Applescript for custom tags

hi there,
has anyone had any experience with applescript and custom tags? i've gotten so far as to display the name of custom tags i've added, but i want to find a way to batch erase some i've added on several thousand pictures. any hints?
here's a snippet of the code i'm trying out. there must be some way to delete the tag, but i'm not fluent in applescript. the logic of the script has been copied off another one i've found somewhere on the net. the author is Steven Banick (
repeat with countOfPhotos from 1 to the count of selectedPhotos
-- Get the photo's properties for the operation
set currentPhoto to item countOfPhotos of selectedPhotos
tell currentPhoto
-- Reset the variables in the loop
set the photoCustomTags to ""
-- Retrieve the Photo Metadata
set the photoCustomTags to the name of custom tags
-- Scan the individual custom Tags from the assigned Custom tags
repeat with currentcustomTag from 1 to count of photoCustomTags
set currentcustomTag to item currentcustomTag of photoCustomTags
-- ver quais são as custom tags e tentar apagá-las
if currentcustomTag = CustomTagName1 then
-- display dialog currentcustomTag
delete the item currentcustomTag

I'm not sure if you can delete tags, but you can certainly empty them:
tell application "Aperture"
set selectedImages to the selection
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in selectedImages
set this_item to item i of selectedImages
set value of custom tag "Image ID" of this_item to ""
end try
end repeat
end tell
Just change "Image ID" to the name of your custom tag, and make sure that you only use it on the correct images...

Similar Messages

  • Cannot find CFML template for custom tag

    Why am I getting this error when my code looks like this?
    Cannot find CFML template for custom tag UPSPrice.
    ColdFusion attempted looking in the tree of installed custom tags but did not find a custom tag with this name. If you are using per-applica
    <Cfif NOT form.shipzip IS "">
    <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#form.upsshiptype#" FROM="#shopshipzip#" TO="#FORM.shipzip#" WEIGHT="#getshipweight.totwei#">
    <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#form.upsshiptype#" FROM="#shopshipzip#" TO="" WEIGHT="#getshipweight.totwei#">

