Ant deployment - specifying system properties

Below I have my deployment and bind tasks. The question I have is if I'm specifying the -D property correctly (in the jvmarg tag)?
Also, How would I specify -D system properites using the oracle:deploy and oracle:bindWebApp tasks?
<target name="deploy_oc4j" depends="packageEAR"
description="deploy the enterprise archive to a standalone oc4j">
<java classname="${jdev.home}/j2ee/home/admin.jar" fork="true">
<jvmarg value="-DServiceLocatorEndpoint=http://estaging/ws/ServiceLocator/ServiceLocator"/>
<jvmarg value="-jar"/>
<arg value="ormi://localhost/"/>
<arg value="${oc4j.admin.user}"/>
<arg value="${oc4j.admin.password}"/>
<arg value="-deploy"/>
<arg value="-file"/>
<arg value="${deploy.home}/testApp.ear"/>
<arg value="-deploymentName"/>
<arg value="${}"/>
<!-- now we need to bind the webapplication -->
<java classname="${jdev.home}/j2ee/home/admin.jar" fork="true">
<jvmarg value="-DServiceLocatorEndpoint=http://estaging/ws/ServiceLocator/ServiceLocator"/>
<jvmarg value="-jar"/>
<arg value="ormi://localhost/"/>
<arg value="${oc4j.admin.user}"/>
<arg value="${oc4j.admin.password}"/>
<arg value="-bindWebApp"/>
<arg value="${}"/>
<arg value="${}"/>
<arg value="default-web-site"/>
<arg value="/testApp"/>

I have resolved this issue:
you need to set the env variable OC4J_JVM_ARGS to your desired system property.

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    I have a couple of related questions regarding OC4J/orion.jar:
    1. Generically, how can we specify system properties to orion.jar? Being an executable JAR, simply using -D does not work.
    2. Specifically, I need to launch the OC4J app server with a Java security manager (with associated security policies, etc.) Java's way of doing this is via but this does not work with executable JARs it seems. I tried specifying these parameters via -D and I got a security exception:
    Exception in thread "main" access denied (java.util.PropertyP
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    at Source)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.System.setProperty(Unknown Source)
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    Any help much appreciated.

    Thanks, that seemed to work. However it seems that spawned another little problem. I was using the -Xbootclasspath/a option while firing up orion.jar because I needed to append something to OC4J's default classpath (that is specified in orion.jar's Manifest). Now, when I start OC4J with the -D options for the security policy, it seems to ignore the -Xbootclasspath argument. I have not yet been able to confirm this fact, but based on the ClassNotFoundError I'm running into, that does seem to be the problem.
    So I guess my question is, could specifying the -D options to the executable JAR cause it to ignore any other options you may be passing to it (such as -Xbootclasspath)? Is there any sequence in which these args need to be passed?
    You can try this :
    - Check if you have a file java2.policy in <OC4J_HOME>\config\policy and check if the permission java.util.PropertyPermission "read,write" is granted to <OC4J_HOME>.
    if there is no file, you can create one based on <JAVA_HOME>\lib\security\java.policy and grant the approriate privileges.
    - Launch OC4J :
    java<OC4J_HOME>/config/java2.policy -jar orion.jar
    OR java<PATH_TO_FILE_POLICY>/<YOUR_FILE>.policy -jar orion.jar

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    After further search, I believe answered my question.

  • Is there a way of changing the jdevappunknown_ folder that Ant deploys to?

