Apogee Duet vs Tascam fire one

Hello everybody, I am currently looking at different options for an audio interface and was wondering if anybody could give me some input on Apogee Duet and/or Tascam fire one. Is there a big difference in sound between these two?
there is a huge difference in price for sure!

Hello hwsp.
I have not used the tascam, but I use the duet everyday. I am still amazed at how good it sounds, and everyone I record with immediately notices a difference when I switch from the firepod.
I had a session friday, we were just supposed to be tracking drums with the firepod. I encouraged them to try the duet on some vocal tracks. Once they heard it, we ended up re-doing all vocals, acoustic guitars, etc... anything we could do with 2 tracks and the duet we re-recorded...
Its that good!
Good luck!

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    I don't know anything about Apogee ..., but by all means buy a FW800 drive. Ignoring Apogee, data transfers will be much faster, and you can make a bootable clone on this drive for activities benefiting from the use of a large fast external). The Buffalo 1TB 7200 RPM can be had at Newegg.com, for example, for less than $140. Buffalo makes good drives.
    Message was edited by: donv (The Ghost)
    Message was edited by: donv (The Ghost)

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    Yes, you can switch between the two Macs. If your iMac does not have a Firewire 400 port. You may use a Firewire 400-800 cable or even a 400-800 cable with Firewire to Thunderbolt Adapter.

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    The new Apogee Duet for iPad and Mac, is compaible with iOS devices and includes a USB Midi input. This sounds like the perfect solution for your workflow.

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    1. Connect you microphone directly to the Vocalizer as shown in the instructions. If you are using a condenser mic, remember to activate the 48v power on the back of the Vocalizer.
    2. Set the Vocalizer output to mono (on back of device), and connect one cable from either output port of the Vocalizer to the Input 2 of the Apogee Duet.
    3. Use a 1/4" splitter (one mail 1/4" that splits into 2 female 1/4") to attach two standard 1/4" guitar amp cables to the output of your guitar. Connect one of these to the "Guitar In" port on the back panel of the Vocalizer.  Connect the other to Input 1 of the Apogee Duet.
    4.  Open the Apogee Maestro Software, and select "Input".  You should see both devices listed (1 and 2). The Apogee will not recognize the Vocalizer as a microphone, so set both of these devices to "Inst". 
    5.  Open Garage Band and add both instruments.
    6. When you add your guitar, remember to set your Input Source to "Mono 1" and turn the Monitor On so you can hear it through your hed phones. Also, make sure you have the headphone Icon selected on the Instrument panel.
    6.  When you add you Vocalizer (Instrument 2), select "Vocals" and "no effects". Remember to set your input source to "Mono 2" and turn your Monitor On so you can hear it through your hed phones. Also, make sure you have the headphone Icon selected on the Instrument panel.
    7. If you want to hear and record both instrumental tracks, go the "Track" menu and select "Enable Multi-Track Recordning."
    In summary, the Apogee Duet does not appear to recognize the Vocalizer as a microphone, so you have to set up the connection from the Vocalizer to the Duet as another instrument.

    #3 Can't you just plug your guitar into the Vocalizer's guitar in jack and then use the guitar thru jack to the apogee?

  • Vocal hardware advice for L8 - Apogee Duet?

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    After a few years of remixing I'm looking to start recording original vocals shortly, & wandered gearwise what my modest budget would best be spent on..
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    I'll be working with a variety of vocalists, from MC's to Female R&B singers so a versatile/neutral Mic would be great.
    My Budget is £600-800.
    Because of the above, my thoughts initially were as below
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    2) An SE relexion Filter
    2) Rode NT2a or SE3300 Mic (again 2nd hand if neccesary)
    Would I get better results from the better A/Ds & inbuilt preamps on the duet, or outboard voicechannel... or voicechannel into a duet???? - any advice much appreciated.

    have you been looking into the t.bone mics?
    If not - well - they are Neumann rebuilds... I own 5 Neumann Condenser mics . U87,TLM170,M149,M147. After comparing the t.bones to what I own and making the the a>b test looking like a random guessing contest I have stopped buying the brand and only pay for the mic. t.bones are amazing.... I can recommend the SCT2000 though it aint no tube mic.. T.bone also makes tube mics - check this link:
    THis will save you a bunch of money and I PROMISE you - that you are going to like them - If not - I will personally buy the mic from you to the org. price....;-))))
    Since the t.bones are sooo cheap - maybe now you can look into the avalon.... I aint no avalon endorser but I know what a difference a great mic amp makes.... A great mic amp + a mediocre mic will give you a better result than a great mic + mediocre mic amp....
    And by the way . t.bone is TOP notch... even their condenser mics for €40 are amazing...
    Most people dont believe it - they wanna get neumann - as they think it's gonna make them a hit... Well neumann charges more than double just for the name...
    I have a t.bone copy for any neumann I own - and this fare NO ONE has made the blind test...
    Good Luck

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    +1 for daisy-chaining Duet to Glyph. For audio work the 17" is the best option these days. The ExpressCard slot is invaluable for using Universal Audio plugins or powering an additional firewire device above and beyond the audio interface/hard drive, such as the Focusrite Liquid Mix.

  • Mid-2011 imac and original apogee duet. . .no likey each other?

    So I recently got a mid-2011 Imac with Mountain Lion.   Years ago I got an Apogee duet, a mac-specific firewire (400)-based audio interface for audio recording.    I'd been using it with my 2008 imac just fine.  When I hooked it up to this new one (today was the first time), I discovered that at reasonable input recording levels, I was getting some very nasty static-y/interference sounding mess.   It's got to be the imac/apogee combo because I had all the audio stuff turned off and unplugged. I was simply monitoring the input signal via Adobe Audition.     If you think it was noisy BECAUSE nothing was plugged in, it was just as noisy with a Sennheiser G2 wireless lav hooked up.      I have tried going directly from the duet to the computer with a firewire 400 to 800 cable.  I have the newest update for the Apogee/Maestro software for Mountain Lion.    Anyone have experience with this stuff?  Thanks.

