Hello frnds
the decimal value is not dispaying properly in script
value type p decimals 4.
ex value :_______ 0.2353
but i need
    value : 0.2353
the spaces  i dont need... how can i do that...
plese guide me regarding this
and please let know all formatting options in Scripts
Edited by: Aeda N on Mar 21, 2008 3:40 PM
Edited by: Aeda N on Mar 21, 2008 3:41 PM

To resolve your issue try following
What ever the variable you are passing to your SAP Script through your driver program, before passing it,,
use : "CONDENSE <var> NO-GAPS. "
and then pass it to the SAP Script, that should take care of this issue.
You can find the related documentsi in the following links:
how to create a  scripts?give steps?
Hope you found this useful.

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          Duty Value                         11520.00
          Packing Value                         55.00
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    If your window is 6cm in width,you can define 2 tabs in the paragraph format that you are using.
    paragraph format is P1.
    You have to fill in the tab no,the distance and the allignment.
    in your case define 2 tabs as below:
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    2    3cm    left alligned.
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    Hope this hepls.

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    What OS are you running?  32 bit or 64 bit?  How big are your source images and how many do you have for a given pano?
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    Merci à vous tous pour votre aide!

    C'est exactement ce que je cherchais à faire! Merci beaucoup, c'est parfait! Merci !
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    Par avance merci !
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      Thx for U r mesage.. still its not solved my problemm.
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    Bonne journée!

    Y a-t'il beaucoup de noms différents?
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    please don't cross-post.  and this is the as3 forum.

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    if you want to give jsfl a shot (works in As2, too)
    This little script parses your whole fla file puts all your TextFields in an Array and let you  adjust the lineSpacing in a loop
    var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
    var textFieldArray = fl.findObjectInDocByType("text", doc);
    for (i=0; i<textFieldArray.length; i++) {
        fl.getDocumentDOM().setElementTextAttr('lineSpacing', -4);
    You would basically end up with two different swf versions that would show acocordingly to the users OS.

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    Je vous expose mon problème : j'essaye actuellement d'installer une carte d'acquisition NI PCI-6034E sur mon PC.
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    J'ai, comme précisé sur ce post installé nikali, la version 2.1 par contre, avant, puis après le script, avec bien entendu un updateNIDrivers.
    L'installation ce passe nickel, pas d'erreur, je reboot(une troisième fois, après le dernier updateNIDrivers), et en faisant la commande lsmod |grep ni, j'obtiens :
    nixsrk 1408154 0
    nisdigk 341776 1 nixsrk
    nitiork 902470 1 nixsrk
    nimru2k 406070 4 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork
    nicdrk 227255 3 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork
    nimxpk 23120 4 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nicdrk
    nipxirmk 108824 1
    nidimk 273310 6 nitiork,nimru2k,nipxirmk
    nimsdrk 183892 2 nixsrk,nitiork
    nidmxfk 249806 5 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nicdrk,nimsdrk
    nimxdfk 367347 9 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nimru2k,nicdrk,nimsdrk,nidm​xfk
    nimstsk 59074 6 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nicdrk,nimsdrk,nidmxfk
    nimdbgk 249917 11 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nimru2k,nicdrk,nimsdrk,nidm​xfk,nimxdfk,nimstsk
    niorbk 55695 12 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nimru2k,nicdrk,nipxirmk,nid​imk,nimsdrk,nidmxfk,nimxdfk,nimstsk,nimdbgk
    nipalk 947149 18 nixsrk,nisdigk,nitiork,nimru2k,nicdrk,nimxpk,nipxi​rmk,nidimk,nimsdrk,nidmxfk,nimxdfk,nimstsk,nimdbgk​,niorbk
    nikal 27044 1 nipalk
    ni_pcimio 42680 0
    ni_tiocmd 4116 1 ni_pcimio
    comedi_fc 1096 1 ni_pcimio
    mite 5906 2 ni_pcimio,ni_tiocmd
    8255 2580 1 ni_pcimio
    comedi 21296 5 ni_pcimio,ni_tiocmd,comedi_fc,mite,8255
    ni_tio 10333 2 ni_pcimio,ni_tiocmd
    Avec la commande nilsdev, j'obtiens ... un espace blanc ...
    Et enfin, la commande lspci me donne(pour la ligne utile, je donne pas le tout):
    03:02.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: National Instruments PCI-6034E
    Je viens donc vous demander votre aide, parce que je ne comprend pas là! J'ai installé le tout, installation réussi, tout les modules sont chargés, mais la carte n'est toujours pas reconnu correctement donc inutilisable par mon ordinateur ... help!
    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses,
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Vous risquez de ne pas obtenir beaucoup d'aide ici...L'utilisation de Linux est rare. Les versions étant tellement nombreuses, National Instruments supporte officiellement qu'un nombre limité de distributions :
    Aussi, si j'étais vous je me tournerai vers les solutions à base de driver COMEDI .
    Ce projet open source supporte votre carte et cela ne devrait pas poser de problème pour utiliser votre carte sous LabVIEW, ou un autre environnement de développement grace aux librairies que ce projet fourni.
    Si vous souhaitez vraiment utiliser DAQmx Base sous Linux il va falloir vous retrousser les manches...Je ne peux que vous conseiller de poster sur la partie anglaise des périphériques de mesures. Vous aurez plus de réponses qu'ici.
    Da Helmut

