Airport Extreme + ext. antenna or Extreme + Express?

My current Belkin 54 wireless router range is not enough to fully cover the entire house due to walls material and thickness.
Hence I am looking at either buying an Airport Extreme and adding an external antenna (i.e. Dr. Bott) to boost the signal, or building a network with an Extreme and several Expresses.
(this is a European set up and hence the Airport radio output power is reduced, 15 dbm, to comply with European regulations)
Would anyone have experienced a similar situation and hence could comment on the pro's and con's?
Also, would anyone know the impact on thruput when adding several Expresses, due to WDS protocol overhead?

I couldn't give you technical details, but I know that using WDS is slower than not using WDS. The reason, as far as I understand, is that in order for WDS to work, it needs to split the transmission rate into 1/2 so that 1/2 of the transmission is for sending and the other 1/2 is for receiving. So, if you theoretically are supposed to get 54bps then you'll get 27bps. Don't quote me on the technical details. The idea, I know however, is correct.

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  • I am unable to see my Airport Extreme/Express on my MacBook via Airport Utility

    I have two issues:
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    2. I am unable to see a HDD that is connected via USB cable to the Airport Extreme.
    Any suggestions welcome.

    Further info:
    MacBook Air running OS X 10.5.8
    AirPort Extreme Base Station
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    AirPort Utility v5.5.3
    The MacBook Air is actually connected to the wireless network provided by the two AirPorts!
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    1 Can you access hard drive trough express?
    2 I have cable NOT wireless modem. What would be the best option (speed-wise) to connect to internet- connect modem to Extreme and access internet wirelessly from it? To connect modem to Extreme and imac?
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    I really hate wire clutter around my desk. What I intend to do is to connect hard drives and printer to Airport Extreme and access them remotely. That would leave empty desk:).

    1. You cannot connect a hard drive to the Airport Express USB port.
    2. The speed of wireless networking is faster than the speed of most cable internet services. Therefore, you won't notice any difference in your internet connection speed between (a) a cabled connection directly between Mac and modem or (b) a wireless connection between Mac and base station and modem.
    3. Apple has not published any specs on the speed of hard drive access for the Airport Extreme N Base Station. Several people have posted their own measurements (do a search in this discussion forum), and generally those results are not very good.
    4. Apple has not placed a limit on the number of drives you can attach to the Airport Extreme N Base Station (with use of a hub). How many do you want to connect?
    5. You cannot remotely sync an iPod using the Extreme Base Station.

  • Extend Network with Airport Extreme & Express

    I am trying to extend the range of a wireless network from one house to another about 80 yards away. I have an Airport Extreme Base Station (ABES) and an Airport Express (AX) which is supposed to accomplish this. I found some instructions in the forums that walked me through configuring WDS. That was easy enough, however, when the AX restarts it doesn't come back up in the Airport Utility. It will come up if I do a hard reset on the AX. The ABES continues to show a WDS error and displays a flashing amber light.
    What am I doing wrong? How do I fix this issue?

    Karen,,, sorry for the interruption. I have the same issue..... AP Extreme Flying Saucer, AP Express "b", and a new AP Express "n" and would like to stop all the drop outs with my music. So, I'll ask Bob for some help.... I think I already know the answer.....
    Bob,,,,, Here is my schematic layout.... Everything is "as the crow flies" and in the same height placement. iMac in bedroom, 1st Stereo in Living room approx 25 feet away, 2nd Stereo in a detach Shop approx 85 feet from the iMac. There is a concrete block wall between the computer and the first stereo and the same block wall along with two big glass windows between the computer and the shop stereo. Again all are in a straight line from the computer.
    The new AP Express "n" is in the shop which is the greatest distance. If the wind is blowing hard I have lots of drop outs in both stereo's..... And during other nice weather times everything works excellent.
    How can I extend the wireless signal??? I'll buy all "n" stuff if you think it'll do the trick....? I can't raise the Dr. Bott antenna due to cord length.... Oh,, my internet modem is plugged into the iMac not the AP Extreme...
    Any suggestions....?

  • Airport extreme & express - I am tearing out the little hair i have left !!

