Align Text In Table

I seek help to align the 2nd row text under "Age Qualification" same line with the "Categories". Please refer to my screen shot for easy understanding. Thanks in advance.

I got it under Cell Option. Thanks for looking into my problem.

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    Hey guys,
         I need a second set of eyes here. I have been working on finishing up this website for a while and I am having some problems. It's hard to explain, so look for yourself:
    If you click the sub links (Extended Beliefs, About Our Pastors) in Chrome everything looks great! But in IE when you click those links you will notice that the alignment is all wrong in th top table on both the About ICC page and the About our pastors page. I can not for the life of me figure out why. I ahve narrowed it down to the top table in the page:
    <table width="920" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="header">
            <td width="32" height="75" class="headerTitle"> </td>
            <td width="235" class="headerTitle">About</td>
            <td width="615" class="headerLinks"><u>About ICC</u>     <a href="About-ExtendedBeliefs.html">Extended Beliefs</a>    <a href="About-OurPastors.html">About Our Pastors</a></td>
            <td width="38" class="headerLinks"> </td>
            <td height="364" valign="top" class="BodyMainHeader"> </td>
            <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="BodyMainHeader"><p>International Christian Center</p>
              <p class="MainBody"><span class="BodyMainText"><span class="BodyMainText"><span class="BodyMainText"><span class="BodyMainText"><span class="BodyMainText"><img src="Images/LOGO.png" alt="ICC LOGO" width="310" height="292" align="right" />International Christian Center is a church about loving God and loving people. Planted in Renton Washington by Pastors Daniel and Connie Ong in 2008, ICC has since been striving to reach the people of Renton and its neighboring cities.</span></span></span></span></span><span class="BodyMainText"><span class="MainBody"></span></span></p>
              <p class="BodySubHeader">Our Mission Statement</p>
              <p class="BodySubHeader"><span class="BodyMainText">Bringing people to know Christ, to grow in Christ, and to go tell others about Christ.</span><br />
                <strong class="BodyMainText">To Know - To Grow - To Go</strong></p>
              <p class="BodySubHeader">What to Expect on Sunday</p>
              <p class="BodySubHeader"><span class="BodyMainText">Sunday services are all about fellowshipping with one another, worshiping and praising Christ, and learning and growing in His Word. Come as you are, no need to put on a three piece suit or Sunday dress, instead come expecting to be changed from the inside out. Services start at 10AM and are generally concluded by Noon. Every service includes God-centered worship and Bible-centered teaching. Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month.</span></p></td>
            <td valign="top" class="BodyMainHeader"> </td>
    I have come to that conclusion since the text in the table directly bellow that (the footer class table) aligns properly. Any idea as to what is wrong? The shows the same errors for each page, msot of which are just missing alt tags, could that cause this problem? Thanks for the help as always guys!

    Got it figured out. It had to do with Splitting the table into 3 columns (I should have known better than to split such a large table like that). I merged the cells in the header and inserted a new table and that fixed all alignment issues and formatting issues. I figured this out by the highly scientific "Guess and check" method! Thanks for your time guys!

