Any XML genius able to create markers from an EXCEL file?

We are working on a documentary with (surprise surprise) lots of interviews.
Our transcribers create documents in Excel, and I would like to be able to import them into a timeline as markers -- i.e 10:22:00;15 Buddy says 'Why would anyone name their kid Buddy?'
I'd like to be able to have a timeline created with a marker at 10:22:00;15 called: " Buddy says 'Why would anyone name their kid Buddy?' "
so that I can jump from marker to marker in the timeline and read what is being said.
Right now we have the tapes transcribed, and then essentially mark up the source footage with the same information - it seems to me eliminating that step would be of interest to a lot of editors.
Any thoughts? My technical knowledge of XML is close to zero, but from what I have read it seems like it would be the right tool for the job.
John Hepworth
PowerMac g5 dual 2 ghz, 1.5 GB ram   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   FCP 5.0.4

easily doable by someone with the right know how ...if its not your thing, and if you don't have anyone else in your team with these kind of skills, then you need to hire a programmer.
everything you/they need to know is linked from here

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    Sales1 9999999 9999999
    Sales2 9999999 9999999
    Sales3 9999999 9999999
    Total123 9999999 9999999
    Sales4 9999999 9999999
    Sales5 9999999 9999999
    Sales6 9999999 9999999
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    Best regards.

    Hi SH,
    First of all, I do really appreciate your time, patience and guidance.
    Ok, let me get this straight.
    You will need to create a data server for each Excel Work book
    That means that as I will just work with one excel sheet, I will just have one data server and within it, there will be the spread sheets (excel tabs) and therefore the different named ranges.
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    -     Spread sheet 1 (1 or several named ranges)
    -     Spread sheet 2 (1 or several named ranges)
    -     Spread sheet 3 (1 or several named ranges)
    -     Spread sheet n (1 or several named ranges)
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    Best regards.

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    There are several resources on the web, but you could start analyzing if this code fits your needs --> VBA Macro for Excel 2003 Export of Text File with Comma and Quote Delimiters.
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    I think two interesting FM could be
    I hope this help

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    > Is there a way I can read a specific column from an excel file, use that data to query and select data from a
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    Not easily. An Excel file is typically in a proprietary binary file format. Perhaps saved using the new MS Office XML format.. which would be possible to process via Oracle's XDB.
    But assuming it is in a binary format, you need "something else" to read and parse that file for you - like ODBC or DDE or COM/DCOM, etc.
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    Hello ZAP.
    I do not have such code, but i this link /people/janos.nagy/blog/2010/01/25/exporting--importing-authorization-using-ms-excel-in-sap-b1 you can find an excel example about authorization, and using Single Sign On (SAP B1 must have run with excel)
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    Here is an example to add a sales order
    Dim oDoc As SAPbobsCOM.Documents = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders)
            oDoc.CardCode = CUSTOMER_CODE
            oDoc.DocDate = Today
            oDoc.DocDueDate = Today
            oDoc.Lines.ItemCode = ITEMCODE
            oDoc.Lines.Quantity = QTY
            oDoc.Lines.UnitPrice = PRICE
            If oDoc.Add <> 0 Then
                MsgBox("Error " + oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())
                MsgBox("SAles order added")
            End If
    You can repeat the setcurrentline section as many time as lines you have in the SO:
    Ps: Reference: SDK help and sample programs, which included in every patch.
    Edited by: János Nagy on Feb 10, 2010 9:50 AM

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    hi everybody,
                    I am using SAP NWDS 2004s .     
                I have done an application on how to export the table data into an Excel .
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    can any one help how to procced further
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    Options to read Excel data to WebDynpro context
    Reading Excel Sheet from Java without using any Framework
    Reading Multiple Sheets of Excel Sheet from Java
    Few Threads
    How to Display the content of Excel file into Webdynpro Table
    Is it possible to upload data from excel file(.xls)
    Re: How to export the data as integer into excel sheet?

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    No settings adjustments.
    The issue is that links, once made, have a specific path (as shown when you view the link's text string).
    When you email the files the person who recieves the email and downloads the attachments would have to have the same layout of files/folders you have.
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    You email a zip file that, when extracted, would create the folders/files in the required layout to reflect what you have.
    Be well...

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    Statement st = con.createStatement();
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    DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)
    FIL=excel 8.0
    thanks in advance

    You might want to look at the POI project (an open source Jakarta sub-project) that allows you to create/modify/read excel files via Java code. That might be more flexible and easier than what you're currently trying to do.

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    I would be eternally grateful to anyone who can give me any information.

    Did you try POI from Apache?

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