    Can anyone help with this problem before i am completly bald.
    I have just bought a new imac (with intel chip) and i am wanting to locate it downstairs but the room is in a wireless deadspot.
    I have a pc upstairs connected to a bb cable connection. I have now replaced my belkin wireless router with an airport extreme base station and an airport express to act as a booster for the imac downstairs.
    i have installed the extreme base station ok and it works for the pc which is hard wired to it and wirelessly for the imac when in range. I am having problems trying to set up the airport express as a relay station.
    Every time i configure the extreme to act as a wds and then add the airport express it cuts off the pc connection and the imac, I must not be doing the settings correctly in the airport admin - is it something to do with sharing ip addresses ??
    I have followed the instructions on this site but still having probs - can anyone offer help or guidence please
    imac intel 2ghz 250g   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   extreme base station airport express

    Thanks for your great advice and assistance. I have read the various articles that you linked and will try the new extended configuration using my old 4th gen as soon as my new 5th gen extreme arrives from Apple. I may also try using the express as well by going off in a somewhat different direction on the upstairs floor where the primary base unit is connected to the cable modem. My original reason for upgrading to the new 5th gen was not because the range and signal strength were inadequate, but rather to try and get some improvement in the wireless download speeds from the 4th gen extreme and the extended express. My Mac  using an Ethernet connection from the extreme was delivering download speeds of 49 to 50 Mbs all the time, while the wireless download speeds to my new iPad or my iPhone 5 were only about 15Mbs coming from the extreme and 7-8 Mbs if I was downloading through the express. I have been reading lots of comments on this subject for over a year now, with many others experiencing the same problem, but Apple never really acknowledging that there was even an issue. The only solution seemed to be that people who upgraded to the 5th gen. we're getting much better performance across all performance issues. Here's hoping for success in the next few days. Thanks again for your assistance.

  • On a network with multiple airports (extreme, express, + time capsule), do they all have to be "guest" capable devices in order to offer guest networking?

    Here's the situation: I have three older devices:
    a1254 Time Capsule
    a1134 airport extreme
    a1264 express
    none of these support guest networking, according to Apple. If I add a newer Extreme (3rd gen or higher) that support guest networks, will that be possible to offer to guests within range of the Extreme, -OR- do I have to upgrade my entire network of Apple wifi devices? Help appreciated, esp if you have such a setup. thanks!

    The problem here is guest network only works if the Apple Router is indeed the main router.. you cannot setup guest network on a bridged router. Although it appears you can, it doesn't actually work.
    You could modify the network setup..
    Use one device dedicated to a secondary guest network. This would actually work better than using guest but you should have some way to prevent access to computers from guest.. that may be easy or hard depending on the modem you are using.

  • Help in Planning Network: G5/iBook G4/Airport Extreme & Express?

    Hi  Folks,
    I could use some help setting up a WiFI network to accomplish three goals (see below).
    Hardware and Software:
    -Dual Core 2.3 GHz PowerPC G5 Desktop Computer (note: NO internal airport WiFi card), OS 10.4.11
    -iBook G4 with internal Airport Card (currently with dead HD, awaiting a replacement HD any day). Can't remember is this has an early version of OS10.4 or 10.3.
    -Airport Express 802.11n (MB321LL/A,  model #A1264)
    -Airport Extreme base station model #A1034 (older unit with 2003 date)
    -Airport Card internal card in the iBook G4
    Airport Software loaded on my G5:
    -Airport Admin Utility v5.4.2
    -Airport Disk Utility v1.5.3
    ** I do NOT have Airport Setup Assistant software on the G5, nor can I locate it on the OS install disks that came with the G5.
    Network Goals:
    Previously, I've setup a simple WiFi network in my apartment by using only the Airport Express: I connected the DSL modem to the Airport Express and transmitted the WiFI internet signal to the iBook. I haven't had that setup for quite some time; recently I was given the Airport Extreme and I'd like to finally get a network up and running.
    I have a roommate that wants internet access so I'd like to setup a WiFi network to accomplish as many of the following three goals as possible:
    1) Wifi internet capability.
    1a) G5 wired connection to DSL modem/Airport Express as my primary internet connection and for fastest speeds (again, no WiFI card in the G5).
    1b) Transmit WiFi internet signal so my roommate can share internet access, but for security purposes limit my roommate from accessing any data/files on my computer(s).
    1c) WiFi internet access for my own G4 iBook.
    2) WiFi file sharing network
    2a) Wireless network so that my G4 iBook can access data/files from my G5 (private network roommate excluded).
    3) Stream iTunes.
    I have my iTunes library on an external HD, currently connected to my G5. I'd like to broadcast iTunes music to another room. Can the Airport Extreme stream iTunes from my G5 (the latter with no internal Airport Card) to another room where the Airport Express is connected to another stereo receiver/speakers? If yes, can I use my G4 laptop as an iTunes remote control to make music selections?
    Question: Can all (or most?) of these goals be accomplished with the hardware/software on hand?
    .... so....
    Currently, I plugged in the Airport Extreme connected with an ethernet cable to the G5 (using the  connection with the  <- ->  symbol on the Airport Extreme). The G5 doesn't identify the  Airport Extreme, which makes me think I need the AIrport Setup Assistant Software?
    In any case, I'm lost as to how to configure this setup to accomplish my goals. I've owned Apple since 1994 but haven't delved far into setting up networks.
    Any guidance and help would be tremendously appreciated!
    Thanks a bunch,

    Can anyone offer some basic guidance?
    Do I need Airport Setup Assistant software to configure this network?

