Aperture 2.0.1 and DNG

With the 2.0 version, I could not export DNG raw files with IPTC data included in the file. With the 2.0.1 version, I am now able to export DNG with embedded IPTC data, but for some strange reason the image date in the EXIF gets set back exactly 16 hours. Can anyone else try this to confirm the bug?

I have a similar problem. Here is what I do:
1 - Convert original ORF files to DNG with Adobe DNG converter.
2 - Import DNG files into Aperture.
3 - "Image Date" that is displayed in Aperture is exactly 10 hours behind the original capture.
I think that this problem must be an OS thing because I opened both the original ORF and the DNG files with Preview and they are displayed in Preview incorrectly as well. Here is an example of #3 above: I took a picture of my son's basketball game this morning at "3/8/2008 8:40:19 AM". The original ORF shows this in the metadata. The DNG version of this picture shows the "Image Date" as "3/7/2008 22:40:19 PM".
I have also imported these same DNG files into Adobe Lightroom and Lightroom displays the date correctly.
Message was edited by: dwayne_bradley

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  • Comments about Aperture and DNG

    I bought a copy of Aperture a while ago and recently purchased a computer capable of running it. So now that I am becoming acquainted with it I have some comments for Apple:
    • I am amazed by the flexibility of the interface, and at the same time surprised by what has NOT been provided for.
    —for example: in a dual monitor setup I can't dedicate one for full screen viewing of the selected image in every mode with all the normal panels for adjustments, metadata, projects, importing, thumbnails, etc on the second monitor. And what display customization is available is not sticky—it keeps reverting back to some default!
    • Image display quality is superb, better than any of the Adobe products (including LightRoom) or any of the raw converters I have used (several). If print quality is as good it will be a significant advantage for Aperture.
    • I am using OS 10.49 and A 1.53, yet I am still having problems with correct display of layered 16 bit photoshop files. Some do display correctly, but many are distorted and scrambled, and some display only an alpha channel.
    • Last, and this will end my relationship with Aperture for now and probably forever, is a lack of universal support for DNG files (current support for DNG is restricted to proprietary RAW formats Aperture does support). What on earth is Apple thinking? The whole point of DNG is to remove the need for proprietary support by providing a universal open format. Aperture does not support my current camera. While that is not a surprise to me, the lack of universal support for DNG is.
    I believe this must be a marketing decision, and a bad one at that. Apple needs to get a grip: Adobe owns this market. Aperture is a weak and marginal player. If Apple insists on playing this kind of game they will shoot themselves in the foot—and probably already have.
    I am aware of some workarounds for specific cameras including mine, but the real issue is the lack of universal support for DNG. Without it Aperture, whatever its other virtues, is sunk. A pro would be a fool to make Aperture the center of their workflow if they were not confident of some universal means of working with raw files from whatever camera or back they might use in the future. Without this universal support Apple basically has veto power over what hardware I might choose in the future. This is a completely untenable position for me, and I would bet for most pros.
    Too bad. Aperture shows much potential otherwise.
    Mark Muse
    MacPro Intel, dual G4 silverdoors, G3 iBook, etc.   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Aperture only supports DNG from cameras that it supports the RAW file from, so your Panasonic DNGs are not supported. What you are seeing is simply the embedded JPEG that flicks on until Aperture realizes it is not a supported file.

  • 10.9.5 with camera raw 5.07 not showing .RW2 and DNG but showing .CR2 previews in finder

    Even with the latest OS and latest camera raw, only my Canon raw image files display proper previews in the finder, and open properly with iPhoto and Photoshop.  .RW2 and .DNG files will not show previews or open with iPhoto, and .RW2 files won't even open in Photoshop without being converted to DNG.  I've combed the support community questions for over a year now, am tech support oriented, and am ready to throw in the towel.  I've had this same problem with previous system versions and camera raw versions, so I know the solution lies with neither of the two. 

    I'm having exactly the same issue and I posted on Adobe's site and dpreview and StackExchange but nobody has the final answer. I can see thumbnail previews in finder with ALL my various Raw files (Olympus OMD EM1, Panasonic GH2 and GH3, and Nikon D5300) just fine but when I use the convert to DNG feature in Lightroom (latest version since I'm on the CC subscription), only the Nikon DNG files display a preview thumb in finder and neither the Oly or Panny DNG files display. The closest I got to an explanation is that, since the m4/3 cameras do their profiling in camera and Adobe doesn't have a profile for them, some of the info isn't converted into the DNG in those systems. The article I read about it was really about Aperture not being able to read the Adobe DNG files but it may also explain why Mac finder can't show preview thumbs.  Aperture 3: Some DNG images display as unsupported - Apple Support
    If there is no way to get preview thumbs in finder with the converted RAW files from my GH3 then I'll forgo converting for now.
    Here is my Nikon DNG
    And my Panny DNG (Oly is the same)
    Panny RAW shows up just fine
    As does the Oly ORF

  • Newbie: Change in Approach PEFs and DNGs?

