me what I should do?  Even general advice would be helpful, but the more specific, the better, given my limited understanding.  Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    Your photo link is not working. Click on the camera icon to load an image. (Shorten the name of the file to something like WifiNetwork.jpg)
    Potential Quick Fixes When Your iPad Won’t Connect to Your Wifi Network t-connect-to-your-wifi-network/
    Wi-Fi Fix for iOS 6
    iOS 6 Wifi Problems/Fixes
    How To: Workaround iPad Wi-Fi Issues
    Another Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems
    Wifi Doesn't Connect After Waking From Sleep - Sometimes increasing screen brightness prevents the failure to reconnect after waking from sleep. According to Apple, “If brightness is at lowest level, increase it by moving the slider to the right and set auto brightness to off.”
    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
    Did iOS 6 Screw Your Wi-Fi? Here’s How to Fix It
    How To Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue After Upgrading To iOS 6 to-ios-6.html
    iOS 6 iPad 3 wi-fi "connection fix" for netgear router
    Apple's iOS 6 Wi-Fi problems
    How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal tm
    Troubleshooting a Weak Wi-Fi Signal nal.htm
    How to Fix a Poor Wi-Fi Signal on Your iPad n-Your-iPad.htm
    iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks
    WiFi Connecting/Troubleshooting
    How to Fix: My iPad Won't Connect to WiFi -To-Wi-Fi.htm
    iOS: Connecting to the Internet
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Connect iPad to Wi-Fi (with troubleshooting info)
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue
    How To Fix iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings grayed out or dim
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

  • 'Jobs Stoppped' - Airport Express and Canon IPB-1120

    Hello all,
    I am running a PB 12 inch 10.4.7 and printing to a Canon IPB-1120 directly connected to USB, all working great.
    I have now an airport express, which i have set up to extend my current wireless network which is made up of a d-link ADSL modem/router with one ethernet port which is connected to an airport base station which then is the connected via ethernet to a PC. I used to share this printer using bonjour with the PC and mac.
    The airport express has found the printer, identified it and i have added it using 'print and fax' system preference. When i try and print to it all i get a 'jobs stopped' in the printer dialogue box. I try to start the jobs again and get the same result.
    I have deleted the printer and re-added it numerous times. Something strange though is when i display the 'printer list', where it was connected directly it displays 'canon ibp-1120' under the 'kind' heading, but for the wireless one it says 'canon generic'.
    Can you help me iFelix?

    I don't have any solutions, but I am having the same problem with a Windows 7 laptop and a Canon iP4200 printer attached to an 802.11g Airport Express. My Macbook prints to the printer quickly and efficiently but when I print from the Windows machine it waits for minutes before finishing the last page. Very frustrating.

  • Murder on the Airport Express (AE 1st Gen cannot find Wireless while plugged in in the same room as the modem, router and Time Capsule

