Analyse de donnees

J'ai vu qu'il y a un VI"ecrire les donnees dans un fichier" sur labview 7. Quand j'execute le programme, je peux donc generer un fichier.lvm .
J'aimerais modifier ce fichier avec une mise en page automatique des que j'ouvre le fichier, avec un graphe recapitulatif et des statistiques.
Quelles sont les demarches pour realiser ce genre de traitement de donnees?

Le fichier lvm est éditable avec Excel, mais ne permet pas de faire une mise en page automatique. Si tu veux automatiser la génération d�un rapport, le mieux est d�utiliser le toolkit « report generation » de LabVIEW. Dans ce cas tu peux définir un classeur Excel « modèle » , avec des onglets « données », « graphes », « rapport », et encore d�autres choses. Ce classeur définit la mise en page à obtenir, avec les liens entre les données et les graphes. Le programme fera une copie de ce fichier, écrira les données dans l�onglet « données », et les liens se feront automatiquement.
Luc Desruelle | Voir mon profil | LabVIEW Code & blog
Co-auteur livre LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
CLA : Certified LabVIEW Architect / Certifié Architecte LabVIEW
CLD : Certified LabVIEW Developer / Certifié Développeur LabVIEW

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    Hello Friends
    I constructed a query in BW in order to show Open Purchase Orders. We have custom DSO populated with standard
    datasource 2lis_02_itm (Purcahse Order Item). In this DSO we mapped the field ELIKZ to the infoobject 0COMP_DEL
    (Delivery completed).
    We loaded the data from ECC system for all POs and found the following issue for Stock Transport Purchase orders (DocType = UB).
    We have a PO with 4 line items. For line items 10 and 20, Goods issued, Goods received and both the flags "Delivery
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    650000001       10     UB        X
    650000001       20     UB        X
    650000001       30     UB
    650000001       40     UB      
    When we run the Open PO analysis report on BW side this PO is appearing in the report but the same is closed in ECC
    Any help is appreciated in this regard.
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Priya and Reddy
       Thanks for your response.
                         Yes the indicator is checked in EKPO table for items 30 and 40 and delta is running regularly for more than 1 year and no issues with other POs. This is happening only for few POs of type Stock Transport (UB).
                        I already checked the changes in ME23N and the Delivery completed indicator was changed and it reflected in EKPO table. Further, i checked the PSA records for this PO and i am getting the records with the Delivery completed flag but when i update from PSA to DSO the delivery completed indicator is not updating properly.
                       In PSA, for item 30 i have the following entries. Record number 42 is capturing the value X for ELIKZ but after that i am getting two more records 43 and 44 with process key 10 and without X for ELIKZ. I think this is causing the problem.
    Record No.    Doc.No.                    Item              Processkey         Rocancel     Elikz
        41               6500000001            30                    11                            X           ---    
        42               6500000001            30                    11                            ---           X
        43               6500000001            30                    10                            X           ---
        44               6500000001            30                    10                            ---         ---
    (Here --- means blank)        
    Thanks and Regards

  • Purchase Analysis Report

    Hi Experts
    When I Run Purchase analysis report in SAP Business One 8.8 under individual vendor view the Open A/P Invoice (not done Payment) sowing 0.00 in the Applied amount and the purchase amount is showing negative value bacuse it is a credit memo - which is correct.
    But when I run the same report in my customer site who are running SAP B1 2005 PL 43, they are not seeing 0.00 in the applied amount instead they are seeing the same negative amount which is displayed in the purchase amount.which is not correct.
    Please assist me
    Thanks and regards,
    Edited by: Paul Finneran on Oct 15, 2009 12:36 PM

    Hi Vinodh,
    You may check these threads to see if they have anything related to your question:
    Re: Purchase Analysis Report
    Purchase Analysis Report not shown.
    cant see Purchase analysis report of standard SAP B1

  • Sales Analysis Report - Items -- blank result

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    When I run the purchase analysis on Items, I get data for the same items I am trying to see in the sales analysis.
    Any ideas what could be causing this?
    Thank you,

    HI Gordon,
    I left the default settings: 
    - Annual Report, Invoices, Individual Display, No Totals
    - Posting Date:  whole fiscal year
    - Main selection:  left blank/default (group = all, no properties)
    I have double/triple/quadruple-check even the Secondary SElection to make sure there's nothing there.
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  • Web Analysis is not working