    Waiting on my new MacBook and Aperture 2, but am reading furiously. Am laying out plans for a (hopefully) orderly transition from PC (using ACDSee Pro for workflow and file cataloging) to Mac and Aperture. Would appreciate comments on my planned approach, but first some background.
    Here's what I do now: I shoot in RAW (PEF), then convert to DNG using Adobe's converter. I do nothing with PEFs, but do save them. I do editing from DNGs and convert to JPGs when I want to share.
    PC file structure: I put photos files in top level folders (PEFs, DNGs, JPGs). Within these file type folders I have yearly and then monthly folders. This to facilitate DVD archiving (only have to burn latest photo folders, not subject oriented folders with mixed dates). I find images I want using categories and keywords in ACDSee. Works well for me.
    By the way, I'm not taking tons of photos. I have about 30GB of files and that includes the same photos in PEF and DNG, then JPGs of the ones I've wanted to share. My MacBook will have a 500GB drive, so I can keep all my photos (probably for quite some time) resident on my HDD (current HDD contains a total of ~150GB including OS).
    As I'm learning about Aperture, it seems I have a lot of redundancy I don't need. So here's what I'm thinking.
    1-Planned backup regimen: a) use Time Machine to do routine backups of my HDD to attached external HDD; b) use online backup service to routinely backup all data online; c) given a) and b), I think I'll stop with the DVD archves except for PEF storage. Once I get a DVD's worth of PEFs in a folder will burn and delete from HDD (will not manage PEFs in Aperture).
    2- Am undecided on whether or not to manage masters within Aperture or as referenced masters. What are Pros/Cons of referenced masters given I have plenty of HDD space to play with (i.e., all referenced files will be resident on drive)?
    3- Aperture structure will be: years as folders, months as projects, albums within months.
    4- Question: how to handle/reduce all the redundancy in my old system as I import? I print from my DNGs as ACDSee embedded my edits in them. Most JPGs are exact copies of adjusted DNGs, but some are quite derivative (e.g., processed IRs and some layered photos). I'm thinking I should ONLY import as masters DNGs and those JPGs that are highly processed derivatives of the DNGs and discard the JPGs that are simple copies. It would be easy enough to export those should I need them again.
    Well that went longer than I'd planned. Thanks for bearing with me and I'll appreciate any experienced advice/comments anyone is willing to give.

    Closing this thread as no one responded with their approaches or suggestions.

  • XMP and DNG support?

    I'm using Aperture 2 on Mac 10.4.11...
    After importing DNG files I have some problems and what to ask if other users experience the same or perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
    I have a Lightroom Workflow where I convert all my 40d Raw files to DNG. I apply a lot of Metadata and some basic adjustments in the Lightroom Develop module. I update my DNG files with metadata and preview images to include everything in the files. After importing these files into Aperture 2 I have following problems.
    Metadata is not imported properly.
    Example 1:
    Creator in Lightroom: Susi & Paul
    Artist in Aperture after import: Paul
    "Susi &" is missing. Artist is not the only field with this problem. I have the same in behaviour in "Writer/Editor", "Credit", "Source", "Byline"....., simply i n all fields...
    Example 2:
    Caption in Lightroom: Köln, Cologne
    Caption in Aperture after import: öln, Cologne
    The "K" form "Köln" is missing.
    Example 3:
    All adjustments I have done in the Lightroom Develop Module are saved in the XMP Metadata and all previews are updated in the DNG files after adjustment to reflect the changes. I expected that Aperture is reading this metadata and use it for rendering. This is not the case.
    I was trying with Aperture 2 in German and English Language without any difference.
    Now again my question... Do you experience the same behaviour with Aperture 2 or is it my mistake?
    Thanks for any answer and... sorry for my bad english.

    Thank you very much Adsy for reply!
    After a few experiments I believe the wrong metadata import is a bug too. But this bug effects only my dng files, if I import jpeg's with the same metadata everything is fine. I'm not sure is it the DNG format or the included XMP (my jpegs also have XMP metadata).
    In my jpegs I have EXIF, IPTC and XMP (IPTC for XMP). Do you know in which order Aperture is reading this information and which information has precedence and is used?
    "IPTC" before "IPTC for XMP"?
    And who is the winner if metadata in "IPTC" and "IPTC for XMP" has the same values?

