Andy's Region Blur 3 filter

I've applied Andy's Region Blur 3 filter to my clip.
1. The blur appears in the center of the frame. How do I move it over the person's face? With Image + Wireframe on, it moves the entire video.
2. How do you set it up so the blur follows the persons face from frame to frame?

I've not used Andy's plugin (though I'm sure it's awesome)
Check my reply to your earlier message for a way to do it in FCP...
...or someone may chime in with the solution to Andy's blur.
; ]

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    Did you make sure the clip was open in the viewer, before applying the plugin ?
    The sequence should be:
    - the clip you want to modify is in the timeline
    - you open this clip in the viewer, for example you double click it
    - as a check you can see that the viewer scrubber bar is dotted ("sprocked holes")
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    I've not used Andy's plugin (though I'm sure it's awesome)
    Check my reply to your earlier message for a way to do it in FCP...
    ...or someone may chime in with the solution to Andy's blur.
    ; ]

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    Start from the beginning
    - Select the Rectangle Tool - go to Options Bar, ensure 'Shape' options is on from the the Pick a Tool Mode drop down list.
    - Draw Rect. This should create a vector Shape Layer.
    - Select it in the Layers Panel: The Properties Panel then should highlight the Density and Feather options.
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    Thanks very much , that's really helpful,Cathy
    Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 11:18:21 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: How do I apply the blur filter to all my layers at the same time?
    There is no need to flatten the file, but you can create a layer that merges all the content of the image, and apply the filter on that layer.
    Target the topmost layer, by holding the Option and . (period) keys, then create a merged copy by holding down Command Shift Option E.

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    Lens blur is not included in 5.5 as a selectable option.
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    Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5) usual forum disclaimer is typically worded "seasoned pros." C'est la vie. On the otherhand, being 50+ myself, "old" has taken on an elevated status... so it shows honor, respect....deference. Truly.
    Dual G5/2.5GHz/4.5 GB, internal ATA, G-SATA 500   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Final Cut Studio 5.0.4

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    Sorry, no solution to the problem, but a confirmation. I do have the same problem (Intuos Pro and Pen & Touch) showing the problem with ACR 8.5 and Photoshop (2014, CC and 6, these were updated with ACR 8.5) . No such problem before ACR 8.5 and no problem with LR 5.5 (also containing ACR 8.5).
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    suddenly the blur-filter stops working.
    Publish settings are correct what i can see (version: Flash
    Player 9 )
    Anyone encountered the same problem?

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    mtaylor wrote:
    > I see what's happening. It appears to be a width issue.
    The underlines had
    > been set to "hairline" but when they converted over to
    Flash 8, the width value
    > disappeared. Once I manually re-added the width value,
    everything worked.
    > Strange.
    If this problem is reproducible, than submit to a bug list at
    Perhaps could be eliminated in future release.
    Best Regards
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • [svn] 4241: A collection of minor fixes for FXG transcoding to SWF: matrix attribute name correction; allowing for 0x prefix for hexadecimal colors; allowing for an id attribute on FXG nodes; fixing blur filter quality encoding; fixing the order in which

    Revision: 4241
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-12-05 11:00:45 -0800 (Fri, 05 Dec 2008)
    Log Message:
    A collection of minor fixes for FXG transcoding to SWF: matrix attribute name correction; allowing for 0x prefix for hexadecimal colors; allowing for an id attribute on FXG nodes; fixing blur filter quality encoding; fixing the order in which bevel filter colors are encoding - the SWF specification appears to have the wrong order specified; updating SwfxPrinter to display a linestyle's fillstyle (if present).
    Temporarily removing generated id attribute emitted in FXG to SWF optimization as this attribute is not present in the AS impl.
    Also updating compiler error base types to allow a rootcause to be specified for additional detail to a compiler message exception.
    QE: No
    Doc: No
    Checkintests: Pass
    Reviewer: Discussed compiler base error change with Paul.
    Modified Paths:

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