Alien movie - fullscreen or widescreen

Can someone tell me if Alien movie by ridley scott is really fullscreen download and not widescreen? The format shows Fullscreen in iTunes. Surely it is actually  widescreen.  Thanks.

It's mislabeled. I had the same question, but just bought the original 1979 cut and it's widescreen.

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    You have to create a QTL file that opens the QT movie in the player. Based on the settings it opens in Full Screen.
    You may want to read this:
    [QuitTime Tutorials and more|>
    [Launching QuickTime Player from a Text Link | al-11.html]
    An alternative is to publish your movies to Vimeo and embed the movie in your page. These movies can play full screen.
    Or use DivX of Flash Video.
    Samples here:

  • Final Cut Express Movie turns into Widescreen

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    Same problem with a fullscreen movie exported as a quicktime movie from FCP, then iDVD forcing it into widescreen. I solved the problem by exporting from FCP with Compressor. In Compressor I chose DV_NTSC as my format and it works fine as fullscreen in iDVD. It even saves chapter markers. So that's my current workaround until Apple fixes this terrible bug.

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    And let me add, I HATE the term Fullscreen.
    Just one more way the TV/Film industry is convincing the uninformed public that Widescreen movies are wrong. The black bars are wrong. I don't want a widescreen TV, because then I won't be able to view fullscreen.
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    Sorry, quick rant on stupid marketingspeak. If you want to move the public forward into buying an widescreen TV, don't call those DVDs Fullscreen. Call them Cropped, or Edited, or Altered.

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    This is something that the website ( for example) would need to implement, Flash Player does not dictate the video dimensions.
    However, unless the widescreen content is zoomed/cropped or the aspect ratio is changed, causing the video to become stretched/squished, there's not much you can do about letter boxing when going from 16:9 to 5:4.

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    When You make a brand new iDVD project - Select DV - not Widescreen-DV
    In iDVD top menu Project/Project info - Here too - You may be must select 4x3 size.
    And how You go from FinalCut to iDVD matters - My notes on this.
    FCE/P to iDVD
    Several things
    • How to go from FCE/P to iDVD
    • Free space on Start-up hard disk
    • Encoding
    • Brand and type of DVDs used
    • Burn speed set
    • iDVD BUG
    • Chapters
    How to go from FCE/P to iDVD I do
    • Disable Screen and Energy saver
    • IMPORTANT --> FIRST in FinalCut - Mix Down Audio under Sequence Menu / Render Only / Mix-down
    • Export out as a QuickTime .mov file
    • Select with Mark - Chapter Mark
    • Not as Self-Contained (not important but saves time and space)
    This file I import into iDVD from within iDVD.
    Free space on Start-up hard disk
    I set a minimum of 25GB (for Mac OS and iDVDs temp files)
    • I use Pro Quality encoding
    Brand and type of DVDs used (matters)
    • I use Verbatim
    • I use DVD-R
    Burn speed set
    • I set down this to x4 (or x1)
    iDVD BUG
    • One can not go back to movie-project for any alterations and then go back to
    the iDVD project. It will notice and ask You to either Up-date or Cancel. Neither
    of them will work.
    Medicine - Start a brand new iDVD project.
    Use of Chapters
    • I only use a to z and 0 to 9 in naming them. NO other symbol/letter !
    • NO Chapter-mark at very beginning - iDVD NEEDS TO set this by it self
    • No Chapter marks in or within two seconds from a transition
    (Way around this last one - Export movie as QT full quality and NO Chapter marks
    Import this into a new Movie-project and now You are free to set C-Ms where You want
    them except at very beginning - still)
    Material used to build movie
    • video - I use streamingDV (or convert all other to this e.g. .mp4, .avi, .wmv etc)
    • audio - I use .aiff 16-bit 48kHz or from Audio-CD (44.1kHz) - no .mp3 or direct from iTunes
    • photos - I use .jpg - no .bmp etc
    Also do when problems occures
    • Trash iDVD pref. file and
    • run Repair Permissions - and have a re-try.
    from post ??
    May not be relevant, but I had the same problem with iDVD, where burned DVDs showed a green screen. It was cured by quitting Quicksilver and Quickeys as well as disabling sleep and screen-saving
    Yours Bengt W

  • How to make Widescreen Videos Display correctly in iDVD?