    First, the reason for my compounded frustration:
    I wrote a lengthy, comprehensive post on this late last night.  I submitted it and received a notice at this URL:
    It gave a message:  "A yellow sticky bearaing the words, "We'll be back soon."  and a typed message reading, "We are busy updating Apple Support Communities for you and will be back shortly."  Needless to say, it never came back.  This morning as I began trying to reconstruct the very detailed post I wrote last night, the Communities system offered me an opportunity to restore the post from last night.  Sadly, it contained only a portion of the first line.
    I'm going to try it again.  The problem inherent in putting it all in words last night, is that I no longer remember the exact wording of the error messages.
    I've never gotten this Airport Express (1st gen, purchased mid 2010) to work.  I thought it was working, but working poorly.  A green light on the device is, apparently, NOT an indication of connection to the wireless.  It wasn't workingl.
    Description of devices which use the network:
    I have a Broadband network with a modem. 
    It is connecteed to my 2T Timecapsule (purchased mid 2010). 
    Connected to that is a 24 port Cisco Router. 
    Not connecting to that, though showing a solid green light, is my Airport Express (1st Generation, purchased mid 2010)
    Connected to the router are many ethernet cables giving hard-wired access to:
    Printers (HP 8600 Pro purchased 2012))
    MacBook Pro (purchased mid 2010) and
    IMAC (purchased mid 2010).
    3 Apple TV devices (1st generation purchased early 2011)
    1 Apple TV device (2nd generataion purchased August 2012)
    Connecting to the Wireless Network are IOS devices (current IOS versions on all)
    iPad 2nd generation (purchased the day it was available) 
    iPad 3rd generation (purchased the day it was available)
    iPod (mid 2010)
    iPhones (4S)
    Description of Layout of Network/House
    My home is approximately 70 feet by 25 feet. 
    All Networking hardware is at one end of the house, the south side.
    Airport Express (1st Gen, 2010) has been placed in the middle of the house to boost the wireless access at the north end of the house.
    Ethernet cables are installed under flooring with cable ends extending up through flooring, and are availble to all devices with Ethernet ports..
    Description of Problem
    Investigation of the wireless access dysfunction with the iPad (2nd generation, mid 2010)  revealed no connection to the Wireless Network, in spite of glowing green light on Airport Express and Airport Utility screen.
    Description of actions taken to correct the problem
    Loaded Airport Utility on MacBook Pro.
    Airport Express shows green light on screen.
    Double clicked on Airport Express Icon
    Message that Airport Express was unable to extend the network
    Message changes suddenly to something about not finding the Airport Express
    Airport Utility searches Airport Express, attempting to read its settings
    Message appears:  Device not found.  Airiport Express was previously part of the network, and offers to let me "forget" the base station.
    I exit the error message.
    A yellow triangle bearing an exclamation point sits to the left of the Airport Express' Description
    Airport Express shows green light (as always)
    Clicking the link, "Other AirPort Base Stations" indicates no base stations can be found.
    Moved Airport Express to the room at the south end of the house containing all network devices
    Plugged it in with clear, completely unobstructed view of Time Capsule.
    Light on Airport Express flashes yellow and then turns solid green (like always)
    Bring Mac into the room at the south end of the house containing all network devices and the Airport Express with the green light
    Close Airport Utility on Mac
    Reboot Mac
    Open Airport Utility on Mac
    Airport Express still shows as it did in 1.1.7. above.
    Attempts to check Airport Express' access to Wireless network:
    Unplugged Airport Express HEY!  THE GREEN LIGHT WENT OUT!!!  ;0)
    Disconnected all Ethernet cables.
    Tested ALL devices for Wireless access.
    All devices access the Wireless network extremely well (dot and three curved bars) EXCEPT
    IOS Devices tested at the north end of the house. These devices show a blank where the wireless bars should be, and intermittently show a dot.
    Followed instructions contained in a similar discussion about Airport Express not functioning:
    Unplugged all Networking Hardware
    Powered off all Equipment which access the Internet in any possible way.
    Powered up all Networking Hardware, one at a time, in the order described in that discussion.
    Powered up all Equipment which access the internet, one at a time.
    Tested ethernet cablingAll equipment functioning.
    Tested Wireless access:
    Removed all ethernet cabling
    All devices, including IOS devices, access the Wireless Network perfectly EXCEPT any placed in the north end of the house.  Those perform exactly as they did in step 3.3.2.
    Connected all ethernet cabling.
    Plugged Airport Express into socket in the Network Hardware room at the south end of the house.  I get exactlyt the same results as before.  The lovely green light glows on the Airport Express.  Airport Utility reports Airport Express cannot find the Wireless network and also says there are no base stations connected to the internet.
    Still in Network Hardware room, I attempt to find other base stations by cabling the Airport Express to the MacBook Pro
    Airport Utility shows Airport Express with a green light
    I double click the Airport Express Icon
    Box says connection is average and status is (green light) Extended Network.
    I click Edit
    I go through each tab.  I note that in the Wireless tab, the Network Mode is as I had set it, "Extend a wireless network".
    Under the Network tab I note that "Enable Access Control" is as it should be, NOT selected. 