  • Airport extreme, express,and iTunes

    I have a 1.33ghz iBook, an airport extreme base station and an airport express that I have configured to use to play itunes through my stereo at home. when I jack my ibook directly into the stereo ituns works flawlessly, but when I play itunes wirelessly through the network the program keeps pausing for up to about 5 seconds. The program will then resume playing by itself picking up right where it left off, as far as I can tell. I also have a wintel xp machine at home that is connected directly into the airport extreme, and it does the same thing. Any ideas?

    Thanks, I found the topic at "audio drop while using airtunes". Now I only wish that after spending the money to buy the gear that apple adveritsed to have an airtunes network, that it actually worked without having to come up with some jury rigged set up. This kind of stuff is why I switched from wintel last year to apple

  • Windows 7 machine unable to connect to WDS (Airport extreme + express)

    Hi - I've just dusted down my old Airport Extreme (b/g) and Airport Express to extend the range of a Sagem Mini Livebox router (that we use because it gives internet telephone and tv feeds here in France).
    The AExt has an ethernet connection to the livebox and is set up as the main WDS machine; the AExp is connected wirelessly to the AExt as a WDS relay station. It all works fine - I've set the airport wifi network up with a different name to the main livebox wifi network, and can access it using my Mac machines all over the house. But my wife has a Windows 7 machine that she uses for work ... and it fails to see the airport network (but is able to connect to the livebox wifi without any problem).
    I don't know Windows 7 very well, and there seem to be very few options that you can configure. The wifi adaptor is a Dell 1390 (only b/g connections according to an online manual); but the old airport boxes only support b/g compatible connections, so that should work.
    I've set up a wireless network on the W7 machine that matches the airport profile: WPA personal security ... but my understanding is that this will not change whether the W7 machine can see the airport network (but only affect how or whether it connects).
    Not sure what else I can do? Any thoughts on how I can reconfigure my airport WDS network so that the W7 machine can see it (and connect to it)?
    Thanks - andy

    Are you trying to configure the Express to "join" the wireless network?
    If yes, the message you are receiving is likely an indication that you do not have the correct security settings selected for the Express. Unless the security settings between the wireless router and Express match up exactly, the Express will display the error that "an error occurred, etc".
    The easiest way to confirm if you have this problem is temporarily set the main wireless router to "no security" and try to connect the Express that way. If you can connect, then you know that it is a security issue.
    Please tell us the exact setting for security that the wireless router there is using and we'll try to give you some more ideas.
    The Express will connect. It's just a matter of finding the right settings.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • Airport Extreme & Express "extended" but signal is still weak

    I have a brand new Airport Extreme 802.11n and an old Airport Express 802.11g
    Airport Extreme is set to "extend wireless network"
    Airport Express is set to "join a wireless network" - green light is on and says its connected to the network.
    Airport Extreme is downstairs at home, Airport Express is upstairs. Also have Apple TV upstairs.
    Apple TV is only getting a two bar signal at the moment from Airport Extreme (and takes forever to transfer files from main computer downstairs). Want to extend network by plugging in Airport Express upstairs and getting stronger signal for Apple TV.
    Yet when I plug in Airport Express upstairs - right next to Apple TV - and the green light is on, etc. Apple TV still is only getting two-bar signal - so it appears it's not picking up "extended network" via Express.
    Isn't this how an extended network is supposed to work or do I have it all wrong?

    Joining a network using the older "b/g" model will not extend the network.
    In the case you describe, your Apple TV is connected to the main base station and so is your Airport Express. The Apple TV cannot connect to the Airport Express.
    Also, if you do set up the WDS, you would want to put the Airport Express about half way between your main base station and the Apple TV...
    If you want to stay with your old Airport Express, you will have to set up a "WDS" network on both devices. However, the speed of your network will be cut down to 54mbps instead of 130 on 2.4GHz band or 300 on the 5GHz band.
    I replaced my older Airport Express units with the newer "n" models.
    See this Apple doc on how to set up WDS for the older units.
    Also see this document.

