[ALV] Text in color and bold

I have an ALV Grid and I would like one cell, with text color in red and in bold.
I'm in OOP's with CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.
I've tried like that :
            c_bold(4)           TYPE x       VALUE '00000020',
            c_red(4)            TYPE x       VALUE '00000017'.
  fe_layout-cwidth_opt = c_x.
  fe_layout-no_rowmark = c_x.
  fe_layout-info_fname = 'ROW_COLOR'.
  fe_layout-stylefname = 'CELLS_STYLES'.
  clear we_style.
  we_style-fieldname = 'XXXXX'.
  we_style-style = c_bold.
  we_style-style = c_red.
  insert we_style into table we_outtab-cells_styles.
It doesne't work. The bold put the text color in black.
There is a solution ?
Thank you.

Hello Bernard
I checked my sample report and it shows that '00000037' yields the text in bold and red.
'00000037' = '00000020' + '00000017'   !!!
Below you find a modified version of the sample report:
      c_bold(4)           TYPE x       VALUE '00000020',
      c_red(4)            TYPE x       VALUE '00000017'.
  CLEAR: ls_outtab2.
  REFRESH: lt_celltab.
  ls_outtab2-maxlen = 0.
  ls_outtab2-style  = c_bold.
  ls_outtab2-style2 = c_red.
  ls_style-style = c_bold + c_red.
  INSERT ls_style INTO TABLE lt_celltab.
  ls_outtab2-celltab = lt_celltab.
  INSERT ls_outtab2 INTO gt_outtab2 INDEX 1.
ENDFORM.                    " FILL_OUTTAB2
Entire report:
*& Thread: [ALV] Text in color and bold
*& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="1191290"></a>
*& Thread: color alv list display
*& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="1072435"></a>
*& Thread: Hiliting the Specific rows in ALV grid
*& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="1062831"></a>
*& Thread: Reg... coloring of rows
*& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="1041516"></a>
*& Thread: Painting cell in alv with objects
*& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="1029759"></a>
*& Thread: styles
*& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="830498"></a>
*& Thread: Is it possible to assign color to manually modified record in tabcontrol?
*& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="878289"></a>
*& The report generates style values and shows their effect in ALV grid.
REPORT  zus_sdn_alv_cell_style_2.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_outtab.
TYPES: celltab TYPE lvc_t_styl. " cell style
TYPES: END OF ty_s_outtab.
TYPES: ty_t_outtab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_outtab
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_outtab2.
INCLUDE TYPE lvc_s_styl.
TYPES: celltab TYPE lvc_t_styl. " cell style
TYPES: END OF ty_s_outtab2.
TYPES: ty_t_outtab2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_outtab2
gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo,
gs_variant TYPE disvariant,
gt_fcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat.
gt_outtab TYPE ty_t_outtab,
gt_outtab2  TYPE ty_t_outtab2.
  p_rows    TYPE i DEFAULT 200.
  WHERE bukrs = '1000'.
**  data: gr_kunnr    type RANGE OF kunnr.
**  SELECT kunnr as low from knb1 into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE gr_kunnr
**    WHERE bukrs = '1000'.
  PERFORM set_layout_and_variant.
  PERFORM set_cell_style.
**      i_structure_name = 'KNB1'
**      i_grid_title     = 'Cell Styles'
**      is_layout_lvc    = gs_layout
**      i_save           = 'A'
**      is_variant       = gs_variant
**    TABLES
**      t_outtab         = gt_outtab
**      program_error    = 1
**      OTHERS           = 2.
**  IF sy-subrc = 0.
**  ENDIF.
  PERFORM fill_outtab2.
**  PERFORM fill_fieldcatalog_2.
      i_structure_name = 'LVC_S_STYL'
      i_grid_title     = 'Cell Styles'
      is_layout_lvc    = gs_layout
      i_save           = 'A'
      is_variant       = gs_variant
*      IT_FIELDCAT_LVC  = gt_fcat
      t_outtab         = gt_outtab2
      program_error    = 1
      OTHERS           = 2.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
