Any comments about Samsung Monitors?

Hi everyone,
I am contemplating between two monitors:
FutureShop: Samsung 22" Widescreen LCD Monitor (226BW)
BestBuy: Samsung SyncMaster 22" Widescreen LCD (226CW)
I will need to order one of them from either BestBuy or FutureShop and I am trying to avoid choosing the wrong one for my MacPro.
Does anyone have any feedback or comments to share?

Hi Kappy,
Thanks for your details about the smaller pixel size. I finally went for the 226BW model on Friday, August, 13th. I purchased it without an extended protection from FutureShop. I already have a 19" Samsung SyncMaster and it is still serving me well with no faults or dead pixels. I am VERY HAPPY with this new 22" SyncMaster (226BW)!
But, sadly, I think I found a few dead pixels on the left far side (almost on the edge of the screen). They are very slight but it's still disappointing. I am not sure how I will procede because I bought the last 226BW model they had at the FutureShop in my area. I'll probably keep it anyway. I theoretically have 2 weeks to make up my mind to keep it or not per FutureShop's policy.
PS: Maybe Friday the 13th was the wrong day to buy it!

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  • Any comments about this code regaarding naming conventions and flow and e

    /* Description : This procedure will start the process step for moving
    data from staging to live table for Append and Replace paradigms
    /**************** Change History ***********************************/
    /* Date Version Author Description */
    -- Global Specifications.
    package_name_in VARCHAR2(50) :='ODS_APPEND_REPLACE';
    v_location INTEGER := 10;
    v_cntl_schema VARCHAR2(20):= 'SCNTL02';
    -- Procedure Specifications.
    schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    bch_dte_in IN DATE,
    fl_nbr_in IN VARCHAR2,
    verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
    pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
    error_code_1_in IN VARCHAR2,
    ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
    proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
    sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2);
    schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    bch_dte_in IN DATE,
    data_grp_cde_in IN VARCHAR2,
    verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
    pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
    ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
    proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
    sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2);
    schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
    bch_dte_in IN DATE,
    fl_nbr_in IN VARCHAR2,
    verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
    pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
    error_code_1_in IN VARCHAR2,
    ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
    proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
    sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2)
    /* Local Variables Declaration*/
    v_curr_date DATE := CURRENT_DATE;
    v_procedure_name VARCHAR2(100):= 'APPEND_REPLACE_INSERT';
    v_stg_tbl VARCHAR2(100);
    v_act_tbl VARCHAR2(100);
    v_whr_clause_out VARCHAR2(1000);
    option_in VARCHAR2(30);
    v_common_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_stg_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_act_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_thrshld_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_actl_inpt_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_proc_step_stat_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_error_msg_in VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_part_val_out INTEGER;
    v_row_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_cmit_nbr NUMBER(10);
    v_actl_inpt_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_rec_inserted_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_rec_errored_cnt NUMBER(10);
    v_thrshld_nbr NUMBER(10);
    v_data_grp_query VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_data_grp_cde VARCHAR2(30);
    v_proc_step_upd_out NUMBER(1);
    proc_step_start_out NUMBER(1);
    proc_step_status VARCHAR2(30);
    handled_exception EXCEPTION;
    /* Enable the logging if verbose log flag is 0*/
    IF verbose_log_flag_in = 0 THEN
    END IF;
    /* Start the Append/Replace Update process step after all the predecessor process steps are complete */
    ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.PROC_STEP_START( proc_cd_in => proc_cd_in,
    proc_step_cd_in => proc_step_cd_in,
    ibd_id_in => ibd_id_in,
    bch_dte_in => bch_dte_in,
    job_name_in => job_name_in,
    verbose_log_flag_in => verbose_log_flag_in,
    pred_chk_reqd_in => pred_check_req_in,
    proc_step_stat_out => proc_step_start_out,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF proc_step_start_out = 0 THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('Process Step '|| proc_step_cd_in ||' started for Process '||proc_cd_in);
    /*If process step is successfully started then get the active and stage table names */
    ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.GET_TABLE_NAME( proc_cd_in => proc_cd_in,
    proc_step_in => proc_step_cd_in,
    ibd_id_in => ibd_id_in,
    actv_tbl_out => v_act_tbl,
    stg_tbl_out => v_stg_tbl,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF v_act_tbl IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Active table name is null. Please check the parameters passed';
    option_in := 'others';
    RAISE handled_exception;
    /* If Active table is not null then get the active partition of the table*/
    dbms_output.put_line('Active table name is : '||v_act_tbl);
    v_data_grp_query := 'SELECT data_grp_cde
    FROM '||v_cntl_schema ||'.proc
    WHERE proc_id = '||chr(39)||proc_cd_in ||chr(39)||
    ' AND ibd_id = '||ibd_id_in;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_data_grp_query INTO v_data_grp_cde;
    ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.GET_ACT_PART(tbl_name_in => v_act_tbl,
    data_grp_cde_in => v_data_grp_cde,
    meta_data_in => 'VIEW DYN METADATA',
