Allthough I have loaded Adobe 13 (SEVERAL TIMES), it indicates "vulnerable". Really annoying!!! What can I do for this? Nothing??? "

I have windows7, security essential and all other is ok in my laptop. I keep everything up to date. Now the only problem is when I try to check it out is plug ins up to date, all other plug ins are but Adobe flash is not. It indicates vulnerable in red colour. When I proceed update now, installation goes ok but if after I recheck if all plug ins are up to date, there is AGAIN that red sign: "vulnerable". I'm near to change my browser to an other one if this annoying problem seems not to be fixed.

You're welcome.
Yes, the bug isn't dangerous, it's just confusing to Firefox Beta/Aurora/Nightly users when they visit the PluginCheck page when you have the latest version.

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