Any possible way to use FireWire?

I've got Firewire speakers that I want to use with a new 13" MacBook; however, since it doesn't have a Firewire port, I was wondering if there was some sort of USB adapter that would take the Firewire speakers? Like this...
USB from MacBook > Firewire from USB

There are no USB to Firewire adapters. (Desperate aluminum Macbook owners are looking, but it can't be done.) USB can not "keep up" with Firewire.
Firewire MUST be in the computer.
Thats what we call a "purchasing error". Just take it back and get a Macbook Pro, or a white Macbook. The pain of exchanging it will last a short time, but the pain have not having FireWire will last forever (well almost).

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    Alan Myers
    San Jose, Calif., USA
    "Walk softly and carry a big lens."
    GEAR: 5DII, 7D(x2), 50D(x3), some other cameras, various lenses & accessories

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    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    all the best!

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    The short answer is....
    ...No. Get a mac. You'll be happier.
    But if yo need to stick with PC (did you know that you can boot windoze on the Intel macs?) you should check out:
    M-Audio’s Session
    I have never tried it, but I have read revues that say it is the windoze equivalent of GB.
    Good luck and welcome to the forum.

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    Thank you,
         April Navarro

    These are user forums. You are not speaking to Apple here. You cannot get MS products for free. You can purchase the student version of Office for OS X from MS. You can download a 30 day free trial that you can fully activate by purchasing a license key for $139.00.
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