    part_val_out => v_part_val_out,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF v_part_val_out IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Incorrect table name ' || v_act_tbl;
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 20;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Active partition for the table '|| v_act_tbl ||' is : '||v_part_val_out);
    /*Get the list of active table columns*/
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
    table_name_in => v_act_tbl,
    col_name_out => v_act_col_list,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    v_act_col_list := SUBSTR(v_act_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_act_col_list)-1);
    IF v_act_col_list IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_act_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 30;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    /*Get the list of active table columns and concatenate the columns with 'stg_array(i)' */
    dbms_output.put_line('Active Table Columns List: '||v_act_col_list);
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
    table_name_in => v_act_tbl,
    identifier_name_in => 'stg_array(i)',
    col_name_out => v_common_col_list,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    v_common_col_list := SUBSTR(v_common_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_common_col_list)-1);
    IF v_common_col_list IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_act_tbl || ' and get concatenated with ' || 'STTG_ARRAY' ||'. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 40;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
    table_name_in => v_stg_tbl,
    col_name_out => v_stg_col_list,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    v_stg_col_list := SUBSTR(v_stg_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_stg_col_list)-1);
    IF v_stg_col_list IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_stg_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 50;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    /* Form the WHERE clause on the primary key columns to update the proc_flag
    column of appropriate record in stage table */
    ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_WHERE_CLAUSE( schema_nme_in => schema_name_in,
    tbl_nme_in => v_stg_tbl,
    trg_id => 'stg_array(i)',
    whr_clause_out => v_whr_clause_out,
    sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
    IF v_whr_clause_out IS NULL THEN
    v_error_msg_in := 'No columns fetched for ' || v_stg_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
    option_in := 'others';
    v_location := 60;
    RAISE handled_exception;
    dbms_output.put_line('Where Clause is : ' || v_whr_clause_out );
    v_thrshld_query := 'SELECT proc_step_thrshld_nbr FROM '|| v_cntl_schema ||'.proc_step
    WHERE proc_id = '|| chr(39) ||proc_cd_in|| chr(39) ||
    ' AND proc_step_cde = '|| chr(39) ||proc_step_cd_in|| chr(39) ||
    ' AND ibd_id = ' || ibd_id_in;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_thrshld_query INTO v_thrshld_nbr;
    dbms_output.put_line('Threshold number for the process step '||proc_step_cd_in||' is '||v_thrshld_nbr||' for the process '||proc_cd_in);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    v_query := 'SELECT proc_cmit_nbr FROM '||v_cntl_schema||'.proc
    WHERE proc_id = '|| chr(39) || proc_cd_in || chr(39) ||
    ' AND ibd_id = '|| ibd_id_in;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query INTO v_cmit_nbr;
    IF v_part_val_out = 999 THEN
    /* Execute the dynamic pl/sql block to append the data to the active table*/
    dbms_output.put_line('Executing Dynamic Insert Block for Append Paradigm');
    v_location := 80;
    v_rec_inserted_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
    error_msg_in VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_dyn_proc_step_upd_out NUMBER(1);
    v_rec_updt_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
    v_actl_inpt_cnt NUMBER(10):=0;
    v_rec_errored_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
    v_dyn_option_in VARCHAR2(30);
    v_dyn_sp_hier VARCHAR2(30);
    v_dyn_handled_exception EXCEPTION;
    v_dyn_verbose_flag NUMBER(1):=0;
    SELECT }' || v_stg_col_list ||
    ' FROM ' || v_stg_tbl ||
    ' WHERE fl_nbr = ' || fl_nbr_in ||
    ' AND proc_flag = ' || chr(39) || 'N' || chr(39) ||
    ' AND to_date(bch_dte,'||CHR(39)||'DD-MON-YY'||CHR(39)||') <= '||CHR(39)|| bch_dte_in || CHR(39)||q'{;
    stg_array array;
    /* Enable the logging if verbose log flag is 0*/
    IF v_dyn_verbose_flag = }' || verbose_log_flag_in || q'{ THEN
    END IF;
    OPEN c;
    FETCH c BULK COLLECT INTO stg_array LIMIT }'|| v_cmit_nbr ||q'{;
    FOR i IN 1..stg_array.COUNT LOOP
    INSERT INTO }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}'|| v_act_tbl || q'{( }'|| v_act_col_list ||q'{,crte_pgm, updt_pgm, crte_tstp, updt_tstp, expsd_rec_ind) VALUES }' || q'{ ( }' || v_common_col_list || q'{,'}' || job_name_in || q'{','}' || job_name_in ||q'{','}' || v_curr_date ||q'{','}' || v_curr_date||q'{','N' );}' ||
    v_rec_inserted_cnt_in := v_rec_inserted_cnt_in + 1 ;
    v_actl_inpt_cnt := v_actl_inpt_cnt + 1 ;
    error_msg_in := 'Error in updating PROC_STAT as inserted';
    UPDATE }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}' || v_stg_tbl || q'{
    SET proc_flag = 'I' ,
    updt_pgm = '}' || job_name_in || q'{',
    updt_tstp = '}' || v_curr_date || q'{'
    WHERE }'|| v_whr_clause_out ||q'{;
    error_msg_in := 'Record duplicated';
    v_actl_inpt_cnt := v_actl_inpt_cnt + 1 ;
    v_rec_errored_cnt_in := v_rec_errored_cnt_in + 1;
    IF v_rec_errored_cnt_in >}' || v_thrshld_nbr || q'{ THEN
    error_msg_in := 'Threshold limit }' || v_thrshld_nbr || q'{ Reached';
    v_dyn_option_in := 'proc_step';
    RAISE v_dyn_handled_exception;
    error_msg_in := 'Error in updating PROC_STAT as error';
    UPDATE }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}' || v_stg_tbl || q'{
    SET proc_flag = 'E',
    -- err_code = }' || error_code_1_in || q'{, --need to uncomment once the err_code column is created in stage table
    updt_pgm = '}' || job_name_in || q'{',
    updt_tstp = '}' || v_curr_date || q'{'
    WHERE }'|| v_whr_clause_out ||q'{;
    END IF;
    CLOSE c;

