Aperture3 , aperture3

Why Streming Photo automatically don't work in Aperture 3?

AFAIK, Aperture creates a temporary JPG (PNG, whatever) of your image, delivers it to the service (Flickr, ...) and then removes that copy.
If you want to send it again, simply select the same Export command again.
If you want to have a copy of the exported file you will have to export it as a file (using the Export -> Version / Master command). You can then do with this file whatever you want; it's all yours!

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    Depends on whether you use managed-Masters or referenced-Masters.
    Most important is to back up original image files before import into Aperture or any other images management application. I like Vaults for backing up the Aperture Library, and I use referenced-Masters to keep the Library a civilized size.
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    Look throught http://www.apple.com/support/downloads and you'll find this

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    Aperture 3.0.3 on Snow Leopard 10.6.3
    I'd appreciate knowing if anyone has run into this, or has any advice.

    I had the same issue when playing with my Xerox Phaser 6110 profiled with colormunki. All software except Aperture (3.0.3) recognized the profile (Color Sync, Print dialog, Preview soft-proffing, even LR 3b2). I too tried all possible locations and none worked.
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    I read on the forum: "iPhoto and Aperture" that: "if you set iPhoto to referenced mode you won't even use extra disk space." Mr. Terance Devlin said it.
    "Re: iPhoto and Aperture
    Posted: Jun 18, 2009 11:06 PM in response to: speedybiker
    No they can't share the same Library. You can easily move your Previews to iPhoto (In iPhoto File -> Show Aperture Library and drag and drop). If you set iPhoto to referenced mode you won't even use extra disk space.

    *How to do it:*
    Simply go to iPhoto Menu -> Preferences -> Advanced and uncheck 'Copy Files to the iPhoto Library on Import'.
    *What Happens:*
    Now iPhoto will not copy the files, but rather simply reference them on your HD. To do this it will create an alias in the Originals Folder that points to your file. It will still create a thumbnail and, if you modify the pics, a Modified version within the iPhoto Library Folder.
    *Some things to consider:*
    1. Importing and deleting pics are more complex procedures. You have to to put the files where they will be stored before importing them. When you delete them you'll need to remove the files from the HD yourself.
    2. You cannot move or rename the files on your system or iPhoto will lose track of them on systems prior to 10.5 and iPhoto 08. Even with the later versions issues can still arise if you move the referenced files to new volumes or between volumes.
    3. Most importantly, migrating to a new disk or computer can be much more complex.
    4. Because iPhoto has no tools for managing Referenced Files, if, for some reason, the path to the photos changes then you could find yourself resolving aliases for +each photo in the Library+ one by one.
    My own opinion:
    I've yet to see a good reason to run iPhoto in referenced mode unless you're using two photo organisers

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    How are you tryin to send the .AVI file? Are you sending the attachment directly from Mail or from Aperture or iPhoto?

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    The most common method is to export the Project(s) as a library from the field machine > copy to office machine > Merge or Add copied library on office machine.
    The bottom half of page at link below outlines the typical procedures:
    http://documentation.apple.com/en/aperture/usermanual/index.html#chapter=3%26sec tion=3%26tasks=true
    Note - pay particular attention to the differences between 'Merging' and 'Adding' the new library since it has different results where duplicate file names are concerned.
    Hope this helps.

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    Ok, and here is my third and probably last post. As I suspected after my analysis of 100% crops, exporting with reduced sizes actually helps to achieve very similar JPEG look comparing to the original version in Aperture. Here is an example with the same file from the previous two posts but using export preset "Fit within 1024x900" and Quality 12. The resulting jpeg output looks much closer to the original on the screen; any difference is purely attributable to the compression effect (the output file size is only 500k). So I guess this solves the problem - I will use smaller export size to make sure it looks close enough to the original for web sharing. Hope this thread will help other users in the future. If you have any other tips with regard to this "issue", please share.

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    If the camera is not on the list then Aperture will not be able to handle the RAW images from the camera.
    It's surprising as this is a relatively old camera, so if it's not in Aperture by now I would  tend to think it won't be included. You could download the trial version and see what happens just to make sure.
    One other thing, you could convert the RAW images to DNG using the Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter for Macintosh and then import those.

  • I need help! Aperture3 Crash!!

