AMD Athlon 2600+ only reading as 2000+ on K7N2 Delta

First off, here's my machine:
k7n2 Delta Mobo
Athlon 2600+ w/ Heatsink and fan and 333 FSB
512 MB DDR PC 3200
Liteon CD-RW/DVD Combo
60 GB Western Digital HDD
350 Watt Power Supply
Let me know if I missed anything
The basic problem is that My processor is only being read as an Athlon 2000 at best.  I've tried to change every setting imaginable in the BIOS, to no avail.  The highest core/bus ratio i can get is 12.5, at which it reads as 2000, and at 13 it nosedives to 667.
One interesting tidbit is that if I try to move the J10 jumper from safe (100) to User Select (133/166) the machine doesn't post (I thought I had it figured out for sure there).  It would also be important to note that it was indeed functioning flawlessly and registering as a 2600+ before my other power supply crapped out.  Well, not flawlessly (audio) but that's another post, I guess.

I'll give that a try.  Thanks for the fast repsonse.  By 'better' psu, do you mean a quality one, or simply with one higher capacity?

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    Today, i've updated the bios to the version 1.3! So: no problem to reboot after the process complete.
    BUT, now i can't set the CPU at 2.16Ghz (280Mhz clock) because if i set the clock up to 100Mhz it doesn't reboot anymore! the motherboard detect the frequency @ 1250 Mhz :(((
    Please: HELP ME
    (sorry for the grammar and / the english) but i'm a french guy.

    I had the same issues, see the thread:
    Essentially I had to set (in the BIOS) the FSB to 166 and left the Multiplier on auto.  This ment the processor was reported properly as 2600+, but the memory will only run at 333 MHz...  Yeah I think I wasted the money on getting the latest and greatest memory too....
    Had me worried for a while, I though my supplier had palmed a bad chip off on me....  It just that the board can't do the highest speed chips and the highest speed memory at the same time (it states that that is unsupported in the manual...)
    hope the helps...

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    What is happening ? This board's specs accepts such a Processor. Is this board deffective ? I bought it just a week ago. Very frustrated. Please, kindly answer.

    Thank you for reply.
    I have a more accurate info on my hardware :
        . Power Supply is not only 300 W. Instead, it is a model ISO-500D, stating on
          the label a 420 W
        . The memory brand is ELIXIR, and I have checked on their website about
          compatibility with various mobo, but I can not found MSI K7N2G on the list.
          Could you please verify at, on the
          Compatibility Information link ? Tks.

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    Ive recently built a new system based on the K7N2 DELTA ILSR, great mobo, however my cpu temps are extremely high! on idle 48C and on load nearly 60C. the mobo temp hits approx 40c on load and 34 on idle.
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    after reading this review (section headed: Heat Dissipation: Thermal Conditions and S2K Bus Disconnect) :
    ......on "S2k bus disconnect" created by AMD for the barton range.
    As the article states, it reduces Cpu temps ALOT!! but im not too sure ion how to activate it or even if my MSI motherboard supports it....
    Can anyone shed some light???
    Radeon 9800
    1GB 3200 Ram
    xp 3000+ Barton
    Sound Audigy 2
    Thanks, Sav