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    Any ideas?
    Thank you very much!
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        <td width="393" align="center" valign="middle" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#999999"><p align="center" class="style40 style47">2015 PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS</p>      </td>
      <tr bordercolor="#000002">
        <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><ul class="style79">
          <li><strong><span class="style48"><a href="Workshops/Ecuador.htm"> ECUADOR: HUMMINGBIRDS AND MORE!</a></span></strong></li>
          <li>JAN, 2015 <span class="style85">-<strong><span class="style80"><span class="style67">SOLD OUT</span></span></strong></span></li>
          <li> JAN, 2015 - <strong><span class="style67">SOLD OUT</span></strong></li>
      <tr bordercolor="#000002">
        <td height="64" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><ul class="style79">
          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/VancouverIsland.htm">VANCOUVER ISLAND: WATERFOWL</a></strong></li>
          <li>MAR 9-13, 2015 -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><span class="style80">SIGN UP TODAY!</span></strong></li>
          <li>MAR 16-20, 2015  -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><span class="style80">SIGN UP TODAY!</span></strong></li>
      <tr bordercolor="#000002">
        <td height="64" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><ul class="style79">
          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/CostaRica.html">COSTA RICA: NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY</a></strong></li>
          <li> APR, 2015 -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
          <li>OCT, 2015  -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
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        <td height="46" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><ul class="style79">
          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/Manitoba-Churchill.htm">CHURCHILL: TUNDRA BIRDS &amp; WILDLIFE</a></strong></li>
          <li> JUNE, 2016 - <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
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        <td height="46" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><ul class="style79">
          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/Peru.html">PERU: MANU NATIONAL PARK</a></strong></li>
          <li>SEPT, 2015 -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
          <li>SEPT, 2015 -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
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        <td height="64" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><ul class="style79">
          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/OneonOneWorkshops.htm">CUSTOM / PHOTOSHOP WORKSHOPS</a></strong></li>
          <li>PRIVATE LESSONS<span class="style85"><strong></strong></span></li>
          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/OneonOneWorkshops.htm">CLICK HERE</a></strong> FOR DETAILS</li>
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        <td height="72"><div align="center" class="style76">
          <p><strong><font color="#FF0000" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="mailto:[email protected]"></a> </font></strong><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">ALL 2014 TRIPS ARE SOLD OUT</font></p>
          <p><span class="GreenLarge"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">SOME 2015 DATES NOW AVAILABLE -</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></font></span><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <strong><font color="#FF0000" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL GLENN</u> TO JOIN THE WISH LISTS</a></font></strong></font><span class="style87">.</span></p>
          <p><a href="../mailinglist.htm"><img src="../naturephotography/Text/newsletter Button3 - White.jpg" width="215" height="60" border="0"></a></p>
          <p class="style86"> </p>
        <td><div align="right" class="style45">
          <p align="center"><span class="style37"><a href="Workshops/VancouverIsland.htm">VANCOUVER ISLAND</a> - <a href="Workshops/Ecuador.htm">ECUADOR</a> - <a href="Workshops/CostaRica.html">COSTA RICA</a> - <a href="Workshops/Manitoba-Churchill.htm">CHURCHILL</a> - PERU - <a href="Workshops/OneonOneWorkshops.htm">CUSTOM PHOTO WORKSHOPS</a></span></p>
    <table width="1000" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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          <p> </p>
          <p> </p>
        <td height="14"><div align="center">
          <p align="right"><font color="#000000" size="-2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Site designed and created by Glenn Bartley. &copy; 2014 Glenn Bartley Nature Photography. All Rights Reserved</font></p>
    <p> </p>
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        <td height="367"><h1 class="style38"><span class="style48"><a href="photoworkshops.htm">BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS</a> - <a href="Workshops/VancouverIsland.htm">CANADA</a>, <a href="Workshops/Ecuador.htm">ECUADOR</a>, <a href="Workshops/CostaRica.html">COSTA RICA</a> AND MORE</span></h1>
        <p class="style36"><strong>Glenn  Bartley</strong> is a professional nature photographer from Victoria, British Columbia on Canada's west  coast.  He focuses on capturing intimate portraits of birds in their  natural surroundings. Glenn strives  for what he calls &ldquo;clean&rdquo; images &ndash; where the subject is clear, distracting  elements are kept to a minimum and the background is pleasingly blurred out of  focus. Glenn&rsquo;s  work has been published widely throughout North America in books and  magazines (such as Birder&rsquo;s World, Birding &amp; Bird Watchers Digest).  His most recent book is entitled &ndash; &ldquo;Birds in Ecuador: A Photographic  Journey.&rdquo; Glenn  loves to share his passion for photography and for the natural world with those  who attend his photographic workshops and with participants of where he is a  moderator in the Birds forum.</p>
          <p align="left" class="style37"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">What  makes Glenn's <a href="photoworkshops.htm">photography workshops</a> different from the competitors?</font></p>
          <div align="left" class="style48">
