Any Siri bugs?

Siri on my iPhone 4S seems to think that NYC is in Texas........
anybody else have issues?
If Siri has a robot voice, restore as new iPhone. Problem solved

I have talked with a number of users who decided to go to the 4 S primarily because of the Siri feature, however they appear to be having similar issues.  Are you aware of anything that can be done to improve the quality of the feature or are you experiencing problems as well. Thanks

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    Hi rtsmith53
    This sounds like an accessibility option that has been enabled. 
    Try double tapping each key of your pin, this should work.
    Once you're back into your phone, tap Settings and then tap General.  Tap VoiceOver and disable it.
    Hope this helps

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    If I search for baltimore hospitals, I can select "Saint Agnes Hospital" from a list.

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    I am guessing you are using an ImageIcon to put the image into the JLabel. I would suggest creating your own version of "ImageIcon". In the interface Icon, the paintIcon method gives you access to the component which is your JLabel. You can get the size of this and draw the image to fit the components size. getIconHeight/Width() should work ok if you just return the initial size that you want the icon to be.
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    Restore your iPhone in iTunes from your backup. I'm not having any of those issues...well, except for the dead body one.

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    I tried to create a calendar entry today for a John Smith. But siri refused until I told her which of the 25 "johns" I have in my address book is the right one. Trouble is John Smith isn't in my address book and never will be! Its a one off appointment.
    Surely there is a way to make it create an appointment without having to refer to my address book???

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    The function below will produce some kind of memory corruption that will cause an exception (which cannot be identified since memory is corrupted) while doing another call:
    ora::Statement stmt(__cn);
    string sql("BEGIN Pckg.Sp_procA(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, "
    ":9, :10, :11, :12, ":13, :14, :15, :payload); END;");
    occi::Blob payload(__cn.getConnection());
    occi::Environment* tempEnv = occi::Environment::createEnvironment();
    occi::Timestamp reportTime(tempEnv);
    reportTime.fromText(__report.report_time), "yyyy-mm-ddH24:mi:ss.ff");
    stmt.setString     (1, "");
    stmt.setString     (2, "");
    stmt.setString     (3, __report.varA);
    stmt.setString     (4, __report.varB);
    stmt.setInt          (5, __report.varC);
    stmt.setString     (6, __report.varD);
    stmt.setString     (7, __report.varE);
    stmt.setString     (8, __report.varF);
    stmt.setTimestamp(9, reportTime);
    stmt.setNull     (10, occi::OCCITIMESTAMP);
    stmt.setString     (11, __report.varG);
    stmt.setString     (12, __report.varH);
    stmt.setString     (13, __report.varI);
    stmt.setString     (14, __report.varK);
    stmt.setString     (15, __report.varX);
    stmt.setBinaryStreamMode(16, __report.payload.Size(), true);
    occi::Stream* streamedData = stmt.getStream(16);
    streamedData->writeLastBuffer(__report.payload.GetPtr(), __report.payload.Size());
    return true;
    The function below works perfectly unless the code above is executed and looks like this:
    ora::Statement stmt(__cn);
    string sql("BEGIN "
    "Pckg.Sp_procB(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, :11); END;");
    occi::Environment* tempEnv = occi::Environment::createEnvironment();
    occi::Timestamp reportTime(tempEnv);
    reportTime.fromText(__report.report_time, "yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi:ss.ff");
    stmt.setString     (1, "");
    stmt.setString     (2, "");
    stmt.setString     (3, __report.varA);
    stmt.setString     (4, __report.varB);
    stmt.setInt          (5, __report.varB);
    stmt.setString     (6, __report.varD);
    stmt.setString     (7, __report.varE);
    stmt.setString     (8, __report.varF);
    stmt.setString     (9, __report.varG);
    stmt.setTimestamp(10, reportTime);
    stmt.setNull     (11, occi::OCCITIMESTAMP);
    return true;
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  • [BUG] iOS 6 - BATTERY DRAIN : SIRI Raise to Speak/Proximity Sensor Always On/Flashing When Screen Active

