Anyone notice iMessanger and regular messages disappearing? Ihad several iMessages with pictures There is about a 2-3 week section of messages missing. I also see the same things with my phone regular messages.i have iPhone 5s with IOS 7

anyone notice iMessanger and regular phone messages disappearing? Ihad several iMessages with pictures There is about a 2-3 week section of messages missing. I also see the same things with my phone regular messages.i have iPhone 5s w/32 GB RAM and also ipad 4th generation 64GB memory. I have not updated either device with IOS 8 - they are both on IOS 7

anyone notice iMessanger and regular phone messages disappearing? Ihad several iMessages with pictures There is about a 2-3 week section of messages missing. I also see the same things with my phone regular messages.i have iPhone 5s w/32 GB RAM and also ipad 4th generation 64GB memory. I have not updated either device with IOS 8 - they are both on IOS 7

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