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn focuses on more personalized attention,instruction  and guidance.</font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn is regarded one of the world&rsquo;s top  professional photographers in bird portrait  photography. Just go pick up a birding magazine and you will almost certainly find his images.</font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn  often utilizes local guides with years of  experience in their home areas. </font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn has more  experience.  He has been to the places that he will take you &ndash;  not for a week or two &ndash; but for months!!   Glenn knows where to get the best possible images and can show you how to  achieve them.  </font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Having completed his Msc. in Environmental Studies Glenn is very environmentally and socially aware.  When we visit communities around the  world we give something back to these places and the people who live  there. </font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn's <a href="photoworkshops.htm">Photography Workshops</a> will be fun too!</font></li>
            <ul class="style48">
              <li class="style45"> <a href="Workshops/CostaRica.html"><strong>COSTA RICA PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP</strong></a> - TROPICAL BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY AT ITS FINEST</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="Workshops/Ecuador.htm"><strong>ECUADOR PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP</strong></a> - HUMMINGBIRD PHOTOGRAPHY</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="Workshops/VancouverIsland.htm"><strong>VANCOUVER   ISLAND PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP</strong></a> - NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY OASIS</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="Workshops/Manitoba-Churchill.htm"><strong>CHURCHILL BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP</strong></a> - BIRDS OF THE HIGH ARCTIC</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../VictoriaBirdPhotoAcademy_Photoshop.html"><strong>ADOBE PHOTOSHOP WORKSHOPS</strong></a> - ONLINE OR IN PERSON I CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO USE ADOBE PHOTOSHOP</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="Workshops/OneonOneWorkshops.htm"><strong>ONE ON ONE BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS</strong></a> - CONTACT ME TO DISCUSS THE OPTIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL OR SMALL GROUP BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS</li>
            <p align="center" class="style67"><strong>GLENNS CURRENT BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY PORTFOLIOS</strong>:</p>
            <ul class="style48">
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/birdslist.htm"><strong>BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA</strong></a> - 380 bird species from North America and counting...</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/Ecuador/ecuador birdslist.htm"><strong>BIRDS OF ECUADOR</strong></a> - Over 375 bird species from mainland Ecuador</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/costarica birdslist.htm"><strong>BIRDS OF COSTA RICA</strong></a> - Over 250 bird species from Costa Rica</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/Trinidad/trinidad birdslist.htm"><strong>BIRDS OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO</strong></a> - A sample of some of the exciting birds that call these Islands home...</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/articles/HummingbirdsoftheWorld.html"><strong>HUMMINGBIRD PHOTOGRAPHY</strong></a> - Over 100 species of Hummingbirds Photographed.</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/North American Warblers.html"><strong>WARBLERS OF NORTH AMERICA</strong></a> - Nearly all of the Wood Warblers that live in Canada.</li>
            <p align="center" class="style66">BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT:</p>
            <p align="left" class="style67">I currently use Canon Digital Photography equipment. My primary camera is the Canon 7D and I use lenses including the 500mm f/4 L IS, 300mm f/4 L IS, 400mm f/5.6 L, and 17-40mm f/4 L. To find out more about the bird photography equipment that I use visit my <a href="naturephotography/articles/gear.htm">nature photography equipment page</a>.</p>
            <p align="center" class="style67"><strong>PHOTOGRAPHER BIOGRAPHY</strong>:</p>
            <div align="left" class="style48">
              <p class="style45">I have
                been enchanted by nature, birds and wildlife for as long as I can remember.
                Growing up in Toronto, Canada I can recall countless hours spent
                glued to National Geographic magazines, natural history books or watching
                David Suzuki's &quot;The Nature of Things&quot; on TV. Those days
                I took any opportunity I had to study and learn about animals of all
                kinds. Nowadays
                I often find myself up at the crack of dawn, knee-deep in mud or covered
                in mosquitoes all in pursuit of capturing just a glimpse of natures
                beauty. Although I enjoy photographing all of mother natures fascinating
                creatures. I tend to focus on birds. Why birds? I think it's because
                there are so many species of birds, they can be found almost anywhere, they are
                challenging to photograph and they are beautiful to watch. I love birds!</p>
            <p align="left" class="style67">I
              will continue to strive to improve my craft of bird photography, and capture some part of
              the beauty that surrounds us all. Along the way I look forward to sharing
              my passion for nature photography, birds and the natural world with each and every
              one of you. Thanks
              for visiting. I hope you enjoy my site.</p>
            <p align="center" class="style67"><strong>RECENT BOOK PROJECTS:</strong></p>
              <li class="style67"><strong><a href="../VancouverIslandBook.html">BIRDS OF VANCOUVER ISLAND</a></strong> - GLENN BARTLEY</li>
              <li class="style67"><strong><a href="../Ecuador book.html">BIRDS IN ECUADOR</a></strong> - GLENN BARTLEY</li>
              <li class="style67"><strong>BIRD COLORATION</strong> - NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY</li>
              <li class="style67"><strong>GLOBAL BIRDING</strong> - NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY</li>
            <p> </p>
          <p class="style36"> </p>
    <p align="center">
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    <table style="border-style:none;border-bottom-width:0;border-top-width:0;border-left-width:0;bor der-right-width:0;border-bottom-color:#99CCFF;border-top-color:#99CCFF;border-right-color: #99CCFF;border-left-color:#99CCFF;" cellpadding=4><tr><td>
    <font color="#CCCCCC" face="arial">