    Hi all.
    I purchased and installed Aperture3 in App store, but it's crashed every running.
    I have tried to fix this problem with this Troubleshooting Basics(http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3805), but this was helpful for me..
    Please help me!! T-T
    Error message :
    Process: Aperture [248]
    Path: /Applications/Aperture.app/Contents/MacOS/Aperture
    Identifier: com.apple.Aperture
    Version: ??? (???)
    Build Info: Aperture-1311300~1
    App Item ID: 408981426
    App External ID: 3233001
    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [148]
    Date/Time: 2011-01-17 01:27:20.217 +0900
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.6 (10J567)
    Report Version: 6
    Interval Since Last Report: 4920 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report: 19
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 19
    Anonymous UUID: EE0595A7-A3F0-43DB-A807-37CFEC28FF8C
    Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0
    Dyld Error Message:
    Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/PluginManager.framework/Versions/B/PluginManager
    Referenced from: /Applications/Aperture.app/Contents/MacOS/Aperture
    Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
    /Library/Frameworks/PluginManager.framework/Versions/B/PluginManager: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
    Binary Images:
    0x7fff5fc00000 - 0x7fff5fc3bdef dyld 132.1 (???) <DB8B8AB0-0C97-B51C-BE8B-B79895735A33> /usr/lib/dyld
    Model: MacBookAir3,1, BootROM MBA31.0061.B01, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 1.4 GHz, 2 GB, SMC 1.67f4
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 320M, NVIDIA GeForce 320M, PCI, 256 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairportwireless_card_type_airportextreme (0x14E4, 0xD1), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 2.3.8f7, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en0
    Serial ATA Device: APPLE SSD TS064C, 56.5 GB
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x850a, 0x24600000
    USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x04500000
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x821b, 0x04530000
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x0242, 0x04300000

    Welcome to the discussions!
    So having tried the steps on the Aperture 3: Troubleshooting Basics page I would now suggest you try some system maintenance. Open Disk Utility and repair permissions on your system drive and verify your data drive. ( If you do not run a separate data drive, start your system from the install DVD and run Disk utility from there.)

  • Brushes grayed out on Aperture3

    I purchased & downloaded Aperture3 from the Apple store and all the brushes are grayed out and I can't access them. How do I correct this problem?

    When you say "brushes" do you mean the adjustment tiles in the Adjustments tab, or the Quick Brushes in the Adjustments popup menu?
    Do you have RAW or JPEG files in your library with this problem?
    Did you upgrade from an older version of Aperture? Is there an option at the top of the Adjustments tab to reprocess the image?

  • Problems with importing files from iPhoto to Aperture3?

    I have just received my new iMac with Aperture3 pre-installed.
    When I try to import the iPhoto Library (File - Import - iPhoto Library..) or try to import a single picture, the picture shows pixilated in Aperture3. When I try to import the iPhoto Library - Aperture shows one pixilated picture from the folder and then it works forever trying to get thumbnails for the rest.
    Nothing happens.
    What can I do?
    The format for the pictures are jpg.

    But this iPhoto Library came from somewhere else? Right? From another machine? So, how did those photos get into that iPhoto Library? Did you import one Library to another? I ask as this is one of the ways you could find yourself working with thumbnails and not the actual images.

  • How to re-install Aperture3?

    I have a registered copy of Aperture 3. My harddrive died and I replaced it. My old operating system was OS X v 10.5.8 but the new drives operating system is OS X 10.6.8 and is 1 TB. Now I'm trying to put some of the software I lost on my new harddrive. However, when I enter the serial # for the Aperture3 I get a prompt saying my serial # is not valid. What do I need to do to re-install Aperture3 on my new harddrive?

    Did you try the bit at the bottom concerning the System ID files:
    might be worth a shot especially as you've reinstalled
    One other thing if you can;t find the files in question in the /Library/Application Support/ folder look in the libray folder in you home directory.
    Message was edited by: Frank Caggiano

  • Is it possible to use Aperture3 to edit a standard photo into a Na'vi?

    I am considering buying Aperture3, but I want to know if it is possible to turn a standard photo into something resembling a Na'vi from the movie Avatar? That is do color swaps, alter the ears and eyes etc.
    Thanks in advance.

    What you need to do that is Photoshop, The Gimp or a software like that.
    Aperture has a lot of editing capabilities, but it's intended for photographers, not graphic artists.
    However, in Aperture, you can choose to use an external editor for this kind of advanced editing and still keep the original and altered images in a unique, convenient, place.

Maybe you are looking for

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