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    I took this video and edited it in iMovie and Exported as follows:
    DVCPRO PAL; Aspect: 16x9 25fps.
    Size: 720x576 16:9 (i do not preserve aspect ratio).
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    I have 10 small videos i do this too and out of the 10 only 2 actually play in widescreen. The other 8 start off by displaying grey side vertical bars on either side of the screen then proceed to move into a 4:3 aspect.
    Why is this happening? Why only 2 work? What is happening to the other 8?
    Each of the .mov files i am using display in widescreen when i open and play in QuickTime.
    (i have checked using QTPro and all the aspects are set to 1024 x 576 (PAL) for each movie.
    Can anyone point me some clues as to what is happening?

    OK found my solution.
    Something in iDVD was not translating the .mov file correctly and not showing my .mov files in proper 16:9 format. It did so with 2 of them but not the other 8.
    So i found a work around that made it work perfectly.
    I made a new iMovie file in widescreen format. Closed iMovie. Then did a "view contents" function (cntrl click on iMovie file and "view contents"). Next i dropped the 16x9 .mov file into the Media folder. Open the iMovie file again and move the .mov file from the Trash into the Timeline. Save iMovie file. Then i dropped the iMovie file into iDVD and now i have my 16x9 movie with no problem.
    I had to make these different aspects and formats because i needed 4 DVDs of each movie:
    Fullscreen PAL
    Widescreen PAL
    Fullscreen NTSC
    Widescreen NTSC
    Glad i got it all to work out OK.
    Also be sure to select the correct fps in the iMovie preferences before making a new iMovie. And deselect the "pillarbox and letterbox" option.

  • Youtube displaying widescreen movies in letterbox on widescreen tv

    Hello all,
    I hope I can get some help here.
    I have a dual-monitor setup where I have a 19" main monitor running on 1280x1024 as my main desktop, and I have my 42" widescreen full-HD tv connected to the secondary output of my GeForce 9600GT.
    I like to watch movies/youtube fullscreen on my 42" tv ofcourse, especially since YouTube now has 1080p quality available.
    On other media players (like windows media player, Ustream and others), when I click fullscreen on widescreen content, the entire display of the TV is being used, but when I click the fullscreen option on YouTube (when the youtube content is on 16:9) I get a black letterbox all around the content.
    Youtube is treating my TV as a 4:3 (so I get black bars on the left and the right). I guess the player isn't able to detect that it's actually a widescreen TV. The playbar and adds etc. show up on only part of the screen as well, and then ofcourse since it seems to detect 4:3, it also puts black bars on the top and the bottom for the widescreen content.
    Is there any way to force 16:9 settings on youtube, regardless of what the player is apparently detecting?
    Kind regards.

    Hi, The only thing I would suggest is to see if Youtube has any guidelines. Also when you open your thread, look to the right side and you'll see "More like This" where various threads seem to be discussing this issue.

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    I have a movie (.avi file) playing on the 2nd monitor and I'm able to work on my MBP, but I can't figure out how to view the movie fullscreen because when I get the 2nd monitor fullscreen, my MBP screen goes fullscreen as well (and of course the dock and any form of control disappear as my MBP screen is just dark and blank).
    Does anyone know the trick to getting the setup that I want? FULLSCREEN 2nd monitor to watch .avi files while working on my MBP???
    I could really use some help on this one! THANK YOU, oh knowledgeable one(s) who reply!!!

    You won't be able to do it with the included QuickTime media player. But it can be done with other media players like MPlayer or VLC I am pretty sure. Haven't had this exact need myself but have seen other similar threads and recall the above being recommended. Good luck.

  • Apple  tv keep saying Widescreen when buying and renting I don't see widescreen when buying and renting I only see widescreen on 1 movie I have to use the other romote and make the screen bigger can anybody help me?

    Apple Tv keep saying widescreen I rented and brought the movies I don't get widescreen I have to open up the screen with another remote there was only one movie that was widescreen? Can you fix this?  Do you have any advice?

    Virtually all iTunes movies are widescreen, so it is difficult to understand what you are referring to, could you explain a little better please.

  • Widescreen, letterbox an 4:3 in one movie!!!

    I made a film in imovie, the footage was recorded in 16:9. Then I made the movie with idvd and now my dvd menu is in widescreen, the themes of the movie are in 4:3 and the movie itself is in letterbox.
    What have I done wrong? Why can you turn the dvd menu in idvd into 16:9, but not the themes in imovie?
    I want it all to be in widescreen or 16:9.
    It looks horrible on my 16:9 tv
    Please help me!!!
    Thanks a lot.

    wait your saying the movie technically is widescreen itself but it has the black bars on top and bottom, so when you watch it, it stretches the picture because of the black bars?
    if so you change that on your tv. even store bought movies those black bars are actually part of the picture, you have to have a widescreen tv and select zoom or fill screen or something, forget the actual name, for it to do it.