    Line 88 in your source, add this into your .style79...
    So from...
    .style79 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; }
    .style79 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-bottom:0; }
    That should do the trick.

  • How to align text at the top and bottom of a cell?

    I'm making a periodic table and need help with aligning text at the top and bottom of a cell. I'll have a picture in the middle of the cell with text above and below the pic. Thank you in advance for any kind of suggestions you can give me.

    It sounds as though you want to have 3 separate items inside of a single cell; text at the top of the cell, text at the bottom of the cell, and then a picture in the middle of the cell.  I am no expert, but to my knowledge that is not possible (someone please correct me if I am wrong.)  I also cannot figure out how to put a picture inside of a cell itself.
    I do have a way to accomplish the end result so long as what you need is the final look and not a useable table in numbers.
    Create 2-3 cells for each element.  (The middle cell, unless you can put pictures in a cell and I don't know, would just be there for peace of mind, but would hold the picture if you can, I would just do two if the pictures are to be in front of the cell anyway.)  The top cell align text to top on the Text tab of the inspector.  The bottom cell, align text to bottom on the same tab.  Then place the picture in the middle.  Now, you have what you want except there is one or two lines dividing the cells.  To get rid of this, either click the middle cell if you have one, or the top or bottom cell.  Click on the Cell tab of the inspector.  Select the bottom border and/or top border button and select "No Border" under border styles.  To make this fast, select a full row at a time, or use command click to select all of the same type of rows (middle, top, or bottom) and change all cells at once.
    I hope this helps.  Best of luck!

  • Cannot Align text in cell

    I am having issues when trying to format my spreadsheet.  First of all, I have "Wrap Text in Cell" option turned on.  So when I have text that can fit into the cell, its fine.  But when I have long text in the cell, it wraps the text in the cell so it can fit inside, which I'm fine with.... but for some reason, it is not aligning it in the cell properly, so now part of the text it cut off.  I try to center align the text, but no use. I hit the button for "Align text in the middle of the table cell", and still does not align the text so that its centered, not cut off. I have included an image of what im talking about. Help please?

    Here is what I get with Times New Roman under 10.6.8
    May you try to
    quit Pages
    trash the preferences file :
    <startupVolume>:Users:<yourAccount> ist
    restart Pages
    It it changes nothing, try to :
    quit Pages
    trash the preferences file :
    restart Pages
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 24 août 2011 21:24:52
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

  • Is it possible to use tabs to right align text in Muse, as you can in InDesign?

