Apache 2.0.45 and WL plugin, not compatible

Here, with apache 2.0.44 it works fine, and we have no problem, but when we upgrade
apache from 2.0.44 to 2.0.45 we get the following error
httpd: module "mod_weblogic.c" is not compatible with this version of Apache (found
20020612, need 20020903).
Please contact the vendor for the correct version.
Could you tell please me where to find a plugin suitable for the new apache version,
or in the other hand, could you tell me how to workaround this problem.

Yes, actually what happened is that I was using WL 6.1SP2, and the plugin
did work for releases lower or equal than version 2.0.44, now the problem is
fixed with the last available plugin.
Thanks for your support
"Eric Gross" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:3ebacf38$[email protected]..
That should not be correct.
Are you sure you are using the same plugin? You would get this message if
you used any plugin prior to 6.1 SP4 or 7.0 SP2.
Otherwise you should not get this error message when using the plugin from
either of the above releases.
"Luis Esteban" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:3eb8d994$[email protected]..
Here, with apache 2.0.44 it works fine, and we have no problem, but whenwe upgrade
apache from 2.0.44 to 2.0.45 we get the following error
httpd: module "mod_weblogic.c" is not compatible with this version ofApache (found
20020612, need 20020903).
Please contact the vendor for the correct version.
Could you tell please me where to find a plugin suitable for the newapache version,
or in the other hand, could you tell me how to workaround this problem.

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    What you can do is copy text of warning (or part of text), then click "Filter" icon on Tasks view in IDE and set filter to hide these warnings. I do this for annoying "UI element has no lable text"
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    3. If still in stock, purchase a version of Premiere Elements earlier than 13.
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    This is not Adobe. Rather user to user. So the replies are not automatic. But as user, we try to reply to questions as soon as possible. We are visitors here just like you. I do not work for Adobe and am not affiliated with it in any way.
    Any questions or need clarification on the above, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Thank you.
    Add On...Since you apparently have Premiere Elements 12, another option is to stay with version 12 on your Windows Vista computer. You would improve your situation with Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit computer and Premiere Elements 10, 11, 12/12.1, and 13/13.1.

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    In the meantime, here's what I did.  This was my first time using the ABS system, so
    I went to http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ABS All the below instructions are on the wiki,
    these instructions are specific to gedit:
    I installed abs using pacman.
    # pacman -Sy abs
    I edited /etc/abs.conf, and put a ! in front of the testing REPOS:
    REPOS=(core extra community !testing)
    As root, I ran
    # abs
    A bunch of stuff was downloaded to my /var/abs folder.
    I make a directory in my home folder for gedit's stuff:
    $ mkdir -p /home/yourusername/abs
    I copied gedit's stuff from /var/abs to my abs folder:
    $ cp -r /var/abs/extra/gedit/ ~/abs
      $ cd ~/abs/gedit
    I ran makepkg -s
    $ makepkg -s
    A bunch of stuff downloaded and compiled.  When it was done, there was a new gedit-2.24.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz file in the same directory.
    I told pacman to install the tar.gz file.  Note that I did not have to uninstall gedit.
    As root:
    # pacman -U gedit-2.24.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
    And that was it!  I could then go into gedit and enable/disable whatever plugins I wanted.
    Hope this helps,

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    In formsweb.cfg, the sun java plugin version that would be downloaded is - 1.4.2. For most of my users they have version 1.5.0_13 installed already. All users are able to run the application without any problems.
    Only in one machine, it does not open up the form applet and instead opens a blank form on IE version 7.
    I have other machines with same config Windows XP and IE 7 and they work fine. They too have the Javaplugin version 1.5.0_13 installed and it does not prompt the user to download 1.4.2 version.
    Can anyone help me to fix this problem?

    Thanks. But It is not solely about LAF. It is just that my form applet is not getting dowloaded as soon as user opens application on browser. It is the whole applet nothing about LAf. But still I would send the email.

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    Hi there
    Sorry, my crystal ball appears to be broken and my psychic skills aren't quite there yet.
    What operating system are you using? If you come back and say Vista 64 bit, you need to know there are lots of different issues involved with this OS. There is not a Captivate version to date that has been blessed by Adobe to say it will work flawlessly with this OS.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

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