  • How do I make 16:9 quicktime movies of footage shot & edited in widescreen

    I just finished editing a project that was shot in Widescreen. I want to export a 30 second clip from it to put in a DVD SP menu Drop Zone
    When I go to File --- Export ---- Current Settings I export it and it makes a quicktime movie. No problem.
    When I open up that file using QT on my desktop, it is still in 4:3 mode.
    When I put that quicktime into DVD SP menu that is 16:9, it plays in 4:3 mode.
    How can I make a Quicktime Movie that is widescreen, plays in Quicktime Widescreen, and when I bring it into DVD SP plays Widescreen in a Drop Zone of a menu that is widescreen.
    Thanks in advance

    You can either make the dimensions of your export 16:9 or export an anamorphic 4:3 qt and make sure the anamorphic flag is turned on for the qt. Not sure how consistent fcp is in doing this, but you can always open the exported qt in qtplayer and change the display aspect ratio.

  • Why isn't the movie "aliens" available?

    All of the other Alien movies are available except Aliens.

    I recently asked the same question. Some movies on iTunes will be on there for a while then will be taken down. I was looking into buying 'Inception' because I thought I saw it on iTunes a while back, but unfortunently I couldn't find it. Hope this helps!

  • DVD Player Black Border all aound widescreen image....???

    I have a new 17" powerbook running Tiger...and have been playing some DVDs...and the DVD player now puts a 1 1/2" black border all around the widescreen image. This is new to me and I've tried all of the obvious preference options...and switching between different screen sizes (command-0, command-1 and command-2....) and no success.
    Has anyone else had this same problem? Any solutions?

    This is not a problem, that's a specific configuration of some DVDs, it happens beucause some DVDs to fit in a 4:3 (fullscreen) TVs put the black borders on the top and botton. When you try to view these movies in a widescreen there will be black borders on the right and left because the format with the original top and botton border is 640 x480 (4:3).
    To fix that you just have to select the Otion "Video Zoom" from the Apple DVD Player menu "Window":
    There you can strech the movie the way you like to fill your widescreen.

  • I need help to draw an image and move it plz plz : )

