Album Art on Most Music Files Do Not Display after 9.2 Upgrade

I downloaded and installed the 9.2 upgrade for iTunes on my Windows 7 laptop. Nearly all of the music files no longer display the album art. When I try editing the files to change or restore the art, nothing happens or the program stops responding.
Is there a fix for these and other problems on the way, or how do I go back to 9.1?

You may want to follow this thread of users experiencing similar issues.
No workaround or fix has been found yet.

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    Cyndi6858, help is here! We'd be happy to help figure this out. Just to be sure though, the Droid Maxx should not have an SD card. Is this the Droid Razr Maxx? How did you add the music to the device? Are you able to see the files and folders located on the SD card or device when plugged in?
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    2. Yes, he'll lose everything added since November.

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    Debabrata wrote:
    > What could be the reason of not dipslaying the all column/filed values in text file wherea as while exporting to excel it is displaying? is there any character length constraint for text file?
    There is no restriction on the file size which you can upload on the app server. AL11 is nothing but a report program & there is a limitation on the max number of characters displayed on the page.

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    Thanks and Regards,

    Enabled the FRD. Below are few last lines. Can you please let me know what i can in this log file contents.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    In Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 196613
    In Argument 1 - Type: Number Value: 54
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: 12
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Entering app_menu.set_prop.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    Executing FIND_MENU_ITEM Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: FILE.EXPORT
    Out Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 19
    Executing GET_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 19
    In Argument 1 - Type: Number Value: 79
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: TRUE
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed app_menu.set_prop.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed app_synch.menu_toolbar_sync. Event is WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: GLOBAL.APP_CUSTOM_MODE
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: NORMAL
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: GLOBAL.APP_CUSTOM_MODE
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: NORMAL
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: NULL
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: GLOBAL.OUT
    Executing USER_EXIT Built-in:
    FNDCPVCM, 11, Built-In, Entry, 316509814, USER_EXIT
    FNDCPVCM, 11, Built-In, Exit, 316509814, USER_EXIT
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: GLOBAL.OUT
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: N
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_form
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: FNDCPVCM
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_block
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: MASTER
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_form
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: FNDCPVCM
    Executing NAME_IN Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: system.current_block
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: MASTER
    Executing GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: Number Value: 75
    Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: IHR40P
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed call_all_libraries. Event is WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    Executing COPY Built-in:
    In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: Completed app_standard.event. Event is WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE.
    In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.frd_debug
    FNDCPVCM, 10, Prog Unit, Exit, 316509814, /FNDCPVCM-3/P45_30_DEC_201223_28_33
    FNDCPVCM, 9, Trigger, Exit, 316509814, WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE
    FNDCPVCM, 8, Prog Unit, Exit, 316509814, /DMU-4/P8_30_DEC_201223_23_12

  • Access DB (& .ldb file) does not close after crystal reports

    Post Author: mgold
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Access DB (& .ldb file) does not close after crystal reports
    Hi! We have a VB application using Crystal Reports 6 that has worked successfully on hundreds of systems for over 10 years. Now, on one network, the application and access database does not close. It seems to hang on the [.Close] command.
    When we open the application an peruse the screens without opening up a report (using crystal reports), the application and access db closes fine. But as soon as we run a report and then close the report and try to close the application, the access db does not close. Many of the screens open the db and grab data from the access db, but it's only after running crystal reports that we have this problem. (Please see more information below.)
    Setup: Application and data (access 97 db) reside on a server in the same folder, but application shortcut is kicked off on client PC. Kicking off the shortcut on the client PC means that the image/process runs on the client PC (not on the server). In this problem case, the application shortcut is on a Windows XP Pro Version 2002 SP2 PC with the app & data on a Windows 2003 server. Users are local Admins on their PCs with "Full Control"over the directory and files on the server where the data (access 97 db) resides. This type of setup is typical and has worked without any problems for clients.
    The application is written in Visual Basic, using Crystal Reports 6 (using DAO). We close the recordset, set it to zero and then it hangs on closing the db (.Close command).
    A few key pieces of information:
    - The application closes fine if the app & data (access 97 db) are on a local PC. This includes closing fine if the application is run directly on the Windows 2003 server where the data is stored.
    - It worked on this client's network until sometime in the last few weeks.
    - One thing that changed is that the company is using VMWare on its servers. Not sure if they started using VMWare at the same time as it started failing. This may be unrelated. Possibly other things changed, but can't get any more information ... yet.
    - It works fine running the application from a Windows Vista PC with a user who is a domain admin.
    - The access db and application hang for about 10-20 minutes and then eventually closes. It appears that somehow
    Crystal Reports is keeping the db open, but I'm not sure why.The application doesn't quit and the database doesn't close even if I try to end the task with the Task Manager.
    - The Crystl32.ocx version being used is (if that matters).
    - I copied 6 month old program files and database files to a test folder on the Windows 2003 server. It fails using these files that worked fine 6 months ago.
    Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated! If you know of another good place to post this, please let me know.
    - Mark

    Crystal doesn't support tables in HTML interpretation. 
    You can probably work your way around this by doing Replace() calls on the relevant tags.
    The supported HTML tags are:
    " html
    " body
    " div (causes a paragraph break)
    " tr (causes only a paragraph break; does not
    preserve column structure of a table)
    " span
    " font
    " p (causes a paragraph break)
    " br (causes a paragraph break)
    " h1 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold
    & twice default size)
    " h2 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold
    & 1.5 times default size)
    " h3 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold
    & 9/8 default size)
    " h4 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold)
    " h5 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold
    & 5/6 default size)
    " h6 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold
    & 5/8 default size)
    " center
    " big (increases font size by 2 points)
    " small (decreases font size by 2 points if it's 8
    points or larger)
    " b
    " i
    " s
    " strike
    " u
    The supported HTML attributes are:
    " align
    " face
    " size
    " color
    " style
    " font-family
    " font-size
    " font-style
    " font-weight

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