Aperture a "PRO" app ?

I've used Aperture 2 for quite some time to manage a simple library with both personal photos and a few jobs. I started looking for another solution once my business got bigger.
The problem is, managing a library isn't really a feature provided by other pro apps, like Capture One for example.
I recently wanted to try Aperture again in a more manually managed way. As I would do in the finder directly with a personal way of managing folders, just with extra Aperture features.
I still can't believe how unsafe this app is. (just for the facts, during import I selected "store files in their current location") During the process of testing, I wanted to delete all projects from APERTURE ONLY. I expected at least a notice from Aperture asking me if I wanted to move the files to the trash or to keep them in their original folders.
Not only did it not do that, and that all my files where one click away from being forever deleted, but it placed ALL images into the trash without the original hierarchy, discarding all folders. Needless to say, at this point CMD+Z doesn't have any effect.
Luckily for me, I have everything backed up all the time. So I won't spend a whole month reorganizing my files.
Now Apple, did I miss something here ? I hope so.

If you delete a project in Aperture 3 it goes in the app's Trash with everything intact: folders, albums, whatever. I just did it on a test project just to make sure. If you then go into the Trash you can right-click and select Put Back, which does exactly what it says.
If you choose to do a permanent deletion you get a message telling you what's going to happen. If you put an album in the Trash it even tells you no actual files will be deleted (because it's an album which never contains originals). Where's the "unsafe" part?
And please don't take this the wrong way but if you're a "PRO" and you decide to delete all your projects you should really know what you're doing. You should know how Aperture works both in its hierarchy and in its relationship to referenced or managed files.
What were you trying to accomplish exactly?

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    Are yoy sure that Apeture is not in the Applications folder of the new system? If it is move it to the trash and the App Store will let you download Aperture from it.
    You will need to make sure you use the same Apple ID you used to purchase it in the past.

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    This looks pretty conclusive to me. Yes you can download apps from the MAS for commercial use!
    Would you agree?
    +Except as otherwise set forth herein,+
    +(i) You may download and use an application from the Mac App Store (“Mac App Store Product”) for personal, non-commercial use on any Apple-branded products running Mac OS X that you own or control (“Mac Product”).+
    +(ii) *If you are a commercial enterprise or educational institution*, you may download a Mac App Store Product for use either (a) by a single individual on each of the Mac Product(s) that you own or control, or (b) by multiple individuals on a single shared Mac Product that you own or control. For example, a single employee may use a Mac App Store Product on both the employee’s desktop Mac Product and laptop Mac Product, or multiple students may serially use the Product on a single Mac Product located at a resource center or library.+
    +(iii) Use may require sign-in with the Apple ID used to download the Mac App Store Product from the Mac App Store. Mac App Store Products can be updated through the Mac App Store only.+

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    Okay, I understand that Aperture is using its own
    special color space that is wider than Adobe 1998 or
    sRGB. But, I guess my question is, will Aperture's
    color space display two identical pictres (albeit
    different color spaces) as the same even if one is
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    remain constant when I finally export it as sRGB.
    No, although since the AdobeRGB space holds a greater range of colors it may look a little richer.
    Also, if you are talking about RAW files it will not matter since any colorspace you include in a RAW file is just a "hint" to an application that is reading that RAW files what color space is preferred after conversion.
    Also I noticed this: When Finder shows a preivew of
    the file, it seems that it's using a different color
    space than that of Aperture or Preview.app because
    the tonality is slightly cooler. The image that the
    OS shows is, I think, the same as that when Preview
    converts the "adobe 1998" file to its true sRGB. So
    I'm guessing that the OS's interpretation is right.
    Why is there an inconsistencey between the
    applications and the Finder/OS?
    The image Finder shows is generally from the thumbnail created by the camera itself. So it's slightly different just because the OS X conversion is a little different than the in-camera conversion. It has nothing to do with the colorspace.

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    BE SURE TO REPAIR PERMISSIONS AFTER REPLACING/INSTALLING THE ProApp.Framework file into /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
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    I hope this is as much use to you as it was to me.
    Message was edited by: hilofoz

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    What do I do? I will switch to Lightroom if Apple won't let me download without buying another copy... Very frustrating reward after just dropping $3k on a new MBP.
    Thanks for any help.

    Apple stated that it "should be showing up", although it wasn't. Apple did fix this problem by updating my account to reflect that I own the current version of Aperture (3). This is a pro app, I use it professionally, and it was the right thing for them to do.
    Clearly, Duh•veed has some kind of latent axe to grind over an old issue with other software, with regard to other apps or something. Whatever. I don't know what his problem is, but thankfully Apple handled it much more gracefully.
    In sum, if you have this problem, you will need to provide proof that you own Aperture. I provided screen shots of my email receipt with name and S/N, my 'About Aperture' window with my name and S/N, and a clear request.
    This was their reply:
    Hello Sarge,
    Thanks for getting back to me.
    Please be advised that when you first open the Mac App Store in OS X Mavericks, it will check to see if you have a DVD-installed or bundled version of these Apple apps:
       •  Aperture 3.x
       •  iMovie ’11
       •  iPhoto ’11
       •  Keynote ’09
       •  Numbers ’09
       •  Pages ’09
    If the apps are found, they'll be listed with any other available Mac App Store updates, and you’ll be prompted for your iTunes Store password before they download.
    If you don't see any of the apps, go to the App Store toolbar. Under the tab Updates, choose Update All.
    If your computer came pre-installed with the Apple Apps, you’ll need to accept the software before you can install the available updates:
    1. From the App Store toolbar, click Purchases.
    2. Next, in the Apps to Accept area, click Accept.
    If you don’t see the Accept button or you’re receiving an error, reply with this information:
    1. Your computer’s serial number
    2. The names of the Apps you are trying to accept
    3. If you received an error message when trying to accept the apps, the full text of the error message.
    Thanks in advance for your patience while we work together to resolve this issue. Have a good day!

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    Yvan Koenig has written an AppleScript that removes the files. You can find it on his box.com account in for_iWork'09 > other_iWork'09 items > uninstall iWork '09.zip.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    If you're using the Printer Pro app, you're not going to use AirPrint services.
    They are not the same thing.
    Are you using the 'Open In' option to get the email into Printer Pro for printing?
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