    Ok, so I have this whole code and I understand most of it but not all of it but I'm trying to make image "drop.gif" to move down the right side of the window. For each shot that is taken the image moves down ever so much and if the image hits the Entity ship "background" than notify death. PLease anyone help me !
    there are 7 classes but here is the main ...
    package spaceinvaderss;
    import java.awt.Canvas;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    public class Main extends Canvas {
    /*A Canvas component represents a blank rectangular area of the screen onto which the application can draw or from which the application can trap input events from the user.
    An application must subclass the Canvas class in order to get useful functionality such as creating a custom component.
    The paint method must be overridden in order to perform custom graphics on the canvas.*/
    /** The stragey that allows us to use accelerate page flipping.*/
    private BufferStrategy strategy;
    /** True if the game is currently "running", i.e. the game loop is looping */
    private boolean gameRunning = true;
    /** The list of all the entities that exist in our game */
    private ArrayList entities = new ArrayList();
    /** The list of entities that need to be removed from the game this loop */
    private ArrayList removeList = new ArrayList();
    /** The entity representing the player */
    private Entity ship;
    /** The entity representing the alien */
    private Entity alien;
    /** The speed at which the player's ship should move (pixels/sec) */
    private double moveSpeed = 600;
    /** The time at which last fired a shot */
    private long lastFire = 0;
    /** The interval between our players shot (ms) */
    private long firingInterval = 400;
    /** timer */
    private long time = 0;
    /** The number of aliens left on the screen */
    private int alienCount;
    /** The message to display which waiting for a key press */
    private String message = "";
    /** True if we're holding up game play until a key has been pressed */
    private boolean waitingForKeyPress = true;
    /** True if the left cursor key is currently pressed */
    private boolean leftPressed = false;
    /** True if the right cursor key is currently pressed */
    private boolean rightPressed = false;
    /** True if we are firing */
    private boolean firePressed = false;
    /** True if game logic needs to be applied this loop, normally as a result of a game event */
    private boolean logicRequiredThisLoop = false;
    private static Image drop;
    /** The constant for the width*/
    private int DOMAIN = 800;
    /** The constant fot the length*/
    private int RANGE = 950;
    /** The constant for the number of rows of aliens */
    private int numbaofrows = 8;
    /** The constant for the number of aliens per row */
    private int aliensperrow = 12;
    /** The constant for the percent of which the speed increases*/
    private double speedincrease = 1.02;
    /** Starts the variable that counts the shots*/
    private int shotsfired = 0;
    /** Construct our game and set it running.*/
    public Main() {
    // Creates a frame to contain Main.
    JFrame container = new JFrame("SPACE INVADERS !!! WOOT !!! WOOT !!!");
    // Gets a hold of the content of the frame and sets up the resolution of the game
    // Names the inside of the "container" as panel.
    JPanel panel = (JPanel) container.getContentPane();
    // Stes the demensions of the panel.
    panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(DOMAIN,RANGE));
    //Sets the layout as nothing which overrides any automatic properties.
    // Sets up our canvas size and puts it into the content of the frame
    setBounds(0, 0, DOMAIN, RANGE);
    // Tell AWT not to bother repainting our canvas since we're
    // going to do that our self in accelerated mode.
    // Actually sizes the window approximately.
    // Makes it so that the window can't be resized.
    // Makes the window visible.
    // Add a listener to respond to the user pressing the x.
    // End the program when the window is closed.
    container.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    // add a key input system (defined below) to our canvas
    // so we can respond to key pressed
    addKeyListener(new KeyInputHandler());
    // request the focus so key events come to us
    // Create the buffering strategy which will allow AWT
    // to manage our accelerated graphics.
    strategy = getBufferStrategy();
    // initialise the entities in our game so there's something
    // to see at startup
    time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    * Start a fresh game, this should clear out any old data and
    * create a new set.
    private void startGame() {
    // clear out any existing entities and intialise a new set
    // blank out any keyboard settings we might currently have
    leftPressed = false;
    rightPressed = false;
    firePressed = false;
    * Initialise the starting state of the entities (ship and aliens). Each
    * entitiy will be added to the overall list of entities in the game.
    private void initEntities() {
    ClassLoader cloader = Main.class.getClassLoader();
    drop = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(cloader.getResource("drop.gif"));
    prepareImage(drop, this);
    // create the player ship and place it in the center of the screen
    ship = new ShipEntity(this,"background.gif", 0, (RANGE - 75));
    ship = new ShipEntity(this,"ship.gif", (DOMAIN / 2) - 0, (RANGE - 50));
    // create a block of aliens
    alienCount = 0;
    for (int row = 0; row < numbaofrows; row++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < aliensperrow; x++) {
    alien = new AlienEntity(this,"alien.gif", 100 + (x*50),(50)+row*30);
    * Notification from a game entity that the logic of the game
    * should be run at the next opportunity (normally as a result of some
    * game event)
    public void updateLogic() {
    logicRequiredThisLoop = true;
    * Remove an entity from the game. The entity removed will
    * no longer move or be drawn.
    * Remove the entity
    public void removeEntity(Entity entity) {
    /**Notify that the player has died.*/
    public void notifyDeath() {
    message = "Oh no! The aliens win, wanna try again?";
    waitingForKeyPress = true;
    /** Notification that the player has won since all the aliensare dead.*/
    public void notifyWin() {
    long time2;
    time2 = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000;
    int acuracy = 1000*(aliensperrow*numbaofrows)/shotsfired;
    message = "Congradulations! You win! Your time was: " + time2 + " seconds. Your acuracy was " + acuracy + "%.";
    waitingForKeyPress = true;
    /**Notification that an alien has been killed*/
    public void notifyAlienKilled() {
    // reduce the alient count, if there are none left, the player has won!
    if (alienCount == 0) {
    // if there are still some aliens left then they all need to get faster, so
    // speed up all the existing aliens
    for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
    Entity entity = (Entity) entities.get(i);
    if (entity instanceof AlienEntity) {