    Sorry about the long reply!!! the first thing i would like to say is why does this happen at 58C even with the bios temp settings diabled??? pehapes MSI could Answer this?
    I have spent countless hours trying to fix this problem and a lot of £££. A bit of background to me I am a design engineer and i like my PC to work well. I have the following main components
    xp3200+ based system (Max die 85C)
    with dual 512ddr sticks running at 400mhz
    Matrox Parphilia
    10K SATA hard disk
    7,200 133ATA hard drive
    Plus motherboard Nvidia chipset
    these all kick out a lot of heat the (CPU contributing 76.8w).
    first i started out with a very cheap case and standard amd heatsink. I found after about 5 minutes my pc kept crashing i automatically thought that it was probably the case temperature so monitored this found every time cpu reached 58C it crashed on the dot. The only conclusion i can draw from this that this MB has some thermal protection that can not be switched off but i am guessing perhapes MSI would like to answer this.
    I quickly decided as an engineer that the best thing would be to go and buy a aluminuim case with lots of case fans (Basically a big heatsink itself). After a lot of searching i settled for a Coolermaster ATC110. It has four case fans all run at full speed all the time. Now this stoped the crashing problem it only now crashes if i put it under continous loading. Then i went out and bought a new cpu heatsink to replace the amd standard one. This had a minor effect on cpu temp but again under high loads the system crashed at 58C. Obvoiusly as an engineer i satred to think that the amount of noise the system with all its fans going at max is like being put in a wind tunnel.
    I then turned to looking at the thermal diserpation requiremnts of all the bits in my system. I worked out that i need to disserpate 281Wmax of heat with my current setup. The kind of heat a small electric fire produces!!!. I begun to wounder if i could shift enough air through the two exhaust fans at the rooms ambient temp to do this. After some calculations I found that my case exhaust case fans are only just surfficent to disspate this amount. Which could explain this the crashing. because the higher the case temp the lower the capability of the heatsinks to conduct heat away from the item.
    In the end i gave up with active cooling methods (heatsinks and fans) and realised my only option was to go for external cooling. I now have the system setup with a koolance exos cooling both hardisks graphics card cpu and MBchipset. I know this is very extreme but the case fan noise got to me now i have disconected all case fans except for the ones in my thermaltake power supply which are virtually silent. After about 12 evenings of testing and installation I now have a system which is not only stable but the CPU temp is only 32C.
    Obvoiusly getting the heat out of the case is a good idea. The Exos is only running at it's lowest setting which means the  fans arnt making any noticable noise.
    The question still remains though why 58C?

  • AMD Athlon XP 3200+ reading as 1.2 GIG

    My Mobo is a K7N2GM2. I read Dr Stu's FAQS and he addressed the issue but I already got it from 600MHz to 1200MHz by correctly setting the FSB. What I'm missing is the Multiplier, my processor should read 2.4 GIG. I've flashed the BIOS (version W7051NMS) and have the current chipset drivers. Suggestions please?
    Also. I have an ATI 9800 Pro that has lines down the screen. They are approx. 2 inches wide, yellowish / tan in color, and are so faded, they are only visible with a light background.
    Thanks for any help,

    There is no doubt you have a 3200+?  What do markings say on cpu? It is definitely a 3200+ It was running the proper speed in my last setup. But I forgot to compare it up against the lsit of processors in the link from Dr Stu, will do it tommorow.
    I wonder if multiplier is hidden and you need to unlock?  When you enter bios try Shift + F2, then Alt + F3 (I think) to see if anything further is revealed in Cell Menu. I did the shift Ft the Alt F3 and it did unlock additional features in my cell menu. No options adjusted my CPU spped though.
    I'd be inclined to clear cmos again by this method then load optimised defaults only; exit bios then reboot and go back into bios and change cpu fsb only; exit and re-enter bios go into cell menu and see what is displayed for 'Current cpu clock' No changedoing this either.
    Do you have another cpu to try?  Good to know whether another one  gets identiified properly and whether multiplier is correct. Good call, I convinced a friend to let me use his processor, an AMD 2200+ off of a MSI KT3 Ultra-R mobo and discovered the following... My mobo showed the correct clock speed wthout doing anything special in BIOS, so something is up with my CPU. I swiped his video card, an old ATI 7200 64meg; my pc ran with no lines, so my 9800 Pro is busted. Still don't know why my PC3200 RAM won't work.
    (Now tell me here what a jack hole I am, I've already planned my pc work retirement). I took my 3200+ and put it in his thinking it would just clock my chip down to whatever spped. I was mainly just curious as to what would happen    Nothing, his pc wouldn't boot. The D-Led said it was the IDE controller hanging, 2 reds up. No biggie, I put his back in and it did the same thing. Reset BIOS and same thing... PC boots as far as turning on mobo / case fans, but monitor stays amber. I disconnected drives, same. Swapped RAM, same. Swapped power supplies, same. I geuss I fried it by putting my CPU in it? My CPU is back in mine working. I dredged out my old mobo, the recently retired Asrock mobo, swapped his out with it and same thing (no D-led on Asrock board, but by same I mean amber LED on monitor, only system fans run).
    And what were your PSU again? Max amps, please. There is a list on the PSU box.
    115VAC   7A      50/60Hz     230VAC    3.5A   50/60Hz
    +3.3V     +5V    +12V         -5V          -12V   +5V
     28A        30A    11A           .5A          .8V     3A
    you say its a "400w PSU", better hope its not Q-Tec Is that a manufacturer type?
    This ran long, sorry.