  • SAP Script Help

    Hi Experts,
    I am printing 8 main windows in one page in a script. But the problem is whatever changes I make to one window it gets reflected in  all the windows. So the allignment doesnt get proper at all for the printing. what is the resolution for this.Please help me out with.
    Thank You.

    Please clarify your Question More, You are getting Problem in windows or in Pages.
    check Utilities->Printing test.
    Settings->form Painter->Tick Graphical form Painter->Remove tick from Graphical PC Editir=>continue
    By this check the attributes and parametrs  of all windows and pages

  • How to  fill  fields in the script ..

    I wanted to make sap script which have excise details .
    It has total 17 fields .. the standard example is J_2i_rg1 is the standard sap form.
    and program name is j_2irrg1 . my out put will also similar to this ..
    my problem is how i have to fill all the filelds in custom script. and how to allign correctly .
    Please let me know .... tell me step by   step procedure

    Are you copying the driver program and SAP print form from the standard one. If you are just making your custom form and not the driver program then you can directly use the data which is fetched by program.
    For fetching extra info which is standard prog is not fetching you can make use of PERFORM command. Follow below link:-
    Alignment is done through the proper use of TABS. Refer below link for Alignment issues:-
    Hope it helps.

  • Line items in script form

    in my script form i was displaying line items for PO in main window. my problem is, the values of the line items are not displaying in the same line. example:
    item             material                 material description                qty.
    01                 123456                  adfsgdfhdj
                                                                                    1 each
    1 each should also in the same line as item, material and material description.
    please help.

    This is a typical problem faced in alligning the text and the cause of it is window size.
    In the table, please check that you have assigned the correct line type.
    Also check the column width in the line type for the column in which the line item is getting displayed.
    Also in the texts where you assing the line type, try adjusting the new cell and skip cell settings.

  • Print preview is different from print in scripts

    i am  having issue in alignment of sap script .i have adjusted my form output based on print preview .but when i am taking the output i  am having alignment issue .Not only that there are some missing column boundaries in printout.
    Now i cant make alignment based on printout because i am having 12 column in output and its difficult to take printout everytime i check for alignment.

    Please check whether the printer name is same in preview and printout generally we are checking the preview
    on our windows printer(LOCL) where as your client may cheak the printouts in some other printer in your print
    preview also please change the printer what he is using for printouts.
    Some times margins may cut due to the settings in the printer we must maintain some space for borders.
    Coming to your allignment point  the space for spaces  and fonts it may vary from printer to printer so
    create multiple windows to design the text in the pattern you exactly required instead
    everything in one single window or atleast write them in different lines and if possible avoid any spaces are there
    before your text.

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