Airport Express password problem ?


Hi Alex,
any chance that the password (WPA or WPA2 I assume) contains special keys/characters like * / and/or also international ones like ä ü ö ß ?
These can be troublesome with using different operating systems.
Such characters can be coded differently on different operating systems like OSX or Windows so that the pass-phrase isn't compatible anymore.
Since the PSK is stored in the router, using such a PSK with different operating systems can lead to a scenario where you can connect to the router with OSX but not with Windows, for example.
I personally avoid such special characters and instead use the full length of the PSK and mix numbers and upper/lower characters.

Similar Messages

  • Where do I find my Airport Express password?

    How can I retrieve my Airport Express password?

    If you have a Mac that can connect to your wireless network and you're using an Apple AirPort Base Station, then simply use AirPort Utility. From the Base Station menu, select Show Passwords...
    If you don't have a Mac, reset your wireless network password by momentarily depressing the reset button on your AirPort Extreme, Express, or Time Capsule. Press the button for one full second, no more. Then, configure a new password using AirPort Utility.
    If you can't connect to your wireless network, or you are not using an Apple AirPort Base Station, you can use the procedure that follows below to retrieve it from your Mac's Keychain.
    Your wireless network password is stored in your Mac's Keychain.
    You must first have an Administrator account on a Mac that you use with that AirPort Base Station, one that is used to connect to your AirPort network.
    On that Mac, open the Utilities folder. Find Keychain Access and launch it.
    In the search field at the upper right, type Airport. All the Keychain entries for your base station will appear there, as well as other entries.
    Look at the column "Kind". The entry you want to select will be labeled "AirPort network password" (not "AirPort base station password" or anything else).
    If you are trying to recover the AirPort Base Station password then the entry you want to select will be labeled "AirPort base station password" not "AirPort network password".
    Double-click that, and in the window that appears check the box for "Show password".
    You will get the following window:
    In the Password field type your Mac's Administrator password - the same one you used to log in to that Mac.
    Then, click Allow, and your wireless network password will appear in the "Show password" field:
    Make note of it.
    Close the window, then quit Keychain Access.

  • Lost airport express password

    Hi. I messed up. I lost airport express password. Can anyone help me out?
    Thanks for your time.

    I know Time Capsule has a small reset button on the back.  I'm not sure but I think the Airport Express does as well.
    On Time Capsule, you could use something pointed (such as a ballpoint pen) to press down and hold the reset button until the status light flashes quickly (about 5 seconds).  After that time, the password will reset to "public".

  • I have lost my Airport Express Password.It is still connected to some devices. Can I recover it and if not how do I reset it?

    I have lost my Airport Express Password.It is still connected to some devices. Can I recover it and if not how do I reset it?

    If you can connect to your wireless network and you're using an Apple AirPort Base Station, then simply use AirPort Utility. From the Base Station menu, select Show Passwords...
    Or, reset your wireless network password by momentarily depressing the reset button on your AirPort Extreme, Express, or Time Capsule. Press the button for one full second, no more. Then, configure a new password using AirPort Utility.
    If you can't connect to your wireless network, or you are not using an Apple AirPort Base Station, you can use the procedure that follows below to retrieve it from your Mac's Keychain.
    Your wireless network password is stored in your Mac's Keychain.
    You must first have an Administrator account on a Mac that you use with that AirPort Base Station, one that is used to connect to your AirPort network.
    On that Mac, open the Utilities folder. Find Keychain Access and launch it.
    In the search field at the upper right, type Airport. All the Keychain entries for your base station will appear there, as well as other entries.
    Look at the column "Kind". The entry you want to select will be labeled "AirPort network password" (not "AirPort base station password" or anything else).
    If you are trying to recover the AirPort Base Station password then the entry you want to select will be labeled "AirPort base station password" not "AirPort network password".
    Double-click that, and in the window that appears check the box for "Show password".
    You will get the following window:
    In the Password field type your Mac's Administrator password - the same one you used to log in to that Mac.
    Then, click Allow, and your wireless network password will appear in the "Show password" field:
    Make note of it.
    Close the window, then quit Keychain Access.