    Using Ant DeployESBSuitcase doesn't work when deploying Projects with dependencies.
    Steps to re-create error:
    Create a JDeveloper ESB Project called ‘ProjectB’ and add file adapter called ‘WriteFile’ to write a file. Deploy this project using JDeveloper.
    Create another JDeveloper ESB Project called ‘ProjectA’ and add a file adapter called ‘ReadFile’ to read a file.
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    C:\Workspace\Local\ProjectA and C:\Workspace\Local\ProjectB you will need to copy the ..\ProjectB\ProjectB_WriteFile.wsdl to the ProjectA folder.
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    Deploy ProjectB using Ant’s DeployESBSuitcase target.
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    Buildfile: build.xml
    [echo] Deploying ESB Project ProjectA to serverx
    [deployESBSuitcase] Deployment Attempt Response :
    [deployESBSuitcase] <deploymentSummary>
    [deployESBSuitcase] <message>Entity Deployment Failed</message>
    [deployESBSuitcase] <errors>
    [deployESBSuitcase] <error code="1049" severity="5">
    [deployESBSuitcase] <description>WSDL "esb:///ESB_Projects/Local_ProjectB/ProjectB_WriteFile.wsdl" of service "DefaultSystem.ProjectB_WriteFile" is invalid or unaccessible. Following error is thrown by WSDL Parser : WSDL Parsing Failed: org.apache.slide.structure.ObjectNotFoundException: No object found at /files/ESB_Projects/Local_ProjectB</description>
    [deployESBSuitcase] <fix>Ensure that the WSDL is accessible and valid. If the problem persists, Contact Oracle Support.</fix>
    [deployESBSuitcase] </error>
    [deployESBSuitcase] </errors>
    [deployESBSuitcase] </deploymentSummary>
    [deployESBSuitcase] Deployment Failed ...Unhandled Exception
    [deployESBSuitcase] java.lang.Exception: Deployment attempt failed, please review deployment attempt response above
    [deployESBSuitcase] at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.DeploymentHelper.deploy(
    [deployESBSuitcase] at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.DeploymentHelper.deploy(
    [deployESBSuitcase] at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.DeployESBSuitcaseTask.execute(
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    [deployESBSuitcase] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    [deployESBSuitcase] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    [deployESBSuitcase] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    [deployESBSuitcase] at
    java.lang.Exception: Deployment attempt failed, please review deployment attempt response above
    at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.DeploymentHelper.deploy(
    at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.DeploymentHelper.deploy(
    at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.DeployESBSuitcaseTask.execute(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Total time: 2 seconds
    This error is thrown as ProjectB’s wsdl file cannot be found under esb:///ESB_Projects/Local_ProjectB/ProjectB_WriteFile.wsdl.
    This is due to Ant deploying ProjectB under …\ESB_Projects\jdevappunknown_ rather than …\ESB_Projects\Local_ProjectB
    When deploying ESB projects from JDeveloper they are created under the following structure: <Oracle_Home>\integration\esb\oraesb\artifacts\store\metadata\files\ESB_Projects\<JDev_Workspace>\<Project_Name>
    However when using the Ant target DeployESBSuitcase ALL projects are deployed to the same folder:
    Is there a way of changing the jdevappunknown folder used by Ant deployments?
    Edited by: user2000 on Apr 27, 2009 3:37 PM

    Following my steps above I don't get anything in the deploymentPlan for either ProjectA or ProjectB which includes a WSDL URL I can modify.
    ProjectA includes the ProjectB_WrieFile.esbsv file which contains the following line:
    Is there something I can change which will mean when I regenerate the deploymentPlan it will include the WSDL location?
    Edited by: user2000 on Apr 28, 2009 11:55 AM
    I've included Both Deployment Plans:
    ProjectA Deployment Plan
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <serviceDeploymentPlan qname="DefaultSystem.ProjectA_ReadFile" status="ENABLED">
    <parent type="system" qname="DefaultSystem"/>
    <property value="Read" name="LogicalDirectory"/>
    <property value="oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.FileActivationSpec" name="ActivationSpec"/>
    <property value="Archive" name="LogicalArchiveDirectory"/>
    <property value="true" name="DeleteFile"/>
    <property value=".*\.txt" name="IncludeFiles"/>
    <property value="60" name="PollingFrequency"/>
    <property value="0" name="MinimumAge"/>
    <property value="true" name="OpaqueSchema"/>
    <property value="eis/FileAdapter" name="location"/>
    <property value="*.txt" name="UIincludeWildcard"/>
    <serviceDeploymentPlan qname="DefaultSystem.ProjectA_ReadFile_RS" status="ENABLED">
    <parent type="system" qname="DefaultSystem"/>
    <property value="ProjectA_ReadFile.wsdl" name="wsdlURL"/>
    <serviceDeploymentPlan qname="DefaultSystem.ProjectB_WriteFile" status="ENABLED">
    <parent type="system" qname="DefaultSystem"/>
    <property value="Write" name="LogicalDirectory"/>
    <property value="oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteractionSpec" name="InteractionSpec"/>
    <property value="ProjectB_%SEQ%.txt" name="FileNamingConvention"/>
    <property value="1" name="NumberMessages"/>
    <property value="true" name="OpaqueSchema"/>
    <property value="eis/FileAdapter" name="location"/>
    Project B Deployment Plan
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <serviceDeploymentPlan qname="DefaultSystem.ProjectB_WriteFile" status="ENABLED">
    <parent type="system" qname="DefaultSystem"/>
    <property value="Write" name="LogicalDirectory"/>
    <property value="oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteractionSpec" name="InteractionSpec"/>
    <property value="ProjectB_%SEQ%.txt" name="FileNamingConvention"/>
    <property value="1" name="NumberMessages"/>
    <property value="true" name="OpaqueSchema"/>
    <property value="eis/FileAdapter" name="location"/>

