AppleCare Screen Question

I have a question in regards to sending a 13 inch Macbook in for backlight and screen repair. The instructions state to not remove the hard drive to allow the repair team to run a diagnostic test on the machine. This is a problem for me because I use this machine daily for work and it would not be practical to transfer files between machines given the nature of my day to day tasks.
My question is: Will Apple still repair my screen even if I remove the hard drive so I am able to continue my work?

External HDDs are pretty cheap these days; you can grab one and clone your drive (Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper!) before you send it off for repair. This will allow you to use your MacBook files on your other Mac(s)--and you can just clone back to the MacBook when it returns from the repair depot.

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    Jon P D
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    But back I'm done lashing out at apple for now .So as it stands I buy a apple mac mini or a dell hybrid small computer windows based by dell 499.00 us dollars . or a apple for 599.00 dollars at the apple store .But the downside is that in the future it may not be able to play the new games in three years or so and be out of date . WE waist more electronics in this country than any country in the world . But I'm not the first person encounter this problem . There's many more people that still have the g5 line and like there true mac computer not this fake intel machine . Why did apple do this in the first place start with a intel chip in there computers in the past not goto IBM to buy there chips ?. If this was done in the first place we would be better off right now .
    So back to me buying a mac mini this is were i'm at right now stuck not able to play the sims 3 because it not a true mac written game under unix like all the games in the past . I had game from my windows machine that were written for windows 98se and the games played fine under windows xp no problems at all .I did not have to shell out hundreds of dollars to play a game like this ? . I think apple and maxis is taking us for a ride and riping us off . Maybe some of you people dont think so . Me my self dont think that and am very mad at this .
    so that all i mave to say for now .

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    I am a competent user and this one has me worried…
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    What I have tried
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    So is the next step to try and re-format the drive and then use super duper to copy the back up over to that drive and then run disc utility and disc warrior on it? Which specs should I select for the re format, do they have to be the same as what is on my back up drive?
    Yes, reformatting the drive is the next step. Use your Panther installer discs, choose Mac OS Extended format, and check the box to install OS 9 drivers, just in case. The "Verified" SMART status is somewhat less reliable than a "Failing" status would have been: "Failing" definitely means trouble was detected, but "Verified" could just mean nothing seemed to be wrong right at the moment when you happened to ask. So if there's any trouble reformatting the drive, replace it: you shouldn't entrust anything important to it. If all goes smoothly with the reformat, the drive probably really is OK.
    What you can do with your backup depends on how you created it. If the backup is a bootable clone made with Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper, you can clone it back to the reformatted drive the same way you created it in the first place, then add the extra files that were created or modified after you made the backup. If you just Finder-copied the drive to another drive, the backup isn't bootable, and copying it back onto the reformatted drive won't make that one bootable either: OS X isn't Finder-copyable. In that case, I really shouldn't advise you on reconstructing the former contents of the drive from your backup — my only experience of backing up OS X disks is by cloning, which eliminates all the hassles of making sure user accounts, passwords, permissions, etc. are transferred correctly to the backup, and then transferred correctly back to the original disk in a restore. Nearly four years after my adoption of OS X, I confess I'm still far more mystified by many aspects of it than I ever was by the old-time Mac OS.
    Message was edited by: eww

  • White screen or green screen question

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    Here's my 2 centimes, FWIW.  luma and chroma keys both have plusses and minuses.  Green screen will potentially give you the cleanest key if you follow a few "rules" while shooting.  It's a huge challenge to do good green screen:  large enough set so that you can light the screen absolutely differently than the talent.  You're really lighting two sets-- the talent and the screen.  you ought to be able to turn one off without affecting the other.  You'll need enough distance to avoid bounceback onto the talent. or a magenta backlight to minimize the bounce.  Fly-away hair is another issue-- paste it down.  That said, a well shot greenscreen is a joy in post.
    A luma key is quick and easy-- IF the subject cooperates and doesn't have any highlights that might get blown off.  It's not good for people to have holes in their foreheads, etc.
    I'd go green with a good shooter and proper lighting.

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    Anyone have any idea if the Apple-provided wipe will 'sanitize' the screen?
    What "Apple-provided wipe"?
    Unless it says it disinfects, it won't.
    any ideas of how to truly clean the screen?
    To clean it, use a soft cloth.
    To disinfect, use a Lysol (or similar) disinfecting wipe then use a soft cloth to clean it.

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    To switch back to previous behaviour complete the following steps. Let me know if this helps
    On the Home screen, go to Settings, tap Display and within turn off Show wallpaper when all apps are closed.

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    Can anyone tell me what's the problem and how to solve it?
    Thanks in advance

    I got the same problem. could you fix it? 

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    You can't.
    In this order, the screens are as follows:
    1) Normal, showing progress bar of current song
    2) Scrub, showing a diamond instead of a progress bar. Use the scroll wheel to scrub through the current song
    3) Rating, showing the current song's rating out of 5 stars. Use the scroll wheel to change rating

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    If you think there's a chance you'll be keeping that system for another year or two, I'd say absolutely. If you're considering getting a new system within a year, I'd say take your chances.