    UPSPrice.cfm file:
    Cold Fusion custom tag obtain UPS shipping costs from
    CALLTAG   - (optional) Electronic or basic call tag issued, valid options
                           are NONE BASIC or ELECTRONIC, defaults to NONE.
    COD       - (optional) Package is being sent C.O.D., valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    FROM      - (required) Source (ship from) postal code.
    HANDLING  - (optional) Requires special handling (eg. - any article that
                           is not fully encased in an outside shipping container,
                           or any package that exceeds 60 inches in length).
    HAZARD    - (optional) Package contains hazardous material, valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    HEIGHT    - (optional) Height (in inches) of oversized package.
    LENGTH    - (optional) Length (in inches) of oversized package.
    OVERSIZED - (optional) Package is oversized, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    RESPONSE  - (optional) Delivery confirmation service, valid options are
                           NONE BASIC SIGNATURE ALTERNATE or ALL, defaults to
    SATDELIV  - (optional) Saturday delivery, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    SATPICKUP - (optional) Saturday pickup, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    SERVICE   - (required) UPS Service ID, valid service IDs are:
                           1DM    - Next Day Air Early AM
                           1DML   - Next Day Air Early AM Letter
                           1DA    - Next Day Air
                           1DAL   - Next Day Air Letter
                           1DP    - Next Day Air Saver
                           1DPL   - Next Day Air Saver Letter
                           2DM    - 2nd Day Air A.M.
                           2DA    - 2nd Day Air
                           2DML   - 2nd Day Air A.M. Letter
                           2DAL   - 2nd Day Air Letter
                           3DS    - 3 Day Select
                           GNDCOM - Ground Commercial
                           GNDRES - Ground Residential
    SHIPNOT1  - (optional) First ship notification, valid options are NONE
                           DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, defaults to NONE.
    SHIPNOT2  - (optional) Second ship notification, valid options are NONE
                           DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, defaults to NONE.
    TOCOUNTRY - (optional) Destination country code, defaults to US if not
                           specified. Visit the UPS site for a complete list of
                           valid two letter country codes.
    TO        - (required) Destination (ship to) postal code.
    VALUE     - (optional) Declared value for carrier liability, carrier assumes
                           $100 by default.
    VERBCONF  - (optional) Verbal confirmation of delivery, valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    WEIGHT    - (required) Weight (in pounds) of package, fractions may be used.
    WIDTH     - (optional) Width (in inches) of oversized package.
    This tag submits a shipping cost request to UPS for processing, and returns
    price and shipping information. CF_UPSPrice sets the following variables that
    you may use within your template after the call to CF_UPSPrice:
    UPS_BaseCharge     - Base shipping charge.
    UPS_Charge         - Total charge.
    UPS_Error          - Error message, if there was one.
    UPS_ErrorCode      - Error code, if there was one.
    UPS_FromCountry    - Source country code.
    UPS_FromPostal     - Source postal code.
    UPS_GuaranteedBy   - Guranteed delivery time.
    UPS_OptionalCharge - Total of optional charges.
    UPS_Service        - UPS service ID.
    UPS_Success        - YES if request was successful, NO if not.
    UPS_ToCountry      - Destination country code.
    UPS_ToPostal       - Destination postal code.
    UPS_ToZone         - Destination zone.
    UPS_Weight         - Billed weight.
    To use just call <CF_UPSPrice> from within your Cold Fusion template,
    passing at least the required attributes TO FROM SERVICE and WEIGHT.
    Obtain price for next day package from NY to CA:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="1DA" FROM="11213" TO="90046" WEIGHT="1.5">
      <CFOUTPUT>Cost is #DollarFormat(UPS_Charge)#</CFOUTPUT>
    Sending a oversized package C.O.D. via second day air:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="2DA" FROM="11213" TO="90046"
       WEIGHT="1.5" HEIGHT="13" WIDTH="12" LENGTH="20" COD="Yes">
    Using form fields:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#service#" FROM="#from#" TO="#to#" WEIGHT="#weight#">
    Ben Forta ([email protected]) 10/14/97
    With help from Dave Beckstrom ([email protected])
    <!--- Initialize variables --->
    <CFSET proceed = "Yes">
    <CFSET error_message = "">
    <!--- Get UPS service --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.service")>
      <CFSET product = ATTRIBUTES.service>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "SERVICE must be specified!">
    <!--- Get destination postal code --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("")>
      <CFSET destPostal =>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "TO postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- Get source postal code --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.from")>
      <CFSET origPostal = ATTRIBUTES.from>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "FROM postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- Get weight --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.weight")>
      <CFSET weight = ATTRIBUTES.weight>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "WEIGHT postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- If all okay, process other options --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <!--- Get destination country --->
    <CFSET destCountry = "US">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.tocountry")>
      <CFSET destCountry = ATTRIBUTES.tocountry>
    <!--- Get oversized --->
    <CFSET oversized = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.oversized")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.oversized>
       <CFSET oversized = "1">
    <!--- Get COD --->
    <CFSET cod = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.cod")>
       <CFSET cod = "1">
    <!--- Get hazard --->
    <CFSET hazard = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.hazard")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.hazard>
       <CFSET hazard = "1">
    <!--- Get handling --->
    <CFSET handling = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.handling")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.handling>
       <CFSET handling = "1">
    <!--- Get calltag --->
    <CFSET calltag = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.calltag")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.calltag IS "BASIC">
       <CFSET calltag = "1">
       <CFSET calltag = "2">
    <!--- Get Saturday delivery --->
    <CFSET saturdaydelivery = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.satdeliv")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.satdeliv>
       <CFSET saturdaydelivery = "1">
    <!--- Get Saturday pickup --->
    <CFSET saturdaypickup = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.satpickup")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.satpickup>
       <CFSET saturdaypickup = "1">
    <!--- Get response --->
    <CFSET response = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.response")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.response IS "BASIC">
       <CFSET response = "1">
       <CFSET response = "2">
       <CFSET response = "3">
       <CFSET response = "4">
    <!--- Get vcd --->
    <CFSET vcd = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.verbconf")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.verbconf>
       <CFSET vcd = "1">
    <!--- Get first ship notify --->
    <CFSET firstshipnotify = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.shipnot1")>
       <CFSET firstshipnotify = "1">
       <CFSET firstshipnotify = "2">
    <!--- Get second ship notify --->
    <CFSET secondshipnotify = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.shipnot2")>
       <CFSET secondshipnotify = "1">
       <CFSET secondshipnotify = "2">
    </CFIF> <!--- End process params --->
    <!--- If have all params, process request --->
    <CFIF proceed>
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="accept_UPS_license_agreement" VALUE="yes">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="13_product" VALUE="#product#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="15_origPostal" VALUE="#origPostal#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="19_destPostal" VALUE="#destPostal#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="22_destCountry" VALUE="#destCountry#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="23_weight" VALUE="#weight#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="29_oversized" VALUE="#oversized#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="33_hazard" VALUE="#hazard#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="34_handling" VALUE="#handling#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="35_calltag" VALUE="#calltag#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="37_saturdaydelivery" VALUE="#saturdaydelivery#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="38_saturdaypickup" VALUE="#saturdaypickup#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="39_response" VALUE="#response#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="44_firstshipnotify" VALUE="#firstshipnotify#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="45_secondshipnotify" VALUE="#firstshipnotify#">
    <!--- Check if succeeded --->
    <CFIF ListFirst(CFHTTP.FileContent, "%") IS "UPSOnLine3">
      <!--- Success, set variables --->
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Success = "Yes">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Service = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 2, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromPostal = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 3, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromCountry = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 4, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToPostal = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 5, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToCountry = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 6, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToZone = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 7, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Weight = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 8, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_BaseCharge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 9, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_OptionalCharge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 10, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Charge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 11, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_GuaranteedBy = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 12, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Error = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ErrorCode = "">
      <!--- Failed, set variables and error message --->
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Success = "No">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Service = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromPostal = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromCountry = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToPostal = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToCountry = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToZone = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Weight = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_BaseCharge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_OptionalCharge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Charge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_GuaranteedBy = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Error = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 2, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ErrorCode = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 3, "%")>
    <!--- Failed, display error message, and abort --->
    <CFOUTPUT><H1>Error: #error_message#</H1></CFOUTPUT>

