Anybody considering applying the new patch

I got this alert from Oracle and was wondering if anybody is considering applying this patch:
Document Identification Number 185073.1
I am new to Oracle Apps and was wondering whether we should apply this patch. We are on 11.5 on Soloaris.
What are your opinions,

Suggest you contact

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    Best regards,

    Hello Hemss,
    I am trying to do an in-place-upgrade (replacing the old Oracle software completely because our test servers have only very little space). When you want to perform an out-of-place upgrade, things are more simple, but you need the disk space for a new Oracle home (about 6 GB on Linux-x64 in my case). Essentially, the steps are:
    1. You can keep the production database online during the next steps
    2. Install the new into a new Oracle Home (an Oracle software directory which does not exist yet). Only install the software.
    3. Apply any post- patches if available and needed
    4. Schedule a maintenance window with your users
    5. Put the original database(s) in MOUNT mode (SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE followed by STARTUP MOUNT)
    6. Perform a FULL backup of both database and old Oracle home, just to be on the safe side.
    7. Set your enviromnent: ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE should point to your NEW installation, ORACLE_SID to your production database.
    8. Start netca to create a new LISTENER for your new software installation (you might want to use a different port than your previous installation in case you need to run both at the same time)
    9. Start dbua from the new Oracle Home and follow the on-screen instructions. You can either create an updated copy of the database (needs more disk space but you can easily switch back to your orginal DB), or you change the database to fit your new Oracle version (needs less space, but you need to run the scripts to downgrade to the old release if you need to go back)
    So, as long as you have plenty of disk space, things are not that difficult at all. Of course, you should always read the release notes and the full installation guides for the new version because there might be new features or behaviours that affect your database. It is also highly advisable to test this on a completely different machine first.
    You can find the complete upgrade guide here:
    Best regards,

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    HI CJ
    Yes already developed interfaces can have some problem and need to test all development.
    You should read the release notes as well before applying new SP.

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    Debevecoriginals wrote:
    The 3.06 GHZ doesn't make a difference in comparison?
    Not even close - 3.06GHz is a dual core - 1066MHz system bus.
    2.7GHz = Quad Core - 1600MHz system bus.
    Which do you think is faster?

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    Thanks in advance!

    You posted this also on a thread by another user.
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    my question is , in setp 1, what does -o and -s flag does.
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    Again on stp 5, why we need to run step number 5
    On  step 6, we are starting all the instances using srvct, but , just curious to know, about , why we need to provide the ampxt1d1_status file along with -n flag.
    1. Task is to Apply the ASM patch
    2.  Stop all the instance running on ampxd1d1.
    srvctl stop home -o <ORACLE_HOME> -s /u01/patches/tmp/ampxt1d1_status -n <nide> -t immediate
    3. Running pre root script.
    sudo /u01/app/ -unlock
    4.Apply the patch using opatch
    opatch apply -oh /u01/app/ -local /u01/patches/tmp/13951456
    5. run following.
    sudo /u01/app/ -patch
    6 Start the instance.
    srvctl start home  -o  /u01/app/oracle/product/ -s /u01/patches/tmp/ampxt1d1_status -n

    1)     The -o specifies the oracle home and -s specifies a file path for the 'srvctl stop home' command to store the state of the resources. in this case (srvctl stop home -o) command will stop anything running from oracle home.
    2) with -unlock flag unlocks the crs home and make it ready for patching.
    3)     the -oh flag of opatch command  specifies  oracle home to work on. This takes precedence over the environment variable ORACLE_HOME
    4)     The -patch flag of the command specifies that the oracle home is upgraded and lock it.
    5)     srvctl start home -o command will start the oracle home and any service is running from this home.

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    Hi ,
    This could be because of corrupt preferences.
    We could try to recreate the preferences, however it will delete your customizations in the workspace. But we will not completely delete the preferences folder so we can get it back.
    In order to recreate the preferences, please do the following.
    Save your Project.
    Close Captivate
    Windows 7:     C:\Users\[user name]\AppData (hidden folder)\Local\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 8 folder
    Windows XP:  C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 8 folder
    Mac:                 /Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Captivate 8 folder
    Rename the Captivate 8 folder to anything.
    Launch Captivate and test your project.
    Hope this helps!