  • K7T turbo2 and Athlon 2600+

    HI ALL!
    I just updated my bios t V 3,6 and put an AMD Athlon 2600+ on the MB.
    When the computor boots up it show that ther´s a 2000 instead.
    Enybody know why?
    Thanks  ADDE

    Originally posted by sorman
    Toock the fan away to look, but the lable on the CPU doesn´t say.
    Does the speed of the memory make eny difference, mine is 133
    XP2600/266 works great on my T2.  To make sure of which FSB you have, check the last letter of the top line of info on the CPU.  If C then its a 133/266 model, if D then its a 166/333 model.
    Your meyory should be fine.  Whats the specs on your power supply, and are you absolutely sure you have the heatsink mounted correctly?

  • K7N2 Delta-ILSR Reads 2600+ as 2000+

    'lo there.
    I got a replacement of my old board and now it only detects my cpu as an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ whereas before it was detected as a AMD Athlon XP 2600+, which is what it is.  I'd really appreciate any help on this topic.  I've searched the forums for similar topics but haven't found the result's I'm looking for.
    so, any takers?

    d1git: You say you've searched the forum on this problem - hmmmm.
    One of two things (or both). Make sure the FSB Jumper on your motherboard is set to "USER" rather than "SAFE". Then make sure the FSB setting (in the BIOS) is set to either 133 (for 266FSB CPU) or 166 (for 333FSB CPU) etc. If you're still having problems then try clearing the BIOS (CMOS) first:
    Look here:
    How to Clear CMOS
    BTW, I'm sure this stuff is in your manual  !!!

  • Help! amd athlon xp 2600

    hello,i have a kt2 combo-L mainboard.. and a amd athlon xp 2600, but it`s been called xp 2000! Why? i can only set the fsb to 133.. dosent my mainboard suport the cpu?

    Use the pinmod to force the processor use a specified FSB (or multiplier
    pinmod guide;
    Use the socket view and the small "hair" of a stripped computer molex wire or similar to short circuit the required pins on the socket.

  • K7t Turbo2 and an AMD Athlon XP 2600+

    I recently flashed the BIOS on my K7t Turbo2 board to the 3.6 version which supports AMD Athlon XP processors up to 2600+.  However, after I installed the new cpu, set the core voltage to 1.65, the multiplier to 11.5 and the DCM value to 166 the computer would not boot.  Instead I received a simple "Beep" then two to three seconds later, another "Beep."  This continues to no avail and it takes almost ten "hard reboots" which is killing my hard disks to even get back into the BIOS configuration, wherein I modified the DCM settings to 133 instead of 166.  Now the computer boots but continues to tell me:
    Unknown Processor at 1533mhz
    When I did get it to run at 1910mhz (notice 1910, not 1917 as it should be), it also said Unknown Processor.  Then, on one of the three ocassions I was actually able to boot the computer at the higher clock speed, none of my drives appeared.  On the second ocassion, the Linux boot process froze and on the third, Windows XP wouldn't boot.  Now, if anyone has any suggestions as to what BIOS settings I can try, or even resetting my BIOS to a previous version, then trying to reflash it, that would be great....  If, however, this is more of an issue with an MSI BIOS patch, please release another version that works.   Thanks much!