    Any suggestions about this program to improve performance and effective cod

  • Any comments about the Moshi AG screen protector?

    Ordered my laptop with a glossy screen. Then found a anti-glare screen protector by the same company that makes one for the keyboard. Has anyone any comments regarding either the keyboard or screen units.

    There have been many posts here praising the Moshi keyboard protector, several of them from me. It's thinner, less obstructive, better fitting, holds its shape better, and is less sticky to the touch than any of the silicone protectors, and it doesn't accumulate nearly as much dirt as they do. I switched to it after a month with a silicone protector and would never consider any other kind again. My keyboard looks exactly like it did the day I bought it after fourteen months of heavy use.
    The glass covering your screen doesn't need any protection.

  • OT: Any comment about mediatemple dot com

    I have some issues with my current web host provider for some
    time. They used to be really good, but as it seems losing its
    efficiency being reliable due to rapid growth and slow responses to
    fix systemwide from time to time. Such slow responses to fix is not
    acceptable in my humble opinion.
    Before I am making a final decision, I am considering
    mediatemple dot com. But I would like some comment, whether it is
    excellent or negative ABOUT this particular web host provider:
    mediatemple. Unless if there is solid, good reason for you or
    someome to recommend me to consider other web host provider, say it
    so. I am looking for some web provider that have quite powerful,
    industrial-strength and very fast web servers with strong backings
    of excellent tech support team (24 hours real live tech support,
    the better).
    TIA, DWD.

    I make the final decision to go with in
    effective first day of November and move on. TIA and cheers,

  • Any comments about JGraphT?

