Apple ID password change will not save on manage my apple ID page

Hello, I have logged  into the Manage MY Apple ID webpage.
I am trying to change the password. I click save and log out.
Changes are apparently not taken into account. Password is still the old one.
I have tried this many many times. Won't save my changes.
Also, before loging out, I have tried to click another link such as 'address' an attempt to navigate to another section of the manage my apple id page. When I do this I get a message that I have made changes but they are not saved. I am then given an option to save changes or not. Even when I click save from this pop up window the password remains the old one.
Plz help, I need to change my password.

Let's go through the process in case anyone isn't doing it quite correctly:
Go to . Click on 'Manage your Apple ID'.
Log in with your Apple ID and current password.
Click 'Password and security' in the left column.
You will be asked to answer two security questions which you preset.
In the next pane click 'Change password'.

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    Hi Nuch1,
    I found an article that is contains very thorough Mail troubleshooting steps:
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
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    LeesaHeeley wrote:
    When I go to settings/iTunes App Store my Apple ID is not there. When I enter my ID and password it does not save or link to account.
    When fist setting up your new iphone you will be asked to log in with an apple id and password. If this did not happen you can then do as you suggested going to settings to itunes and app store and add your apple id login. This apple id login must have already been created for the iphone to accept it. If this apple id is already created but is not being accepted by your iphone you then should shut down your iphone and restart the device.
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    You reset the iClould password the same way you reset the Apple ID for the email address/account
    How do I change or recover a forgotten Apple ID Password?
    If you've forgotten your Apple ID Password or want to change it, go to My Apple ID and follow the instructions. SeeChanging your Apple ID password if you'd like more information.

  • In iOS 4, you could make separate photo slide shows with separate songs.   In iOS 5, this has changed. Now only 1 song is allowed at a time. It will not save separate song selections for each slide show.  Is there any way to fix this? This is something I

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    Is there any way to fix this? This is something I use every day.
    I am on an iPad 2, 32gb, wifi...
    Thank you

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    When a pop-up comes up on the screen it will ask to save my password or not, well, I click on save password but it doesnt save any passwords even when I have the check box checked for remembering my passwords for certain sites it will not save any type of passwords at all. What am I doing wrong? I am using linux-mac OS user.

    Simply because I don't think about using this option that takes more time to close... I always close ALL my windows with the X.
    Firefox doesn't hang at exit also...
    Using Firefox / Exit doesn't always save the bookmarks also... let's say there is 80% chances it will but not always... I noticed the first time I open firefox after booting the computer... Bookmarks won't be saved... But if I close firefox and re-open it, then it might save it... 50% guess...
    I tried the safe mode, but since its closing firefox and re-open it... new saved bookmarks sometimes work, sometimes don't... it's pretty unstable...
    Hopefully there is a solution to this problem in a near update, annoying... else I will simply reverse to firefox 3.6.16

  • Firefox will not save my passwords

    Firefox will not save my usernames and passwords. When I enter a password on a site FF will ask me if it wants to remember it. I always click "Remember Password". When I go to options>security>saved passwords it's always a blank field and I have no sites listed under exceptions.

    I'm having a problem where Windows Live login won't remember both of my ID's. In FF 3.6, I used to be able to click in the empty username field and select which ID I wanted to use but since upgrading to FF 4.0, I can no longer do this.
    I don't want it to remember passwords, just pls.

  • Reader 8.1.2 in Vista will not save changes

    When trying to save changes a message appears to the effect that I need to have Reader 8 installed in order to save changes. Well, I have 8.1.2 installed but the changed pdf (I rotated the image clockwise) will not save.

    >a message appears to the effect that I need to have Reader 8 installed in order to save changes
    Are you sure that's "exactly" what the message said?
    Reader can't save any changes. Also, you are only temporarily rotating the document view with that option but not actually rotating the document.

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    It's better not to keep starting new threads on the same topic:
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    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

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