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    Regarding Web Analysis- I believe- It's a problem of JRE.
    - Just remove/uninstall the JRE from your Currently installed Programs. You may want to reboot the m/c
    - Open Web Analysis Studio in the Web browser. Now, since it can't find JRE, it'll set up the relevant JRE for you & you may continue using Web Analysis.
    - Please note- Unless you've changed to a different one during configuration, Web Analysis operates on 16000 port.
    Check the following regarding Workspace-
    - Your service may be down, thus, throwing Network error
    - You may've to re-configure Workspace. Start the service & wait for few mins. before opening Workspace.
    - Natesh

  • Analysis Authorization in BO 4.0 Webi report

    Hi All,
    I am using BO 4.0 and creating connection from Information Design tool to a BW query using BICS client. This connection is then published to CMC.
    We are using SAP authentication and importing the roles from BW system. We have added profiles to this role and these profiles have Analysis Authorization set on Company Code. So one user can access data to one company code and vice versa. Now this works well in Bex Analyzer, but if I try to create a report in Webi, the analysis authorization fails. I went through the forum before posting this question and I found that is in 3.1 version and in most cases using SSO in universe connection solved the problem.
    However in 4.0 I am using BICS client and followed the same processes to create a connection but for some reason it doesn't work ? Is this suppose to work differently in 4.0 ?
    I have tried:
    1. To create connection in Information Design tool using SSO, selecting user ID and password. It doesn't work.
    2. Checked the Bex query and it already has Company code as a Characteristic restrictions (I have made it a mandatory variable).
    3. Publish the connection to CMC with my Enterprise and SAP ID and in both cases it doesn't work.
    Please let me know if anyone encountered a similar issue and what is the best method to resolve this.
    (BO 4.0 no service pack or fix pack installed on the system yet)
    Thanks - Appreciate your help !
    Prasad Rasam

    1. To create connection in Information Design tool using SSO, selecting user ID and password. It doesn't work.
    >> Correct you need to setup you OLAP Connection with SSO.
    >>> What I meant was I created the connections using both the methods, Using SSO it allows me to create a connection. The ID which I am using to create a connection has Admin access to BOBJ system. When I login as a regular user to create a Webi report and select this new connection, it throws an error message 'The DSL Service returned an error:$CannotGetCubeFromConnectionException: Cannot get the cube from the connection'
    Using the other method to create a connection with User ID and password, I can create a connection and with the normal user login I can connect to the BW query but Analysis Authorization doesn't work.
    Ingo : Could you be more specific what you mean here with the different users ? When you say "regular" user are you referring to an SAP credentials or SAP BusinessObjects Enteprrise credentials ?
    2. Checked the Bex query and it already has Company code as a Characteristic restrictions (I have made it a mandatory variable).
    >> The variable in the BEx query needs to be an authorization variable.
    >>> This has already been set as Authorization variable. There is still a question here. If I select the variable as Authorization variable, I cannot set the other parameters in the query properties such as Mandatory variable (as this is greyed out).
    Ingo : What other parameters would you like to configure ? Could you perhaps describe the scenario with more details ?
    Ingo Hilgefort

  • Issue while opening the web analysis reports

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    What could be wrong? Any suggestions please.
    The only thing I see here, something wrong with userd ID or password.

    I had also faced this problem earlier. I was using HFM as data source for WA reports. After searching I found that there was some change at HFM level. Some dimensions/members had been deleted or added in HFM. And I was using those missing members in WA Grid.
    I had to recreate my reports again as I didn't get any other way to deal with this problem.
    Please shared any other alternative option, if you found while working on this issue.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Mohit Jain

  • Analysis Authorization Issue 7.3

    Hello Friends,
    System BW 7.3, Currently there are 80 odd analysis authorization objects
    We want to introduce a new info object (GL Account) to be authorization relevant, ( there are few objects in the system which are already authorization relevant in the system with proper analysis authorization objects and they are working fine)
    Things done, made the GL Account object authorization relevant in RSA1, Created 2 analysis authorization objects with GL Account and TCT objects and one with hierarchy restrictions and one open access.
    Added this object to the user in addition to its already existing authorization objects. Created authorization variable in BEx.
    Some how the authorization is not picked up and it gives us all the values in the report. But if I add the GL Account info object to the existing analysis authorization objects then it works fine.
    I do not want to change all the existing analysis authorization objects to add GL Account.
    Your inputs are most welcome.