    I'm designing the data structures for representing simple undirected graphs in my application, and came across JGraphT (it's also been mentioned in this forum).
    If there's anyone here who's used JGraphT, could I get some feedback on the scalability etc? I'm dealing with graphs of 10000 vertices and approx 50 million edges, so I was wondering if JGraphT can handle something as big?

    yEd which is available as a WebStart applicationfrom is impressive :)thank you!
    do you intend to start charging at some point?Good news: currently not, yed is free of charge and probably will stay free in the current form.
    (or is
    there a difference between the priced and free
    versions?)You should have taken a closer look at what you get when you or your company purchases yFiles, which indeed is a library. yEd is using yFiles and demonstrates some of the capabilities of the library.
    Paying the price for a yFiles license, means you get the right to use the API of the library (which by the way is online on our site, if you are interested). Also you get the right to create your own applications that use the yFiles library and distribute them in almost any way you like and you do not have to pay any royalties, i.e. the price is a one time cost and you can develop as many programs as you like.
    yEd on the other hand offers no API and you are not allowed to reuse, modify, disassemble, redistribute (and so on) the application.
    also what do you make of the JGraph
    project?nothing ;-) JGraph is a well done Graph Viewer with editing capabilities. The strength of the yFiles library is the automatic layout feature for diagrams and graphs. These are highly sophisticated algorithm which produce impressive layouts very quickly (see our site, there is a gallery or try the editor). JGraph(Pad) has very rudimentary automatic layout support.
    Also I would say yFiles' view component performs better than JGraph's. And last but not least since it is a commercial library you get high class support, warranties and the usual things you might miss with Open Source projects, but I really don't want to start any flame wars ;-)
    Gaudenz did a great job and JGraph is good if you want to create your own application that has basic support for editing graph structures, but if your company wants to create an application I would definitely recommend using yFiles. You could even use the JGraph component to display and edit graph structures and use yFiles to do the algorithms and the layout, but why should you use two different libraries if one offers both?
    greetings, Sebastian

  • Stretching "text" when going fullscreen, making it hard to read. Using Latitude E7240 notebook 16:9 1366x768 connected to a 16:10 1440x900 sms22a450 samsung monitor. Any way to fix without buying new notebook?

    Basically what the title says.
    The rendered text is fine when I'm not using full-screen, but as soon as I change it to full-screen the text becomes blurry (most likely tied to the difference in native resolution and aspect ratios).
    Using a Latitude E7240 notebook docked and connected to a Samsung SMS22A450 monitor. The notebook has an aspect ratio of 16:9 with native resolution of 1366x768 while the samsung monitor has 16:10 1440x900.
    Have tried fiddling with the resolutions, aspect ratios, Windows ClearType, DVI, HDMI, DP.
    Is there any setting or something I can do inside of Adobe Reader to maybe fix this problem? Full-screen is very nice when I'm reading study material so I'd love to be able to use it.
    Thanks in advance!

    You can try to play with the Display settings
    You can change the display resolution and the type of Display (Monitor vs Laptop/LCD). I have no problem with huge displays, Mac or PC, using a 2nd monitor with or without mirroring the second monitor.

  • I have an Ipad2 and installed the Jeppesen Mobile TC (aeronautical Charts) I am afraid if I make the upgrade to OSI5 I will lose the license of the Jeppensen Mobile TC,, any help or comments about it,, thanks

    I have an Ipad2 and installed the Jeppesen Mobile TC (aeronautical Charts) I am afraid if I make the upgrade to OSI5 I will lose the license of the Jeppensen Mobile TC,, any help or comments about it,, thanks

    Being an iOS developer, I can tell you that iOS. 7 compatibility for iPad came later in the beta process.
    Therefore there wa less time to test iOS 7 on iPad. My suggestion to you would be to wait until Apple refreshes the iPad line before you update. At that point they will most likely release an iOS 7 update optimized for iPad.
    With that said they are many people running iOS 7 on their iPads without issue.
    Remember, this is a help forum. No one posts success stories here.