  • Change password airport extreme+express

    I have an airport extreme and two express for wideout. I wanna change my wifi-password. How to easily do that? I have tried to use Airport and changed the wifi-password in the extreme. But then the express goes away with yellow sign with !. How to do this?

    Change to the password that you want to use on one AirPort Express
    Click Update to store the new setting
    Wait a full minute for the Express to restart with a slow, blinking amber light
    Power off the Express
    Change to the password that you want to use on the other AirPort Express
    Click Update to store the new setting
    Wait a full minute for the Express to restart with a slow, blinking amber light
    Power off the Express
    Change to the password that you want to use on the AirPort Extreme
    Click Update to store the new setting
    Wait a full minute for the AirPort Extreme to display a green light
    Power up one AirPort Express and wait a minute for a green light
    Power up the other AirPort Express and wait a minute for a green light

  • Airport Extreme & Express w/ N working with Airport Base & Express w/ G

    I have an Airport Extreme and an Airport Express with N. I also have an older Airport Base Station and Airport Express with G. I currently have them set up as a WDS.
    My internet connection is 15 Mbps, but I'm only getting about 10 Mbps for wireless at the best of times. (I checked and when I plug directly into my router, I can get 15 Mbps).
    From what I've been reading, it seems that having a WDS for 4 devices (with its 50% reduction per unit) is a bad idea, and might be cause for the slowdown.
    Also, from what I've read, since my Airport Extreme does not have the dual network capability, my network is also forced to run at G speeds.
    I need the two G airports on my system because I need them as wireless routers to support a stereo/Xbox in one room, and a Blu-ray player in another.
    Setting up a dual-band 2.4 and 5 Ghz network won't work since the old and new Base stations aren't near each other.
    So, is the solution here to reset all (except Airport Extreme Base) to "extending wireless network"? Will this give me N thought my home (or, at least, the range of the main router) but also allow the G units that serve as wireless routers for those items that still need them?
    If this isn't the answer, what should I do?
    Thanks for your help.

    So, is the solution here to reset all (except Airport Extreme Base) to "extending wireless network"? Will this give me N thought my home (or, at least, the range of the main router) but also allow the G units that serve as wireless routers for those items that still need them?
    You can't do that since your 802.11g AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) and AirPort Express (AX) do not support this feature.
    If this isn't the answer, what should I do?
    Connect them all via Ethernet. Another is to replace your 802.11g AEBS and AX.

  • Issues with Airport Extreme/Express/PS3 network

    I have searched and searched and cannot find the answer to my problem. In my house I have an Airport Extreme, a Linksys switch, and an Airport Express all creating my wireless/ethernet network in the house. Since day one, my PS3 joined our network and I have been able to get online, no problems. Recently though I have decided to attempt to get the horribly difficult NAT type 2 with no success.
    Right not I have the Extreme acting as the WDS main and the Express (which delivers perfect connection to the PS3) acting as a WDS remote in Bridge mode. The Extreme is sharing a public IP and I have a DHCP reservation for my PS3 (using the default IP) along with all the PS3 necessary ports forwarded. I have also set up the Extreme to set my PS3 as the default NAT host.
    My problem is that I get a "Conflicting DHCP Range" error. I also get a lot of warning messages every now and then saying "10.0.1.x is already in use by *MAC address*". I still can get on the internet with my computers and PS3 but I have noticed that signing onto PS network works very rarely.
    I absolutely cannot make sense of this. I also don't have my NAT 2 so can anyone help me.

    Is the PS3 connected to the express over WiFi or plugged into the ethernet port on the express or both?
    You should not need forward ports and set the default NAT host. Just setting the default NAT host will forward all traffic that is not sent to another host to the PS3. I would recommend forwarding ports instead of using default host for security reasons.
    You could also try setting static IP info in the PS3.

  • Airport Extreme & Express in unending restart loop

    After downloading and installing hardware/software updates (unsure which it was) for Airport Extreme and Express, the Airport Utility has for 24 hours been in an endless restart loop. I can't force quit the Airport Utility. There seem to be mention of a lot of similar problems and suggested solutions, but none make sense or have worked for others. Help anyone?

    same here. using one Extreme as Access Point and second device to "extend" the 2.4 GHz network
    "Jan 05 16:12:19 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 05 16:12:19 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 05 16:12:19 Gewichtung: 5 Rotated CCMP group key.
    Jan 05 16:12:21 Gewichtung: 5 Internet configuration leased [IPv4] -- host <> gateway <> dns <> wins lease <86400> domain <speedport.ip>
    Jan 05 16:12:34 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 05 16:12:34 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 05 16:12:34 Gewichtung: 5 Rotated CCMP group key.
    Jan 05 16:12:52 Gewichtung: 5 Disconnected from network.
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Joined BSS 10:9a:dd:82:5e:fd
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Installed unicast CCMP key for authenticator 10:9a:dd:82:5e:fd
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Rotated CCMP group key.
    Jan 05 16:13:07 Gewichtung: 5 Internet configuration leased [IPv4] -- host <> gateway <> dns <> wins lease <86400> domain <speedport.ip>
    Jan 05 16:13:15 Gewichtung: 5 Disconnected from network.

