Apple mail, hoe bewaar ik een kopie van mijn upcmailaccount op de server

Ik wil alle verzonden mail van mijn UPC e-mailaccount kunnen terugkijken met Apple Mail.
Waar en welke instellingen moet ik gebruiken?

Wat is dit voor UPC account? Is het POP, IMAP, of wat precies?

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    1) Instellingen> Algemeen> Gebruik> Opslag> Wis App
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    THX for the resonse.
    With kind regards,

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    Google translate:
    Does anyone know how the videos that I filmed on my PC turn and how I can watch them?
    Thank you.
    This may help.
    iTunes: Frequently asked questions about viewing and syncing videos
    iTunes: May be unable to transfer videos to iPhone, iPad, or iPod

  • I seem to have multiple problems related or unrelated.  I cannot use Apple Mail for blueyonder and mostly for gmail as both show that the server is off line.  My pop up blocker doesn't work and I am blitzed with pop up windows on nearly every command

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  • Apple Mail "From:" Field Customization

    I have several IMAP accounts in Apple Mail. One of them is a Gmail account that I use as a conduit account for work, so when I reply to messages or compose new mail, I would like it to display a specific address in the "From:" field, instead of selecting it every time (I added my work account to Mail as well, though I forward messages to my Gmail account). So, for example, my Gmail account is "[email protected]" and my work email is "[email protected]".
    When I compose messages from the Gmail account I would like the "From:" field to display "[email protected]" instead of "[email protected]". I am able to set up Gmail web interface to do this, but have not been able to set up Apple Mail to do the same (aside from instructing it to send messages using my work server, instead of the Gmail server).
    In Lion, Mail was able to specify that address if I was replying to a messages sent to "[email protected]" but would show "[email protected]" for every new message. In ML, even replying to a message sent to "[email protected]" shows "[email protected]" in the "From:" field.
    Does anyone know how to instruct Mail to choose only "[email protected]" when replying or composing new messages?
    Thanks for your help!

    What you are describing is what is known as "articulation work". To quote Suchman, "'Articulation work' names the continuous efforts required in order to bring together discontinuous elements - of organizations, of professional practices, of technologies - into working configurations". That makes it sound better than it is.
    Ideally, your non-profit needs a decent webhost like Dreamhost that can transparently integrate with Google Mail and make the whole problem go away.
    asmystiq wrote:
    I configured Mail to use the work SMTP server to send messages from the Gmail account.
    This is what is known as e-mail spoofing.
    In the web Gmail interface, everything works smoothly.
    Yes. Google is known for ignoring laws and facilitating any kind of network traffic, legitimate or not, in order to track activity and build value for its advertising business.
    In Mail, even if the message was sent to [email protected], Mail replies show up with [email protected] in the "From:" field
    Yes. That is the way it is supposed to work.
    I also set up a rule for redirecting Sent messages to Gmail and moving the original copies to Trash on the work account. In Lion, all was well and the replies indicated [email protected] in the "From:" field and when I manually applied the rule to the Sent messages, they were sent to the Gmail account.
    That's the "articulation work" in action.
    I've looked at some of the discussion you linked (thank you for that) and found it enlighening, though I am not done reading all of it yet.
    There are a number of different issues going on. Modern e-mail is extraordinarily complicated.
    What I do now is not forward work email and keep the daily workflow focused on the Inbox of the [email protected] account, which handles replies appropriately. I then set up a rule to redirect any mail from the work account that is over a day old to the Gmail account. I then organize it on the web interface (which is not optimal, but cuts down my time spent on the web interface from "always" to once daily or so).
    You could probably improve that by creating folders in GMail from within Apple Mail. Once you move an old message from the work server to GMail where you have more room, you can have additional rules to move it around within GMail.
    The only real, definitive solution is to have more room for e-mail. You should contact your system administrator and suggest switching to GMail or Microsoft's version. Everyone hates dealing with e-mail. That is why these transparent e-mail services are so popular. Once it gets setup, all the magic happens in the name servers and all anyone ever sees is "". Plus, you will likely gain some additional functionality that Microsoft Exchange supports that older systems do not.
    In the interim, the best solution is to show the "Reply-to:" field and put your "[email protected]" address in there. Replies will be directed to that address but you will still have to move everything around after receipt. You should be able to configure your "" e-mail system to automatically forward all you rmail to the GMail account. Combined with "Reply-to:", that is about as good as it is going to get.
    If you need more clarification, let me know. Though I think that ML is behaving in a way that is not convenient and I don't see a way to create a hack to fix it. It seems like it would be an easy feature to add, but who knows what Apple folks are thinking...
    What you have described is e-mail spoofing and Apple doesn't support that. No legitimate internet e-mail provider should support it. If Google does, then that is Google's problem. Most other e-mail servers would not allow that and that is why Apple doesn't support it. And, in general, Apple software is simply not very amenable to "hacks".
    I have though about writing an Apple Mail plugin to automatically add a "Reply-to:" to certain e-mail messages. It will be a few months before I get time for that, so don't hold your breath.

