Another attempt to create "on the fly" condition in PL/SQL

Here is the code:
---BEGIN ----
my_var_list VARCHAR2(4000);
cursor my_curr is select aa.column_name as my_col_name from user_tab_columns aa, user_tab_columns bb
where aa.column_name = bb.column_name
and aa.table_name = 'MY_SUBSET_TABLE' and bb.table_name = 'MY_SUPERSET_TABLE';
for my_ind in my_curr loop
my_var_list := my_var_list || my_i.my_col_name || ', ';
end loop;
insert into MY_SUPERSET_TABLE (my_var_list) select my_var_list from MY_SUBSET_TABLE;
I plan to extract column name from user_tab_column, and concat it into a variable "my_var_list".
The question now is, given the my_var_list contain column names (separate by comma), how can I use it in the select statement below?
insert into MY_SUPERSET_TABLE (my_var_list) select my_var_list from MY_SUBSET_TABLE;
Any idea on how to improve this script? I am running on Oracle9i ... using SQL Dev.
Thanks much...

It's a terrible idea, but it can be done. It could leave you open for sql injection hacks:
my_sql VARCHAR2(4000);
column_list varchar2(4000);
v_iteration number := 0;
for i in ( select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'T1') loop
if v_iteration = 0 then
column_list := i.column_name;
column_list := column_list||','||i.column_name;
end if;
v_iteration := v_iteration + 1;
end loop;
execute immediate 'insert into t2('||column_list||') select '||column_list||' from t1';

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            gReturn = get.get('XML');
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       chart_series_data VARCHAR(32767);
       type array_cols is varray(7) of varchar2(100);
       array array_cols := array_cols('VM_HOSTS_NUM','VM_NUMBER','VM_PHYS_MEM','VM_VIRT_MEM','VM_CPU_COUNT', 'VM_TOTAL_DISK','VM_PROVISIONED_DISK');
    --RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Chart variable not set');
    --END IF;
    chart_series_data := null;
    chart_series_data := '      <data>'||chr(10);
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    end loop;
    chart_series_data := chart_series_data|| '      </series>'||chr(10)||'</data>';
    :PROD_DATA := chart_series_data;
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    public void write (OutputStream out) {
                // Reading of the tiff file (this.tempFile is a valid File)
         PlanarImage image    = JAI.create("fileload", this.tempFile.getCanonicalPath ());
                /*   // Test : the writed file is a valid tiff file --> the reading is OK !
                 *   File outFile = new File ("c:\\temp\\JLdsWeb\\Test.tif");
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    // my 2nd JSP
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    App Store, Contacts App

    We are only other users here.
    Share the idea with Apple as feedback about the iPad;
    Apple Feedback

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    with fms you can create a serverside stream playlist using
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    to appear anywhere within the stream dynamically without needing to
    splice and reencode any videos you have.

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    SELECT switch, COUNT(*) as "Servers", 20 - COUNT(*) as "Spare slots"
    from dedicated_servers
    where switch like 'rs%'
    GROUP by switch
    HAVING COUNT(switch) < 20
    order by Servers;
    Which gives the following:
    | switch | Servers | Spare slots |
    | rsj14-1.dc | 12 | 8 |
    | rsj12-1.dc | 15 | 5 |
    | rsi2-2.dc | 16 | 4 |
    | rsj13-1.dc | 16 | 4 |
    | rsi2-1.dc | 16 | 4 |
    Just need something at the end saying TOTAL=25

    OK I'll have to make em up though, but they are something like this for one switch:
    INSERT INTO dedicated_servers (switch, server_number, switch_socket)
    VALUES (rsj-1.dc, 100, 18)
    On switch rsj-1.dc there can be upto 20 servers (the server_number is the primary key)
    Message was edited by:

  • Can Access DRM encryption be applied on the fly?

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    Can Access DRM-Core and Access DRM-Pro encryption be applied to a video file "on the fly" for RTMP?  (I'm not interested here in Access Protected Streaming)
    How about for HDS?
    How about for HLS?
    By "on the fly", I mean at the time the request was made from the client and as a prelude to the  response from the media server. This would allow us to avoid creating and storing an Access encrypted representation of the video in advance.

    There are a couple ways to generate just the "DRM Headers" without having to encrypt the whole file.
    1. If you're an Adobe Broadcast Licensee, with access to our Broadcast SDK (HDKb), there are APIs in there to just generate the DRM Metadata.
    2. If you have a recent version of AMS, the f4fpackager tool that comes with the product has had a recent revision where you can update an existing F4M (manifest) file to include a new DRM Metadata, which is created on the fly.  I'm not sure if this new f4fpackager tool has been released yet in the latest AMS, however.
    Besides those routes, the only other way to create a DRM Metadata would be to package an entire video.