    Under the AirPlay tab, I note that "Enable airPlay" is selected.
    I click cancel and leave the Edit screens.
    Curious to know if Airport Express can find the Wireless network now that the device claims to be functioning as an extended wireless network, I disconnect the ethernet cable from the Airport Express.
    I watch the Airport Utility screen closely.  Nothing is happening.
    With bated breath, I double click on the Airport Express icon.
    The popup box shows "extended wireless network"
    I click on edit and we start the whole mess over again.  (See 1.1-9. above)
    Curious to know if cabling the Airport Express to the iMac (almost to middle of house) will offer hope and prosperity to IOS devices at north end, I unplug the Airport Express and carry its now-exhausted little body to the iMac, ethernet cable in hand.
    As I unplug the iMac from its ethernet access, I'm informed by Cranky Boy that no way is he going to accept that as a reasonable solution to his problem.  He will not live wireless while even one ethernet cable is poking up through a floorboard.
    Cranky Boy is reassured when informed that, though the Airport Utility shows the Airport Express connected, merely double clicking on the icon produces the same result as laboriously described in 1.1-9. above.
    After quieting Cranky Boy by reconnecting the iMac to the Ethernet, I return the Airport Express to the Network Hardware room.
    Again, curious to know ...  I reconnect the Airport Express to the MacBook Pro. I want to know if it will exrtend the Wireless network from its position one foot from the Wireless Network.
    I close and reopen Airport Utility (as I always do, but forgot to write)
    I click on the Airport Express icon (which bears a little green light like the other big boys).
    BUT THIS TIME, when I click on the Airport Express icon, the pop-up box says my connection is Excellent, the green light status shows, "Extended Network" and clicking on "Extended Network" produces the same old `Airport Express was unable to extend the Wireless Connection. 
    I click on the Edit option. 
    I buzz through all the tabs.  I cancel instead of update, leaving everything as it was (as I did the first time)
    I decide to go back into edit and select "Internet Options" under the "Internet" tab.
    Since I have no idea whatsoever as to what IPV6 is and what it governs, I decide to configure IPV6 to Automatically Connect and then, with a whole new set of opportunities, I leave IPV6 Mode set to "Tunnel" and then I learn that I will get to see what happens when  "Enable IPV6 Connection Sharing" is enabled.
    I check the other tabs to see if anything has changed in their menus
    Jesus Saves and so did I. 
    Apple updates and so did I.
    I am warned that my device and its network services will be temporarily unavailable if I continue. 
    It seems unaware that I am laughing uncontrollably at the suggestion that my device and its services will be TEMPORARILY AVAILABLE.  What?  An improvement in performance is warned?
    Life continues and so do I.
    I breathe deeply to decrease my adrenaline.
    Airport Utility flashes a red warning next to the Airport Express Icon and then quickly rethinks the matter and decides to show it as connected.
    I click on the Airport Express Icon.  This time my connection is only "good".
    I click on Extended Network. With a new-found consistency it informs me that my device is unable to extend the Wireless network and it chats with me about using the same Wireless password for my device that is used for the Wireless network access.  I did.  It is.
    I change my settings back to the way they once were, I save like Jesus and Update like Apple
    I decide to go back into Edit and modify the settings under the Wireless tab, changing from "Extend Wireless Network" to "Join Wireless Network".
    I save.
    I click on the Airport Express Icon.  My connection has degraded further to "Average"
    I click on edit just to see what will happen, but no further information is forthcoming.  Settings are as I left them.
    I wonder if the Airport Express would extend itself now that it has joined the Wireless Network.
    I click the Airport Express Icon.
    I click Edit
    I change the Network Mode from "Join a Wireless Network" to Extend a Wireless Network. Unfortunately, there was no option for "don't forget where the Wireless Network is!"
    I am still "unable to extend the Wireless network"
    I disconnect the Airport Express from my MacBook Pro.
    After closing and opening Airport Utility, I sit and stare at the Airport Express Icon.
    It has no light or error messages
    It has a yellow triangle with exclamation point
    It has no light or error message
    It has a yellow triangle with exclamation point
    I finally decide to see what THIS error messages says.  It says Device Not Found.  Patti Harada's AirPort Express was previously part of your network.  Check that it is still in range of your network and is plugged into a power outlet.  Click Forget to remove this base station from this network."
    I click "Forget".  Airport Utility has forgotten the Airport Express ever existed.  It has also forgotten how to find it again.
    I, however, am unable to forget how much I shelled out for this POS and fear I will never recover from working this intensely and tediously on documenting something so hideously inconsistent in its test results.
    I wonder if I should recable the Airport Express to my MacBook Pro
    I decide I've had about enough.
    I document this ad nauseum in the hopes that someone can read it THOROUGHLY and offer me a solution to my problem.  What is my problem?  I am so busy fighting off Alligators that I forgot I only came in to drain the swamp!  Ah, but I remember now:  Cranky Boy can't watch Netflix on his iPad (2nd generation) in the north end of the house.
    Any solution that works will do.  I'll buy another piece of whatever kind of equipment you think best.