    Go with the Tbred 2400+ bud, Thats what i have at the mo in my KT3 Ultra 2C, and with my old MSI ti4200 with 128mb, it kept up with a K7N2 Delta ILSR which is running a Barton 2600+ and an MSI FX5600XT with 256mb (that rig only beats me on the extra test in 2001se and 2003 that the FX card covers).
    Cant wait for my K7N2 Delta ILSR to arrive to go with my Ti4600.
    Should happily blow the Barton rig away  

  • MSI K7T Turbo2 + AMD Athlon XP 2600+

    I have downloaded lastest BIOS for MSI K7T Turbo2 but i haven't able to run CPU at full speed (133x16=2128 MHz). And there's no multipler greater than 15 available...
    currenlty i'm using 145xdefault (12,5) = 1812,5 MHz... has anyone solved this problem? CPU = AMD Athlon XP 2600+ (333)

    Oh bugger!
    After posting this, I continued scanning and found the answer - and coming back here, I now understand BD51's answer.  Didn't sink in first time round!
    Anyway, I have apparently purchased the 333fsb version, blissfully unaware that was a 266 version, and that THAT is the one I SHOULD have bought.
    Ah well, that'll learn me to check the spec's more closely in future.
    Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.

  • Can sum1 help me wif my AMD ATHLON XP 2000

    i need to no if  i can test my CPU or motherboard without another system the same, cause i cant get hold of a mobo to stik my CPU in or a CPU to stik in my MOBO is there any other solution say obvious signs i should look for on my mobo or CPU any help would be appriciated THANKS!!! 
    Problem System
    MSI 6390u (VIA KM266A Chipset)(VT 8235)
    AMD Athlon XP 2000+
    GeForce 4 MX 128MB AGP (on-board = S3 Savage 8)
    2x 256 DDR333 Kdata
    30Gb Maxtor Fireball3 ATA133 4 MB
    40GB Seagate Barracuda ATA100 4 MB
    C-Media PCI Sound Card CM3DX (On-Board = AC'97 Audio)
    DVD-RW dual layer
    DVD/CD-RW combo drive
    ISO 400 PSU 300w 3.3v=20A,5v=30A,12v=15A
    No. 2
    Gigabyte K8NS
    AMD ATHLON 64 3000+
    2x 512 mb DDR 400
    Nvidia GeForce 6600 256MB AGP
    200GB Seagate ATA 100 7200rpm
    ThermalTake PurePower 420w
    Samsung DVD-RW Dual Layer ATA33
    Nvidia Nforce3 250 Chipset
    On-Board Audio
    ThermalTake PurePower 420w 5v=40A, 3.3v=30A, 12v=18A

    Sweet as i dont have a problem with your rules mate its all good, and if u so good at this u could have told me to do continuity tests on my Mobo, also voltage test to verify everything getting the correct voltage, ive carried out my own tests on the mobo an what do ya no its got a bad connection through a track on the topside of the mobo right next to the CPU where the HSF connects to the foot, i have scratched the mobo surface with a screwdriver whilst removing the CPU and broken a track, so much for not been able to test this stuff osnavi, u guys deal more with software issues aye and hardware conflicts an stuff
    MSI 6390u (VIA KM266A Chipset)(VT 8235)
    AMD Athlon XP 2000+
    GeForce 4 MX 128MB AGP (on-board = S3 Savage 8)
    2x 256 DDR333 Kdata
    30Gb Maxtor Fireball3 ATA133 4 MB
    40GB Seagate Barracuda ATA100 4 MB
    C-Media PCI Sound Card CM3DX (On-Board = AC'97 Audio)
    DVD-RW dual layer
    DVD/CD-RW combo drive
    ISO 400 PSU 300w 3.3v=20A,5v=30A,12v=15A
    No. 2
    Gigabyte K8NS
    AMD ATHLON 64 3000+
    2x 512 mb DDR 400
    Nvidia GeForce 6600 256MB AGP
    200GB Seagate ATA 100 7200rpm
    ThermalTake PurePower 420w
    Samsung DVD-RW Dual Layer ATA33
    Nvidia Nforce3 250 Chipset
    On-Board Audio
    ThermalTake PurePower 420w 5v=40A, 3.3v=30A, 12v=18A