  • Java EE Tutorial ant deploy

    I have a problem when using the ant deploy command in the hello1 app in the tutorial. I get an error:
    E:\dev\javaeetutorial5\examples\bp-project\app-server-ant.xml:417: Property javaee.server.passwordfile not specified. Please
    specify the javaee.server.passwordfile property in 'bp-project/'.
    You will also need to ensure that the passwordfile is present and contains
    can any one point me in the direction for correcting this? Where do i find the password file so i can add it to the app-server-ant.xml file
    Thank you for any help.

    ant.xml:417: Property javaee.server.passwordfile not
    specified. Please
    specify the javaee.server.passwordfile
    property in 'bp-project/'.
    You will also need to ensure that the
    passwordfile is present and contains
    point me in the direction for correcting this? Where
    do i find the password file so i can add it to the
    app-server-ant.xml file
    hank you for any help.Create a password file, say password.txt with the following line
    AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<substitue your admin password, most probably adminadmin>
    Open bp-project/ and update the following line
    javaee.server.passwordfile=<absolute path to password.txt, example: c:/appserver/password.txt>
    It is preferrable to create the file password.txt under a directory which has no spaces.
    If bp-project/ does not exist, copy bp-project/ to bp-project/ and update it based on your application server installation.
    - sreeni

  • Java system properties in the command line...

    Is it possible to know (at run-time) which system properties have been specified in the command line (using the -Dprop=value argument)?
    Actually I would like to avoid people running the JVM and using my program overwriting the property.

    Why use JNI? That's a little overkill. Just use args[] in main.
    public static void main( String args[] ) {
    for( int i = 0; i < args.length; i++ ) {
    if( args.startsWith("") ) {
    System.out.println( "Well " + args[i].substring("".length) + " you're not who you say you are!" );

  • JMX question: how to retrieve system properties, DataSource attributes ?

    I need to retrieve some parameters from my JEE application (*.ear) my collegues will deploy soon on Netweaver 7.2
    I found documentation about how to connect to the server with JMX, that works fine:
    But how can I come to the system properties for example? Which ObjectName do I have to use and what methods should be called? Are there some more examples for common operations based on the default (monitoring) MBeans?
    Thanx a lot,
    That blog post includes functions to get "today" for:
    DB2     current date
    Oracle     sysdate
    Informix     TODAY
    MySQL     CURDATE()
    SQL Server     getdate()
    Sybase     getdate()
    Teradata     DATE or CURRENT_DATE
    It is also the first in a series of posts that show you how to create other creative time objects for use in your universe. Hope this helps.

  • How do I set System properties within WL6.0?

    I am setting WL6.0 up to have a startup class, but this class needs to
    read system properties which have not yet been set. How do I set these
    up within weblogic? I was able to get the startup class set up, but it
    needs these system properties to continue.

    Correct on all points. The one advantage of doing this in java is that you can more easily do more
    complex things like accessing configuration information from a remote data store (like a database).
    Dimitri Rakitine wrote:
    These are not needed if you simply replace java ...lots of options... weblogic.Server with
    java ...lots of options... startmyWLS in the script which starts WebLogic, but, on the other
    hand, this solution is no different from simply adding -DmyProperty=myValue to the startup script
    (I think that the ultimate goal is the ability to deploy(and redeploy!) components,
    without any mods to the particular vendor's startup scripts of anything of that nature).
    Kumar Allamraju <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks to robert for a quick workaround..
    I tried to start the WLS with the following piece of code and actually i need to set
    some additional properties
    for successful server startup.
    Here it is
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class startmyWLS
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    props.put("myProperty", "myValue");
    props.put("bea.home", "E:\\bea");
    props.put("weblogic.Domain", "mydomain");
    props.put("weblogic.Name", "myserver");
    Make sure you run this from E:\bea\wlserver6.0., as it tries to read config.xml
    config\[your-domain-name] from this
    Robert Patrick wrote:
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class StartMyWebLogicServer
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    props.put("myProperty", "myValue")
    gmo wrote:
    That won't work since it has to be 'outside' of the code. It's a service, and
    services are started when weblogic is started up, not when I call a bean.
    And it has to be dynamic, since the properties will vary on evry installation.
    Robert Patrick wrote:
    You can also use System.setProperty() or a combination of
    System.getProperties() followed by a System.setProperties()...
    gmo wrote:
    They are not normal system properties. I'm using some open source code, and
    it requires settings to be system properties, but they are specific to the
    application, which means that they are not already in the system
    properties. I know how to get them, and after some more research, you can
    set them on the command line when starting up weblogic. However, is this
    the best way to set system properties?
    Robert Patrick wrote:
    What "system properties" are you trying to find?
    gmo wrote:
    I am setting WL6.0 up to have a startup class, but this class needs to
    read system properties which have not yet been set. How do I set these
    up within weblogic? I was able to get the startup class set up, but it
    needs these system properties to continue.