FORM set_layout_and_variant .
  CLEAR: gs_layout,
  gs_layout-cwidth_opt = abap_true.
  gs_layout-stylefname = 'CELLTAB'.
  gs_variant-report = syst-repid.
  gs_variant-handle = 'STYL'.
*&      Form  set_cell_style
*       text
FORM set_cell_style .
* define local data
  lc_style_bold TYPE int4 VALUE '00000121',
  lc_style_red TYPE int4 VALUE '00000087',
  lc_style_cursive TYPE int4 VALUE '00008700',
  lc_style_underline_faint TYPE int4 VALUE '00008787',
  lc_style_underline TYPE int4 VALUE '00008707',
  lc_style_underline_red TYPE int4 VALUE '00008007'.
  ls_outtab TYPE ty_s_outtab,
  ls_style TYPE lvc_s_styl,
  lt_celltab TYPE lvc_t_styl.
  CLEAR: ls_style.
  ls_style-fieldname = 'BUKRS'.
  ls_style-style = '00000011'.    " make contents invisible
  INSERT ls_style INTO TABLE lt_celltab.
**  CLEAR: ls_style.
**  ls_style-fieldname = 'BUKRS'.
**  ls_style-style = lc_style_bold.
**  INSERT ls_style INTO TABLE lt_celltab.
**  CLEAR: ls_style.
**  ls_style-fieldname = 'KUNNR'.
**  ls_style-style = lc_style_red.
**  INSERT ls_style INTO TABLE lt_celltab.
**  CLEAR: ls_style.
**  ls_style-fieldname = 'ERDAT'.
**  ls_style-style = lc_style_cursive.
**  INSERT ls_style INTO TABLE lt_celltab.
**  CLEAR: ls_style.
**  ls_style-fieldname = 'ERNAM'.
**  ls_style-style = lc_style_underline.
**  INSERT ls_style INTO TABLE lt_celltab.
  ls_outtab-celltab = lt_celltab.
  MODIFY gt_outtab FROM ls_outtab
  WHERE ( bukrs = '1000' ).
*&      Form  FILL_OUTTAB2
*       text
*  -->  p1        text
*  <--  p2        text
FORM fill_outtab2 .
* define local data
  DATA: ls_outtab2  TYPE ty_s_outtab2,
        ld_num8(8)  TYPE n,
        ld_idx      TYPE i,
        ld_fname    TYPE fieldname,
        ld_perc     TYPE i,
        ld_text(50) TYPE c.
  ls_style TYPE lvc_s_styl,
  lt_celltab TYPE lvc_t_styl.
  FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ld_style>  TYPE lvc_style.
  ld_num8 = 0.
  DO p_rows TIMES.
    WRITE syst-index TO ld_text NO-ZERO.
    CONDENSE ld_text NO-GAPS.
    ld_perc = ( syst-index * 100 ) / p_rows.
        percentage = ld_perc
        text       = ld_text.
    CLEAR: ls_style,
    REFRESH: lt_celltab.
    ls_outtab2-maxlen = syst-index.
    MOVE ld_num8 TO ls_outtab2-style.
    ls_style-style = ls_outtab2-style.
    INSERT ls_style INTO TABLE lt_celltab.
    ls_outtab2-celltab = lt_celltab.
    APPEND ls_outtab2 TO gt_outtab2.
    ADD 1 TO ld_num8.
      c_bold(4)           TYPE x       VALUE '00000020',
      c_red(4)            TYPE x       VALUE '00000017'.
  CLEAR: ls_outtab2.
  REFRESH: lt_celltab.
  ls_outtab2-maxlen = 0.
  ls_outtab2-style  = c_bold.
  ls_outtab2-style2 = c_red.
  ls_style-style = c_bold + c_red.
  INSERT ls_style INTO TABLE lt_celltab.
  ls_outtab2-celltab = lt_celltab.
  INSERT ls_outtab2 INTO gt_outtab2 INDEX 1.
ENDFORM.                    " FILL_OUTTAB2
*       text
*  -->  p1        text
*  <--  p2        text
FORM fill_fieldcatalog_2 .
* define local data
  DATA: ls_fcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
        lt_fcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat.
  DATA: ld_fname  TYPE fieldname.
*     I_BUFFER_ACTIVE              =
      i_structure_name             = 'LVC_S_STYL'
*     I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY       = 'X'
*     I_BYPASSING_BUFFER           =
*     I_INTERNAL_TABNAME           =
      ct_fieldcat                  = lt_fcat
      inconsistent_interface       = 1
      program_error                = 2
      OTHERS                       = 3.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  DELETE lt_fcat WHERE ( fieldname NE 'STYLE' ).
  READ TABLE lt_fcat INTO ls_fcat INDEX 1.
  DO 16 TIMES.
    ls_fcat-fieldname = 'STYLE'.
    ls_fcat-col_pos = syst-index.
    WRITE syst-index TO ld_fname NO-ZERO.
    CONDENSE ld_fname NO-GAPS.
    CONCATENATE ls_fcat-fieldname ld_fname INTO ls_fcat-fieldname.
    APPEND ls_fcat TO gt_fcat.
ENDFORM.                    " FILL_FIELDCATALOG_2