    Bug: Raise to Speak sensor for Siri remains on whenever the screen is active - regardless of Siri Raise to Speak Setting (enabled or disabled).
    After updating to iOS 6 (via iTunes - not OTA), I noticed that my battery was taking quite a bit of a hit.  Granted I was checking out the new features but aside from a very short call, nothing major in the way of activity. 
    I had also noticed that Siri sounded quite a bit different with iOS 6 (10A403) than with 5.1.1 (9B206).  Not only did the Siri Voice change but also the responses vary between the two iOS versions. 
    Example: What is the weather like in Alaska?
    iOS 5.1.1 response:
    Here's the forecast for Juneau, Alaska through Monday
    iOS 6.0 response:
    Here's the weather for Juneau, AK through Monday (note: Siri does not say "Alaska", instead Siri says 'A-Kay'
    With iOS 6, Siri sounds more robotic.  After looking at speech rate settings and comparing between the two versions, I could find nothing different.  I decided to post a video and this is where the Siri bug became interesting and tied into the battery drain with iOS 6. 
    Remember with 5.0.1 we saw a hit on battery drain and one of the fixes was a fix to the proximity sensor ( ght-might-mean-something/).  Well, it appears this bug is back in iOS 6.  When I went to do the video, I noticed that my 4s had a flashing light near the earpiece.  It remained on continuously.  The only time it would stop flashing was when the phone was locked and the screen inactive.  As soon as I hit the lock button to bring the phone out of lock, the sensor would begin to flash again.
    Give it a shot, hold up your iPhone to a webcam and see if your result is the same. 
    Submitting this to Apple via the feedback form.  Please do the same if you are seeing the same behavior.

    I dont believe so Amy.  Phone has not sustained any damaging drops nor any liquid spills.  Was not an issue before but I figured I'd post as I believe this is a definite bug.  I neglected to mention that I have my wife's 4s (5.0.1 build) which I am using as a comparison. 
    Based on the issues folks are reporting with the ambient light sensor, its either the proximity or the ambient light sensor causing the drain.  I've turned auto brightness AND raise to speak both off and the sensor continues to flash as I described in my opening post. 
    If others can confirm, this will definitely need to be looked at by Apple and fixed. 
    I just found this - same behavior (posted 7/24/2012 on another forum - source link below).  
    Hi folks, remember the proximity sensor (always on bug) I reported here in iOS 6 Beta 1 bugs/feedback thread? It continues to happen in beta 3, I reported to Apple and the answer I got from them is that it behaves how it's intended to do
    Thing is, when you turn Raise To Speak feature off, and use your webcam (no IR filter) to verify if it turned infrared proximity sensor off, results that it didn't. Since iOS 5 this bug has been present, power cycling, or doing a soft reset solves this issue but this solution does not apply in iOS 6. Don't have an idea on how hard it is on battery draining, but it makes no sense that this sensor stays on forever even when you turn this feature off. Unless it has to do with constantly display brightness adjust feature that we have noticed came with iOS 6 version. Doing some test of this feature (some of you commented about a brightness bug in earlier posts) I noticed that ambient light variations make that display brightness adjust accordingly to brighter or darker ambiences. Previous to iOS 6, the sensor samples the ambient light, and adjusts the brightness; it does this only once--each time you unlock the phone after waking it. Now in iOS 6 you can easily watch how brightness slider adjusts itself when display senses light variations. If you open Passbook app it raises brightness to full (it is supposed to act this way for easy reading of barcodes) but getting out of Passbook app makes that brightness readjusts itself responding to actual ambient light intensity (this adjusting task occurs slowly until brightness slider stops to right level).
    I've checked and ambient light sensor and proximity sensor are separate and work differently but if Apple says that an always on proximity sensor in this iOS version is behaving how it is intended to do; all that I could think of is that it has to do with ambient light "sensing"??

  • Siri and Spotlight on iPhone

    So I've been using iTunes Match for awhile now and am really enjoying it.  It works great on all my computers and iOS devices.
    I have not been able to search for music on my iOS device using Spotlight.  Music search is enabled under Spotlight settings on the device.  Is this just something that is not available?  Or am I missing something?
    I don't know if this is related or not.  But if I tell Siri, "Play the Black Keys".  She'll say "Looking for the Black Keys", then "one second" then "Uh oh, something's wrong.  Can you try again?"  I get the same results even if the music has been downloaded locally to the device.  Has anyone had success using Siri to play iTunes Match music?
    Thanks for any insight.