    Can I use tabs to right align text in Muse, as you can in InDesign?
    I have a beauty treatment followed by a price and I want to right align the price, keeping the treatment on the left of the text box.
    Thank you!

    For what would typically be a two column tab stop layout, I'd generally use inline text frames and the Wrap panel.
    Put the price in it's own text frame. Then cut and paste the text frame BEFORE the item name so it's an inline text frame within the text frame containing the descriptions.Using the Wrap panel set it to float to the right. Then select it and set the right offset so it floats outside the right side of the original text frame.
    Start with this.
    Cut and paste the text frame at the start of the item paragraph.
    Choose the third icon in the Wrap panel to cause the item to float to the right of the text frame.
    Turn off the lock for the 4 wrap offset values.
    Adjust the right offset to a negative value so the item is outside the text frame to the right (to wherever you want it).
    Repeat the same steps above for the other items.
    Note that once it's set up this way you can freely edit the descriptions or change the width of the original text frame and the prices will adjust accordingly. This will also result in things lining up in the browser even if the text layout engine of a specific browser line breaks the text differently.
    This approach is tedious, but the end result will continue to line up as you make changes in Design view and will line up in every browser/OS/device.
    Someday Muse will support tables, which would be the more natural way to achieve this style of layout on the web. Until then, inline items with wrap is usually the best approach for this type of two column layout.

  • Center text in table

    I'm still not getting the text to center within the table.
    table            {
        margin:20px auto;
        border:1px #666 dotted;
        text-align: center;
    thead, tfoot    { background-color:#Eff7db; text-align:center;  }
    th, td            { padding:8px;  }
    th                { font-weight:bold; }
    tbody tr        { border-bottom:1px #ccc dotted; }
    tbody tr:hover    { background-color:#EFF7DB; }
                <th colspan="2" scope="col"><h2>Mount Rose Elementary Staff</h2></th>
                <th width="266" scope="col"><h2>Teachers</h2></th>
                <th width="222" scope="col"><h2>Staff</h2></th>
                <td colspan="2"> </td>
                <td>Ms. Chire - TWI/Pre K</td>
                <td>Krissy Brown - Principal</td>
              <td>Mrs. Castillo - K</td>
              <td>Mrs. Fackelmann - Office</td>
                <td>Mrs. Hanifen - K</td>
                <td>Mrs. Boldi - Office</td>
                <td>Mrs. Barajas - 1st</td>
                <td>Mrs. Mier y Teran - Clinic</td>
              <td>Miss Mentgen - 1st</td>
              <td>Mrs. Johnson - Counselor</td>
              <td>Mrs. Folchi-Oddieo - 2nd</td>
              <td>Mr. Wayne - Custodial Office</td>
              <td>Mrs. Ispisua - 2nd</td>
              <td>Mrs. Ault - Speech</td>
              <td>Mrs. Biggs - 3rd</td>
              <td>Mrs. Lean - OYO Intervention</td>
              <td>Ms. Henning - 3rd</td>
              <td>Ms. Turnier - OYO Intervention</td>
              <td>Mrs. Briggs - 4th</td>
              <td>Ms. Stout - Music</td>
              <td>Mrs. Carlson - 5th</td>
              <td>Ms. Johal - Cafeteria</td>
              <td>Mrs. Utley - 6th</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Ms. Dean - 4th, 5th, 6th</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Ms. Diaz / Ms. Tossava - EOC</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Mrs. Truce - ESL</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Ms. Thomas - GATE</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Ms. Severs - GATE</td>
              <td> </td>
                <td>Ms. Allstadt - GATE</td>
                <td> </td>
              <td>Mrs. Fleetwood - Resource</td>
              <td> </td>

