Airport Express getting priority over Extreme

Hi guys,
So i have both an airport express and extreme. The Express is extending the network of the Extreme to the rest of the house, which is exactly what i want it to do, however; where i am in my room i get perfect connection to the Extreme but for some reason i get connected to the Express' network.
This is a problem because the Express' network is significantly slower for downloading (about a 7th of the speed) than the Extreme. So i was wondering if there was a way to get the Extreme to have connection priority over the Express even though they are technically the same network?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

Welcome to the discussion area, Julian!
So i was wondering if there was a way to get the Extreme to have connection priority over the Express even though they are technically the same network?
Unfortunately, no. Your computer will automatically connect to the wireless point that has the best signal strength...not necessarily the fastest speed.
You may want to experiment with the placement of the AirPort Express to see if you can improve the speed on the network. Most users place the AirPort Express much too far away from the main router.
A good starting point would be a location this is about 1/2 the distance between the main router and the area that needs more wireless coverage. The important thing to remember here is that +the Express can only "extend" what it "receives"+. It does not "boost" the signal. So, if you have it located where it receives a slow signal, that is what it will extend.
So, you wind up with a strong "low" signal if the Express is located too far away from the main router.
Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

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    Thanks for the info.
    I assume that the AirPort Extreme is setup and working at this point.
    Work with one AirPort Express at a time to get them all configured, and then you can locate them where they will be needed.
    AirPort Setup will configure the Express devices to "extend a wireless network" using Ethernet, so they will be broadcasting the same wireless signal as the AirPort Extreme and provide more wireless signal coverage as well.
    I have yet to meet the first person who thought that they had too much wireless coverage, but you would have the option to turn off the wireless on the Express if you wanted. Most users like having extended wireless for their devices.
    Temporarily, move an Express close to the AirPort Extreme
    Connect a spare Ethernet cable from one of the LAN <-> ports on the Extreme to the WAN "O" port on the Express
    Power up the Express for a few minutes
    Hold in the reset button on the back of the Express for 10 seconds and release. Allow a full minute for the Express to restart to a slow, blinking amber light.
    Click the Airport icon at the top of the Mac's screen and wait a few seconds for AirPort Express to appear just under the listing of New AirPort Base Station
    Click directly on the AirPort Express
    AirPort Setup will open up automatically and take a minute to analyze the network, then announce that the Express will be configured to extend the AirPort Extreme network.
    Enter a device name that you want to use....example.....Express1.....and click Next
    AirPort Setup will configure everything for you. Notice that the message will say that the Express is being set up to extend using Ethernet. When you see the message of setup complete, click Done.
    Now you can move the Express to the remote location where it is needed, hook it up to the Ethernet connection there, power up the Express and set up AirTunes on the device.
    AirTunes is enabled by default, to other than make the speaker connection, you won't have much to do on that.
    Set up other Express devices the same way, except assign a different name to each device....example....Express2, Express3, keep things organized.

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    How could I fix this, since I think it's not possible to fix the source on the device just the network but I want the network in the house to be the same and not having two different SSIDs. Shall I install a ironwall between one of the stations
    the new Airport Express 2Generation with the latest Firmware 7.6.2
    the new Extreme base Station with latest Firmware 7.6.2
    Thanks for your imput.

    I had to get sure that a whole house of a friend was able to connect to the same wifi-network with apple Airport Express and Extreme.
    There are two Extreme base stations and 4 Express installed, all (but one) are getting the signal out of a Ethernetcable and create the signal itself with the same SSID and password. That works.
    The one which has no acces to a Ethernetcable is extending the signal of the other Stations. Now the problem is, this station is kinda in the middle of two Airport Express base stations, now it switches the source signal and after a while it's not available anymore. On this Express is the Soundsystem, so it's quite annoying when the sound suddenly stopps.
    How could I fix this, since I think it's not possible to fix the source on the device just the network but I want the network in the house to be the same and not having two different SSIDs. Shall I install a ironwall between one of the stations
    the new Airport Express 2Generation with the latest Firmware 7.6.2
    the new Extreme base Station with latest Firmware 7.6.2
    Thanks for your imput.