  • I cannot open images from my new NikonD3300 in Elements 11 , I have downloaded and installed CameraRaw 8.4 and DNG convertor but still won't open!

    I wonder if anyone can help with the above question about Elements 11 and my not being able to open Raw images, I have tried downloading and installing Cmaera raw 8.4 and DNG convertor but still not opening have not had truoble with D200 or lumix G5. thanks Yvonne

    The D3300 requires Camera Raw 8.4 but Camera Raw 8.4 is only compatible with Elements 12 and later.
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    Camera Raw 8.4 is not compatible with Elements 11 and never will be.
    You'll have to either a) upgrade to Elements 12, or b) use the DNG converter to convert all D3300 Raw files to DNGs then edit the DNGs in Elements 11.
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    The D200 requires Camera Raw 3.3 (or later) and the Lumix G5 requires Camera Raw 7.2 (or later) both of which are compatible with Elements 11.

  • AE stopped to open cr2 and dng files, PS still works

    I have a mac book pro 16gb OS 10.9.2 and worked over 6 months with AE and Photoshop CS6 opening and working with cr2 (Canon 5dmk3 raw) and dng (converted from magic lantern) files.
    all went well. For no apparent reason (maybe any kind of update?) my AE does not recognize these files anymore. They just show up grey and not selectable in the open/import dialog.
    I can still open them using photoshop with the well known dialog box for raw files. so somehow the raw importer seems to work? Tried adobes dng converter 8.4 but converted files do still not open.
    Did someone encountered the same problem and found a solution? Thanx very much for your help!

    See this:

  • After upgrading to Aperture 3.4.1 (and really since 3.4), aperture becomes unresponsive almost immediately after I open it.  It tears through over 1GB of memory within a minute, and I am forced to either force quit or open the terminal and "killall".

    How do I fix this issue?  I haven't been able to use Aperture or load new photos into Aperture for weeks.  Since upgrading to Aperture 3, from Aperture 2; I've noticed that Aperture 3 is a major memory hog.  I had to upgrade my unibody macbook to keep up with Aperture, otherwise my whole system become unresponsive when trying to simply look at my photos.  I have about 15,000 pictures in my library, but the program is designed to organize large libraries.  Why has it been so buggy the past year?  Should I just jump ship and go to Lightroom?

    it is normal, that after a crash a library repair is required. Aperture is a database, and if a crash happens, transactions may not be completed, so the library may be left in an inconsitent state. Usually the built-in repair methods can take care of this. But I assume, you have a backup of your Aperture library. If not, now would be the time to create one, just in case.
    I doubt, Aperture is causing this crashes - it may be a coincidence; kernel panics quite often are due to an overfull hard disk, incompatible frameworks or kernel extensions, or to failing hardware. Run a hardware check, check the available disk space and file system with disk utility, and try to remember, if you installed anything else lately, that might have added incompatible kernel extensions. Turn off any helper apps, start up items.
    Your kernel panic occurs when accessing the graphics card. Sometimes this can be resolved by booting into safe mode, this will disable advanced features and reset the card. Note: Aperture will not run in safe boot mode, see
    Mac OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?
    Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode
    Browse MacBook forum and Mt. Lion forum, to see, if anybody else has problems with Mt. Lion and your particular Hardware configuration and card.
    As a last measure reinstall your MacOS. You may also have a look at Thomas' Tech Corner » Understanding upgrade nightmares

  • Performance and Usability Problems-Aperture 3.1.3 and 10.7.1

    Late 2009 iMac
    Quad Core i7
    8 GB RAM
    512 ATI GPU
    Nik Software Complete Collection Plugins—all updated
    I’m guessing this is due to memory leaks, but Aperture is crippled with 10.7.1. On my great iMac, Aperture now runs like it did when I ran Aperture 2 on a 2004 PowerBook G4.
    With Snow Leopard, I had none of these issues.
    With Aperture idle, it uses up to 2 GB real memory and 3 GB virtual memory. With it idle, it generates MBs of page outs and swap used. If I start to use it for adjustments, even minor ones, page outs and swap used increase dramatically. For example, last night after editing and adjusting a project of images, page outs were just under 5 GB. I’ve reverted to the old habit of rebooting to clear page outs and swaps. Last time I had to do this was with the 2004 PowerBook.
    While actually using Aperture for edits and adjustments, response to almost any input is slow, with conspicuous delays. Even checking and unchecking an adjustment brick causes a considerable delay between the click and when the change is visible.
    Again, with Snow Leopard, Aperture was a bullet with current configuration. I just ordered 8 more GBs of RAM in hopes that this will help until Apple fixes Aperture.
    Anyone else having such considerable performance issues with Aperture 3.1.3 and 10.7.1?

