Anyone else disgusted with lack of flexibility?

I have had my service with Verizon for over 12 years, do you think they would let me upgrade early. nope.
SOOO off I go to another provider, my contract has 6 more days, I already have a feature rich phone from ATT for $45, I will port my number in 7 days.
Verizon is stuck on stupid.

Jiminraleigh wrote:
It is the purpose of this site to see guidance and express opinions. As you
are well aware, VZN customers are spoiled by great coverage and decent
plans. When the plans change....peoples opinions change.  Those opinions
are valid BECAUSE they are from VZN customers. Knowing you are getting the
shaft is not a reason to quietly accept it.  We VZN customers welcome
venting when that is the only out-shy of going to another carrier.
On May 18, 2014 11:56 AM, "flutterfly8497" <[email protected]
As a Verizon customer, I am fully aware of the purpose of the forums here.  I myself have gotten good advice that I had a hard time seeing the logic in right away.  Are you telling me that my opinion, since it is not in favor of the OP, is invalid?  Since I did not jump on the "I hate Verizon" bandwagon, that makes me an employee or shill, as implied by your use of "we VZN customers." It's quite common for someone who doesn't agree with complaints to be accused of being an employee.  I am not, but my saying so isn't going to change anyone's mind.  The opinion expressed by the OP is valid, and I do not dispute that.  I don't agree with it, but that is my right, isn't it?
I agree that "knowing that you are getting the shaft is not a reason to quietly accept it," however, I don't think that a policy or pricing change is a reason to freak out either.  I understand that if I don't like what I am charged (whether by Verizon or the local grocery store), I have the option to take my business elsewhere.  My indignation over the price of a pound of hamburger is not likely to make the grocery store revamp their pricing.  Pick your battles, that's all I am saying.  I personally don't like going around being outraged and bitter all the time.

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    O.K. I typed:
    pear upgrade --alldeps pear
    and this is what I got:
    downloading PEAR-1.4.9.tgz ...
    Starting to download PEAR-1.4.9.tgz (283,443 bytes)
    ..........................................................done: 283,443 bytes
    upgrade ok: channel://
    PEAR: Optional feature webinstaller available (PEAR's web-based installer)
    PEAR: Optional feature gtkinstaller available (PEAR's PHP-GTK-based installer)
    PEAR: Optional feature gtk2installer available (PEAR's PHP-GTK2-based installer)
    To install use "pear install PEAR#featurename"
    I wasn't sure if it actually upgraded it or not so I typed:
    pear info PEAR
    and I get:
    Could not get contents of package "/usr/local/php5/bin/pear". Invalid tgz file.
    If I type:
    pear list-upgrades
    I get the same results:
    Notice: Undefined index: release_state in Remote.php on line 371
    Available Upgrades (stable):
    Package Local Remote Size
    HTML_Table 1.6.1 (stable) 1.7.0 (stable) 13.7kB
    Mail 1.1.9 (stable) 1.1.10 (stable) 16.5kB
    PEAR Array () 1.4.9 (stable) 277kB
    What does the Array() mean anyways? Moving on, then I typed:
    sudo pear upgrade --alldeps Mail
    and it upgraded successfully. Now the code is working and I am sending email again! Thank you so much for your help in leading me to the solution (--alldeps). If you find out how to get the error reporting to work again let me know, and I will do the same if I figure it out.
      Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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