    wranglergirl wrote:
    I'm still not getting the text to center within the table.
    When you say center what exactly do you mean, horizontally or vertically centered?
    If I test your code in IE6, IE7, IE8 and  Firefox the text appears horizontally centered??????
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    table            {
    margin:20px auto;
    border:1px #666 dotted;text-align: center;
    thead, tfoot    { background-color:#Eff7db; text-align:center;  }
    th, td            { padding:8px;  }
    th                { font-weight:bold; }
    tbody tr        { border-bottom:1px #ccc dotted; }
    tbody tr:hover    { background-color:#EFF7DB; }
                <th colspan="2" scope="col"><h2>Mount Rose Elementary Staff</h2></th>
                <th width="266" scope="col"><h2>Teachers</h2></th>
                <th width="222" scope="col"><h2>Staff</h2></th>
                <td colspan="2"> </td>
                <td>Ms. Chire - TWI/Pre K</td>
                <td>Krissy Brown - Principal</td>
              <td>Mrs. Castillo - K</td>
              <td>Mrs. Fackelmann - Office</td>
                <td>Mrs. Hanifen - K</td>
                <td>Mrs. Boldi - Office</td>
                <td>Mrs. Barajas - 1st</td>
                <td>Mrs. Mier y Teran - Clinic</td>
              <td>Miss Mentgen - 1st</td>
              <td>Mrs. Johnson - Counselor</td>
              <td>Mrs. Folchi-Oddieo - 2nd</td>
              <td>Mr. Wayne - Custodial Office</td>
              <td>Mrs. Ispisua - 2nd</td>
              <td>Mrs. Ault - Speech</td>
              <td>Mrs. Biggs - 3rd</td>
              <td>Mrs. Lean - OYO Intervention</td>
              <td>Ms. Henning - 3rd</td>
              <td>Ms. Turnier - OYO Intervention</td>
              <td>Mrs. Briggs - 4th</td>
              <td>Ms. Stout - Music</td>
              <td>Mrs. Carlson - 5th</td>
              <td>Ms. Johal - Cafeteria</td>
              <td>Mrs. Utley - 6th</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Ms. Dean - 4th, 5th, 6th</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Ms. Diaz / Ms. Tossava - EOC</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Mrs. Truce - ESL</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Ms. Thomas - GATE</td>
              <td> </td>
              <td>Ms. Severs - GATE</td>
              <td> </td>
                <td>Ms. Allstadt - GATE</td>
                <td> </td>
              <td>Mrs. Fleetwood - Resource</td>
              <td> </td>

  • Text in Table format

    Hi, I am unable to paste my text in Table format from MS Word
    like I use to in Dir MX 2004...
    Do I need a plug-in now or do I need to do it the long way
    round, 1st make the text into HTML then do some scripting in Flash,
    export it and import it into Director?
    Please help?

    Things I have tried...
    Copy the text in MS Expressions/Dreamwaver and importing the
    html in Dir, result: text not align.
    Exporting text in rtf, html from MS Word, result: error 85,
    or -1.
    Please Help?

  • How to set field alignment in a table in jdev

    How to set field alignment in a table in jdev
    eg: to diplay a number field in a table as right aligned.
    I have tried to set field(amount) VO UI Hint Format Type:Number; Format: 0000.00
    and jspx as flowing, but it doesnot work.
    <af:column sortProperty="#{}"
    id="c44" width="60"
    <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.Amount.inputValue}"
    <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.Amount.validator}"/>

    Works for me:
            <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
                       headerText="#{bindings.EmployeesView1.hints.Salary.label}" id="c7" align="right">
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.Salary.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.EmployeesView1.hints.Salary.label}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.EmployeesView1.hints.Salary.tooltip}" id="it6">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.Salary.validator}"/>
    Salary is shown right-aligned.
    What happens if you get rid of your inlineStyle on the af:inputText

  • Best way to align text with checkboxes/radio buttons?

    Is there a better way to align text and checkboxes/radio
    buttons than using
    tables with vertically-centered cells?
    Reason being, well... you've all tried putting text next to
    those form
    inputs, right? They don't naturally align.

