AirPort Extreme vanishes without trace?

Installed a AirPort Extreme into my set-up a week ago, and have now lost my wireless network on 3 occasions (approx 48 hrs in between each loss). It vanishes completly from view and is not visable on my mac or any wireless devices. Only way to reinstate wi-fi is to pull the power supply and re-connect after about 10 seconds and like magic it resets and appears again. Any ideas how to solve this problem?
AirPort Extreme Model No.: A1408      802.11n Wi-Fi

Thank you for replying to my question. I do have a WEP password that I am (or anyone that comes over and tries to use my network) prompted to enter, but perhaps there is something more I need to do. I'll do some reading and figure it out.

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    Yes, that is possible. Please check out the following Apple Support article for details on how.

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    There is small program called desktop Inspector here:
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    The most recent AirPort Extreme works without any problem with Mac OS X Snow Leopard, but the problem is that it requires AirPort Utility 6.3 to set it up, and this version is only available for OS X Lion and Mountain Lion.
    If you don't want to upgrade Mac OS X and you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you can use them to set up your AirPort Extreme. Open Settings > Wi-Fi, choose your AirPort station and follow the steps.
    If you don't have any of those devices, upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion. Open the Mac App Store and purchase it. Make a backup of your data with Time Machine and check that your applications are compatible > When the download finishes, upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion. After upgrading, open  > Software Update, and install AirPort Utility 6.3, which you have to open and follow its steps.
    The other option is to return your AirPort Extreme and get an older one

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    Ok, and that is why you are having this problem. I hate to say it, but your situation would be much simpler if you just left all your networking equipment on. Besides they consume very little power and were designed to operate 24x7. Constantly recycling power can actually cause more harm via voltage spikes which can wear down the equipment over time.
    Obviously, there are two sides to this "leave on vs. power-off" argument, and I respect both ... but, your networking requirements really do make more sense just leaving them on.

  • Speed or Performance Issue with Airport Extreme 802.11n

    Router 1: Linksys Wireless G 2.4GHz Router WRT54G (have been using for 1.5 years)
    Router 2: Airport Extreme 802.11n Base Station Model: A1143 (just arrived)
    Macs: Intel MacBook Pro & MacBook both Newtwork Adapters upgraded to 802.11 a/b/g/n and verified via "Netwrok Utility". The Netwrok Utility also displays the link speed at 54 mb under interface info. when the Linksys G router is selected and the link speed at 144 mb when the airport extreme n is selected.
    Observation & Issue:
    Currently, for testing both network routers have been used seperatly (connected directly via the cable modem) and speeds for each latop verified via and normal "human" usage web surfing observations via Safari. Results below:
    1. When using the Linksys G router both the MacBook and MacBook Pro appear to be performing well and responsive with little or no wait on graphically/media intense sites such as
    The (using the NYC hub close by) downoad test displays 8MB to 10MB speeds
    2. On the otherhand, when using the Airpot extreme both the MacBook and MacBook Pro appear to be performing slower than usual with higher waits for image and page downloads.
    In addition, the (using the NYC hub close by) downoad test displays 2MB to 3MB speeds. Lower than what we experienced using the older router.
    Request for advide or help:
    1) Is this normal? Assuming it is not, what esle can I look at that can help me determine the root cause. The Airport Utility does not offer much assistance in this matter.
    2) Thus far I have opted to revert back to my Linksys g router. However, before returning the product... any other adivce on a potential miss in the configuration or setup would be of great help.
    3) Other's experiencing the same?
    MacBook Intel & MacBook Pro Intel   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   SUing Comcast Cable Modem

    Contacted Apple Support (have an AppleCare account) tonight and the issue has been resolved with the caveat that I cannot have a mixed (g & n) radio mode on the same airport extreme base without significant loss of performance. These are the steps I was walked through to resolve my particular case:
    1) Verify that your hardware is indeed upgraded to use n (see steps in my original post)
    2) Open the AirPort Utility (new program that was installed from the install disc under applications/utility)
    3) Click on the Airport Extreme image on the right hand column to open the Airport Extreme settings
    4) Select the "Wireless" tab, then "Radio Mode" drop down and select 802.11n only (5 GHz)
    5) Select Update to apply new settings.
    When running the I am seeing results that are indeed better. However, the test shows that the top speed lowers a bit and jumps back up unlike when I am on my old g router, which does not have such a jump.
    This test is not perfect but a good gauge. If anyone has any other ideas to test performance more accurately, please do let me know.
    Note: Only n enabled devices now work with the n router. I will keep my old g router as a backup and for my work pc laptop.
    Hope the above helps and thanks.
    MacBook Intel & MacBook Pro Intel   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Problems with Airport Extreme?

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  • Airport extreme won't work without router/switch