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    Here's what I got:
    SELECT-OPTIONS: status   FOR TJ02T-TXT30.

    2 ways,
    1) Go to TextElements and selection text and give the description there.
    For example
    selection-screen position 45.
    Here you may need to double click on TEXT-001 and give the description.

  • White screen, question mark folder flashing

    Okay, yes I know there are tons of forms on this, but I haven't been able to get much from them.
    My boyfriend has an iMac, one of the original ones. It hasn't been used for a while, so we aren't sure which OS X it is running.
    The mac boots up, but comes up to the wonderful white screen with the flashing question mark folder.
    We don't have the install disk, and cannot purchase one.
    I've removed, cleaned and reinstalled the RAM. I've tried unplugging, holding power for 5 - 10 seconds & restarting, also restarting using CMD/OPT/P/R. All of which haven't gotten me anywhere.
    I've read up a bit, being the possibilty the hard drive and screen aren't connected, I've considered taking it apart, but I'd like to save that bit of work for last resort.
    I'm currently reading the option of downloading the OS X version it needs and using a USB or external hard drive. Now don't get me wrong, I'm pretty good with computers, but Mac's are out of my realm, so I need some help with this.
    I had a standard  "LaCie" external hard drive, and my windows 8 PC.
    I'm not sure if the Mac runs PPC or Intel (is there any way to tell, not being able to use the computer?)
    What OS X version would I download, doesn't have to be the newest, but the newest version that would be compatiable with both Intel and PPC?
    What commands would I use to access and begin the install from the external hard drive?
    If anyone can assist with those questions, would be very greatful.
    Or if you have any other ideas that might work, I'm open for trying just about anything.
    ** We do not have an apple store, or authorized seller within a minimum 6 hour drive, so that's out of the question.
    ** I'm only looking for options of things that I can try. If I run out of options we will be sending it away. I want to try what I can before we get into the costly expenses.

    It is hard to make any suggestions without knowing what model the iMac is..?
    Look on the bottom of the stand for the EMC and/or serial #.........
    see > Where can I locate the EMC Number on my Mac @
    I'm not sure if this helps, but all Early 2006 thru 2009 Intel iMac models can use the $20 retail Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Upgrade DVD for the purpose of upgrading, testing, repairing, and installing OS X if your original install disc's are missing.
    No, your windows formatted LaCie external Hard Drivel will not help you in any way at this point.
    Another thing that you might try is the > Apple Hardware Test, because the test resides on the internal hard drive of the early models.

  • Screen questions

    Trying to clean up a few repairs and to figure out screen problems...I have an indigo with a slight amber tone to the screen when it starts up and seems to almost all fade away in a bit...I have a blueberry with a significant dim blue tone that doesn't fade away at all...I thought these issues may both be backlights gone or going, or any other diagnosis anyone have?...And last, I have a blueberry with a very bright screen, but only the top quarter of it shows what the computer is sending...the rest stays bright but doesnt present what should be on the screen...You think this is the screen or other board or firmware or whatever issue..Any thoughts welcome..Maybe a stump the stars kind of question....thanks, rick

    I've seen screens from 3 different oem manufacturers in Clamshell iBooks, maybe there are more. Each screen has its own lcd cable connector.
    LCD Cable - IBM, Apple part.No. 922-5087
    LCD Cable - LG, Apple part.No. 922-5368
    LCD Cable - Samsung, Apple part.No. 922-4769
    When you want to change the LCD, make sure you have the matching cable. I can't tell if one screen is better/brighter than the other, they are getting darker after some years, that's normal.

  • 13.3'' screen question

    I am in process of getting new macbook, Do you find 13.3'' screen being too small, I had 12" LG laptop and I found that 12'' was too small for me. Does widescreen makes it different (things looks bigger).

    That's going to be a hard question for someone else to answer for you. You didn't give very many details about what made you consider it too small. If the issue is, for example, not enough screen real estate to have multiple windows open and all visible, that's one problem. If, however, the problem is that the font size is too small to read comfortable, there are adjustments that can be made for that.
    I just switched from a 12" Powerbook to a MacBook. (I found the 12" screen fine.) The only difference that I notice is that the screen on my new MacBook seems wider. This is nice for videos. Although I wear reading glasses for books, the screen on the MacBook is far enough away that it doesn't (yet) present a problem for reading text.
    I think the best thing for you to do would be to go to your nearest Apple retailer and spend some time with the screen. Play with the screen resolution settings. See if it works for you.

  • Green Screen Question

    Hello: New to motion & had a question about a green screen effect. I shoot my subject in front of a green screen and move the camera. At some point, the camera shoots an unwanted edge of the green screen, revealing a wall in the background. As long as my subject has not crossed into view of that edge and wall, am I able to somehow Mask out that unwanted area and replace it with a matching green before I lay the video over a background?
    Thanks in advance.

    if you are dealing with the green screen filter in Motion, then do it all in Motion.
    You wont need to replace the wall or edge with green. If you mask this off with a regular mask ( which by the way is about forty million times easier to create and adjust in Motion than in FCP - that's a rough guess but its about that much)
    the background will show beneath it.
    hope this helps

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