  • How do I eliminate thousands of e-mails in Apple mail, which I never use or look at, but which is using up I cloud space

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    Try one of these feed readers if the build-in Firefox reader doesn't suit you.

  • Can I copy emails between an IMAP account and an Exchange account, via Apple Mail client?

    If I have an IMAP account configured in my Apple Mail client profile, and then I also add an Exchange 2010 Server account to that same profile, can I use the Apple Mail client to copy folders and messages from my IMAP account, into my mail store on the Exchange Server account?

    Pop mail accounts must be set up to 'leave messages on the server'.
    check this before using.
    * Tools > Account Settings > Server Settings for the mail account
    * menu icon > Options > Account Settings > Server Settings for the mail account
    select: 'leave messages on the server'
    optional: select: 'for at most xx days' this will delete anything older than specified number of days select 'Until I delete them' when you delete an email it will be deleted off the server.
    click on Ok to save settings.
    Pop mail accounts only look at Inbox and download whatever has not been previously downloaded regardless of whether it has been read or not. They cannot access nor download from any other folder on the server.
    If you wanted to download emails in other fodlers, you would have to move emails into the Inbox in order to download them and this may not be very practical in your situation.
    What you can do is synchronize your IMAP folders to get a copy downloaded to your IMAP mail account.
    Then go into 'offline' mode to stop any further synchronizing as synchronized folders do get updated.
    MozBackup tool could now be used to backup the Profile as synchronising created mbox files which contain emails.
    You can also do the following to get a copy outside of the IMAP mail account:
    Create the same folders in 'Local Folders'.
    Then right click on email and 'copy to' and select Local Folders and the folder you require.
    Putting a copy in Local Folders means these emails are also on your computer and they are not influenced by anything you do in the IMAP folders.
    You would need to backup emails in these folders.
    See info:

  • Apple Mail suddenly can't connect to Exchange over SSL

    I swear I will kick myself if this happens again. This is not the first time! I forgot that I had Socks proxy checked in Network preferences! I realized it when not even software update worked. Case closed.
    Yesterday around noon my Apple Mail started giving an error, translated into English it says roughly Server "blabla.internal" does not respond, please check your network connection.
    This happened without me changing anything in any settings, and persisted. I tried connecting to the server with openssl s_client and that works, I get the cert back but I don't speak Exchange so I can't do much more. I'm the only one at the office with problems and my Windows 7 VMware Fusion guest has an Outlook 2010 that still works fine.
    I tried adding my Exchange account into my MS Office Outlook 2011 for Mac but nothing comes up, no errors, no mails. As if it also is having problems to connect.
    Why is this only affecting my Mac apps? It boggles my mind.
    I tried resetting my entire Exchange account, deleting it and re-creating it, but to no avail.
    I even tried sniffing with tcpdump to see if any traffic was going to this exchange server, on any port, and none is! Only if I run openssl s_client -connect exchange:443, then I can see traffic.
    Also if I use Outlook in my Windows 7 guest VM, while tcpdump is running in my Mac host, I can see traffic too. This is beyond strange, my Apple Mail and MS Outlook 2011 for Mac have simply stopped sending traffic to my intranet Exchange server.
    No one else at the office is having this issue right now.
    Also, my firewall is disabled.

    Pityu Juhász wrote:
    I've had exactly the same problem.
    I'm a sysadmin for our exchange server 2010.
    Yesterday I had 7 new security updates for the server.
    That's what caused the problem.
    I uninstalled the updates and the problem was solved!
    Same problem after 7 new security updates install on 2013-01-09
    I've resolved the problem by installing this rollup for Windows Communication Foundation in the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
    Hope that can help you

  • Apple Mail changes settings after connecting to a GoDaddy server.

    I have set up an account in Apple Mail to connect with an email account on a GoDaddy dedicated server. When I set up the account as an IMAP account everything works perfectly for the first connection to the server.
    Immediately after the first connection to the server, I can no longer connect to the server via that Apple Mail account. Furthermore the settings in the account have changed. The incoming port is now 143 instead of 993 and the authentication is MD% instead of password.
    GoDaddy insists this is a problem with Apple Mail, though I don't have this problem with any of the other email accounts I have set up in Apple Mail that connect with other servers.
    My suspicion is that there is something about the way GoDaddy's server is handling SSL that causes Apple Mail to think that SSL is not working and reset the incoming port to 143, which is what it should be if SSL were not being used.
    Note, that the only way I can connect with the GoDaddy server is to delete the account and create a new one with the correct settings. Changing the settings in the altered account does not work.

    Try going to Mail/Preferences/Accounts/Advanced and deselecting Automatically detect and maintain account settings. You will need to do this for each account.