  • Ground Noise Problem Possibly Attributed to Samsung Monitor

    I have a Samsung SyncMaster 730b and a 15” Apple Powerbook G4 (1.67 GHz), powered by the standard Apple 65 watt power adapter. I typically connect my Samsung 730b monitor to my Powerbook to use it as a second display connected through a DVI cable. For some reason my power adapter plugged into the Powerbook is turning itself off, which fails to charge my battery and eventually drains the computer to nothing. I am able to get the power adapter to start charging again if I unplug it from the wall and then plug it back in.
    I have been troubleshooting the problem for months and have spent a lot of time researching online, including all of the pertinent Apple and Samsung support forums I can find. Apple says that the power adapter shutoff occurs because the AC adapter's over voltage protection feature senses ground noise and turns off the adapter. The company also says that it may not happen if the power adapter is plugged into an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
    I have not tried a UPS yet because it will require a significant purchase and only some users on the support forums have found the UPS to be successful at stopping the power adapter shutoffs. I have reset the PRAM, NVRAM, and PMU that Apple and individual users have suggested and I continue to have the problem. The problem persists no matter what outlets, surge protector, or combination of the two is used for the Powerbook and/or monitor. I normally have additional peripherals connected to my computer, but the problem has persisted without any devices (other than the Samsung monitor) plugged into my computer.
    I have had the problem at my current apartment and my previous apartment. I have never had the problem in any other location I have used my laptop, but I have also never used my Samsung monitor in any location other than my current and past apartments. I have connected the laptop to a Westinghouse LCD television for more than a week and used that as a second monitor (to troubleshoot the problem). I have not had a problem with my power adapter while using the Westinghouse as a second monitor. I have only had the problem when my Samsung is connected to my Powerbook. The problem persists whether or not I use a VGA cable with DVI adapter or a straight DVI cable from the monitor to the laptop. The problem does not occur if the monitor is not plugged in to my laptop, regardless of whether or not it is powered on (e.g. my monitor turned on and searching for a signal that isn’t there does not cause the Powerbook to have a problem). The problem also persists whether I set the external monitor to a 60 hz refresh rate or a 75 hz refresh rate.
    *To recap, the problem is not solved by:*
    -Using a different monitor cable
    -Using a different power outlet for the computer
    -Using a different power outlet for the monitor
    -Using a different power outlet for the surge protector
    -Using a different surge protector for the computer
    -Using a different surge protector for the monitor
    -Bypassing the surge protector and plugging the computer straight into the wall
    -Resetting the computer’s PRAM
    -Resetting the computer’s NVRAM
    -Resetting the computer’s Power Management Unit (PMU)
    -Using a different refresh rate on the Samsung monitor
    -Unplugging all peripherals from the computer except for the Samsung monitor
    -Using the computer and monitor in a completely different apartment (on the other side of town)
    *The problem is solved by:*
    -Using a non-Samsung LCD TV as a second monitor
    -Not using an external monitor
    My troubleshooting leads me to believe that the Samsung monitor is causing a problem through its connection to the computer. I do not believe it is a problem with the monitor’s connection to the power outlets in the apartment because the problem does not occur when the monitor is powered on and unconnected to the computer. I therefore do not believe plugging the monitor and/or computer into a UPS will solve the problem.
    I do not believe it is possible for the monitor to be sending electrical noise out of itself and into the apartment’s power outlets, but if it is, I have one additional troubleshooting configuration I would try.
    I understand this is an elaborate description of my situation, but I hope it is helpful in showing the isolation of variables and troubleshooting actions I have followed. Have any other users encountered a similar problem? What do you believe the problem to be and what suggestions do you have for me to continue using my Samsung monitor?
    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    Hey Lou and eww,
    Thanks for your quick replies.
    The problem started about a year ago in my previous apartment. I do not have any AC line control devices, but I don’t think my current neighbor’s connections are relevant because I had the problem in my previous apartment. My previous apartment was actually a room in a house and that is where my problem first appeared. I had the same setup there as I do in my current apartment, so I counted that as my “second location.” Eww, Are you recommending I try another?
    I don’t think I mentioned this in the original post, but my problem doesn’t happen at consistent time or time intervals. It happened about five minutes ago, but that was the first time it happened since I posted on the forum about 14 hours ago. Sometimes the adapter goes off twice in an hour, sometimes it can be several hours or days before it happens.
    I am using the grounded three prong cord that attaches to the white apple power block.
    If I were to get a new power adapter, I’m thinking the igo juice70 or igo everywhere85. If I were to get a UPS, I’m thinking the APC UPS BE550G or BE550R. Please comment if anyone knows any specifics about these products that probably won’t help my situation. Like I said originally, I am trying to avoid purchases unless I am pretty confident they will solve my problems. I will try to borrow a friend’s power adapter soon and see if that is less sensitive.
    Any additional comments or suggestions by anyone are always appreciated! Thanks!