    Thanks, but nothing there really answers my question. :-(
    Anyone know if there's a better way to align text and
    buttons than using tables with vertically-centered cells?
    Reason being, well... you've all tried putting text next to
    those form
    inputs, right? They don't naturally align. What is the modern
    solution to
    this problem?
    "Nancy O" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:gqlm1f$9te$[email protected]..

  • Horizontal align center in table-cell

    I'm having a problem getting to horizontally align a div (schilderij) in another div (schilderijholder).
    This schilderij div has a height and width of 480px and has display: table-cell. The content of this div is an image, with different sizes on every page (there are multiple pages, it is some sort of photogallery). The images are nicely centered, horizontally and vertically, inside this div.
    The containing div (schilderijholder), has a width of 100% of it's containing block, which has a variable size
    The problem is, I cant get the schilderij div horizontally centered in the schilderijholder div.
    Here's the simplified code. If you need the whole code, I can post that too.
        <div class="leftWrapper" style="clear: none; float: left; width: 68%; height: 100%;">
        <div class="content" style="margin: 40 10 50 30;">
          <div id="schilderijholder" style="text-align: center; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
              <div id="schilderij" style=" height: 480px; width: 480px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; display: table-cell;">
                <img src="../Assets/Schilderijen/normal/01.jpg" width="399" height="480" align="center" />
            <div id="pageControl">
            <span class="left">
              <a href="schilderijen2.html"></a> </span>
              <span class="right">
              <a href="02.html">Volgende</a>
    What I've tried:
         - "margin: 0 auto;" on the schilderij div
         - "position: relative;" on the schilderijholder div and "position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -240px;" on the schilderij div
    But these both don't work.
    Does anybody know a solution for this, or maybe has something to put me on the right way?
    Thanks in advance!

    Let's fix your code first:
    <div class="leftWrapper" style="float: left; width: 68%; height: 100%;">
        <div class="content" style="margin: 40px 10px 50px 30px;">
          <div id="schilderijholder" style="text-align: center; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
              <div id="schilderij" style=" height: 480px; width: 480px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; display: table-cell;">
                <img src="../Assets/Schilderijen/normal/01.jpg" width="399" height="480" align="center" />
            <div id="pageControl">
            <span class="left">
              <a href="schilderijen2.html"></a> </span>
              <span class="right">
              <a href="02.html">Volgende</a>
    Why do you need the div#schilderij at all?  Seems unnecessary to me.
    Then you would need the display:table-cell on the parent to this div, not on the div#schilderij, which has basically the same dimensions as the image.  But I think this is all too complicated.  Why not just this?
    <div class="leftWrapper" style="float: left; width: 68%;">
        <div class="content" style="margin: 40px 10px 50px 30px;">
          <div id="schilderijholder" style="text-align: center;">
                <img src="../Assets/Schilderijen/normal/01.jpg" width="399" height="480" align="center" />
            <div id="pageControl">
            <span class="left">
              <a href="schilderijen2.html"></a> </span>
              <span class="right">
              <a href="02.html">Volgende</a>

  • Pages 5.1 truncates text in tables

    Just discovered that Pages 5.1 truncates text in tables when exported to Pdf's even when created in Numbers and pasted. Superscripts were missing. Sometimes regular text after superscrips were missing. Too bad.

    It's a bug. Until fixed, you'll have to avoid baseline shift or use an earlier version of Pages. Submit Feedback from the Pages menu to let Apple know you are finding this bug.

  • "Convert Text to Table" Size limit issue?