  • Airport connection taking priority over Ethernet

    There have been similar posts about this, one of which is marked as answered so I can't reply to that.
    I am running within my company and may Macbook is connected via Ethernet to the network. I have a Time Capsule doing wireless backups. The Time Capsule is also connected to the network via Ethernet to provide me with a personal WiFi point (so I can use if with my iPad etc).
    However I noticed that wireless connection is taking priority over the wired Ethernet, effectively making the Ethernet wired connection to my Mac redundant. Whilst this doesn't really result in a massive performance issue, it would be best to use Ethernet whenever connected.
    I checked System > Network > Set Service Order and Ethernet is above AirPort.
    Any ideas?

    Welcome to the    Discussions
    I read this as no-one seemed to have made a reply.
    I ma not sure I have the answer but I do have some questions.
    Those answers may provide some insight to someone that can help.
    Are you saying that effectively you have a Modem and possibly a router that serves the computers at your company ?
    Separate from this a Time Capsule is also on this Network.
    You say Wireless backups.
    Does this mean the Setting in System Preferences > Network differ between the Airport Card settings and the Ethernet Card Settings ? (Different "router IP" Listed)
    Could you explain how the Computer is therefore doing Wireless backups ?
    If you are Ethernet to the regular router and then Ethernet from there the to the Time Capsule I don't see how it was set up for Wireless.
    Was the Time Capsule set up to Extend the regular Network ? (Join an existing Network or if set up manually, the drop down in the Internet pane read "Bridge (Off) Mode")
    The System Preferences > Network Settings would be the same except for the Airport Cards IP Address and the Ethernet card's IP address in this case.
    From there where are you getting the info that the Wifi/Airport card is taking priority ?
    Setting the Sort Order needs you to Drag things down the List or only up to second place (you cannot drag to the top directly).
    You do seem to be saying that you have achieved this.
    The Mac Help on this does not say that one will override the other - just that it will try the top one first.
    10:01 PM Wednesday; March 23, 2011

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    Does anyone know how I can restore the correct functioning of the express as an extension of the wifi network?

    Perform the Factory Default Reset one more time. Hold the reset button until the amber light has been blinking rapidly for 8-10 seconds before you release the reset button
    Run the setup wizard, and wait for screen similar to this to appear, then click on Other Options:
    Select the Add to an existing network option, then click Next and follow the prompts.
    If you are still having difficulty, try running the setup utility on an iPhone or iPad, since Yosemite has a number of bugs in the setup process.

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    3rd: I have a second Airport Express that I would like to plug in at a remote end of my house on the second floor to extend my network even further. It is currently hardwired and I can see it in Airport Utility. The SSID is "Unstable Network Extender 2". The setting are the same as the other Airport Express. It shows up as IP address What should they be to extend the network.
    Thank you in advance to anyone that can clearly spell out what my setting should be. I am non-technical for the most part, but was technical enough to set up my Airport Extreme but can't figure out how to extend everything.

    Since you will have a mix (802.11g/802.11n) AirPorts, and that you want to "daisy" chain the two AirPort Express Base Stations (AX) to extend the wireless network, you will need to configure the three of them for a static Wireless Distribution System (WDS).
    Here are the basic steps to do so:
    (Note: To facilitate the WDS set up, place the base stations within near proximity of each other during the set up phase, and then relocate them to their desired locations when complete. In this case, I suggest that you temporarily connect both AXs to the 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn) by Ethernet. Also, jot down the AirPort IDs (MAC addresses) for each of the base stations to be used in the WDS. The AirPort ID and is printed on the label on the bottom/side of the base station.) Finally, I strongly suggest that you perform a "hard" reset on the AEBSn and "factory default" resets on the AXs to get them back to their original "out-of-the-box" configurations before you start.)
    For reference in this setup:
    o AEBSn = main base station
    o AX#1 = relay base station
    o AX#2 = remote base station
    Main Base Station Setup - AEBSn
    o On the Mac click the AirPort status menu in the menu bar and choose the wireless network created by AEBSn.
    o Open AirPort Utility (located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder on a Macintosh computer, or in Start > All Programs > AirPort on a computer using Windows).
    o Select the AEBSn, and then, choose Manual Setup from the Base Station menu.
    o Click Wireless in the toolbar, and then, choose “Participate in a WDS network” from the Wireless Mode pop-up menu. (Note: You may have to hold down the <Option> key before making this selection to get the WDS option.)
    o Click WDS, and then, choose “WDS main” from the WDS Mode pop-up menu.
    o Select the “Allow wireless clients” checkbox if you want client computer to connect to this base station.
    o Click the Add "+" button and enter the AirPort ID of the relay base station - AX#1.
    o Click Update to send the new settings to the base stations in the WDS.
    Relay Base Station Setup - AX#1
    o In the AirPort Utility select AX#1, and then, choose Manual Setup from the Base Station menu.
    o Click AirPort in the toolbar and click Wireless. Choose “Participate in a WDS network” from the Wireless Mode pop-up menu, and choose the same channel as the AEBSn from the Channel pop-up menu.
    o Click WDS and choose “WDS relay” from the WDS Mode pop-up menu.
    o Enter the AirPort ID of the AEBSn in the Main AirPort ID field.
    o Click the Add "+" button and enter the AirPort ID of AX#2.
    o Click Update to transfer the new WDS settings to the relay and remote base stations.
    Remote Base Station Setup - AX#2
    o In the AirPort Utility select AX#2, and then, choose Manual Setup from the Base Station menu.
    o Click AirPort in the toolbar and click Wireless. Choose “Participate in a WDS network” from the Wireless Mode pop-up menu, and choose the same channel as the AEBSn from the Channel pop-up menu.
    o Click WDS and choose “WDS remote” from the pop-up menu.
    o Enter the AirPort ID of the AEBSn in the WDS Main field.
    o Click Update to transfer the settings to the base station.
    (ref: Pages 42-46 of "Designing AirPort Networks.)

