Anyone having 7.1 issues?

Updated to 7.1 and my phone just shut itself off and I couldnt get back on?!  Finally I plugged in and tried holding all the buttons (volume up/down, power, home, etc) and the apple logo appeared and I was good.  What's up? Left Android for things like this, lol.  Never had a hickup until today?

**** happens. If it is working fine now, I wouldn't worry about it.

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    @ aprox: 02:07-02:11 (brightness/contrast pop) & 03:38-03:41 (sever pixelation)     (Northbay - the first clip)
    @ aprox 00:28-00:50 (brightness/contrast pops)
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    One thing is for sure, this is not an isolated incident. I have a suggestion, which may speed up the process of getting an official solution.
    For all of the Mac users with this issue, open this very discussion in Apple's Safari. When it's open, click on Safari in the menu bar, and click "Report Bugs to Apple ..."
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