  • Amd Athlon Xp 2000 overclocking

    My Current Pc Spec is
    Amd Athlon xp 2000+ thoughbreed
    Msi kt600 Delta
    Coolmaster Lite Cpu Cooler
    Amd 350watt Power Supply is  +3.3v 22A
                             +5v   32A
                              -5v    0.5A
                              +12v  16A
                              -12v    0.8 A
                             +5v Sb  2 A
    Gainward Geforce 4 mx 440 64mb 4x agp
    256 Pinical Ram 400hz
    4 Good Coolmaster Case Fans
    80gb Seagate Barracuda 2mb Cache
    Liteon CD/DVD Writer
    Would it be possible to overclock this pc
    if so what would u reccomend me trie at the moment i am getting 46 idle and 53 load(encoding Divx) with a 133mhz fsb and 12.5 .
    If i put it to 13 would this increase the tempature and lower the stability a lot

    Hi guys i did what u said but now my pc wont even boot it was alright till i got 2 145mhz x 10xmultipler and i was getting a load tempature after ruiing 3dmark a couple of times of 47 c which seem pritty cool then i upped the mhz 2 150mhz and now the pc wont even boot i when into my bios and it just locked up could do anything please can u help me cheers

  • AMD Athlon XP 2800 (Barton Core) will not post at FSB 166 MHz.