  • Is contextInitialized() blocked from setting System properties?

    A certain 3rd party app we're using within a web app requires a specific System
    property be set. Since it's a local path, we'd like to shy away from hardcoding
    a -D into the startup script, and instead do it via a ServletContextListener and
    set the property within contextInitialized(). In WL7.0sp2, it seems to hit the
    line in our listener where it tries to set a System property, and nothing happens.
    It doesn't seem to throw an exception, write anything to the console, nothing.
    Is there a security setting that blocks contextInitialized() methods from setting
    System properties? Is it a WL thing, or maybe a servlet spec thing? It works
    if we use a dummy servlet set to pre-load, where we set the System property in
    the servlet's init() method, but that's a little tackier than doing it in one
    single context init listener.

    Turns out the context-param that I was trying to use as the value of the System
    property was null. When it sets a non-null value, it works. But apparently when
    the value of the System property is null, you get the weird behaviour described
    below: it's as if the tread just stops. I tried setting a breakpoint and stepping
    through, but it immediately went into weblogic security and threading classes
    and never returned. So now I'll have a new question about when context-params
    load during deployment, but I'll post that separately.
    "Mark Griffith" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I don't know of any restriction. Your saying it never sets it? The
    deploys but it is not there in the system properites?
    Have you tried setting a break point and stepping?
    Very strange.
    "dave thompson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3ecac0f8$[email protected]..
    A certain 3rd party app we're using within a web app requires a specificSystem
    property be set. Since it's a local path, we'd like to shy away fromhardcoding
    a -D into the startup script, and instead do it via aServletContextListener and
    set the property within contextInitialized(). In WL7.0sp2, it seemsto
    hit the
    line in our listener where it tries to set a System property, and nothinghappens.
    It doesn't seem to throw an exception, write anything to the console,nothing.
    Is there a security setting that blocks contextInitialized() methodsfrom
    System properties? Is it a WL thing, or maybe a servlet spec thing?It
    if we use a dummy servlet set to pre-load, where we set the Systemproperty in
    the servlet's init() method, but that's a little tackier than doingit in
    single context init listener.

  • Ant deploy fails

    I installed configured the Java Web Services Dev Pack 1.0_01. I built installed and tested the HelloWorld Java-RPC example without any problem. Next I tried creating a new Web Service but when I try to deploy it I get the following error:
    C:\Projects\MyRPCTest\source>ant deploy
    Buildfile: build.xml
    Total time: 1 second
    C:\Projects\MyRPCTest\source\build.xml:14: Server returned
    HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://localhost:8080/lmrp/deploy?path=%2Flmrp-jaxrpc
    Has anyone seen this error and know a solution?

    Figured it out. I changed my build.xml to point in Java Web Services directory.
    <property file="/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/jaxrpc/common/"/>

  • See Java System properties using WebLogic Server console

    If I deploy "systempropertiesweb.war" [1] on WebLogic Server I can see all or individual Java System properties,
    e.g. http://localhost:7101/systempropertiesweb/systemproperties?property=java.version results in "java.version = 1.6.0_24"
    Is it possible to see the same Java System properties using WebLogic Server Administration Console? If so, how?
    ( via http://localhost:7101/console )
    - [1] at SystemPropertiesApp/SystemPropertiesWeb/deploy/systempropertiesweb.war
    many thanks
    Jan Vervecken