  • Xorg 1.5.3, nvidia twinview won't use samsung monitor

    I've had a dual head setup going for sometime with no issues, but just got a
    new monitor that I can not get working with X. I'm currently using nvida
    drivers version 180.22
    I have a laptop docked with the laptop screen and a second monitor as my dual head config, it's been great, but something isn't working right with this new monitor. The monitor is a samsung SyncMaster 2493hm, and I've read some things about the Samsung monitors sending incorrect edid info so that may be the issue, but I have no idea how to fix that. The behavior is odd because it appears that x server is spanning both screens as if twinview is correctly setup, but the Samsung monitor never comes on.
    I have verified that the monitor works, and works in a dual head configuration both on windows and other linux distro's. My friend has the exact same laptop/monitor setup under ubuntu and it works perfectly for him. Even using HIS xorg.conf didn't work so I am really at a loss.
    any help is greatly appreciated.
    some basic info:
    X.Org X Server 1.5.3
    Release Date: 5 November 2008
    X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
    Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.27-ARCH x86_64
    Current Operating System: Linux megatron 2.6.28-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Feb 8 09:47:26 UTC 2009 x86_64
    Build Date: 17 December 2008 10:46:49PM
    Before reporting problems, check
    to make sure that you have the latest version.
    lspci output for video card:
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Quadro NVS 140M (rev a1)
    my xorg.conf:
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier " Twinview"
    Screen "Screen0" 0 0
    InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "SynapticsTouchpad" "SendCoreEvents"
    Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "DontZap" "On"
    Option "DontZoom" "On"
    #Option "Xinerama" "On"
    # Option "AutoAddDevices" "False"
    Section "Files"
    ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/artwiz-fonts/"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/local/"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
    Section "Module"
    Load "xtrap"
    Load "glx"
    Load "synaptics"
    Load "extmod"
    Load "dbe"
    Load "freetype"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "kbd"
    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout" "us"
    Section "InputDevice"
    #Driver "vmmouse" # for vmware
    Identifier "Mouse0"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Protocol" "auto"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
    Option "SendCoreEvents"
    Section "InputDevice" # actually an ALPS
    Identifier "SynapticsTouchpad"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/mouse3"
    Driver "synaptics"
    Option "AlwaysCore" "true"
    #Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
    Option "SHMConfig" "on"
    Option "LeftEdge" "130"
    Option "RightEdge" "840"
    Option "TopEdge" "130"
    Option "BottomEdge" "640"
    Option "FingerLow" "7"
    Option "FingerHigh" "8"
    Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
    Option "MinTapTime" "110"
    Option "ClickTime" "0"
    Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "75"
    Option "VertScrollDelta" "20"
    Option "HorizScrollDelta" "20"
    Option "MinSpeed" "0.40"
    Option "MaxSpeed" "0.65"
    Option "AccelFactor" "0.0020"
    Option "CircularScrolling" "1"
    Option "CircScrollDelta" "0.1"
    Option "CircScrollTrigger" "3"
    #Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor0"
    HorizSync 28.0 - 64.0
    VertRefresh 43.0 - 60.0
    Option "DPMS"
    Section "Device"
    # Force Powermizer to a certain level at all times:
    # 0x1 = high
    # 0x2 = mid
    # 0x3 = low
    # let GPU set perf level by temp
    #Option "RegistryDwords" "PerfLevelSrc=0x3333" # new 8/12, may conflict with above.
    # Disable vblank interrupts
    Identifier "NvidiaCard"
    Driver "nvidia"
    VendorName "nVidia Corporation"
    BoardName "G72M [Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300]"
    Option "RenderAccel" "True"
    Section "Screen"
    #Option "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device "NvidiaCard"
    Monitor "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Option "UseEdidFreqs" "True"
    Option "TwinView"
    Option "MetaModes" "nvidia-auto-select,nvidia-auto-select"
    Option "TwinViewOrientation" "LeftOf"
    #Option "AddARGBVisuals" "True"
    Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
    Option "NvAGP" "1"
    Option "HWCursor" "Off"
    #Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP" #"DFP" for DVI connections only, otherwise "CRT"
    Option "TripleBuffer" "True"
    Option "DamageEvents" "True"
    Option "BackingStore" "True"
    #Option "PixmapCacheSize" "300000"
    Option "OnDemandVBlankInterrupts" "True"
    #Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"
    Option "RegistryDwords" "PowerMizerLevelAC=0x2 # new 8/12"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 24
    Modes "nvidia-auto-select"
    Section "Extensions"
    Option "Composite" "Disable"

    I have a Samsung 245BW 24 inch monitor (gorgeous output by the way) that works perfectly. This is my xorg.conf. A slighly different version worked perfectly when I had two of these monitors.
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "Layout0"
    Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor0"
    VendorName "Samsung"
    ModelName "Samsung SyncMaster"
    HorizSync 30.0 - 81.0
    VertRefresh 56.0 - 75.0
    Option "DPMS"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Device0"
    Driver "nvidia"
    VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
    BoardName "GeForce 8800 GT"
    Option "DPI" "96 x 96"
    Option "UseEdidDpi" "false"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device "Device0"
    Monitor "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 24

  • Images too dark on Samsung monitor - please help!