    Per top of the board “stickys” I have read a great number of the post on this board and done my homework to provide as much technical info to help you help me. This should explain some of it’s lengthy nature.
    Aside from Memory, HDD and Video card every thing else has been unplugged from board and power or stripped out of slots to isolate the problem.
    Presently running BIOS: A6712 V. 1B
    *As seen on face of MoBo: KT4V MS-6712   Ver:10A
    *The Original Box bar code label: KT4V-L (601-6712-050)
    K7, KT400. 5.1 chnl. S/W Audio, LAN, D-Bracket 2.
    CPU: AMD Athlon AXDL 2800 DLV4D 
    Q334763K40034  AQYHA 0447APMW
    Chip lable
    Athlon XP (Barton) Low Power Processor (Model 10) 2083 MHz
    OPGA Organic Pin Grid Array 1.50 Volt max. Temp. 85°C
    512 KB L2 Cache 333 MHz System bus (166 MHz FSB) x 12.5
    Memory: x3- PC 2700 512 mb DDR 333 Super Talent
      And shows at post as running 333MHz. MemTested to 1,000% with first 1 stick, then all 3 sticks presently on bios A6712vms.1B0. at fsb 100MHz (aprox. 24hr.) I even installed and ran other AMD utillitys while MemTest was running to “stress” the system memory with zero errors. During this period I checked Windows Task Manager > Performance, CPU usage at 100%, PF usage 1.35gb. No Probs.
    Video card: Removed: MSI AGP-8X Ti4200- VTD8X 128 MB DDR 533MHz
    Replace with: PCI card (to rule out AGP card prob.) Gilmont, nVidia 64mb
    (also tried Matrox AGP 32mb card with no different results then above cards)
    Power Supply: L&C Model: LC-B350 ATX = 350 watt
          115/130v      B/4a      60/50 hz
          +3.3v/+5v   1+12v   -12/-5v    +5vsb
          28a   35a    16a    0.8a    0.3a   2a
       +3.3v combined load 200w
    Cooler: Slim Volcano 10+,   P/N A1671,  rated for up to AMD Athlon CP 3400+ & fresh heat sink compound. Freshly re-seated.
    All PCI  slots empty as I attempt to run bare bones to eliminate problems. (except now running Vido card in 1 slot)
    Floppy Drive: ribbon unplugged from board
    HDD-0: Seagate 8 gb master, (HDD tested w/no errors)
    O/S: Win. XP w/sp2
    HDD-1: slave/  unplugged from ribbon and power
    Sony CD-Rom: Unplugged from PCI slot and power
    SATA/RAID-usb 2.0 card and other HDD’s, removed and not included till Sys. runs at full potential.
    Exterior HDD and Burner beyond the scope here and not attached.
    O/S Win. XP-sp2
    BIOS I have tried: The original; Ver:10A, ran fine on Athlon XP 1600 (1400 MP) 3 years.
    •   Then with MSI Live Update 3: Installed v. 1c which couldn’t run FSB 166MHz (MSI:” Fixes system reports incorrect message for AMD 3200+ CPU.
    - Supports Sempron L2 512K 3000+ CPU.)
    However, v. 1.c did not work and would not post at all with the newly installed Barton AMD-XP 2800. [frankly this attempt was months ago and I do not remember whether it would post at the slower 100 and 133 FSB speeds, and also to muddle my memory further I was upgrading an A7N8X-D with a Barton XP 3000 and having similar problems on the ASUS,,, which is now running fine at full potential. ; - p
    •   Then I selected and flashed A6712 V 1.7 122602, boots and runs Win.XP-sp2 at FSB 100MHz & 133MHZ.  (MSI:” Supports AMD Barton XP2800+ (FSB333) CPU
    -Fixes system sometimes will have IDE CRC error   -Fixes D-bracket2+USB keyboard, cannot use keyboard on DOS mode.)”    which couldn’t run FSB 166MHz.
    I checked with the Tech. at the local shop where I purchased the KT4V MoBo. He suggested I try a different BIOS but he didn’t specify which one. He is a personal friend and admits to some bad luck and dead boards due to flashing bios so reluctant to mess with it.
    •   Now running:  A6712vms.1B0 – MSI hid this BIOS V. found here:
    •    On a different page than the 2 versions mentioned above.
    •    No wonder people are frustrated and confused about different MoBo versions there ID #’s and the BIOS versions them selves as seen on this news board. MSI’s fault, no fault of anyone here trying to help.
    Runs fine at FSB 100 (shows as XP 1250+) and FSB 133 (shows as XP 2200+) Booting to Win. XP-sp2 on CMOS, default setup other than minor tweaks to accommodate MSI Ti 4200 AGP 8X 125mb graphics card or Gilmond PCI card. But which couldn’t run FSB 166MHz .
    No post at FSB 166 mhz (once, it did flash a post screen stating AMD Athlon XP 2800 for about 2 sec. before going blank) Manual power down. Just now I rebooted with FSB 166, and again saw the AMD Athlon XP 2800 at top of the post screen as I hit pause break,,,, then the machine power crashed to Off. Once it even loaded Win.XP-sp2 but crashed to power off with in 2 min.