  • Airport Express Password for mac and windows

    i have airport express in my office and i have both windows laptops and mac's, i tried to setup a password for the airport and it succeed but the problem when i try to access the airport from windows it ask for password and i use my correct password but unable to connect on it. i am using 12 digital # for the password.
    now i have removed the password and all the machines able to connect even the other companies are sharing my internet
    is there any way to encrypt the airport? and i want each machine to be asked for the password.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    One of the advantages of OS X is it has it's own password manager called Keychain Access. Unfortunately Windows doesn't have an equivalent so you have to rely on third parts applications like Roboform. To locate Keychain Access simply click Command-Spacebar and type Keychain Access and Spotlight will locate it.
    There is another tool you can try that has gotten pretty good reviews, it is:
    I'm not aware of any third parts apps that work on both Windows and OS X so you may be forced to use two solutions.

  • New MacBook Pro (Leopard) Airport Express Connection Problem

    A Brand new 17" MBP Intel Core Duo 2.6 with latest Leopard OS and all updates installed unable to find (devices) ie: my existing older Airport Express (pre "n") - but my iPod Touch can.
    Using the iPod I can connect to the Airport Express network and surf web easily. The MBP can't find it. So I know the connection is good and the problem is with the MBP.
    I have tried to resolve various ways - all of which I've found here in the forums (except the last):
    • Hard reset of AX (Several times - it actually showed up once in Airport Utility, but once I'd configured it, it could not be found after restart.)
    • Connected Ethernet cable from AX to Laptop, Airport Utility found it this way once, I configured it and again, could not be found after restart. Tried again, Airport Utility could not find it.
    • Removal of Network Prefs from Library and restart (they rebuild automatically)
    • Safe start and restart
    • Banged AX on table
    Obviously I'm not alone here, and any other tips or things to try would be appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Just got off the phone with Mac Tech Support.
    Here's the fix:
    1. Connect your Airport Express to the Mac via an ethernet cable (after a hard reset)
    2. In Airport Utility, double click the AX icon
    3. Select "wireless"
    4. Change channel from "automatic" to 10 (auto always sets to 13)
    5. Go through the other panes and untick any boxes that have "over WAN" in them.
    6. Name your network
    7. Create and enter a network password
    8. Update settings
    9. Click on airport icon in your menu bar, select your network
    10. Open Safari and see if you're online.
    The problem I'm told has to do with so many other things (phones, microwaves etc.) hogging Ch. 13 space. If you still have issues, try a a different channel until you find one that works.
    Also, you don't really need to rename your Device (AX) just your network so it's recognizable.
    Good luck out there.

  • Malfunction of airport express passwords

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    Somebody, please answer this question!!!! I had the exact same problem today! I have been using my iBook G4 with my base station no problem for a week, and it never prompted me for my password each time I woke it up and connected thru Safari. Actually, I have been concerned that I'm not password protected at all, even though I did set up a password when I first got the Airport express. (I had no idea which type of security level to choose so I chose WPA. Does it matter?). Anyway today my base station was inadvertantly unplugged. I just stuck it back in the wall, waited for it to turn green and then tried to access Safari. That's when it started asking me for my Network and Password. I am 100% sure I kept entering the correct information but it refused to accept them! Then all of a sudden for no reason I could discern, boom, I'm in. Aack!
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

  • AirPort Express password & printer trouble

    I recently upgraded from Tiger to Leopard to Snow Leopard. Since then I have been unable to use my AirPort Express to print to my HP Photosmart C4180.
    In trying to solve this problem, I came across this article When I open the Utilities for AirPort it says that I need to update my firmware, but it requires my password to do so. The password that I wrote down for the AirPort does not work, nor does any other one I ever use. There is no "forgot password" button, so what should I do?

    Welcome to the discussions!
    When you are updating firmware or system software, you are asked for your main administrator password. This is the password you setup to log onto your Mac.

  • AirPort Express connection problems!