    // speed up every time the aliens move down
    entity.setHorizontalMovement(entity.getHorizontalMovement() * speedincrease);
    /**Attempt to fire a shot from the player. Its called "try" since we must first
    * check that the player can fire at this point, i.e. has he/she waited long
    * enough between shots.*/
    public void tryToFire() {
    // check that we have been waiting long enough to fire
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFire < firingInterval) {
    // if we waited long enough, create the shot entity, and record the time.
    lastFire = System.currentTimeMillis();
    ShotEntity shot = new ShotEntity(this, "bullet.gif", ship.getX() + 27, ship.getY() - 30);
    * The main game loop. This loop is running during all game
    * play as is responsible for the following activities:
    * - Working out the speed of the game loop to update moves
    * - Moving the game entities
    * - Drawing the screen contents (entities, text)
    * - Updating game events
    * - Checking Input
    public void gameLoop() {
    long lastLoopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Keep looping around till the game ends.
    while (gameRunning) {
    // Work out how long its been since the last update, this
    // will be used to calculate how far the entities should
    // move this loop.
    long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLoopTime;
    lastLoopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Get hold of a graphics context for the accelerated
    // surface and black it out.
    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) strategy.getDrawGraphics();
    g.fillRect(0, 0, DOMAIN, RANGE);
    // Cycle around asking for each entity to move itself.
    if (!waitingForKeyPress) {
    for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
    Entity entity = (Entity) entities.get(i);
    // cycle round drawing all the entities we have in the game
    for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
    Entity entity = (Entity) entities.get(i);
    // brute force collisions, compare every entity against
    // every other entity. If any of them collide notify
    // both entities that the collision has occured
    for (int p = 0; p < entities.size(); p++) {
    for (int s = p + 1; s < entities.size(); s++) {
    Entity me = (Entity) entities.get(p);
    Entity him = (Entity) entities.get(s);
    if (me.collidesWith(him)) {
    // remove any entity that has been marked for clear up
    // if a game event has indicated that game logic should
    // be resolved, cycle round every entity requesting that
    // their personal logic should be considered.
    if (logicRequiredThisLoop) {
    for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
    Entity entity = (Entity) entities.get(i);
    logicRequiredThisLoop = false;
    // if we're waiting for an "any key" press then draw the
    // current message
    if (waitingForKeyPress) {
    g.drawString(message,(DOMAIN-g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(message)) / 2, 250);
    g.drawString("TO PLAY, PRESS ANY KEY : )", (DOMAIN-g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("TO PLAY, PRESS ANY KEY : )")) / 2, 40);
    // Clear up the graphics.
    // Flip the buffer over.;
    // resolve the movement of the ship. First assume the ship
    // isn't moving. If either cursor key is pressed then
    // update the movement appropraitely
    if ((leftPressed) && (!rightPressed)) {
    } else if ((rightPressed) && (!leftPressed)) {
    // if we're pressing fire, attempt to fire
    if (firePressed) {
    // finally pause for a bit. Note: this should run us at about
    // 100 fps but on windows this might vary each loop due to
    // a bad implementation of timer
    try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (Exception e) {}
    * A class to handle keyboard input from the user. The class
    * handles both dynamic input during game play, i.e. left/right
    * and shoot, and more static type input (i.e. press any key to
    * continue)
    * This has been implemented as an inner class more through
    * habbit then anything else. Its perfectly normal to implement
    * this as seperate class if slight less convienient.
    private class KeyInputHandler extends KeyAdapter {
    /** The number of key presses we've had while waiting for an "any key" press */
    private int pressCount = 1;
    * Notification from AWT that a key has been pressed. Note that
    * a key being pressed is equal to being pushed down but NOT
    * released. Thats where keyTyped() comes in.
    * @param e The details of the key that was pressed
    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
    // if we're waiting for an "any key" typed then we don't
    // want to do anything with just a "press"
    if (waitingForKeyPress) {
    if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
    leftPressed = true;
    if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
    rightPressed = true;
    if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) {
    firePressed = true;
    * Notification from AWT that a key has been released.
    * @param e The details of the key that was released
    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
    // if we're waiting for an "any key" typed then we don't
    // want to do anything with just a "released"
    if (waitingForKeyPress) {
    if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
    leftPressed = false;
    if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
    rightPressed = false;
    if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) {
    firePressed = false;
    * Notification from AWT that a key has been typed. Note that
    * typing a key means to both press and then release it.
    * @param e The details of the key that was typed.
    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
    // if we're waiting for a "any key" type then
    // check if we've recieved any recently. We may
    // have had a keyType() event from the user releasing
    // the shoot or move keys, hence the use of the "pressCount"
    // counter.
    if (waitingForKeyPress) {
    if (pressCount == 1) {
    // since we've now recieved our key typed
    // event we can mark it as such and start
    // our new game
    waitingForKeyPress = false;
    pressCount = 0;
    } else {
    // if we hit escape, then quit the game
    if (e.getKeyChar() == 27) {
    * The entry point into the game. We'll simply create an
    * instance of class which will start the display and game
    * loop.
    * @param argv The arguments that are passed into our game
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
    Main g = new Main();
    // Starts the main game loop, this method will not return until the game has finished running. Hence we are
    // using the actual main thread to run the game.

    Ap_Compsci_student_13 wrote:
    ok sorry but doesn't sscce say to post the whole code?the first S is Short, and yes, it needs to be all the code needed to illustrate the problem and let use reproduce it. If you were developing a new Web framework, your example might be short, but for a student game it's very long.

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