Angry birds for angry people

bb recently released angry birds (kudos for that) but its not free(thats thumbs down). all the platforms are providing it for free except the leader bb(wattt!)... now why is that? dont you want pb users to be happy ??

One also needs to keep in mind that development for the other platforms are not all that difficult to design and deal with. Whereas, it's been stated that development of an app for Blackberry is extremely time consuming and costly therefore, it must be passed on with all due respect. As stated by others, it really is not an unreasonable charge for what it takes to successfully create an app that is guaranteed by RIM not to be malicious. Don't get me wrong i like "FREE" like the next guy, but I will never complain about a vendor adhering to RIM policy which in-turn protects us all from malicious intent. Also, with regard to free apps and availability, surely you have heard that many of the other platforms are experiencing serious breaches and malicious software on their platforms due to lack of stringent policies...which is being reviewed by said platforms. We on our Blackberry' are not experiencing this issue due to RIM being strict with vendors and having a policy in place. With OS 2.0 coming in February it's been said that the process and dealing with the creation of apps will be easier and thus the expectation of many more apps is on the way... Just food for thought, not being critical of any of you and your post! All the best Damien

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    Yes, but you don't get it from the iTunes Store. A quick search with Google should find you flash versions to play online for free and others to pay for and download. The iTunes Store is for apps that run on iOS devices, not your computer.

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    You installed a hacked app, originally from the Mac App Store. It contains the receipt for a different app, downloaded using an account that you don't control. You need to identify and remove the hacked app.
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              File ▹ Find
    from the menu bar. In the search window, select
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    as the criterion, then click OK or press return.
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    i asked rovio ages back there response to putting angry birds on Symbian 1 devices was
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    Anna/Belle handsets : E6-00
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    JesusPad2 16gb, booklet3g (32gb ssd upgrade) eeepc701SD (64gb ssd) bauer mini laptop (32gb ssd)
    Kudos is Nice - please. Pass it on, you'll make a geek happy
    @hooker1uk (as a blogger my words do not represent the brands i work with unless stated otherwise.)

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    Sorry, but what happens when you click on Buy?
    If your iPod touch, 2nd generation is up to date, you're on iOS 4, which is more than enough to be ompatile with Angry Birds' minimum requirements for iOS 3.
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    Hi ...
    Apps that run on an iPad are optimized for iOS devices.
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    Ok, so you want to remove data (contacts, bookmarks, calendar etc) from other users from your iCloud/Apple ID?
    If you want to use your ID for your family because it is the account everybody uses to buy stuff then you only need to ensure that your apple ID is set up in the store (settings-store) and then the users of each device and put their own apple ID in icloud/message/facetime/etc.
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    For what reason would you do that?
    Simply connect the device, select the content desired to sync and sync.
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    Consider the following:
    if you use your local CA server to issue digital signature certificates, there is no cost, because you are eligible to issue so many certificates as you need. However, documents signed by these certificates will be considered trusted only within your AD
    forest and other machines that explicitly trust your local CA. Any external client will not trust your signatures.
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    don't need to have your local CA server, because it is not used. All certificate management is performed by the external CA. A most common scenario is to purchase signing certificate for particular departament principals (head managers) or few certificates
    for a whole company (all documents are revised by a responsible person or persons who holds signing certificate and sign them after review).
    so, it is not clear from your post what exactly you need.
    My weblog:
    PowerShell PKI Module:
    Windows PKI reference:
    on TechNet wiki

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    Mail, Window Menu, Previous Recipients.
    Select the ones you don't want and delete them.
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    shldr2thewheel already sent a teach-yourself way. Perhaps you could be more specific: any .doc file written in Mac OS is opened with difficulty? what version of Office on mac and what version in windows? any format, e.g. .doc or .rtf? Even a simple rtext of, say, 2-3 pages? or only long docs, e.g. 100 pages or more? what language is used? English or any other West European, Latin based text, or other scripts too? What do you understand by ‘people have a hard time opening it with a PC?’ takes a very long time? or does not open at all? etc. etc.

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    Use Boot Camp Assistant in
    Remove the partition.
    There is also a full pdf help guide built in Help menu there.
    There are other methods also. Use OS X DVD and delete it but you can't do so while booted from your hard drive.
    Memory = "RAM" that programs use and get loaded into to run
    Your partition is part of hard drive physical storage where OS and applications are kept until needed.
    And yes, Mac needs to have 20GB or 20% minimum to avoid problems and will run slower with such small amount of free space.
    You could also do one of a number of ways to backup and then boot from another device and reformat and then restore your drive.
    A "Mac Pro" is a workstation with multiple internal drive bays so really easy to backup, put Windows on its own hard drive; and no need to have someone else do anything - at all.

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