Another trap for (not so) young players!

I am gradually working up courage to start playing with mySQL
and PHP, and as
part of the process I have had all my sites moved to UNIX
hosts. When the last
site was moved, I found that I could upload to it, but that
was not publicly
visible. When I inquired, I was told it is because my default
file was
Index.htm, which UNIX did not find because it was looking for
Should I change all my filenames to lower case only?
(And David Powers book arrived the other day -- it only took
Amazon about four
weeks to deliver it -- so I no longer have an excuse for
putting it off.)

On 24 Sep 2006 in macromedia.dreamweaver, Clancy wrote:
> I am gradually working up courage to start playing with
mySQL and
> PHP, and as part of the process I have had all my sites
moved to
> UNIX hosts. When the last site was moved, I found that I
> upload to it, but that was not publicly visible. When I
inquired, I
> was told it is because my default file was Index.htm,
which UNIX did
> not find because it was looking for index.htm!
> Should I change all my filenames to lower case only?
Files where the system expects a specific filename
(index.[whatever]) are
the only time it makes a difference, as long as you know that
myfilename.php is not the same as myFilename.php. I
consistently use
mixed case - myFileName.php; I find it makes it easier to
read. If you
let DW manage your links, you won't have problems with it.
Others will
recommend using uniformly lowercase filenames. If you
consistently use
all lowercase, you'll never type myFilename.php when you
Joe Makowiec

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    Hi XxCarrisxX,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear on exactly what you are asking. If you are talking about changing to or using a different Apple ID in Game Center, you may find the following article helpful:
    Sign in to your Game Center account using your Apple ID. If you don't have an Apple ID or another Apple account, tap or click Create New Account to create an account to use with Game Center.
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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    You can add an alias but not a second email address to your iCloud account. You can however add a second iCloud account to your iOS device (which will come with its own email address) at settings> mail, contacts calendars.

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    The old iTunes library was lost with the old PC.  However, it all that music and content is still on your iPod there are many ways you can extract this content from the iPod and import it back into iTunes.
    Your iPod is designed to sync with only one iTunes library at a time.  It will recognize the iTunes library on the new PC as a new library.  If you sync the iPod with this new library, all content will be erased from the iPod and replaced with what is in the new library.  So what you will want to do is copy everything from the iPod to your new iTunes library on your PC first.
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    Hi Shegra,
    Paste this into a applescript editor window and run it from there. In the script you may need to adjust the four properties to agree with your spreadsheet. Let me know if you have any questions.
    Script starts:
    -- This script converts column A in one table into an alphabetized list of popups. It copies the last cell in that column. Then reverts the column to text. It then refreshes popups in column A of a data table starting with a user defined row.
    property DataEntrySheet : "Sheet 1" --name of sheet with popups to be refreshed
    property DataEntryTable : "Sales" --name of table with popups to be refreshed
    set copyRange to {}
    property PopValueSheet : "Sheet 1" --name of sheet with popup values table
    property PopValueTable : "Contacts" --name of table with popup values
    set PopStartRow to {}
    tell application "Numbers"
      set d to front document
      set ps to d's sheet PopValueSheet
      set pt to ps's table PopValueTable
      set s to d's sheet DataEntrySheet
      set t to s's table DataEntryTable
      set tf to t's filtered --this records filter setting on data Entry Table
      display dialog "Start from row #..." default answer "" with icon 1 -- with icon file "Path:to:my.icon.icns" --a Week # row
      set PopStartRow to {text returned of result}
      tell pt --convert list to alphabetized popups
      set ptRows to count rows
      set copyRange to ("A2:" & name of cell ptRows of column "A")
      set selection range to range copyRange
      set selection range's format to text
      sort by column 1 direction ascending
      set selection range's format to pop up menu
      -- popupsmade
      set selection range to cell ptRows of column 1 of pt
      set v to value of cell ptRows of pt
      end tell
      activate application "Numbers"
      tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using command down
      tell pt
      set selection range to range copyRange
      set selection range's format to text
      end tell
      tell t
      set filtered to false
      set tRows to count rows
      set pasteRange to ((name of cell PopStartRow of column "A") & ":" & (name of cell tRows of column "A"))
      set selection range to range pasteRange
      tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using command down
      set filtered to tf
      end tell
    end tell

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    Who is your carrier?