    I must have booted this beast a dozen times or more after Clear CMOS jumper each time it went to blank screen with mach. still running. Start over; set Default settings and work up with FSB 100, 133, each time to read what POST says and see if it will boot to O/S.
    Btw: I have looked for clear evidence through the not so specific descriptions MSI uses to separate these board model #s and may be part of my current problem with correct board ID = correct BIOS ID.
    Found here:
    [VIA] unofficial FAQ for KT4 series motherboards
    Eg: - KT4 Ultra (MS-6590), 6-channel hardware audio codec
       • KT4 Ultra (Pure Version)
       • KT4 Ultra-B (Bluetooth ready)
       • KT4 Ultra-BSR (Bluetooth ready + Serial ATA RAID)
       • KT4 Ultra-FISR (Bluetooth ready, Serial ATA RAID, Gigabit LAN, IEEE 1394)
    - KT4V (MS-6712), 6-channel software audio codec
       • KT4V-L, with onboard 10/100 LAN
    - KT4M (MS-6596) micro-ATX board
       • KT4M-L, with onboard 10/100 LAN
    - KT4A Ultra, (MS-6590) NEW!! based on KT400A chipset
       • KT4A Ultra (Standard Version)
       • KT4A Ultra-SR (Serial ATA RAID)
       • KT4A Ultra-FISR (Serial ATA RAID, Gigabit LAN, IEEE 1394)
    And a very similar version of this on Official MSI site. Both seem to try and make a difference between modles with on board Lan, and Blue Tooth ready.
    Take a look at my original box sticker:
    *As seen on face of MoBo: KT4V MS-6712   Ver:10A
    *The Original Box bar code label: KT4V-L (601-6712-050)
    K7, KT400. 5.1 chnl. S/W Audio, LAN, D-Bracket 2.
    Yup, it says all this on the sticker and the in the manual and verified on the MoBo. So I can only guess at all parts of the puzzle as they gave them to me which lead me to the afore mention BIOS versions I ran, or am running. The sticker points to nearly half of the boards above except for the MS-6712 and the Ver:10a which is what I based my BIOS choices on. If someone knows differently and can lead me to official Nfo with a better answer I’m all ears.
    Just saw this: Latest Official BIOS : KT4 MS-6590 (1.4), KT4V  MS-6712 (1.8 ) , KT4M MS-6596 (1.1)>>Here: [VIA] unofficial FAQ for KT4 series motherboards
    « on: 24 October 02, 05:14:04 »  But these links and all but one link in this ‘sticky’ are broken .
    So if  (1.8) is the Latest Official BIOS for KT4V MS-6712  then what is this at the Official MSI SITE ?
    BIOS Type
    AMI® BIOS      File Sizes
    1.C      Update date
    Update Description   -Support Sempron L2 512K 3000+ CPU.
     BIOS Type
    AMI® BIOS      File Size
    1.B      Update date
    Update Description   Support Sempron 2200+/2300+/2400+/2500+/2600+/2800+ CPU.
        BIOS Type
    AMI® BIOS      File Sizes
    485Kb Version
    1.A      Update date
    Update Description   - System is unstable to run 3DMark03 with ATI 9600 PRO
    - Add "PS/2 Keyboard Detection" Function.
    - Support AMD 2400+ CPU.
    BIOS Type
    AMI® BIOS      File Sizes
    1.9      Update date
    Update Description   -Fixed Adaptec 2100S SCSI card cannot be used
    -Modify CPU temperature detection
    -Support boot from Onboard LAN
    BIOS Type
    AMI® BIOS      File Sizes
    1.8      Update date
    Update Description   -Support AMD Barton XP3000+ (FSB333) CPU
    -Add "CPU Halt Command Detection" item in the BIOS Setup
     Please also keep in mind I’m not trying to scuff anyone’s shoes…I just want to get what’s right for my board so that it and the CPU can live up to their full, "as advertised" potential and run with the other 3 big dogs under my desk.
    This seems descriptive enough and rather lengthy. Just doing my homework and reporting my findings so I won’t include actual CMOS settings unless requested. I have notes on all settings I currently use to boot with this problem.
    Other Dogs:
      ASUS A7N8X-D running Athlon XP 3000 barton core 10 (runs fsb 400..whoknew?), Mem:2.5gb Super Talent
       ASUS A7M266-D running Athlon XP 2800 (mp), Mem: 3gb Super Talent
                                                   Athlon XP 2800 (mp)
      I don’t want to boar you with the details.
    Yes, and the above have been upgraded w/new chips GFX cards and BIOS,,, NP.
      Cut to sound track: Down on the BIOS again,,, wasn’t that Creedance Clear Water Revival?
    Any suggestions or insights are much appreciated. 