  • Airport Extreme & Express WDS Network with 5Ghz possible?

    Hi Guys,
    is it possible to run an Airport WDS Network with 5Ghz? I´m using an Airport Extreme Base and a Express, but its only possible to run it with Draft N in 2,4 Ghz... so thats not enough... for IPTV.
    any ideas...

    Simon2207, Welcome to the discussion area!
    No. WDS is an 802.11g feature and 802.11g only operates at 2.4 GHz.

  • Airport extreme/express network setup

    i'm sure this has been covered in general but lan equipment and requirements vary widely (plus most of my wireless experience is w/non-apple routers), so here goes. i have the following hardware
    airport extreme (802.11n) running 7.5.2 (might downgrade to 7.4.x based on comments in this forum) connected to cable modem
    2 airport express (v6.3) connected wirelessly to ap extreme
    1 airport express (v6.3) connected via ethernet (wd powerline) to ap extreme
    what i'd like:
    ap extreme base to be the only SSID & DHCP server on the network.
    the 2 wireless expresses to provide wider coverage in the main house.
    the express connected via ethernet to provide wireless signal/access in the detached guest house (trying to run it wirelessly does not get a strong enough signal, hence the powerline ethernet), but only as an extension to the extreme base.
    when a device (laptop, phone, etc.) connects, it should use the closest / strongest wireless signal, but always think there is only 1 network/connection config. and, when one moves between house and guest house, connected device will auto 'roam'.
    whoever set this up, set the extreme to be running in WDS mode (WDS main). however, it complains that it is the only WDS device on the network (see next ???).
    the 2 wireless expresses are set to 'Participate in WDS' (WDS remote)
    in order to get the ethernet-connected express to work, i had to give it its own SSID and set it to 'Create wireless network'.
    it does work, but there are 2 networks, no roaming, and error message on ap extreme base re:WDS config.
    1) what mode should the extreme base use ('Create wireless network' or 'Participate in WDS network')?
    2) what settings (WDS or wireless) for the wireless expresses?
    3) what mode should the ethernet-connected express use ('Create wireless network', 'Participate in WDS network' or 'Join wireless network')?
    4) anything special i need to know to get the roaming to work reliably?
    5) any suggestion (due to missing questions :-)?
    tx for any info. i could try all the permutations & combinations of config (actually, i've already tried a number of them , but tired of running up/downstairs and to/fro resetting devices, so i thought i would ask for help from people with more experience background.

    Hi, mackiemesser. Welcome to the forums!
    So if I understand correctly, your setup looks like this:
    • Express #1, Express #2, and the Extreme should be set to "Participate in a WDS."
    • The Extreme needs to be told that Expresses #1 and #2 will be WDS Remotes. (You'll have to enter their MAC addresses.)
    • Expresses #1 and #2 need to be told that the Extreme will be their WDS Main. (You'll have to enter its MAC address.)
    • Express #3 should indeed be set to "Create a wireless network" but should use the same SSID and password that your other wireless network uses.
    • All Expresses should be configured to operate in Bridge Mode. In Manual Setup, click "Internet" in the toolbar and choose "Off (Bridge Mode)" from the "Connection Sharing" popup menu.
    • The Extreme should not be in Bridge Mode. It should instead "Share a public IP."
    A few suggestions:
    • Write down the MAC addresses of all your Extremes. This saves a lot of time when you're setting up the WDS.
    • Sometimes after you change the WDS settings for one AirPort on the network, it confuses the other AirPorts in the WDS, and you get network problems until all of the AirPorts agree on WDS information. In this case, if you can't see an AirPort in AirPort Utility, connect that AirPort to the computer via Ethernet. In fact, it might save time to gather all your AirPorts and plug them in next to your computer for the WDS setup process so that you can easily connect via Ethernet if necessary.
    • Using a WDS dramatically decreases your network performance. Every time you add a WDS Remote, you decrease your maximum network speed by 50%. Newer AirPorts support 802.11n and have a feature that allows you to extend your wireless network without as much overhead as a WDS, but all AirPorts in the wireless network that's extended must support 802.11n.

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