    Thanks for your reply Timo.
    Timo Hahn wrote:
    I don't think that there is an option to see this in the admin console. ...Thanks for the confirmation.
    ... There my be a mbean but I did not find it.Well, if I start JConsole (e.g. at C:\oracle\jdevstudio111240-mw\jdk160_24\bin\jconsole.exe ) and connect to e.g. Local Process "weblogic.Server", on the MBeans tab I can navigate to java.lang:type=Runtime which has an SystemProperties attribute.
    But, I don't know how to get to this same MBean using the WebLogic Server Administration Console (if possible).
    Jan Vervecken

  • Setting system properties: difference between "-D" and "System.setProperty"

    I have a program that relies on the jogl library to display graphics. Internally, jogl loads a native library from disk, with a System.loadLibrary() call. In turn, loadLibrary searches the paths in the system property "java.library.path" to find the jogl DLL/SO files. So, it is my responsibility to ensure that the "java.library.path" property is correctly set.
    There are two ways that I know of to set system properties: as an argument to the JRE via the "-D" option and from within an application with the System.setProperty method. However, I have noticed that only the former gives the desired behavior. That is, if I do:
    java -Djava.library.path=lib MyProgram{code}
    the code in jogl.jar is able to successfully find and load the native libraries in lib/, but if I do:
    {code:java}System.setProperty("java.library.path", "lib");{code}
    at the beginning of main in my program (before the classes requiring jogl are loaded), I end up with an UnsatisfiedLinkError.
    Why does this happen? Why do the 2 methods produce different results? Is specifying native library paths on the command line the only way to ensure that they are found?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    See the [System Properties Tutorial|] section on "Writing System Properties" which says:
    Warning: Changing system properties is potentially dangerous and should be done with discretion. Many system properties are not reread after start-up and are there for informational purposes. Changing some properties may have unexpected side-effects.
    Also see the [setting java.library.path property in java code|] thread in the JNI forum.

  • Ant deploy problem

    Hi, there,
    I'm new to Jave Web Service application developer, I've encounter a problem when I deploy the example "C:\jwstutorial13\examples\gs" , but both "ant build" and "ant package" are successful, when run "ant deploy", I see the following message:
    C:\jwstutorial13\examples\gs>ant deploy
    Buildfile: build.xml
    file:C:/jwstutorial13/examples/common/targets.xml:41: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://localhost:8080/admin/deploy?path=%2Fgs
    pls help me, thanks!!!!

    The problem is that you haven't set the build properties and path variables as described in the tutorial preface:
    See the section Building the Examples

  • Setting system properties for IDE JVM

    I need to set system properties in order to turn tracing on for a JDBC driver being called by the IDE. Is there a way to do so?

    Thanks for the reply, but I'm still not getting where I need to get. It appears that either the IDE runs a different copy of my jar file in some obscure location, or it runs with some sort of restricted permissions.
    My driver does not seem to write to its trace file when running in the IDE. It works when I deploy things, but I need to trace the IDE since it does not appear to like something I'm doing.
    I have put a line of code in the driver that writes to a file whenever an instance of the Driver Class is created, but that doesn't seem to get the job done, either. I even put this code in a static initializer. No go.
    Any help greatly appreciated!

  • Where do I read in the documentation the list of the system properties?

    Yep. Sounds stupid. But it's true. I read in all these forums where and how to set the truststore and so on but it would be beautiful to understand it my own.
    1. First I read setting the in the VM arguments.
    2. Then I find out the the -D is just for setting something like a static property.
    3. Next I want to read about the system properties. Who, what and where the Java tries to get this system property. I do not find it.
    What I find is great help in these forums and solving this kind of problems seems easy... I googled and the only place I found info about this is in a site:
    I also found some info on a sun tutorial but not an official documentation. Do you know where to find it? It seems that my learning is always about finding the right place to find information and not guessing and trying.

    Thanks for your soon reply. Yeah, I found that but I really was expecting a more serious documentation.
    I have to admit that it is documented. Yes. But I didn't expect to find that in middle of a guide. But more in a reference or in a specification document. It's inside the "Customization" and in a table, yes... But it's a guide!!
    I like Java but something to worry about is the "too many - too less" documentation. Documentation is not clear enough and all the hundreds of options you have can make the programming with Java no good. It would sound like a good thing have a lot of choices and hundreds of places to look info for but I am a bit disappointed with that. It's not clear enough to find the right info.
    Anyway, thanks a lot for your help!! I will have to live with that.

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