  • Vonage email notifications and Apple Mail client

    Vonage provides a very nice feature in which, as soon as someone leaves a voice mail message, Vonage sends out an email notification to up to five different email addresses, in addition to sending a text message to a cell phone alerting you that someone has left you a voice message on your Vonage phone. Besides getting just a text-based email notification, you can also opt to have Vonage attach a .WAV file to the email it sends to those email accounts you list in your account settings page on the Vonage web site. I think this is a great feature, because I have my iPhone set up to receive the text message, and I also configured my email accounts to receive the email notifications together with the attached .WAV file, so I can listen to the recorded voice mail messages right on the iPhone, without having to dial in to a Vonage number, or go to the Vonage web site to listen to the voice mail via a computer.
    While the Vonage email notifications with the attached .WAV files arrive just fine in my and my email accounts, those same email messages are NOT being sent to my the email account provided by Time-Warner cable, my Internet Service Provider.
    When I brought this matter up the tech support people at Vonage, they theorized that the roadunner server might be blocking receipt of the emails sent by the Vonage server. However, the problem does not seem to be related to, because those email messages actually do reside on the roadrunner server. I can see them all right, but only if I use a browser and check my messages via their Web Mail application. For some mysterious reason, my Apple Mail client is NOT receiving those messages, and I have no clue why that would be so.
    Does anybody know what is going on here? Shouldn't Apple Mail be able to retrieve all the messages on the roadruner server? What could prevent Apple Mail from being able to do that? And, is there anything I can do to make those email notifications —with their attached .WAV files—show up in my Inbox in Apple Mail?
    Since I thankfully receiving those email notifications at my and my accounts, this is not a mission-critical issue for me. It is merely one of one technical curiosity.

    To close out this thread, about all I can say is that the issue does not seem to be related to Apple software or to my Internet Service Provider. It is a Vonage issue that can only be fixed by calling Vonage tech support and getting their programmer/technicians to do whatever it is that they to do on their end to configure their Vonage email notifications to function correctly. If something sneezes, as it did in regards to my account, then Vonage tech support is the first place to call.
    I'll consider this issue "answered" now.

  • Problems with Apple Mail retrieval from EarthLink

    I just bought a new computer (MacBook Pro 10.8.2 Mountain Lion) and when trying to set up Apple Mail v.6.2 I have a problem. It won't connect properly with my ISP email (EarthLink). I am unable to retrieve any POP mail on Apple Mail. It keeps saying "Logging in to the Earthlink POP server "" failed. Make sure the user name and password you entered are correct....." However, I am able to send mail via Apple Mail because the outgoing mail server ( does work. It's strange because it's the same user and password. So I can send but not retrieve using Apple Mail.
    I also have Thunderbird, which I don't really like, and its POP setup both sends and retrieves from EarthLink without a problem. Plus I can always go to the EarthLink website if necessary. So this is not critical, but I prefer Apple Mail.
    Any ideas?
    (I'm also going to contact EarthLink to see if they can help.)

    I'm having this difficulty with my shared host provider as well. keeps telling me to 'check my account settings.'  This is not difficult to do and the error code I keep getting tells me that there's a problem connecting to the mail server.
    While I argue with them, is it possible that there is a problem from within Apple Mail or with my wifi?  Mail works well when I'm not on my home network - at the office, on 3G, if I use webmail, if I connect directly to my DSL modem.  I tried to delete the account and add it in again - but it just won't connect when on wifi.
    I'm wondering if there's anyone who has an answer to this...?

  • Yahoo Mail, Iphone and Apple Mail

    I don't currently have an Iphone but plan to get one in the coming months. I've been having trouble finding answers to questions regarding Push Yahoo Mail:
    1. Are yahoo e-mails sent through the Iphone also saved in the sent messages folder on the Yahoo server?
    2. Not an Iphone question, but has anyone noticed when using Apple Mail with Yahoo Pop 3 (I'm a paid premium member), messages sent thru Apple Mail are NOT saved in the sent folder on the Yahoo server? G-mail Pop 3 DOES.
    3. Does the Iphone recognize e-mails filtered into Yahoo Mail's folders? Apple Mail doesn't.
    Any info much appreciated!

    yes i also forgot coz its been 3 years ago..i change my account..
    before it was yahoomail..i change to gmail..after i update to ios7 it need primary
    email add i call to apple customer service they can't even help me out
    so many verification about my the end they can't help
    ohh steve job if only your suck hard can't even help

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    Sommige letter doen het wel. Nu is het probleem omdat dat er een gedeelte van mijn toetsenbord het niet doet kan ik mijn mobiel niet meer ontgrendelen!
    weet iemand hoe ik dit probleem kan oplossen?? of iemand die het zelfde probleem heeft??

    Thank's for your help but my Iphone wouldn't open the list with open apps :$
    When I double click on the home button, nothing happens

Maybe you are looking for