  • I have an iPad 2 connected to airport express so that I can play and change music whilst I am teaching ballet class. Recently, I keep losing connection and the airport express gets quite hot. I have alway used Archos but changed to Apple for reliability!

    I have an ipad 2 with airport express that I use to play and change music whilst teaching ballet class. Recently, I keep losing connection and the airport express appears to be getting quite hot. I did use Archos but changed to Apple for reliabilty! Can anyone help or should I just buy a new airport express.

    I agree that it's probably interference. Only other possibility, since you mentioned it, it overheating. Is the express situated so that it is well ventilated? That is to say, not buried under other equipment and laying on its side? What does the status light do when you lose connection?

  • AirPort Express as good as Extreme?

    Hi everybody!
    I'm planning on buying a MacBook Pro sometimes next year and I'm wondering... Would it be a good idea to buy an Express base station? I look at the specs and they seem to be the same.
    My mother is also planning on buying a MacBook Pro so there would be two connected computers to it wirelessly. Will it be as efficient as the Extreme base station?
    I will also quit my home in a year or so, so I would take the AirPort Express with me.
    Any ideas about this?

    I'm planning on buying a MacBook Pro sometimes next
    year and I'm wondering... Would it be a good idea to
    buy an Express base station? I look at the specs and
    they seem to be the same.
    There are some differences
    AirPort base station differences
    The Express can do AirTunes, the Extreme has a dial-up modem and a LAN port are some major differences.
    My mother is also planning on buying a MacBook Pro
    so there would be two connected computers to it
    wirelessly. Will it be as efficient as the Extreme
    base station?
    I will also quit my home in a year or so, so I would
    take the AirPort Express with me.
    You could.

  • Airport Express and TWC Modem - extremely slow

    I hope someone can help! I have a cable modem from Time Warner. When I'm directly connected, it flies, but once I connect to through the Airport Express, it slows down to a crawl.
    I have the new Express and have done the hard reset several times. I believe it's something to do with the settings but can't seem to get them to work together.
    Any ideas?

    I seem to have the same problem. Everything was fine up until the 10.5.4 update--I wonder if that has anything to do with it?
    Anyway, my browsing began to slow when connected to AE. I've tried various browsers and they all began to function the same way--slow.
    So I connected my cable modem directly to my iMac and behold, I was browsing the net at lightning speeds again.
    I've had my AE for a few months, I'm wondering if it's the AE or Leopard. Also, I'm wondering if I can return it to the Apple store and get a new one?