    Alphabetize a List
    I’ve been using this well known work around for years.
    Select your list and in the Menu bar click Format>Table>Convert Text to Table
    Select one of the column’s cells (1st click selects entire table, 2nd click selects individual cell)
    Open “Table Inspector” (Click Table icon at top of Pages document)
    Make sure “table” button is selected, not “format” button
    Choose Sort Ascending from the Edit Rows & Columns pop-up menu
    Finally, click Format>Table>Convert Table to Text.
    A few days ago I added items & my list was 999 items long, ~22 pages.
    Tonight, I added 4 more items. Still the same # pages but now 1,003 items long.
    Unable to Convert Text to Table! Tried for 45 minutes. I think there is a list length limit, perhaps 999 items?
    I tried closing the document w/o any changes. Re-opening Pages & re-adding my new items to the end of the list as always & once again when I highlight list & Format>Table>Convert Text to Table .....nothing happens! I could highlight part of the list up to 999 items & leave the 4 new items unhighlighted & it works. I pasted the list into a new doc and copied a few items from the middle of the list & added them to the end of my new 999 list to make it 1003 items long (but different items) & did NOT work. I even attempted to add a single new item making the list an even 1000 items long & nope, not working. Even restarted iMac, no luck.
    I can get it to work with 999 or fewer items easily as always but no way when I add even a single new item.
    Anyone else have this problem?  It s/b easy to test out. If you have a list of say, 100 items, just copy & repeatedly paste into a new document multiple times to get over 1,000 & see if you can select all & then convert it from text to table.
    Pages 08 v 3.03
    OS 10.6.8

    Yes, Pages has a table size limit, as you have discovered. Numbers has a much greater capacity for table length, so if you do your sort in Numbers you won't have any practical limitation.
    A better approach than switching to Numbers for the sort would be to download, install and activate Devon Wordservice. Then you could sort your list without converting it to a table.

  • Vertical text in table heading

    I would like to save some space in some reports and I would like to change orientation of text in table heading.
    Is it posible to have vertical text in table heading?
    What I want is showed on this picture: [Vertical text|¨]
    Thank you for some tips.

    Go through this...will help you solve your requirement....
    Use the same code Writing-mode: tb-rl; filter: flipv fliph; in custom css style of column heading.(column properties->column format->edit format icon beside column heading->css style)

  • How can I align text in Acrobat 8.1 Professional?

    Okay this is quite silly, but seriously how can I align text in adobe acrobat? I could not find a way other than creating a new document file which allows me to use alignment options automatically (example below), however does not allow me that when I reopen the same file (alignment and text options just dissapear on the bars, funny). Help anyone please? =/

    Not that silly; but you ideally shouldn't be trying. Although there are some rudimentary (and sometimes unpredictable) editing tools in Acrobat, (I presume you are trying with the TouchUp Object tool as well as the TouchUp Text ?) much better to get it right in the source application and think of the pdf as what it basically is...a print.
    For whatever reason, v5 could edit text positioning rather more easily than the later versions.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Reaminder value from standard report S_ALR_87013558 - Budget/Actual/Commitm

    Dear Gurus, Can you explain me the source of value which is shown as 000.2009 Remainder 2009 ( I seams that 000 stands for period) in the report S_ALR_87013558 - Budget/Actual/Commitmt/Rem.Plan/Assg Regards Project Team1

  • MONITOR SCREEN PROBLEMS - has anyone else had this ? HELP ..

    Friends, I am going nuts ( no don't answer that one ! ). Recently ( possibly after the 10.5.2 graphics update - I can't exactly recall ) my LG flat screen monitor has started to look like a grainy 60's acid art house experiment !! It is subtle but mo

  • Table How To for Webclient UI??

    Hey Brothers, is there any info (e.g. How To's or Tutorials) on using tables in Webclient UI? I I have questions like "How to make a table changable", "How to save changes in a table" etc.. Thanks, Johannes

  • PowerPC: FireWire Problems after installing Leopard?

    It seems the FireWire port can power the drive but data transfer seems irrelevant. My Western Book Premium Edition won't work through FireWire, but will through USB. My SmartDisk FireLite's status light turns on, but doesn't connect to the computer.

  • How to stop neighbours from using (wasting) my eprinter

    Hi, Can my e-printer be hidden or restricted to my named devices? I have just bought the HP Officejet Pro 8500A Plus, which so far is excellent (although I have not setup the fax option as yet). I can print from laptops and iphone4 using the wifi, bu