  • Creating an SCD Type 2 in T SQL without using MERGE

    I am attempting to create an SCD type 2 using T-SQL without MERGE (I'm not allowed to use it as a condition of the development work I am doing). I can use a CTE, but I have not tried that yet.
    I have a temp table that contains ten records that I am testing with. The following is one variant of the code I have used to try and make this work:
    @System_User nchar(50)
    ,@CurrentDate datetime 
    ,@MaxCheckDate datetime
    set @System_User = system_user
    set @CurrentDate = getdate()
    insert dim.slot
    from #TmepSlot src
    left join dim.Slot dest
    on src.IdSlot = dest.Source_Slot_ID
    left join (select source_slot_id, max(created_date) as created_date from dim.slot group by Source_Slot_ID) MaxRecord
    on dest.Source_Slot_ID = MaxRecord.Source_Slot_ID
    and dest.Created_Date = MaxRecord.created_date
    where dest.Source_Slot_ID is null
    <> dest.Patients_PerSlot
    src.IsSlotSearchable <> dest.IsSlotSearchable
    <> dest.IsSlotVisible
    The problem with this variation is that when I change a value in the source like src.Patients_PerSlot, and then run the query, I get the new record i expect, but when I run the query again, a duplicate record gets created. 
    How do I correctly isolate the correct latest record and add the changed record without inserting that changed record more than once?
    Thank you for your help.

    shouldn't you use an inner join between dest and maxrecord like so:
    from #TmepSlot src
    left join (dim.Slot dest
    inner join (select source_slot_id, max(created_date) as created_date from dim.slot group by Source_Slot_ID) MaxRecord
    on dest.Source_Slot_ID = MaxRecord.Source_Slot_ID
    and dest.Created_Date = MaxRecord.created_date)
    on src.IdSlot = dest.Source_Slot_ID
    where dest.Source_Slot_ID is null
    Rudolf Swiers
    Thanks! I don't remember when I've done a join that way, but it makes sense.

  • Getting the output of two different sqls in analysis

    Please consider the scenario:
    I have to get the division value of two diffrent sqls in my analysis. The sqls will look like:
    1st SQL: SELECT DISTINCT <alias name1>.<col1>
    ,<alias name1>.<col2>,<alias name1>.<col3>,<alias name1>.<col4>
    FROM Table1 <alias name1>, Table2 <alias name2>, Table 3<alias name3>
    <alias name3>.<col2>= <alias name2>.<col2>    // joining condition
    AND <alias name3>.<col3>= <alias name1>.<col1>    // joining condition
    AND <alias name2>.<col1>= 'value1'
    AND <alias name2>.<col4>= 'value2'
    2nd sql: SELECT DISTINCT <alias name1>.<col1> FROM Table1 <alias name1>
    WHERE <alias name1>.<col4>= 'value2'
    The 1st sql has joining between 3 tables. and the 2nd SQL has no joining. whenever I drag and drop the columns with respect to the two sqls separately. it gives correct output. But it does not give me correct output when i try to do it together as all the tables are joined.
    The sql which works as 2nd sql is:
    SELECT DISTINCT <alias name1>.<col1>
    FROM Table1 <alias name1>, Table2 <alias name2>, Table 3<alias name3>
    <alias name3>.<col2>= <alias name2>.<col2>    // joining condition
    AND <alias name3>.<col3>= <alias name1>.<col1>    // joining condition
    AND <alias name2>.<col4>= 'value2'
    I need my 2nd sql to give me output without the join conditions of 1st sqls. how can I achieve this?
    Please help. I need it urgently.
    Thanks in advance..

    I have tried by creating a separate alias for table1. But that is not working. alias is giving me joined output..
    Can you suggest me any other way to do it?

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    I've tried all sorts to overcome this so any help would be gratefully accepted.

    Hi Paul,
       Try deleting the database and run the SAPINST again. If it doesnt come up, please post the error in the trace file.
    P.S: Award points if you find this useful.

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    It would be great if you can help me with the below.
    Few days ago one of our content db went into suspect mode.  Our DB team had resolved the issue. But one of the sites that was created probably around the same time is no more available. When I try to create a site on the same URL, I get the following
    Another site already exists at <URL>. Delete this site before attempting to create a new site with the same URL
    When I try to delete the site or if I try to view the details of the site using Central Administration, I can find the site, but it doesn't display any details like Title, DB Name etc.
    If I use stsad -o enumsites command to list ll the site, for the given site I get the following error:
    <nativehr>0x80070002</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack>There is no Web named <URL>.
    I am not even able to delete it using Powershell.
    Please suggest.

    You might be dealing with orphaned site. Go through the following blog post and see if it helps you delete the orphaned sites.

Maybe you are looking for