  • HELP: Airport Express Base Station over PPPoE and Static IP

    Hi there,
    I recently purchased a Airport Express Base Station after doing some preliminary research as to wether it would work with my Windows XP Machine.
    After finally acquiring it today, I have been trying to set it up with ZERO luck so far.
    I open the neat package and plug in the wires as mentioned in the manual and get the AE on. I install the AE software from the CD, my computer recognises the wireless network, all going well.
    I setup the airport express using the setup assistant for windows and then open the Airport admin utility. Now here is where I come across the first stumbling block.
    My ISP provides each end user with LAN connectivity(primitive), what they do is install a router in every apartment complex and then provide internet through LAN connectivity to every apartment. In doing this they assign each users network adapter a static IP alongwith a lock-in for the MAC address for the specific adapter.
    So if you have to change network adapters you have to call them, they release the lock temporarily and you can connect using another adapter without issue.
    Another thing they also provide is a Username/password for every apartment user to be able to access the internet once connected. I am not a expert but I am guessing that is what they call PPPoE.
    Now I have been trying to setup my Airport Express using the admin utlity but I discovered that it is not possible to specify a Static IP and use PPPoE both together.
    How do i get this to work now? .. In addition I have a HP 1010 USB laserjet which I would like to share using my AE, I am guessing I can just create a TCPIP Port for this with the IP of the AE and it should work.
    Please help, really require to get this working ASAP with 3 windows machines (2 laptops and 1 desktop)
    Many thanks

    The Airport Admin utility internet TAB reads as follows
    Connect Using Ethernet
    Configure TCP/IP using Ethernet
    Configure Manually
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Router Address:
    DNS Servers: blank
    Domain Name: Blank
    WAN Ethernet port: Automatic
    The Network Tab reads as follows
    Distribute IP Addresses [CHECKED]
    Share a Single IP Address (using DHCP & NAT) [CHECKED]
    Use addressing [used option]
    No other options checked on this tab.
    The IPCONFIG reveals the following
    C:\Documents and Settings\TAPAN>ipconfig
    Windows IP Configuration
    Ethernet adapter Wireless Network Connection:
    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    Ethernet shows up here because I am using the internet on my computer directly right now.
    But the AE is connected and printer and Airtunes is working fine. It still flashes Amber though.
    Any other details you require to further analyse the problem? .. I have tried various combinations of basic IP settings. Resets to the AE, restarts to the Computer already. But I am willing to follow any additional instructions you might have for me and provide you any other information you might require.
    Many thanks, You should realise that your continuing support is very encouraging and means a lot to me.

  • Has anyone experienced the Airport Express getting really hot?

    I just got an AirPort Express 802.11n Wi-Fi, model #A1264 and used it on vacation.  It worked fine but the unit got real hot while plugged into the electrical outlet.  Is this normal?   Thanks.

    It hard to know exactly what "hot" means, but if you cannot hold your hand on the AirPort Express for 20-30 seconds or so, then it is running too hot.
    It's normal for the device to feel hot because the outer case of the device acts to dissipate heat from the internal components.
    Just be sure to give the AirPort Express plenty of airspace and try to avoid installing it in a cramped area.

  • Why Iphone (old) backup gets priority over (more recent) MobileMe Sync?

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    As my Iphone backup in Itunes was a month old, I seemed to have lost all the new contact/ical/safari info I had accumulated in the meanwhile.
    I obviously do not sync with Itunes as often as Mobile Me does. It however seems that the iphone (one month old) info got priority over the more recent Mobile Me. Is there a way to avoid this to happen?
    With MobileMe I obviously do not really need and want to sync the iphone with itunes except to backup the phone settings.

    I've had to add my MobileMe account many times, since I end up restoring my iPhone a lot. I setup MobileMe to sync my contacts, calendars, and bookmarks with my macbook as well, so even if something happened to Apple's servers, my data is still safe. I do not backup that data in iTunes though since it's being synced over the air via MobileMe. If you go into the Info Tab of the iPhone section it will tell you if it's being synced via MobileMe.

  • Airport Express bridge mode over WPA2 Enterprise?

    I have an Airport Extreme running WPA2 Enterprise with RADIUS on a Snow Leopard Server. Is it possible to have the Express join the WPA2 Enterprise network as an ethernet bridge? I can't seem to set it up. Something tells me this only works with WPA2 Personal?

    When you set up the APExtreme through Server Admin, it takes care of all the secret passwords and what-have-you. I did some digging on Apple's site, and it looks like the APExpress can only act as a bridge on WPA2 Personal networks and below. No worries; I am just temporarily running an engineer's SIP phone over wireless, so I brought an old Buffalo router I had kicking around at home into the office; set it up as a WPA2 Personal access point, and have him running off of that with the APExpress as the bridge. This is just a stopgap until I can get him a proper ethernet drop. Thanks for the help regardless.

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