    jcrosby wrote:The "individual setup" argument is an oversimplification. With relatively current hardware, I can reproduce very poor performance when running Aperture in Lion in either 32-bit or 63-bit mode (though the patterns change a bit), and so can many others.
    Actually I do think it is about individual setups. The kinds of complaints expressed in this thread have been going on literally for decades.
    Starting with early-days Photoshop then later Aperture I have observed the challenges of heavy graphics apps with hardware/RAM/OSs/app versions. We have always been able to reproduce poor performance, because apps/OSs generally do evolve to be more demanding.
    IMO our goal is to help individual setups tweak to achieve non-poor performance while we wait for stronger hardware, or an OS improvement, or an app improvement, or money to buy more RAM, or whatever. IMO it really is an ongoing individual-setup (e.g. last year I was running a 2006 C2D MBP with a max of 3 GB RAM requiring constant tweaking) issue.
    Today I run Aperture under 10.6.8 on a 2011 MBP with SSD and 8 GB RAM and it rocks. I would consider 10.6.8 to be one of the tweaks that folks might do if all the other tweaks (like add RAM and run 32-bit) fail to achieve non-poor performance.

  • Printing Success with Aperture 1.5.2 and HP Photosmart Pro B9180

    With so many "hit-and-miss" posts regarding printing, I thought I'd post my result with Aperture 1.5.2 and my newly-acquired HP Photosmart Pro B9180.
    Firstly, I have my monitor calibrated using ColorVision's Spyder Express. It's a cost-effective solution to monitor calibration and what I see on the screen is what I'm seeing in the print. I calibrate weekly.
    Secondly, I'm using HP's Advanced Photo Glossy Paper for prints. HP provides the ICC profiles for their papers (and thus far, they seem to be dead-on accurate).
    Thirdly, and I believe this is where issues can occur, is to set, via the Print Driver, color management as Application Managed. This bypasses the default of allowing the printer to manage color for you. This allows Aperture to use the ICC profile of the printer and calculate the proper color "conversion".
    Finally, via the Apple's support article on optiziming print (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302821) save the customized printer setup for a specified print size, paper, etc.
    I have made 20 prints thus far and all have come out satisfactory. The only "tip" I'd make is that I noticed the gamma setting in the print dialogue is ideally set at 1.15. Otherwise, the print seems to be a bit dark.
    PowerMac G5 Dual 2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   4 Gigs RAM, CalDigit S2VR Duo 1TB

    I just got a B9180 too so thought I would try printing from Aperture. As you suggested I set Gamma to 1.15 - but I still feel the prints are a bit dark. Tried 1.20 but that looked identical to 1.15!

  • Aperture 3.4.1 and iPhoto 11 (9.4) in Lion 10.7.5?

    I have created quite a mess here, and am not sure what to do about it.  I was looking for some photos that were in my iPhoto library and I saw a vault with the same name in Aperture, but none of the photos appeared.  The previous versions of Aperture would see iPhoto libraries and open them within Aperture, but this wasn't working.  I couldn't seem to share the photos between the apps.   So I found that Open Library in Aperture, which I did, and now I cannot get the two libraries separated. It will only open in one or the other application. It is really a mess.   Now I can only open the photos in one or the other at one time.  The previous workflow between the two apps was seamless. This one not at all.
    I also see some old imports of libraries (iPhoto Library (1) , and iPhoto Library) in the Aperture app and there are duplicates of photos, library 1 has all the photos of the earlier library plus more current ones. I am wondering if the name iPhoto Library in an aperture project window is part of the confusion.
    Anyway, this new workflow is really confusing if this is the way it is supposed to happen. If it isn't, I need a remedy. If it is, I  need some tricks and instructions about what the heck is going on.    I don't like this system at all. Apple really seems to have missed it with the upgrades to the two apps.
    Any help appreciated...