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    Kind regards,

    Hi Shankar,
    I already tried your suggestion. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
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    Hi Firstodd,
    1. Try re-assigning the text after you set the format:
    blackjack.onPress = function() {
    var oldText=this._parent.field.text;
    var myFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.font = "BlackJack";
    I haven't played around with the AS3.0 enough yet but I know
    that the
    2.0 one applies changes to new text so you need to add "new"
    text to the
    field by recopying the existing text. Basically...rewrite the
    text with
    the new format.
    2. Your formats are stored in the text field's format
    property. You can
    either keep a reference to the original format you created
    above), or use:
    var myFormat=this._parent.field.getTextFormat();
    The text format has a variety of properties you can read such
    as font,
    size, color, and so on. Have a look at the TextFormat class
    reference in
    the Flash help. Most of these are completely optional so you
    set/read whatever you want.
    About the text, you simply read or write to the field's text
    like we did in example 1:
    this._parent.field.text="This is new text";
    var fieldText=this._parent.field.text;
    If you want the user to be able to input text into the field,
    make it an
    input field:
    Otherwise, it's just dynamic:
    Do you want it selectable?
    If it's tall enough to support multiple lines, do you want
    Automatic line wrapping on lines?
    You can get even lower-level if you want. You can monitor
    what the user
    types character by character (assuming this is AS2.0):
    function onFieldChanged(fieldRef:TextField) {
    trace ('Field now has text: '+fieldRef.text);
    A field can also cut off if you exceed the available area.
    You can set
    auto-sizing so that the field adjusts itself to what you
    //Use 'center' to keep the text aligned to the center of the
    field, and
    'right' for right alignment.
    Dimensions of the typed text, in pixels, can be obtained
    (You can get the dimensions of the field using _width and
    _height but
    this is the field size, including borders).
    Speaking of borders:
    And background...
    this._parent.field.backgroundColor=0x00FF00; //green
    this._parent.field.background=true; //turn it on
    I could go on for pages...have a look at the TextField class
    to see
    everything else you can grab.
    The TextField class is the actual field...TextFormat is the
    format that's applied to the text.
    Hope that helps,
    Firstodd wrote:
    > Actually, I did this to embed the fonts I wanted (they
    are all non-standard):
    > The buttons to pick the fonts are broken down, so
    graphic and not text. Off
    > the the side, out of the canvas, I made a text box for
    each font I wanted, and
    > put a letter in each, anything would work. I applied the
    font to each of these
    > letters/text boxes, and then on the properties, I
    clicked the "Embed..."
    > button, and ctrl-selected "uppercase" "lowercase"
    "numerals" & "punctuation",
    > for each font on each text box.
    > Works great, the dynamic text that lets the user types
    in changes fonts and
    > colors correctly using the script you gave me, even on
    computers that don't
    > have those ornamental fonts installed.
    > --
    > However, I do have a couple questions that any advice
    would be appreciated...
    > 1. When the playing the .swf (which is just 1 frame
    stopped), the buttons that
    > change the font and color of the named dynamic box--they
    have to be pressed
    > twice the first time to apply it to the text. But after
    it's been applied, and
    > you change it, one click will do to get it back to that
    color again. I can't
    > figure out what would be causing this. My scripts are
    all clones of this:
    on (release) {
    > blackjack.onPress = function() {
    > var myFormat = new TextFormat();
    > myFormat.font = "BlackJack";
    > this._parent.field.setTextFormat(myFormat);
    > };
    > }
    > changed accordingly for the color buttons.
    > 2. My next step on this is to, upon the push of a
    button, extract the
    > information of the instanced text box. As you can see, I
    named it "field". I
    > don't know where to start with the script for these
    kinds of things.
    > Properties... I mean what the user has typed, it's
    color, and it's font.
    > Actually, this needs to go to some sort of check out
    system, which I'm not
    > familiar with at all, so I'm not expecting a walk
    through setting it up, just
    > some direction if you could =).
    > Thanks again
    > Woodbury
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    Download the BNMAPI today. You'll wonder how you ever did
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    Have a look in the ocument Library panel to see if the buttons are Symbols. If yes, then double click on one of the buttons to open it in the symbol editor where you can easily make changes in all of them at once.