    Well, aren't you all that and a bag of chips!!!!
    Oh what a relief!  What a RELIEF!  
    That just cleaned up my life.  And Cranky Boy is actually smiling!!!
    Houston, we've got dots AND BARS!!!
    P.S.  All my firware and software are always current.  If I spent as much time looking for a reset button as I spend checking for software updates, I mighta not needed to work at this!!!!
    P.P.S.  Airport Utility shows Cranky Boy's iPad as the Airport Express' Wireless Client!!!   Who knew?
    Thank you so much, m'Lord.  I am in your debt.  What would you have me do?
    Patti in Tucson AZ

  • MacBook Pro can't find AirPort Express base station

    My friend gave me an AirPort Express and I've set it up as a base station before. But the other day it was having problems and I reset it. Since then I have not been able to set up a base station. When I try to set up a new base station through the AirPort Setup Assistant I get the message "The AirPort Setup Assistant was unable to find your base station." I have tried soft resets, hard resets, and even factory resets, but I can't get the base station set up. Any suggestions?
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I face a similar problem - the default name of the Airport Express is shown, Internet-Access works, but no way to administrate the Station - it is "not found", although it displays the name of it before. Frustration!

  • How to set up an AirPort Express using static IP with internet provider limitations?

    I am trying to set up an Airport Express to act as a wireless router (for multiple users to use) and I have some limitations with my ISP ISP provider restricts access to the internet for each device by only providing/issuing one IP address to one device (so they charge extra for multiple attached devices). So only one device can access internet via an IP address (they link the device's MAC address to that specific IP address, therefore limiting internet to only one device).
    My ISP provider has provided me with the following info:
    - IP address
    - Subnet Mask
    - Router Address/Gateway
    - DNS servers (4 were provided)
    - domain name
    I was trying to work around the ISP provider so I don't get charged using multiple devices so I was configuring my Airport Express with the info provided (ie-IP address, subnet mask, etc.) by configuring the IPv4 "manually" using a static IP. After plugging in this info using AirPort Utility, I was able to get access to the internet through wifi/Airport but only if the bridge is disconnected and only with one device at the time (trying to use another device to access the WIFI from the Airport Express gave me the error "can't access the internet because the IP address" is already in use by another user).
    I tried different angles such as changing the router mode to 'DHCP and NAT' (which doesn't yield any access to the internet on any device; I get the amber light blinking on the Airport device). When attempting to change the DHCP range, I get an error saying "the range provided doesn't work" (not exact wording).
    The only other thing I haven't tried is to supply my ISP provider with the MAC address of the Airport Express device. Does anyone know if this would work and, if so, would I be able to use my Airport Express as a wireless router?
    Unfortunately, I can't switch ISP providers as this provider is the only one I can use in the area (so frustrating!!) so I have to try to work around the system. Please help!!
    Note: my Airport Express is the new model (I bought it a few weeks ago) and I have tried connecting to it using Airport Utility version 6.3.2 with Mac OS X 10.9.4 and OS X 10.9.2

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If your PC hasn't got a disc drive, download AirPort Utility from the Apple website to set up the AirPort Express >

  • Problems connecting Canon MP780 to Airport Express

    I am at a complete loss.
    Here is my problem ; my Airport Express turns down everytime I connect my MP780 printer to its USB port.
    I am working on a Imac G5, running OS X Tiger 10.4.3, I am connecting to internet via an Ethernet modem via PPPoE and Airport Express (Airport 4.2)
    1/Cannot set up the Airport Express as long as the printer is connected to the USB port : the Airport Admin Utility freezes.
    2/I can set up the Airport Express and connect to Internet as long as the USB port is free, but as soon as I connect the printer to the USB port, Airport Express shuts down, restarts & gets reinitialized all by itself.
    Does any have an idea of what is going on?

    Thought that fellow Canon MP780 users would find this reply from Canon just as frustrating as I did. Time for a manufacturer change.....
    Canon E-mail Reply:
    Thank you for writing to us about your PIXMA MP780. We value you as a
    Canon customer and appreciate the opportunity to assist you.
    Canon does not directly support sharing or networking the printer using
    Apple's Airport base station or access point for wireless printing.
    should refer to the setup information and directions provided with the
    Airport. The printer should generally be set to print to Rendezvous
    which handles communication with the Airport and printer.
    With this said, many Mac users share and successfully print with their
    Canon printers using the Airport, but it should be noted that Canon
    not support printing unless the printer is directly connected to a
    USB port on the Mac. If you are having an issue printing when using
    Airport, you should retry printing with the printer directly connected
    to the USB port on the Mac.
    Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance with your
    PIXMA MP780.
    Thank you for choosing Canon.

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