    Hi all,
    I'm a bit dumbfounded here and am hoping you can give me some answers.  I've been having connectivity issues, specifically with random pages not loading while on wifi (all devices).  They work just fine on my iPhone through LTE so I decided to try and isolate the issue to what hardware was causing my issues.
    Previous setup:
    Cisco DPQ3212 VOIP modem -> wired to legrand 10/100 router/switch (wired only) -> wired to Airport Extreme -> Airport Express (set to extend range).
    I decided to try and eliminate the router/switch and start from scratch using only the modem and Extreme since that's the simplest setup.
    I reset the Extreme to factory settings and unplugged it.  Then I turned off the Modem (pulled power, etc.).  I let both sit for a while to forget anything they may have been remembering.  I then connected the ethernet, plugged in the modem, waited for it to get situated, and then plugged in the Extreme.  Setup went fine, but I got 'no internet' and 'no dns' errors.  Those went away randomly but the ip address I got was so something was obviously was amiss.
    I decided to go even simpler.  Connected iMac directly to modem, reset the modem and voila, I had working internet.  Thinking I did something wrong, I reset everything again and tried the Extreme setup.  Same issue with connectivity.  No internet and a bad IP.  Tried the same thing with the Express and got the same errors, etc.  Tried switching DHCP & Nat, Bridge Mode, you name it, nothing seemed to work.  Airport utility shows green for the Airport but amber for the internet.
    So I gave up.  I connected the wired router/switch back up, reset everything, and it works again without a hiccup.
    1.  Internet works when modem is connected directly to iMac.
    2.  Internet works fine connected wirelessly through Extreme (or Express) wired to the router/switch wired to modem.
    3.  Internet will NOT work when modem connected directly to Extreme or Express, despite factory resets.
    So help me out... how can this possibly be happening????

    Sorry for the super slow response.  Shortly after posting the question my wife had a baby so I've been a bit preoccupied! 
    I'm using the following:
    Airport Extreme:  5th Generation A1408 (version 7.6.4)
    Airport Express:  Current generation A1392 (version 7.6.4)
    (if it matters) Legrand 10/100 4 port Router/Switch ( &ei=x0rEU8aMHcnjoAT3qYCgBw&usg=AFQjCNGDfOvPP4Dd9k1Xx6FVDkNJi0DOrw&bvm=bv.7081008 1,d.cGU)
    I don't have access to a plain switch or crossover cable unfortunately. 
    And yep, I'm using the WAN port.  I get a green light every once in a while, but it really just doesn't work unless I add the other router back in there. 
    I have been taking the battery out and letting it rest for 30 mins each time.
    FWIW, I'm doing all of this due to webpages not loading correctly.  I did a trace route to and the results show something is obviously amiss.  Here's what it says:
    traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
    1 (  6.983 ms  1.503 ms  4.270 ms
    2  * * *
    3 (  18.210 ms  17.244 ms  15.563 ms
    4 (  19.638 ms  22.093 ms  11.523 ms
    5 (  12.806 ms  11.504 ms  10.715 ms
    6 (  35.497 ms  30.201 ms  29.679 ms
    7 (  37.353 ms (  21.546 ms  21.418 ms
    8  * * *
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    I gave up at this point since there's a clear issue. 
    Thanks in advance for the help!

  • How do I move my AirPort Extreme time capsule from my old house to my new house without losing the backups?

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    Physical location has no bearing on anything, since you're also moving your network and all other devices. Just plug everything in and it should work just as it did before.

  • Have 2 airport extreme base stations connected in chain.  Airport utility shows slave unit without power. However, power is on slave unit, but status lights do not show up at all. Small green lights at each back port blink.  Anyone have any ideas?

    Have 2 airport extreme base stations connected in chain.  Airport utility shows slave unit without power. However, power is on slave unit, but status lights do not show up at all. Small green lights at each back port blink.  Anyone have any ideas?

    Unfortunately, you are describing the symptoms of an AirPort Extreme with a failing (or failed) internal power supply.
    As a last resort, try a Factory Default Reset on the AirPort Extreme as follows:
    Power off the AirPort by pulling the power cord
    Wait a minute or two
    Hold in the reset button first, and keep holding it in for an additional 8-10 seconds while you simultaneously plug the power back into the AirPort
    Release the reset button and allow a full minute for the AirPort to restart
    Now try to configure the AirPort again.  If you continue to see the same symptoms as before, the AirPort will need to be replaced.

  • Can i use airport extreme, with apple tv and pc without the internet

    While renting/buying films on itunes is all well and good, my wireless capacity is poor, if i buy airport extreme, without connecting it to the internet, will it stream my films on itunes from the PC to apple TV?

    ...if i buy airport extreme, without connecting it to the internet, will it stream my films on itunes from the PC to apple TV?
    Yes. An Internet connection is not required. However, of course, the AirPort or your Apple TV will not be able to stream content from the Internet.

  • Apple TV, Time Capsule (or Airport Extreme) and streaming movies without running iTunes?

    I'm thinking of buying an Apple TV but as far as I know I'll need my computer on to run movies from my iTunes account, which is something I really don't want to do every time I want to watch a movie, just wondering if this can first of all be confirmed?
    Also, If I buy Apple TV and an apple time capsule (or an Airport extreme connected to a HDD), can I stream movie files located on the time capsule (or HDD) to the AppleTV without having to turn on the computer and run iTunes?

    Yes you need your computer on if you want to stream from its library, even if the library is on an external or network drive.
    However any purchases you have made from iTunes can be stream from the iTunes Store at any time without your computer being on.

  • How do I set up my AirPort Extreme  to provide IP addresses without being connected to the Internet?

    II'm trying to set up my AirPort Extreme in the field without an Internet connection so that devises can communicate wirelessly but there aren't any IP addresses being generated

    Just run the AE in router mode.. if you have difficult with the setup do it completely manually..
    This is how I do it.
    Airtport Utility can't find Airport Time Capsule on either of my 2009 Macs
    As long as the AE is running in DHCP and NAT mode it will produce IP addresses.. however you cannot turn off WAN.
    You could give it a static IP .. so set to static instead of dhcp if you like.. eg.
    DNS and WAN errors.. double NAT, Ethernet unplugged, etc.. so it makes no real difference..
    The AE will function fine as router (Wireless AP) to your network however..
    Just ignore all the errors.

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