  • Cannot find CFML template for custom tag SELECTDATE

    I am not a ColdFusion developer and just moved a site from one server to another. That site is developed by someone else not me and I just moved the site to ColdFusion server. Site is working fine except a few pages where I am getting this error:
    Cannot find CFML template for custom tag SELECTDATE
    I read a little bit about custom tags. These are files that needs to be placed in a certain folder from where ColdFusion reads them.
    So that means I will need to ask the developer who developed this site to provide me with this custom tag file, which when I will place in appropriate folder, this page will start working? And without that file I cannot do anything about it?

    As Dan says, they're just CFM files.  Usually one can identify them as follows:
    * they're in the same directory as a file calling <cf_somefilename[...]>, wherein there is a somefilename.cfm is the name of the file
    * they're in one of the directories set as custom tag directories (in CFAdmin, or Application.cfc)
    * they have references to "thistag" or the attributes scope in them (although the latter can produce false positives on Fusebox sites)
    By the sounds of it, your issue is - like I said before - you haven't got your custom tag dirs set up in CFAdmin (or in Application.cfc, which I didn't mention before).  Investigate that.

  • Code assist for custom tags

    Hi everybody,
    I'm working with Facelets and have just defined some custon tags (using
    com.sun.facelets.tag.AbstractTagLibrary) which works just fine.
    But how do I get content assist for those???
    Do I have to create some tld-file?
    Thanks in advance :-)

    ok, now I'm confused.... I don't have a TLD file at all. I use the
    to define the new tags. (and that works fine). I thought I'll need a TLD file to get content assist...
    So, any idea how I can get it for my custom tags (or is it impossible)
    Or does anyone know how content assist works on standard tags?
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: tory77 on Aug 19, 2008 6:48 AM

  • API for custom Tag

    I'm working with the custom tag.I have written java file but when i'm compiling my file using JDK1.3 it's giving me error that can't resolve symbol.Even though i've put servlet.jar in my classpath.Can anybody tell me what are the API's required to compile custom tag and where i can get it.

    Put Sevlet.jar in C:\jdk1.3.1_05\jre\lib\ext

  • "Newbie Unable to load class for custom tag"

    I have recently written a custom tag but I have been unable to implement it in a JSP because the server is unable to load the .class file. Below I have supplied the files that contribute to make up the custom tag, aswell as the JSP file used to implement it.
    stored in C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\webapps\exper\WEB-INF\classes\jsp\tags\dbase
    package jsp.tags.dbase;
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    public class genericDBConnect extends BodyTagSupport
    private String odbcDriver;
    private String dataSource;
    public void setOdbcDriver(String driver)
    odbcDriver = driver;
    public void setDataSource(String source)
    dataSource = source;
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException
    public int doEndTag() throws JspException
    pageContext.getOut().print("This is the value of odbcDriver = " + odbcDriver + "and dataSource = " + dataSource);
         catch(Exception ioException)
         System.err.println("Exception thrown in genericDBConnect.doEndTag():");
         throw new JspException(ioException);
    return EVAL_PAGE;
    Stored in: C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\webapps\exper\WEB-INF
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
         "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
         <display-name>Generic database Connector</display-name>
         Connecting to a database using dataSource and OdbcDriver
              Attributes as well as sending a query to the database;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE taglib
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"
    Stored in:C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\webapps\exper
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
         <title>Generic dataBase Connection</title>
    <%@ taglib uri="/genericdbconnecttags.tld" prefix="database" %>
    <database:dbconnect odbcDriver="" dataSource="hello">
    this is the the begining of the end of life as we know it
    And this is the error I get:
    Error: 500
    Location: /exper/DBtester.jsp
    Internal Servlet Error:
    org.apache.jasper.compiler.CompileException: C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\webapps\exper\DBtester.jsp(8,0) Unable to load class null
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagBeginGenerator.init(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener$GeneratorWrapper.init(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener.addGenerator(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener.handleTagBegin(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.DelegatingListener.handleTagBegin(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Tag.accept(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader12.loadJSP(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.loadIfNecessary(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.service(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
         at org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler.processConnection(
         at org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool$
    Please if you can help I will be very grateful