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    Please skip if you already did this!
    Place a break point in method of CL_EXITHANDLER->GET_INSTANCE at line 28, CASE sy-subrc (According to ECC 6.0).
    Code looks like:
    CALL METHOD cl_exithandler=>get_class_name_by_interface
    instance = instance
    class_name = class_name
    exit_name = exit_name
    no_reference = 1
    no_interface_reference = 2
    no_exit_interface = 3
    data_incons_in_exit_managem = 4
    class_not_implement_interface = 5
    OTHERS = 6.
    CASE sy-subrc.--> (Right here)
    This METHOD will be called before triggering any BADI in SAP. After you place a break-point just process your transaction for which you are trying a find a BADI. Before triggering every BADI, code will stop right there and you could get to know your BADI Class and Method name through variables CLASS_NAME & EXIT_NAME respectively.

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    The charging cable you originally got with your iPad is the one you should use for syncing also.
    Have you tried re-installing the latest version of iTunes?

  • Another question for Old Toad (or anyone else) about backing up iPhoto

    Obviously, I am not understanding what I am supposed to do or see when I try to backup my iPhoto library.
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    I have downloaded the "iPhoto db File Backup" and put the icon in the dock.
    Now, what do I do to perform the backup? I tried opening iPhoto and highlighting Library in the Source pane, then I tried highlighting all the pictures in the library, then I tried highlighting the iPhoto Library folder in Pictures and clicking the db file backup icon in each case. Nothing happened - at least I don't think anything happened. I was expecting a second folder with the title "iPhoto Library copy" or something like that to appear. What should I look for?
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    Unreadable files: 1
    The following file could not be imported. (The file is in the iPhoto Library folder.)
    /Users/my name/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Library6.iPhoto
    I don't understand what this means and what I did - or shouldn't have done. If I did something wrong, can I undo it?
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    I'm keen to backup all the photos I have so would appreciate whatever help/explanations readers can give me with all of this.

    What are you trying to back up specifically:
    Your Photos Only
    Your iPhoto Library (this includes Albums, books, slideshows, etc)
    Your database file.
    Old Toad’s wee application is designed to back up the database file only. It’s intended for use when you’re organising the photos in your Library and it’s a handy protection against damage if the app crashes. But it does not back up any photos.
    To back up you iPhoto Library:
    Make a copy on another disk of the iPhoto Library in your Pictures Folder. Copy it as a single unit. Using a Back Up utility such as DejaVu or Chronosync you can make incremental copies - that is, as you make changes to the Library the original back up is updated. (There are many, many back up utilities: search on MacUpdate.)
    To back up your Photos only
    Select them in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export, select the version you want (Kind: Original or Kind: Current) and export them to another disk.
    Note that none of these involves rooting around in the iPhoto Library itself. There are no user serviceable parts there. Any time you go in there you risk damaging the Library.
    Are the main database files. You’ve done no damage I would guess. There is no way of reading those files unless you’re a programmer.
    These are cache files. Iphoto needs them but there’s no reason for you to open them. Even if you did they’d make little sense to you.
    The iPhoto Library is a bit like under the bonnet in your car. Fine if you know what you’re doing, but a lot of folks are better off staying out of there.

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    I would like to cancel all itune charges on my credit card there is one for 4.99 and .99 now I see another one for 7.95 as of March 16 Please cancel all of them. I didn't charge them.

    Do what Roger says above.
    Do you have 'in-app' purchases enabled on an iPhone/iPad or other device that kids or other family members use ?  That could be the issue.
    If not change your iTunes Store password to try to prevent whatever is doing this making further charges.
    Also if you can't find the cause, talk to your cc company.

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    After update to iOS7, the beautiful font set for Notes is not available anymore. Not even available in settings for Notes. Is there another way to get those fonts back?
    Thanks and best regards

    Here is the feedback I sent Apple with the link provided by "Level 3 (630 points):
    As you have "allowed" iOS 7 users to be able to use their previous ringtones under the "classic" setting, PLEASE also "allow" iOS 7 users to be able to choose the "original" more sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing look of the previous iOS 6 and before.  This would greatly, if not entirely, eliminate negative feedback of the iOS 7 "Dinky-Dob" look.

Maybe you are looking for

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