Alert mails are sent regularly even if there are no errors

I have created an alert category for one of the scenarios and tested it with an error message.
Alert mail is successfully sent to the recipients mentioned with the message details(like Message ID etc).
In addition to the above, an alert mail is triggered every day at a specific time for the same scenario though we are not testing it.
There are no message details in the mails which are getting triggered regularly though there are no errors.
Please suggest.

Hi Sarika,
See if the same interface is using for mulitple target Inbound interfaces and u want to generate individual alerts based on country or some what....I understood from ur statement that
I wish to get multiple aterts as we have many interfaces. So didn't try that.
In that case u need to definete multiple ALERT RULES for the same ALERT CATEGORY because any Alert RULE If u Set in such a way that "KEEP SUPRESS" then automatically the untill the first alert is marked as COMPLETED manually 2nd alert wont be generate.
If u want continous alerting keeping on bugging untill the issue is resolved UNCHECK the KEEP SUPRESS.
HERE Your case is different U need Multiple alerts but not for same interface in that case u need to definete sperate ALERT RULES for each Inbound interface.
For example a MATMAS interface data can be seent to Multiple countries legacies.
Amar Srinivas Eli

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    If you find the log file folder for your Web Server, you should be able to get more information on this. If you check the event log of the web server, you may also find more details there.
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                         r_to_lgort TYPE lgort_d
                         r_sto_bin TYPE lgpla
                   CHANGING rt_bapi_message TYPE type_t_bapi_message
                            r_success TYPE c.
      DATA: v_mode TYPE c,
            wa_bapi_message TYPE bdcmsgcoll.
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      REFRESH t_bdcdata.
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      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
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    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RL02B-MJAHR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RL02B-DUNKL'
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      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'LTAP-NLBER'
                                    '001'.        "destn storage section
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'LTAP-NLPLA'
                                    r_sto_bin.        "destn storage section
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                       USING t_bdcdata
                       MODE   v_mode
                       UPDATE 'S'
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         WITH wa_bapi_message-msgv1 wa_bapi_message-msgv2 wa_bapi_message-msgv3 wa_bapi_message-msgv4.
          APPEND wa_bapi_message TO rt_bapi_message.
       APPEND t_messtab to rt_bapi_message.
    ENDFORM.                    "create_to
    Thanks for reading

    Hi ,
    Now as per the transaction an error is prompted only when the compiler interprets it as false on a data field or a combination of them . Now its in the programmers hand to validate the data before submitting it to the screen .. now this validation should cover all scenario's . One point i want to make here is that bdc is nothing but replaying how the user enter's manually for no of records..
    i dont know about this tcode LT06 .
    //The Tcode is LT06 and when user enters the Material doc and click on enter the error occurs, but in the manual mode he is able to enter the Destn Bin, storage type etc and continue. However that is not the case with BDC.//
    you are entering the material doc no in screen 0203 ..use all screen mode and check what is the error prompting if any and in the normal debugging track that error if some user exit is written using sy-binpt with some error message..
    did you tried some relavant tcode other than LT06 which can be used for this purpose cause sometimes we have alternate tcodes to run the bdc .. please check on this .

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    C_FINAA- MAIL_BODY_TEXT = 'Hello'.
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    Alert ID: ##00009##
    Dear Administrator,
    This is with respect to XI Scenario. During processing of XML file from ECC or XYZ Server, Following error has been occured:
    Message ID:
    NOTE: To check the file name, go to SXMB_MONI and search for above message ID.
    Double click on that message ID and click on error in left hand tree.
    Please take appropriate action in co-ordination with respective functional and BASIS consultant.
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    Waiting for quick replay. Please help me out.

    Hi thanks for quick reply.
    As per your given link : [original link is broken]
    I have done all these steps. But still little problem.
    as per link he is getting Error  description , error message id , alert rule..
    In my case I am not getting these information. when my messages failed. When I am doing manully testing the alert getting an mail as :
    Alert ID: ##00009##
    Dear Administrator,
    This is with respect to XI Scenario. During processing of XML file from ECC or XYZ Server, Following error has been occured:
    Message ID:
    NOTE: To check the file name, go to SXMB_MONI and search for above message ID.
    Double click on that message ID and click on error in left hand tree.
    Please take appropriate action in co-ordination with respective functional and BASIS consultant.
    Is it okay the body of mail??.
    I am not getting alert mail when my messages failed in adapter engine and Integration Engine.
    Ex my message is failed in AE:as below.
    My messages flow as : SAP --> XI --> DB.
    Messages is success (in ECC moni)> XI moni also success> XI Adapter engine getting error as (Status: System Error) and (Error Category : XI_J2EE_ADAPTER_JDBC).

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    Sounds like it worked until the policies associated with the account that are creating the problem were fully pushed down.
    Try setting up a new (test) Exhange account and see if it behaves the same way on the phone (after removing the problem account from the phone, of course).

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    This is not usually related to AD issues, but it may be more of a DNS issue. I posted a request in your other thread to post an unedited ipconfig /all of the DC and of the client.
    This may help use diagnose this issue and your other thread's printer issues.
    Thank you,
    Ace Fekay
    MVP, MCT, MCSE 2012, MCITP EA & MCTS Windows 2008/R2, Exchange 2013, 2010 EA & 2007, MCSE & MCSA 2003/2000, MCSA Messaging 2003
    Microsoft Certified Trainer
    Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    Complete List of Technical Blogs:
    This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

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    Mail/Preferences/Viewing - un-check include related messages, delete the folder, then go back and reset yo include.

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