    Long shot, but...
    Open Audio Midi Setup in Applications>Utilities, see the input & output options & KHz setting there, some things will change it for their own use, then not set it back.

  • Using Firewire to Thunderbolt adapter for Apogee Duet

    My question is two-fold.
    I currently run Logic Pro 9 on my mid-2011 I-Mac.  I am looking into purchasing a new apple laptop to run Logic Pro 9 on mainly for the advantage of portability.  From what I have read so far I would benefit from the processing power of a Macbook Pro over the Air.  Does anyone have input on this or experience running Logic 9 on these newer machines?
    The second part of my question involves my recording audio interface -- the first generation firewire apogee Duet.  If I were to get a new generation laptop it would not come with a Firewire 800 port.  To circumvent this I would need the adapter linked below:
    http://store.apple.com/us/product/MD464ZM/A/apple-thunderbolt-to-firewire-adapte r
    The reviews indicate that it is not great for bus-powered external drives.  Would the Apogee interface be in the same boat as these? 
    Would I want to trust sending audio signal through and from the computer with an adapter in between?
    Any input or experience with this would be awesome.  At worst, I could use a newer laptop for mixing and not tracking.  And then upgrade my audio interface to the newer generation Duet at a later time.

    I've been searching for such a device too. I need to perform a data transfer to MBA from a MBP and FW800 drive. For now, I can hook it up to a MBP and use AirDrop or simple wireless transfer...
    This site keeps news on new peripherals: http://thunderboltreviews.com/
    The Belkin Dock looks promising, but still expensive. Simple adapters are still aways and the first ones out are going to cost a pretty penny still (~$30-$40 is my guess). The dock from Belkin may be worth the cost in that sense. Except it seems to need an external power source.
    Sigh, Thunderbolt hasn't really come out with a bang, but just more of a sizzle...sorry for the pun.
    Someone had come up with a concept Apple Thunderbolt Pro Display. It was pretty cool. Built-in discrete graphics card, bluray superdrive, and all the ports you would ever need (among other things). Oh how I wish Apple would be willing to build such a thing.
    Anways, let me know if you find a simple TB to FW800 adapter.

  • Apogee Duet 2x2 Firewire vs Apogee duet USB

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    Apogee Duet 2x2 FireWire audio interface (Standard).The cost is a lot lesser than the USB.

    Is the n
    Bob Lyons wrote:
    I use both. The older firewire model is better for my monitors. There's no loud crack and pop when the computer wakes up, or when other things happen. So I'm going to keep it for that.
    The new usb model is better for recording with the built in limiter. If you can do without that feature, or if I had to choose one, I'd keep the old one because that's the one I'm using all day every day.
    I hope that helps.
    Is the 'new' one the less expensive one?

  • Apogee Duet keeps disconnecting after update to Snow Leopard

    I updated to Snow Leopard (10.6.8 ) yesterday and now for some reason my Apogee Duet sound card keeps disappearing and randomly disconnecting.... It then automatically switches to my screen display audio. Very annoying.
    If i pull out the fire wire cable and reconnect, it temporarily comes back but then vanishes again without warning.
    I doubt it's anything to do with the cable because I have been using it since 2010 without any problems until yesterday...
    Any ideas on how to fix this? Please help!

    Delete Duet software package with uninstaller and install the latest software package or reset Duet?
    Or resetting NVRAM.

  • Apogee duet 2007 can't be loaded into new imac

    just got new imac and upgraded to logic 9. trying to set apogee duet, prompt says it's too old for snow leopard. went to apogee site and downloaded new driver but still won't work. running apogee through firewire 400 into Glyph hard drive in order to get to imac. not sure if that's the problem or what. any help is greatly appreciated

    Running through the glyph should not be an issue, but check and then download the software again from Apogee - just check you have the correct one. Note: you don't download a driver - there is no driver for the duet; you download new Maestro software - this works directly with core audio on the Mac which is why it integrates so neatly. Worth a try (when does the message appear and what does it say exactly?).

  • How do i connect a pod with an apogee duet into logic

    I am running a line 6 pod 2.0 and am new to logic. I was wondering if someone could walk me through connecting it to a apogee duet and record into logic thanks

    I have an Ensemble and a X3 Live but I imagine it's similar. I run two lines from the pod into the Apogee device. Then set up two audio tracks, one with Input 1 and the other with Input 2. Arm the tracks to record and you should be set. (You can also do it with a single track, just using one line out.)

  • Hiss and Gain on Apogee Duet

    I have an Apogee Duet and was testing it out with Shure SM-58 and SM-81 mics. I have noticed that I can only turn the input gain up about 30% before I get some hiss in the headphones. Is this pretty much to be expected with these particular mics, or should be able to get more clean gain?
    My Duet is new and I guess I'm not quite sure what to expect. I'm trying to determine whether my unit is functioning properly and is up to spec.
    I would really appreciate any help. If you happen to have a Duet and SM58 and are willing to try it out, that would be a huge help for me. Thanks!

    there was another case with this problem - most probably yur duet is one of those with broken preamps. I strongly advise you go to you local "weapons" dealer and have a "shootout"

  • 2nd Apogee Duet

    I currently have and Apogee Duet and love it. I have the chance to buy a second one for a great price, but seeing that I only have one firewire port on the Imac I am not sure if there is a way to use two simultaneously. Would daisy chaining work or would I be compromising something?
    Thank you,

    that would be a quartet. Unfortunately I dont think they can be set up as an aggregate officially

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