    I was searching about this problem and I found here.
    I'm using WSAD 4.0.3 and I'm making my first custom tag.
    Here is my files:
    ======================= CLASS ======================
    package sas.ric.tags.teste;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
    public class ClTagHello extends TagSupport {
    public int doStartTag() {
         try {
              JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
         } catch (IOException ioe) {
              System.out.println("Erro in ClTagHello: " + ioe);
    return (SKIP_BODY);
    ================= TLD ==========================
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN" "">
    ======================== JSP =====================
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <META name="GENERATOR" content="IBM WebSphere Studio">
    <META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
    <%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/app-tlds/tag-hello.tld" prefix="ric" %>
    <ric:hello />
    Please, help me.
    Occur this error "JSPG0058E: Unable to load class null"

  • How to add a reference to help for a custom tag

    I would like to add an icon (question mark icon) to my custom tag (in tag libraries view). Then, when I press this icon I would like to see some .html page with description of a tag as it is done for a struts tags.
    Is it possible?
    If yes please tell me how to do it.

    There are a variety of customization options available for BEA Workshop. Through metadata you can define renderings for custom tags, tag appearance in the tag libraries view, customize the tag editors, and much more.
    Information about customization can be found at the following link:
    Adding custom tag documention to the Tag Libraries view is not currently a configuration option but would be a useful addition. I will file an enchancement request for this functionality.

  • Query reg adding custom tags in SOAP Header - AXIS Receiver Adapter

    Hi All,
    I need to send custom tags as mentioned below to my traget webservice application. I think I can do this with Receiver AXIS adapter but not sure how it can be done. Can any of you suggest?

    If you want to add custom tags in the soap header, one possible solution is use XSLT mapping or Java mapping to create header first then do message mapping for mapping the payload structure between your source and target  as usual.
    So in operation mapping you sequence mapping like this... first XSLT mapping for custom tags for the SOAP Header followed by payload mapping.
    Hope that helps.
    Search SDN for XSLT Mapping for soap header. Already we have handled these issues.

  • Custom Tag issue and then ApplicationID?

    is there anybody out there who can help me with the following
    I installed ColdFusion 4.5 Server on my Windows XP machine
    and wanted to access an already built CF application. When
    the main default page, i got the following error:
    "Cannot find CFML template for custom tag
    ColdFusion attempted looking in the tree of installed custom
    tags but
    did not find a custom tag with this name. "
    I copied the same Administrator settings, code and folders
    from the
    working production server to my local machine and it just
    doesn't seem
    to work. (I couldn't find any differences to the working
    I tried to fix it by copying the custom tag folder (located
    under allaire/spectra/customtags/) to C:\CFusion\CustomTags which
    somehow cleared the previous error but gave me the following new
    "Error Occurred While Processing Request > Error
    Diagnostic Information > This application can't be located by
    name. Use ApplicationID instead"
    Please, i appreciate any kind of comment on this post (i have
    been trying to fix this for the past 3 days!)

    Spectra requires 4.5.1 or 5.
    Run the Spectra install to set up all the correct mappings
    and the webtop. Then copy over the custom application. It's been
    awhile since I've dug into the folder structure of the webtop, so I
    don't have a complete list of steps required for a Spectra app
    deployment. So you still have some work ahead of you.
    Just make sure you backup your database before the install,
    mirror it, or use a new schema for the installation and then switch
    over your datasources.
    I would recommend an old Spectra book you can probably find
    on eBay.

  • Adding custom tags and extend ParserDelegator and DTD support problem!!