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    Most forms (99% or more) are created for simple text input, where you cannot change anything.
    The creator of the form could allow Rich Text input (which allows you to change font, text size, color, etc.), but frankly I have never seen such a form, and I wouldn't know how they look.  But I'm sure they would show some kind of controls to alter the text appearance.

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    You can't have multiple text attributes in a JTextArea.
    JTextArea manages a "text/plain" content type document that can't hold information about attributes ( color, font, size, etc.) for different portions of text.
    You need a component that can manage styled documents. The most basic component that can do this is JEditorPane. It can manage the following content types :
    "text/rtf" ==> via StyledDocument
    "text/html" ==> via HTMLDocument
    I've written for you an example of how a "Hello World" string could be colorized in a JEditorPane with "Hello" in red and "World" in blue.
    import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
    import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
    import javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit;
    import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet;
    import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet;
    import java.awt.Color;
    public class ColorizeTextTest{
         public static void main(String args[]){
              //build gui
              JFrame frame = new JFrame();
              JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane();
              //create StyledEditorKit
              StyledEditorKit editorKit = new StyledEditorKit();
              //set this editorKit as the editor manager [JTextComponent] <-> [EditorKit] <-> [Document]
              StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) editorPane.getDocument();
              //insert string "Hello World"
              //this text is going to be added to the StyledDocument with positions 0 to 10
              editorPane.setText("Hello World");
              //create and attribute set
              MutableAttributeSet atr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
              //set foreground color attribute to RED
              //apply attribute to the word "Hello"
              int offset = 0; //we want to start applying this attribute at position 0
              int length = 5; //"Hello" string has a length of 5
              boolean replace = false; //should we override any other attribute not specified in "atr" : anwser "NO"
              //set foreground color attribute to BLUE
              //apply attribute to the word "World"
              offset = 5; //we include the whitespace
              length = 6;

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    //"font: Helvetica,sans-serif 12.0pt;font-stretch:Normal; text-align:left; color:#rrggbb";
    "%s %2.1f%s%s%s%s;" , "font: Helvetica,sans-serif", float(g_fontSize),"pt; font-stretch:Normal; text-align:left; color:#", str[0], str[1], str[2]);CosDictPutKeyString (cosAnnot,
    "DS",CosNewString (cosDoc, false, buf, strlen(buf)));PDAnnotNotifyDidChange(pdAnnot, ASAtomFromString(
    "DS"), 0);
    But this doesn't work when I just wrire text after creating annotation.
    And suprisingly it works fine when I click first outside of the annotaion and then double click to write text inside annoatation.
    Is this bug of Adobe ? if not then please let me know the fix.

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    You can edit the Subject & Message when you've selected Send Personalized Invitations (though you can't change the font or style of the text).

  • About:config and bold text

    I have noticed that showing ALL bookmarks is very slow.
    I understand that Firebug is sometimes cause for slow behaviour as posted on some notices for applications.
    I like to check why is this and disabled some Ads-on.
    Issue is what is actually about:config and bold text like:
    Is it bold text warning that something is wrong?
    Ref:I have upgraded to new version 9.beta4

    No bold text in about:config means that the value it has modified from you or from a add-on or for a program that related with firefox(flash or anything)......
    if you like to read about:config:
    probably the browsing some times are slow because as you allready known 9.0 is a beta version, and for the reason you tell us, Firebug.
    thank you
    Please mark "Solved" the answer that really solve the problem, to help others with a similar problem.