  • Cannot apply the signed patch 118855-36

    I cannot apply the signed patch 118855-36 because of bad signature.
    I have installed Solaris from original DVD,
    exported proper Root CA:
    # pkgadm listcert
    Enter Keystore Password:
        Keystore Alias: /C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2/O
           Common Name: /C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2/O
      Certificate Type: Trusted Certificate
    Issuer Common Name: /C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2/O
        Validity Dates: <May 18 00:00:00 1998 GMT> - <Aug  1 23:59:59 2028 GMT>
       MD5 Fingerprint: 2D:BB:E5:25:D3:D1:65:82:3A:B7:0E:FA:E6:EB:E2:E1
      SHA1 Fingerprint: B3:EA:C4:47:76:C9:C8:1C:EA:F2:9D:95:B6:CC:A0:08:1B:67:EC:9DThe patch was downloaded via Update Manager.
    # patchadd 118855-36.jar
    Validating patches...
    Loading patches installed on the system...
    Loading patches requested to install.
    Checking patches that you specified for installation.
    Approved patches will be installed in this order:
    Verifying signed patch <118855-36>...
    Enter keystore password:
    Verifying digital signature for signer <es-signature>
    Digital signature for signer <es-signature> verified.
    Verifying contents of signed patch </var/sadm/spool/118855-36.jar>
    ERROR: File <118855-36/prepatch> in patch </var/sadm/spool/118855-36.jar> has different digest and may have been altered (<OZwjYrSlDGqyPj8RGf9c+3K+saA=> != <Dcu2A5syfryGIoCm2J06v3pGPm8=>).
    ERROR: Signer <es-signature> recorded bad signature for file <118855-36/prepatch> in patch </var/sadm/spool/118855-36.jar>
    ERROR: Unable to verify signature for signer <es-signature>
    Signature invalid on signed patch <118855-36>.
    Patchadd is terminating.Although I have no problem with another patches.
    What is a problem with this one?
    Message was edited by:

    Yes - I am having this problem getting this patch to stick, however it seems that my issue is with the cert.
    I get the following message:
    Verifying signed patch <118855-36>...
    Verifying digital signature for signer <es-signature>
    ERROR: Signature verification failed while verifying certificate <subject=Sun Microsystems Inc Root CA, issuer=/C=US/O=Verisign, Inc./OU=Class2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2/O:<unable to get local issuer certificate>.
    ERROR: Unable to verify signature for signer <es-signature>
    Signature invalid on signed patch <118855-36>.
    Look familar?

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    anybody know if the new ipad youtube app is coming back?

    To the best of my knowledge, you can not do what you want with either the iPad 2 or the new iPad 3.  If it could be done, you would need an App to manage it.
    There is an HDMI AV adapter for the iPad, but it is output only, not input.
    You might look into using the AppleTV.  I'm not aware of it having the capability you need, but you might be able to stream the camera's video and receive it on the iPad.  Again, you might need an App to do that.

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    I have the BB 8300 Curve, and every other service provider seems to have applied the new 4.5 OS to their phones.
    What is the problem here?
    Curve8300 ATT
    v4.5.0.182 (Platform
    Go to Solution.

    You can install other carriers release of OS 4.5. After installing it to your PC delete the vendor.xmll file before launching Application Loader.

  • Oracle 10.2 client for linux  and applying the new October Critical patch

    We are using the Oracle 10.2 client on one of our linux workstations.
    I can not find out if this new oracle critical patch October 05 needs to be applied to
    this client. Also, does anyone know if the Oracle 10.2 client already includes the patch updates for the alert 68 patchset? Our Oracle Sever runs on a solaris operating system which will be updated with the new critical October patch, but
    the linux client runs on a separate workstation.

    See my response to this posting.
    Oracle Security Patches

  • Can anybody successfully apply the 110202-01 patch on windows?

    I am new to solaris. Solaris(intel) only recogniz 6.8G out of my 40G hard drive. I tried to apply the patch here I tried to use DOS version of dd command which was obtained from to copy the files to floppy disk on my WIndows. But this dd only work for that ITU1.3 file, but always say "Error durning OPEN of [S28dca1000]". And according to the readme file, it looks like I need both files to make use of the whole 40G. THis thing is driving me crazy. Can anyone help?
    Thanks a lot.

    I was able to create both of them. If you created the first one you should not have problems creating the second one the only diference in the procedure is the name of the file. Download the patch again maybe there is some corruption. I also applied the patch but it didn't solve the problem. Ref.
    Good luck

  • 8i on SuSE 6.2 - Do I need to apply the glibc patch?

    According to the documentation, there is a glibc patch that must
    be applied. Does anyone know if this applies to the just
    released SuSE 6.2?

    no glibc patch needed on Suse 6.2, just go ahead install it.
    But you should get this new patch which can be found on
    That fixes indeed several problems but not all...
    Timothy Weaver (guest) wrote:
    : According to the documentation, there is a glibc patch that
    : be applied. Does anyone know if this applies to the just
    : released SuSE 6.2?

  • OIap AW are Invalid after applying the Oracle patch

    We have applied Oracle patch after applied the patch we are not able to connect with AW might be all AW are invalid.
    i am getting the following error :
    ava.sql.SQLException: ORA-06521: PL/SQL: Error mapping function
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AW", line 18
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNodeModel.refreshData(
    at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNodeModel.dTreeItemExpanding(
    at oracle.bali.ewt.dTree.DTreeDeferredParent.__fireExpansionChanging(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.bali.ewt.dTree.DTreeDeferredParent.setExpanded(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNode.expandHelper(
    at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNode.access$000(
    at oracle.olap.awm.navigator.node.BaseNode$
    Any idea or thought would be appreciable.

    Please file a TAR with support to resolve this issue.
    Hope this helps,
    Oracle Business Intelligence Product Management
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