    Welcome, and thank you for a thorough input! Hope I don't miss something you already said!
    Quick version: Try setting processor voltage to 1,5 volt.
    Long version:
    Posting at wrong FSB can be put down to two things:
    1 The processor isn't what you thought it is, but I think you eliminated that.
    2 The system cannot run the processor at the correct speed. Mainly this has to with overheating, and/or that memory and processor cannot cooperate. This must be it, as you noticed the processor is correctly recognised.
    You have little connected right? Then the best thing would be to pull power cable out. Take the motherboard and redo the seating of the processor, this is much better done with motherboard taken out.
    At the same time, I suggest you clear CMOS. Should always be done when changing processor, and I've noticed on the Internet there are a few 1,5V XP2800 around.

  • AMD-XP 2600+ and MSI KT4V MS-6712 MB

    Can somebody help me pls? I do have a MSI KT4V MS-6712 Motherboard and an AMD Athlon XP 2600 processor. According the CPU RATIO settings table I should put the ratio 16 and the FSB on 133, but I don't have a 16. I only have a 15 and if I use the 15 instead of the 16 I do get a performance of 733 Mhz. When I use the 12.5/13 the system says it's a XP-2000+, but I'm still missing some Mhz. I did already upgrade the BIOS to version 1.8 but no results.
    Pls help me, I'm getting crazy! ;(

    I changed it into 166 Mhz and now it's acting as a XP 2600+.
    Rob, thanks for your suggestion and help in this matter.

  • KT4AV-L paired with a Amd Athlon XP2600 333mhz 512 L2 Cache Barton Bios setup question

    Hi Guys
    I have just recently bought a KT4AV-L paired with a Amd Athlon XP2600 333mhz 512 L2 Cache Barton. Having browsed over to the cpu support after not being able to get my machine to register a 2600+ from the bios i looked up the support to see that is doesn't support that processor in the list can someone tell me if it does and how i need to setup my bios to register is a 2600+ or near,  as i can only get about 1.5 ghz out of it at the moment. I adjusted the fsb to 140 and the system hangs on powerup and i get nothing but it gives a memory error from the d-panle. Any ideas? should i just be running the fsb at 133 or 166?
    Setup includes motherboard + processor listed
    512 crucial ddr 333 pc 2700
    radeon 9600 256 agp 8
    soundblaster live (value) 4:1
    Never really worked with AMD before first time, not really understanding if i have made simple mistakes.

    Right bit of an update
    I have the machine ticking over quite nicely @ FSB 133. This i can increase to about 155 and then it dies. So again i have tried to run it at 166 and i get the blank screen the the d-plate registers a Memory Detection Test and stops there.
    I have tried to run the system from start at the FSB 155 and i get the same problem with the system hanging.
    I have been reading a bit on the forums and found that it might be my power supply. I am using
    A-CASE INDUSTRIAL INC (Says AMD recommended, a bit old though)
    model : LC-A300ATX
    3.3v - 20A
    5v - 30A
    12 - 10A
    5 and 3v combined = 160w
    300 watt max.
    Also i have the crutial memory mod in there which i also realise could be the problem.
    I was hoping if someone could maybe help me identify the most likley course from how the system is acting to what the problem might be, also could it be to do with the CPU temp.
    System Manufacturer   MSI   
    System Model   MS-6712   
    System Type   X86-based PC   
    Processor   x86 Family 6 Model 10 Stepping 0 AuthenticAMD ~1533 Mhz   
    BIOS Version/Date   American Megatrends Inc. Version 07.00T, 02/04/2001   
    SMBIOS Version   2.3   
    cpu temp = 47
    fsb = 133
    Got the system running on the default voltages

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