    All right, I have an AirPort Express that up until now I've been able to successfully use to get both my MacBook and my Wii on the internet. But today, the signal kept disappearing from my menu bar. That had never happened before. I thought maybe I was too far away from it (even though both the airport and myself were in my tiny living room), so I moved closer, but it still kept disappearing. It would randomly appear, and I'd be able to use the internet for maybe 30 seconds, then it would disappear again. I tried soft resetting it, hard resetting it, and resetting it to the factory default with no success. The light on my AirPort Express shines green, but neither my MacBook nor my Wii can get/keep a signal. And now, after resetting it to the factory defaults, my MacBook can't connect to the internet even when the network DOES show up in the menu bar. Very frustrating! I used the AirPort Setup Assistant to restore my internet settings back onto the AirPort, but that didn't help. When I try to connect to it using the Admin utility, I get the spinning beachball for a while, then eventually get a password prompt—but after entering the password, it says, "The AirPort Admin Utility was unable to read the configuration of the selected base station. An error occurred while reading the configuration."
    Any help? I've got so much work I need to do, it's crazy.
    iMac G5, Power Mac G5, MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    further, do you mean your Airport symbol at the top of the screen grays out? If so, your symptoms are pretty much those of problems that are plaguing a number of Express users at the moment. You'll find several threads on the matter further down this forum, or, at least, threads describing the same symptoms.
    The only thing that works for me - most of the time - is to do a factory re-set, wait a little while, then reconfigure, with the Express connected directly to the computer via an ethernet cable. The longest I've lasted without the problem recurring is about three days. I'm about 14 hours away from three days since it last happened. I have my fingers crossed.

  • Can't get started with Airport Express;  WPA2 problem?

    I purchased an airport express about a month ago and am unable to get it set up, at all. My goal is what the setup guide calls "Using AirPort Express on an existing wireless network and stream music to powered speakers" (pg. 15 for those who have the book). The failure is that Airport Admin Utility doesn't recognize my third party wireless network.
    My wireless hub is a linksys wireless-G cable gateway, and has been in use with multiple computers in the current setup for a couple years. It is setup with WPA2 personal, TKIP+AES encryption, and MAC access list enabled. SSID broadcast is currently enabled.
    I am running OSX10.4.11 on the computer that I am using to attempt to configure this.
    Following the instructions for "Connecting to an Existing Wireless Network" (pg 25), I am attempting to use Airport Utility. But there is no such program on my computer, so I am assuming that Airport Admin Utility is what the book refers to as Airport Utility. Airport Admin Utility presents a "window titled Select Base Station" but lists no base stations. I click "Other", provide the IP address and password, hit OK, and ... nothing happens. After 20 seconds the beachball appears, and after another 20 seconds it says "The airport admin utility was unable to read the configuration of the selected base station".
    The IP address I used is the one that I enter into the web browser to access the linksys box (no secret here, The password is the one used to access those settings (e.g., the linksys default is "admin", but I changed it). I know the IP address and password are correct, but I do not know if this is the IP address and password the program is asking for. I don't even know if I am running the correct program!
    Thanks for any help,
    Bob H

    Actually, I have it working now.
    What I did after posting my last message was I connected the AE to my wireless hub, via ethernet cable. Then Airport Utility was able to find it, initialize it, and load new firmware into it ("it" being the AE). During initialization stage I told it it would be connecting wirelessly to an existing wireless network, and I gave it the network name, security options and password.
    Then I told the wireless hub to allow this device (MAC address = Airport ID), disconnected the ethernet cable, power-cycled the wireless hub, and relaunched Airport Utility. It saw the AE, so I quit that. Then I launched iTunes and selected my AE as the speakers. It told me I needed to enable iTunes Music Sharing in my firewall. After doing that, iTunes is now playing through my external speakers. Exactly what I want.
    Now I just need to go set this up on my laptop, with the AE and speakers on the other side of the house where I want 'em.
    As a recap, I think I basically had two problems, both related to documentation. First, the program that the Setup Guide tells me to use wasn't in my Tiger applications folder, and I was fooled by a program with a similar name (in the past I have seen such name changes between what the setup guide said I should use and what I really needed to use). Second, it wasn't clear to me that, regardless of how I wanted to configure things for usage, I needed to establish a valid wired connection to the AE to initialize it. I think that could be made clearer in the book.
    Thanks for everyone's help.
    Bob H

  • Airport Express connectivity problem

    I cannot connect to my Airport Express wireless network via my own Macbook (Intel) OX 10.5.5. I can see many other wireless networks that are not my own. I reset the Airport to factory default settings several times, deleted all of the keychain passwords and reset everything and still cannot find the wireless network I created. I thought that my Airport Express had become faulty (even though the green light tells me the connection is good), but I can easily recognize and connect to my wireless network on Airport Express using my iPod Touch--this tells me that it's definitely not the Airport Express, but is my Macbook laptop that is the problem. Does anyone else have this issue?