    Gajesh- I have added the new analysis authorization object to the user in RSECadmin.
    Subhendu- Problem statement: What are the steps involved in making a new info object(GL Account) authorization relevant. Authorizations are given at hierarchy level. Can we create a new analysis authorization with  GL Account only or do we have to add it to every existing analysis authorization
    I have done the following steps
    1. Made the GL Account object authorization relevant in RSA1,
    2. Created 2 new analysis authorization objects with GL Account ( with hierarchy restrictions) and TCT objects and one with GL Account open access.
    3. Added this object ( which has restrictions) to the user in RSECADMIN, in addition to its already existing authorization objects.
    4. Created authorization variable in BEx.
    5. No existing analysis authorization objects have been changed.
    When I test the report, It does not restrict based on the hierarchy that I have given, it gives open access.
    But If I add GL Account with restrictions to the existing analysis authorization object, it works good.
    Guess I am missing some thing here.
    Do you need any other screen shots.

  • Issue with Analysis Office Add in

    User are having an issue with Analysis Office and giving the error.
    From Analysis Office-> Open workbook->after Login to AO using BW connection
    After opened the report ->when refresh the report, getting the error
    "An Exception occurred in one of the data sources. SAP BI Add in has disconnected
    Nested Exception. See inner exception below for more details
    Initial RANGE-LOW for customer exit variable ****_EXIT_001 corrected ..
    Under details
    An exception has occurred in one of the data sources.
    SAP BI Add-in has disconnected all data sources.(ID-111007)
    We are using BO AO for MS Office Add-in 1.4 SP3 in BO server.
    Please let me know the reason for this error and how to fix this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Krishna,
               Thanks for the reply.  The Sales office field is directly mapped  in the transformation and does not have any routine. Its the Key field.
    The Billing Document Condition infocube is being feed by the DSO '2LIS_13_VDKON - Billing Document Condn' and datasource is '2LIS_13_VDKON'.
    The Open Orders infocube is being feed by the DSO Document Order item / Delivery;  below which we have another 3 DSO.
    1st DSO has the Datasource '2LIS_13_VDITM'
    2nd DSO has the Datasource '2LIS_11_VAITM'
    3rd DSO has the Datasource '2LIS_11_V_SSL'
    The Sales Office 7 has txn records for the month of April & May.
    The report built on top of a Multiprovider and the for the months June and July, we have txn records fine for the sales office 01 - 06.
    Please help me, if i am missing anything here and make me to understand better.

  • Analysis Authorization Issue

    I created an analysis authorization ZCO_CODE to trstrict it by a company code.
    I added following objects in authorization with values.
    0COMP_CODE = 1000
    0TCAACTVT = 03
    0TCAIFAREA = *
    0TCAIPROV = *
    0TCAVALID = *
    Then I created a role Z:00:BW_REPORT, where I added following authorization objects S_RS_AUTH and restricted it by value ZCO_CODE. Then I assigned this role to a user test01.
    When I execute a program RSEC_MIGRATION for this specific user, I do not see authorization object ZCO_CODE on 2nd step of this program. Any Idea Why? I think this object should show up as I want to migrate this specific object.
    Help will be appreciated.

    Hi Sachin:
    Okay here is my issue.
    I have a Reporting authorization Object created earlier which is ZCOCODE. I though I'll have to create a new Analysis authorization object e.g. ZCO_CODE and then restrict it with other chars. as mentioned in Marc Bernards presentation and then you have to migrate it.
    In selection list I can see old Reporting authorization object. If I select it and use option "Enhance existing profile" then It will update profile and not role? right....
    How can I see whether it has updated existing profile?????
    Do I need to create new Analysis Auth. for Company code or I can use old Reporting authorization for company code?
    For testing purpose, I created a test user and assigned all reporting roles but It will not show up in RSEC_MIGRATION step???

  • Issue in Due date analysis report S_ALR_87012168

    Hi Friends,
    We have a strange issue regarding due date analysis report (S_ALR_87012168)...
    When i execute this report it displays different amounts in "Not Due" column under 0-30 bucket. In 0-30 bucket, under not due column it shows 10,000 and under total open items column it shows 15,000. How it is possible?
    Thanks to everyone

    This has been closed due to Local and Document currency prob...