    Aperture 3.4.1 is sandboxed, and apparently it can no longer use external clients and plug-ins that are not sandboxed. Outlook and Entourage need to be updated to comply with MAcOS 10.7.5 and 10.8.x to work with Aperture 3.4.1.
    See this lengthy discussion: Re: Aperture email sharing (Outlook) not working since upgrade to mountain lion
    And send feedback Apple - Aperture - Feedback to Apple and Microsoft.

  • Aperture 2.1.1 and OS X 10.5.5. - Can't create nor update Vaults!

    After updating to OS X 10.5.5 and installing the latest RAW file plug-ins update from Apple yesterday, I cannot update my existing Aperture vaults, I get the following error message:
    The following error occurred:
    Aperture has detected a problem with the vault “Aperture Vault”. You need to remove this vault and create a new one.
    I deleted both vaults, created new vault, and when I press Update button, it compares empty vault to my library for some 4-5 minutes (why?! It's just empty vault!) and then Aperture shows the same message:
    The following error occurred:
    Aperture has detected a problem with the vault “Aperture Vault”. You need to remove this vault and create a new one.
    I ran Disk Utility - Repair Disk Permissions - no problems. I installed 10.5.5. combo update over the existing system, restarted, and still I cannot create a new vault. The same error message. Any ideas why?
    In Console I see two lines from Aperture:
    08.9.17 19:28:52 Aperture[336] .sdef error: Operation could not be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 1549.)
    08.9.17 19:28:52 Aperture[336] line number: 2
    I don't know is it related to this problem or not.

    I am having exact same problems. Software update says that I have all the latest updates for system and Aperture (including the latest RAW file plug-ins). I can't update vaults. Every time I try to update, I get the following error message:
    The following error occurred:
    Aperture has detected a problem with the vault “Aperture Vault”. You need to remove this vault and create a new one.
    I have deleted all vaults and tried creating new vaults. Aperture will permit the creation of the vault, but when I attempt to update it for the first time, Aperture works away for a while comparing the 'library' to the empty vault and returns the exact same error message:
    The following error occurred:
    Aperture has detected a problem with the vault “Aperture Vault”. You need to remove this vault and create a new one.
    I rebooted computer and restarted Aperture holding down the option key. I requested that Aperture perform a 'Consistency Check' and when completed, I restarted Aperture the same way so that I could request that Aperture 'Rebuild Now' all projects. Once both activities had finished, I tired again to create a vault and update it and was able to create the vault, but unable to update it. The same message was returned:
    The following error occurred:
    Aperture has detected a problem with the vault “Aperture Vault”. You need to remove this vault and create a new one.
    I did notice a change in Aperture's behavior before and after performing the 'Consistency Check'. Before performing the consistency check, Aperture had stopped giving this message upon quitting:
    'Updating information for sharing previews'
    After the consistency check, Aperture upon quitting would update information for sharing previews.
    Is there a fix for this?

  • Why doesn't the repair box in Aperture show up? and if it does, once you choose repair does it give you an indication it is working?

    Why doesn't the repair box in Aperture show up? and if it does, once you choose repair does it give you an indication it is working?

    Winterwren22 wrote:
    Why doesn't the repair box in Aperture show up?
    Without more information, speculation is a waste of time.  At the least tell us what you do, what the results are, and how that result differs from your expectation.  Then tell us what steps you have taken to resolve the issue, and what the results of taking those steps was.
    once you choose repair does it give you an indication it is working?
    Adjustments you make are shown live.
    Instructions on the use of Repair Brush are here (ignore "Spot & Patch" -- it is superannuated).

  • Hello! I'm using Aperture with Efex plugins and notice, what when I saving result in plugin and go back to aperture, preview mode is going to grey color and not working until I reboot Aperture. Did you saw this problem?

    Hello! I'm using Aperture with Efex plugins and notice, what when I saving result in plugin and go back to aperture, preview mode is going to grey color and not working until I reboot Aperture. What is intresting - in full screen mode everything works fine. Did you saw this problem?

    It seems there's a workaround here:

  • Aperture 3.0.2 and Printing Presets

    I have updated to 3.0.2 and have 10.6.3. I trashed my Aperture plist and re-created a printing preset. However, the presets do NOT save. The printer always reverts to my default black/white laser printer, even though I selected an Epson R2880 and the paper size always goes back to "Letter". I have the most recent print drivers from Apple for the R2880.
    I have also tried on my MacBook Pro (10.6.3 Aperture 3.0.2) with only one printer installed.
    Anyone else see this issue?

    Same issue with Aperture 3.0.2 and HP Photosmart Premium C309g.
    I've only one printer installed but the paper size reverts always to the default setting (A4).

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