    Do you have a separate wireless network from another router? Have you tried connecting via ethernet to make the initial setup? If you do have a separate wireless network on another router, check to see if this router can 'see' your AE.
    I was having the same difficulties connecting to my AE even after a hard reset. It would connect once to set up, but then once saved, it could never find it again. You could also try lowering your firewall just to get the AE connected and set up.
    The only thing that worked for me in the end was to have my entire network set to WPA2 Personal, starting from my router.

  • Airport Express + AirTunes problem

    My problem is this: I am getting only one channel of audio (sound from the left speaker only) from the speakers connected to my Airport Express. This missing channel behavior is consistent whether I'm connecting to the AX using AirTunes from my Mac Pro, my wife's iMac, either of our iPhones, my 2nd gen iPod touch, our iPad, or the iBook G4 in the kitchen. The AX behaves normally as to giving us wireless access in the west end of the house.
    The problem started when I unplugged the Bose speakers from the AX to clear off the counter when we had family over; before that it worked fine (as in both audio channels, in stereo, were working).
    I've tried a different analog audio cable (stereo minijack cable) between the AX and the speakers. Both of the cables I have work with all our other gadgets (2 iPhones, an iPad, and several different iPods) on these particular Bose speakers.
    I have also reset the AX to factory default using the reset button, and reconfigured it by hand (not from a saved config file).
    I suspect something has failed in the AX; can anybody suggest any other fixes to try?
    For the sake of completeness, the AX is version 6.3. Wireless mode is Participate in a WDS network. Radio mode 802.11b/g compatible. WDS mode is WDS Remote. Connection sharing is Off (Bridge Mode). IPv4 is Using DHCP. Of course, Enable AirTunes is checked, I've given the iTunes Speaker name "Kitchen", with no password. We have an Airport Extreme 802.11g base station version 5.7 which functions as the router/DHCP server for our home. I have restarted it, but have not reset it or anything (I have not wanted to do that, with all the ports I have forwarded, etc.)

    Suggest that you plug a pair of headphones directly into the audio jack on the AirPort Express to "simulate" speakers.  Restart things, and give a listen.
    Sound in both ears?  Your AirPort Express is fine and the problem is in the cabling or elsewhere.
    Sound in only one ear?  The internal connector on the audio jack inside the Express is not making contact, or there is an audio signal path problem inside the Express.
    What are your results?

  • Belkin wireless modem and Airport Express lan problems

    Let me preface my problem by stating the obvious - I'm not very technically proficient!
    That said, I've had an AirPort Express wireless lan connecting three computers on my home/office network for the past 8 months without any problems at all. All machines on the network have been able to access the internet via a Thomson SpeedTouch 530 ADSL1 modem that connects via an ethernet cable to the AirPort Express. No problems.
    The network consists of my G5 iMac (ALS), my husband's Mac mini and my Sony VAIO laptop (XP Pro SP2).
    I should also mention that half-way between my office and my husband's office there is a second AirPort Express that 'boosts' the signal to his office.
    I recently changed ISPs to a provider that offers the faster ADSL2+ service. This meant that I had to get a new Belkin ADSL2+ modem. This is my problem. I cannot connect my AirPort Express network to the internet using the Belkin modem. The Belkin modem connects without any problem if I just have it connected via ethernet to my iMac but that's not what I want to do.
    My existing AirPort details are -
    IPv4 Address:
    Router (this is the SpeedTouch 530 modem)
    Subnet Mask
    I thought I could change the new modem's address(?terminology?) from (which is how it came) to and that everything would work but it doesn't.
    Belkin tech support said 'the problem is with your AirPort Express' (what else would they say)?
    Do I have to keep the and change my AirPort addresses? Or should I try to set up a new network?
    2GHz 20-inch iMac G5 (ALS)   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   Mac Mini; 12inch PowerBook; 120GB external firewire hd; Video iPod; iPod mini;

    No ideas?

  • How does one recover a lost Airport Express password?

    Both on my iPhone and iPad I can use the wifi signal at my friend's house, so they both have stored the password for her Airport Express. My friend, however, needs to re-enter her forgotten AE password to use her own AE. Me not good with technology, so how can I get my iPhone and/or iPad to display the password so that I can provide it to her?

    Hey, I'm slow, but at least I now see others have previously posted this same question. I'll research those threads.
    Thanks again,

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    My question is this- would I potentially fix this problem by upgrading the older Express to a new one?
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