  • Issue opening Web Analysis report

    I create, with buttons, links between reports in web analysis. Sometimes when I click on one of them in workspace, it doesn't open linked report, but another one. Furthermore this last one is automatically saved as the previous report, and I can't open the original linked report. Any suggestion about this ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Natesh,
    Thanks for your reply to my query posted in this forum. Please find my inline answers between asterisk to your questions:
    Whatz the source of your Grid? Relational SQL Query (OR) A spreadsheet with Essbase database connection file?
    * Yes, the source is Essbase.*
    If source is Essbase, it seems- Outline might've got altered when you're trying to refresh the report.
    * The outline was in tandem when we tried running this report in WebAnalysis. This outline & WebAnalysis report which is in Dev Server is a replica of the one in Test Server where it runs fine. *
    If source is based on a Relational SQL query, chances are that- Query is no longer valid.
    * NA as this statement is NOT applicable to our source.*
    If it's Essbase, it's also likely that- It ran out of time while fetching the data from Essbase. You may try playing around with the parameters in Essbase.cfg file.
    * This might be one of the causes, but I double checked the all the tunning parameters in Essbase.cfg file in place.*
    Could you please through more observation on this issue. Let me know if any further information is needed!.
    Thanks for your time.
    Edited by: user10475612 on Nov 8, 2009 1:07 PM
    Edited by: user10475612 on Nov 8, 2009 1:09 PM
    Edited by: user10475612 on Nov 8, 2009 1:12 PM

  • BW Analysis authorization issue on cost center range

    Hello BIW security experts
    I have a problem where I created an analysis authorization on a cost center range and it looks like the interval is not working. The report is just a list of cost centers (demo to users to prove that analysis authorizations work in order to skip 2 managerial cost centers.
    . Cost centers are numeric. Example:  2000100. In the drop down list they appear as such.
    . I want to have the following cost center range: 1000000 to 1000771, 1000773 to 2000771, 2000773 to 9999999.
    Thereofore 1000772  and 2000772 should not appear in the list.
    . In the analysis authorization I have put the 3 ranges above on 3 separate lines. 'BT' is the operator. The cost centers have been selected from the drop down list.
    Results:  I get only 1 record from the report....  2000772. (which is one I want to exclude..
    Steps tried to debug:
    . When I put a list of cost centers in the analysis authorization on separate line with the 'EQ' operator, then the report works.
    . I tried putting ' ' delimiters since cost center is a char field but it fails.
    . I tried adding leading and trailing zeros to fill up the char(10) but no luck.
    . I tried creating a hierarchy with the interval and put it in the hierachy auth. tab and it does not work either. It gives the same number of records than the first step.
    . A hierarchy with single values work.
    I do not know what else to try..

    Good morning
    Here it is from RSECVAL
    ZCC_TEST     0COSTCENTER                    I       BT        1000000                                                      1000771
    ZCC_TEST     0COSTCENTER                    I       BT        1000773                                                      2000771
    ZCC_TEST     0COSTCENTER                    I       BT        2000773                                                      9999999
    ZCC_TEST     0COSTCENTER                    I       EQ        #
    ZCC_TEST     0COSTCENTER                    I       EQ        :
    ZCC_TEST     0INFOPROV                         I       CP        *
    ZCC_TEST     0TCAACTVT                        I       EQ        03
    ZCC_TEST     0TCAIPROV                         I       CP        *
    ZCC_TEST     0TCAKYFNM                       I       CP        *
    Thank you for your help.

  • BW Analysis authorization issue... need help urgently....

    We have one BW query which is pulling data from Contract Division info-object. Now this report does not variable selection object so it is pulling data from all values of Contract Division. Values of  Contract Division are CNC, CNS, CNE and CNL.
    Now we have created an analysis auth. object called z_es_3 and added Contract division info-object. Now we have added that z_es_3 into role and given value to CNS. now when we are running report, we are getting No Authorization error. When we are giving * value in z_es_3, it is running fine.
    Now we have to restrict report to contract division. please help.
    Thanks in advance

    Are you running unrestricted search on Contract division in your queries? You should restrict it to value which is maintained in the authorization for the InfoObject.
    Also please run the analysis authorization trace from RSECADMIN. That will give you a clearer picture of what is wrong.

  • Unable to open web analysis reports through workspace

    I am connecting web analysis with MSSQL server 2000 and generating reports. I am using essbase 9.3.1 version.
    But my problem now is that I can just open these reports from web analysis studio and cannot open them from workspace. In workspace, if I right click on the report and open it from web analysis studio it does open. But it does not open by double clicking the report in workspace. It just shows a blank report on just parts of the report.
    The issue is only there for the reports that are getting data from relational db (MSSQL server 2000). The other reports that are using the cube data are fine and opening from everywhere.
    Are there any other configuration settings involved in order to open a web analysis report(that uses relational db) from workspace?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Atul,
    Try using the in built config checker:
    This has several tests you can perform to see what's running.

Maybe you are looking for