    We've just upgraded a Samsung 21" monitor to a Samsung 30" (305T).
    In just TWO applications, Photoshop CS3 and Windows Photo Gallery (Vista64), all photographic images are much too dark. Not subtly, about 3-4 f-stops too dark.
    EVERY other of our applications INCLUDING ADOBE BRIDGE AND FIREWORKS, and even Photoshop itself during Save to Web, displays the photos as they should appear.
    I've tried setting various profiles in Windows Color Management as the default, including the ICC profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (which my reading says we should be using), as well as WCS profiles sRGB virtual and scRGB virtual, and tried using no profile at all. None of these changes makes any apparent difference at all to the images we're seeing.
    In Photoshop, I've tried various options too. If set to Monitor Color (Monitor RGB - * wscRGB) Photoshop then displays images as it should. However the Camera Raw display when loading Nikon images is still much too dark, and the Photoshop Save to Web images are much too light. Arrrgh!
    The monitor does not include any driver software, just electronic documentation (poorly edited) which offers no advice about this. I've seen references to various Gamma utilities, but not sure that's what I need. Is it?
    Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated!

    Thanks Peter & Sid. I appreciate the advice, but it doesn't match our experience over 12 years of designing web applications so I'm having trouble understanding what's different, can I ask for any more advice you might have?
    If we calibrate the monitor using the recommended tools, will Photoshop images look 2-3 f-stops brighter (i.e. as they should look) and will images in all other apps (which look fine now, have always looked fine) look 2-3 f-stops too bright? Or would we be changing JUST the way Photoshop sees the images?
    Through probably a dozen different previous CRT and LCD monitors, we've never calibrated anything. Even on our immediately-previous Samsung 213T monitor, images appear pretty much the same in Photoshop as they do in all other places. That includes published web sites viewed with several popular browsers and viewed on literally hundreds of different systems inside and outside of our office.
    The previous monitor was being used with exactly the same software and hardware as the new one. The only thing that's changed is the monitor.
    Peter asks about brightness or white point luminance. I haven't used any tool to determine that. The monitor is set to 50% brightness, for whatever that's worth, but I can tell you that it is substantially BRIGHTER on white than the previous monitor. The previous Samsung monitor is being run side-by-side with the new one, and it looks quite dull and yellow beside the new one (and we thought it was a great monitor!) The new 30" Samsung has MUCH whiter whites. Does that help even a little?
    Thanks for any further advice.

  • Any easy way to monitor changes to a folder?...

    I am trying to find an easy way to monitor several folders (which several people have access to) across an internal network, for any changes they make.
    I know there are specific programs (like Acrobat Distiller) where I've seen this done for a specific purpose. But I don't know of just a general way to keep a log or give an alert when a specific folder or set of folders contents is modified.
    This would just need to show simple things like a file being added or subtracted or updated. I am working on various projects across a network and it would be handy to have something like this.

    Hi BDAqua,
    FIrst, thanks for the warm welcome. Much appreciated...:)
    Your suggestions were helpful, though I'm still trying to sort out a more perfect solution.
    On Automator, I'm not that familiar with this. This is useful if you know how to script, correct? Unfortunately, I'm pretty exclusively a graphics guy and not a programmer/scripter so I'm not really up to speed on that solution, I don't think...
    On Folder-Spy this sort-of is useful though way too simplistic. It only allows you to monitor one folder and the alert is either a beep, popping up the folder in the finder or sending an e-mail (I'm trying to do this on a non Internet connected computer). So this is not totally workable.
    On File Monitor this was much more helpful (despite all the negative comments about it on versiontracker). as it allows you to monitor several folder, at a time and has a box up box alert that tells you which folder was modified and asks you if you want to open it or ignore. So I've started using this, though because I'm trying to monitor about 40 different folders spread across a network in many different directory structures,I'm not sure if this will be workable yet. The main thing I'm missing is some sort of info as to what changed in the folder. It just alerts me that there was a change and not what file changed.
    Anyway, thanks for the tips. I'll keep looking. And any other suggestions on where else I could look would still be appreciated....:)

  • My latest MacMini is unable to detect my Samsung monitor via HDMI direct connect.