  • Create structure in Dynamic ALV for color and editing cells

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    I created dynamic ALV . in this i want coloring and editing of cells.
    this can be done by strucutture lvc_t_scol, lvc_t_styl.
    My problem is how to create structure in field catalogue of Dynamic ALV.

    I am not sure if you have missed the following part of the coding:
    " Add table type (LVC_T_STYL) as field to structure ==> complex structure
      CLEAR: gs_comp.
      gs_comp-type ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( celltab ).
      gs_comp-name  = 'CELLTAB'.
      APPEND gs_comp TO gt_components.
      go_sdescr  = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( gt_components ).
      go_tdescr  = cl_abap_tabledescr=>create( go_sdescr ).
      CREATE DATA gdo_handle TYPE HANDLE go_tdescr.
      ASSIGN gdo_handle->* TO <gt_itab>.
    This is exactly your requirement.

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    The forum is for Logic Pro users.. I will ask the moderators to move it to a more appropriate forum for your question/subject

  • Problem editing text color and page properties due to favicon link

    I recently added a link to a sites favicon using the link tag. Following advice on the net this was added beneath the HTML tag and before the HEAD tag. I was using a Dreamweaver template for the site and it updated all pages with the new link in the non-editable area above HEAD and just after the template declaration.
    This was fine, unitl the user went to edit the site. He found that he could no longer get to page properties as he got an error that no page properties existed in editable areas... although there was an editable region for the page title. Also text color and highlighting were now disabled.
    Moving the link tag into the head area has resolved the editing issue, but it seems a strange bug. Is there some way to add something between HTML and HEAD and have it appear before the InstanceBegin of the template?

    You can edit text in any PDF by using trial version but as for as my knowledge and limited experience with Adobe I could not find any text color option in Adobe Acrobat. But you can highlight text in Adobe Acrobat. If you want to change the text color in PDF, I would like to recommend some another software which allows you to change the color of text and is available for download here.
    Let me tell you how can change text color using this software. Open PDF file > go to "edit tab" > Click "edit" then highlight text to change the color. As you can see in the below screenshot.
    Free free to ask. Hope it helps you. Don't forget to come back to share your views.

  • My eyes failing, or has Jive been messing with the typographical color and contrast of text?

    Are my eyes failing more egregiously, am I having another one of my increasingly frequent senior moments, or has Jive been messing with the typographical color and contrast of text in the forums?
    For some reason, I'm noticing today a very weak gray text and diminished contrast between text and background?
    Monitors regularly and often calibrated with hardware pucks. 
    I had my eyes checked and new prescription glasses in the last few months, now I wondering what other tests I may need.  Or is it really Jive messing with us again?
    Thanks in advance.

    I hope you have slept well, my friend, and again find the forums to be as pleasurable to use as always.   
    Your screen grab seems exceptionally clear and contrasty to me, when shown at full-size.
    I have personally blocked typekit.com so as to avoid using the Adobe fonts entirely.  That seems to have helped me deal with this place better.
    Here's what Dave sees (his screen grab from above) vs. what I see here (mine's on bottom):
    Latest trouble for me is that for about the past week I have to log in every time I visit, regardless of the selection of [  ] Remember Me.  That's just a little too much trouble to go through to be at this wonderful place.  Sigh.

  • Reader converts text with http in it clickable. How to have it be colored and/or underline?

    I've got a word document with text that contains http://blabblah.com which is not hyperlinked in word. I save it as a PDF file. When I read it with Adobe Reader, it will recognize it as a link since it starts with http:// and will make it clickable which is fine. But, I also want it to change the font, color and/or underline it to make it appear as a link and not just text. How do I do that in Adobe Reader? Is there a setting I can change or ???

    Adobe Reader cannot do this. Even in Adobe Acrobat it is tedious and uncertain task. Set all the font attributes in Word.

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