    Thanks and I hope yours works soon!
    I can use spotlight to search for cloud music but it is spotty at best.  There's a clear delay that doesn't exist when searching for local files (I switched off iTunes Match for comparison and you can really see the difference).  However, the number of results are limited when searching through the cloud and they are often randomly generated or not relevant at all.  I have to say though, any siri-related performance with the itunes match service is good news as they certainly haven't announced it and I'm sure once they've fixed the bugs we'll get a great many ads touting its integration
    If you haven't tried it yet, other successful phrases to use include "play **** on shuffle" and it will do a better job at shuffling through an artist's collection (great if the first song it picks is from a live album).  Secondly, if you tell it to "skip to the next track", it will do so No rewind, fast foward function yet but it will pause and continue playing if you open up the Siri interface and tell it to do so. 
    Best of luck finding new stuff!

  • Using Siri to play music

    I can't get Siri to play music in my music library.  For example, I have a playlist on my iPhone entitled Gilbert and Sullivan.  When I say to Siri, "Play music by Gilbert and Sullivan," Siri responds, "sorry, something's gone wrong.". Well, what's gone wrong?

    Thanks and I hope yours works soon!
    I can use spotlight to search for cloud music but it is spotty at best.  There's a clear delay that doesn't exist when searching for local files (I switched off iTunes Match for comparison and you can really see the difference).  However, the number of results are limited when searching through the cloud and they are often randomly generated or not relevant at all.  I have to say though, any siri-related performance with the itunes match service is good news as they certainly haven't announced it and I'm sure once they've fixed the bugs we'll get a great many ads touting its integration
    If you haven't tried it yet, other successful phrases to use include "play **** on shuffle" and it will do a better job at shuffling through an artist's collection (great if the first song it picks is from a live album).  Secondly, if you tell it to "skip to the next track", it will do so No rewind, fast foward function yet but it will pause and continue playing if you open up the Siri interface and tell it to do so. 
    Best of luck finding new stuff!

  • Question about a bug which should be fixed in the patchset

    We have a single instance database on Sun Solaris SPARC (64-bit) and have the same symptoms as described in Bug 4643723 (error codes and the stack trace are the same). That bug should be already fixed in patchset.
    Does anyone have experience on how to proceed in such cases - I mean, is making a SR on metalink an obvious action?
    Is it possible that the patchset wasn't applied correctly although "opatch lsinventory" outputs that the "10g Release 2 Patchset 3 (" is installed and SYS.REGISTRY$HISTORY also contains a record of the upgrade. The upgrade from to was performed 6 months ago and the database was continuously up and runing till then.
    Thanks for any answers

    many bugs can have the same errors. Raise an SR.
    Oracle Support will ask for an opatch lsinventory, and may ask you verify library versions, or relink.

  • ITunes 7.5 greatly improves FREEZE, still has bugs.

    I updated to the new iTunes 7.5 this weekend. The biggest problem i've had and noticed that many other users had is the freezing of iTunes everytime a song reaches the 8 or 9 second mark. Well this was a big issue for me because it made it impossible to listen to my iPod on my computer at work. The new version of iTunes has greatly improved the lag. It still locks up and the resources still shoot up to 100%, but not it only lasts a few seconds. It's enough to satisfy me at least for now. I'm not aware of any other bugs that pertain to my use, and i'm still waiting for the new firmware update as well, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.
    I would also like to mention that i've updated to 1.0.2 and saw a significant improvement in the iPods menu response, so i don't know why so many people are afraid of the firmware. We're getting there folks, slowly but surely.

    After installing 7.5 yesterday afternoon, I thought the freezing problem was gone. Once I got home and started really working with it, I found that the freeze is still there, but down to 5 seconds or so. That's far better than the 15-20 seconds before, but still not acceptable. I suppose the rest of the fix will take a firmware update. 7.5 still hasn't fixed the slowness of moving playlists into folders. After about 10,000 of them, which can only be moved one at a time, it takes 3 or 4 seconds to move one. I've always synced my iPods manually, but because I can only sync my new iPhone via playlists, I'm having to add all my music to the iTunes library and make a playlist for every album. It's a major pain and I will never understand why iTunes doesn't allow moving more than one playlist at a time.

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