    My MacMini (current model ie 1 week old) is unable to detect my Samsung monitor (it is about 6 months old and comes with HDMI port) via HDMI.
    However, it is possible if I were to use the HDMI/DVI converter that comes with the MacMini.
    FYI, I have tried swapping the HDMI cable but the result is still the same. I prefer to connect the the monitor directly to the MacMini without going thru the HDMI/DVI converter and appreciate any assistance.
    Thank you in advance

    Hi all
    Finally I managed to get my Mac Mini connected to the Samsung monitor via HDMI-HDMI.
    Below is the cut and paste of the thread I just posted which explains all.
    Thank you again everyone for the advice and support.
    Re: No Signal on HDMI TV After Lion Upgrade  Sep 10, 2011 11:20 AM  (in response to
    Hi Mac80     I have been struggling for the past couple weeks since I purchased my Mac Mini (a few weeks back) to connect to the Samsung B2430 LCD monitor directly via HDMI-HDMI but to no avail i.e. "no connection detected"     Fyi HDMI-DVI works, but I just wanted the HDMI-HDMI instead.     I did exactly what you advised i.e. pull out the HDMI cable from the Mac Mini; power up & power down the Mac Mini; reconnect the HDMI cable to the Mac Mini; power up again... Wooa...lla... for some strange reason & though somewhat "primitive":-)  ... It works. It can now detect my monitor at 1080p. I just shut down and switch it on again to make sure that it is not a fluke, it works!     Fyi I just acquired another Samsung LED 27" monitor SA550 (same problem as above inititially but got it working via the above approach)     Thanks alot Mac80 and really appreciate it!     jJpecke

  • Is it possible to attach Samsung Monitor to the 27 inch Cinema Display?

    I have an Apple 27 inch Cinema Display and I also have a Samsung 27 inch monitor.
    I would like to know if it's possible to create a dual monitor setup by connecting the Samsung monitor (dvi or hdmi) with an adapter to the Cinema Display's mini display port on the back?
    Does anyone know if this is possible? Or does it only work with another Cinema Display?
    I'd appreciate any help received.

    Is it possible to connect the PC to the Samsung monitor via Dual link DVI and to the Apple Cinema Display via mini display port and work as a dual monitor setup?
    That should work if the PC has both DisplayPort and dual-link DVI (or two DisplayPorts).
    I'm thinking the best solution for MacBook Air is to purchase a Thundebolt display and hook that up to the Cinema Display and I think then I would have a dual screen setup at full resolution.
    That will work if you connect a Thunderbolt disk drive (with two Thunderbolt ports) between the Thunderbolt display and the Mini DisplayPort display.
    But currently I don't think there is a way to connect a PC to a Thunderbolt Display.
    Not unless the PC has Thunderbolt.

  • HDMI output to Samsung monitor is not working

    I have my HP pavilion laptop 11.6 inch, recently bought a samsung monitor SA300 to connect to my laptop. The samsung monitor does not have HDMI provision.So i bought a HDMI to VGA converter and tried connecting the laptop and monitor , the message in the monitor displays "No Signal".
    As i have changed the setting in MOnitor to PC, even  i tried Fn+ all keys , but its not working.
    Please help me on this. Do i  need to install any driver for HDMI in laptop???
    Appreciate your eary reply
    L. Rajesh

    Below is the vga converter cable i used.

  • Cannot Mirror new Samsung monitor

    I have a MacBook with 2GB RAM and 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Due processor (machine is less than a year old). Recently bought a wide-screen 20” Samsung monitor (2033SW) and connected to the Mac through DVI. My problem is when arranging the monitors as mirror display or as dual-screens.
    Resolution on both screens is great when set up as dual-screens. MacBook resolution is set for 1280x800 and Samsung monitor resolution = 1600x900.
    However, when I set up as Mirror Display, resolution on Samsung is poor and does not fill the screen. Resolution on MacBook (and Samsung) is 1600x900 – again, looks great on Mac but fuzzy and does not fill the screen on Samsung.
    Has this happened to anyone else? Should I just deal with the fact that I will not be able to set up as Mirrored Display? Thanks for any insights.

    I'm having the same problem. Mac G5 tower with a Samsung LN52A650...when I try to display 1920x1080, the image is very poor. 1600x900 is ok. Any solutions yet?

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