    Hi all, I searched all forums and google for information about this problem but I did not find any clear solution or example.
    The probem stared when HTMLEditorKit's insertHTML method did not worked for custom tags.
    I extended javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator class
    and override it's setDefaultDTD() method, which loads the default dtd (html32 definition). After the dtd field is created it I call this method:
              javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element element = _dtd.defineElement(
                  "template", javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element.SYSTEM, false, false,
                  null, null, null,
                  new AttributeList("value"));where _dtd is instance of DTD class in the same package, and "template" is the name of my custom tag.
    (if i define the element's type as CONTENT instead of SYSTEM the parser removes it)
    So after this,i see that my new tag is in DTD.elements vector and DTD.elementHash hastable, so its defined in DTD structures.
    The problem is that I have to redefine most element's ContentModel field "content" so that the parser will parse correctly the html source.
    Here is the tracing of DTD.elements vector default contents + template tag.Sorry for the long text but i just want to be clear
    Index i 0 element name #pcdata type 19 content null
    Index i 1 element name html type 18 content (head , body , plaintext?)
    Index i 2 element name meta type 17 content null
    Index i 3 element name base type 17 content null
    Index i 4 element name isindex type 17 content null
    Index i 5 element name head type 18 content (title? & isindex? & base? & nextid?)
    Index i 6 element name body type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 7 element name applet type 18 content ((p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | input | select | textarea | tr | td)*
    Index i 8 element name param type 17 content null
    Index i 9 element name p type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 10 element name title type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 11 element name style type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 12 element name link type 17 content null
    Index i 13 element name plaintext type 1 content null
    Index i 14 element name nextid type 17 content null
    Index i 15 element name script type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 16 element name h1 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 17 element name h2 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 18 element name h3 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 19 element name h4 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 20 element name h5 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 21 element name h6 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 22 element name ul type 18 content (p | br | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | ol | ul | li)*
    Index i 23 element name ol type 18 content (p | br | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | ol | ul | li)*
    Index i 24 element name dir type 18 content (ul | ol | dir | menu | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | li)*
    Index i 25 element name menu type 18 content (ul | ol | dir | menu | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | li)*
    Index i 26 element name pre type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 27 element name xmp type 1 content null
    Index i 28 element name listing type 1 content null
    Index i 29 element name dl type 18 content (p | dl | dt | dd)*
    Index i 30 element name div type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 31 element name center type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 32 element name blockquote type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 33 element name form type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 34 element name hr type 17 content null
    Index i 35 element name table type 18 content (tr | caption)*
    Index i 36 element name object type 18 content (param | (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | (p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | address)* | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 37 element name tt type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 38 element name i type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 39 element name b type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 40 element name u type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 41 element name strike type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 42 element name s type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 43 element name big type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 44 element name small type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 45 element name sub type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 46 element name sup type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 47 element name em type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 48 element name strong type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 49 element name dfn type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 50 element name code type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 51 element name samp type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 52 element name kbd type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 53 element name var type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 54 element name cite type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 55 element name a type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | pre)*
    Index i 56 element name img type 17 content null
    Index i 57 element name font type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 58 element name basefont type 17 content null
    Index i 59 element name br type 17 content null
    Index i 60 element name map type 18 content (base | area)*
    Index i 61 element name nobr type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)+
    Index i 62 element name wbr type 17 content null
    Index i 63 element name blink type 19 content null
    Index i 64 element name input type 17 content null
    Index i 65 element name select type 18 content (option+)
    Index i 66 element name textarea type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 67 element name address type 18 content ((#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea) | p)*
    Index i 68 element name frameset type 18 content (frameset | frame | noframes)*
    Index i 69 element name noframes type 1 content null
    Index i 70 element name nohotjava type 1 content null
    Index i 71 element name animate type 1 content null
    Index i 72 element name tr type 18 content (td | th | script | map)*
    Index i 73 element name td type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 74 element name area type 17 content null
    Index i 75 element name option type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 76 element name dt type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 77 element name dd type 18 content (p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 78 element name li type 18 content ((p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6)*
    Index i 79 element name caption type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 80 element name frame type 17 content null
    Index i 81 element name th type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 82 element name template type 17 content null
    Can anyone plase give me advice how i can add my custom tag in this ContentModel structures for example as a content of "p" element
    I must do this for most structure elements.
    Or tell me any other way i can achieve the solution of my problem.
    A lot of topics here are still opened for solution for similar problems.
    and hope that there is any solution for my problem 'cause its urgent.
    Thanks in advance.
    Nenko Ivanov

    Hi all, I searched all forums and google for information about this problem but I did not find any clear solution or example.
    The probem stared when HTMLEditorKit's insertHTML method did not worked for custom tags.
    I extended javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator class
    and override it's setDefaultDTD() method, which loads the default dtd (html32 definition). After the dtd field is created it I call this method:
              javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element element = _dtd.defineElement(
                  "template", javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element.SYSTEM, false, false,
                  null, null, null,
                  new AttributeList("value"));where _dtd is instance of DTD class in the same package, and "template" is the name of my custom tag.
    (if i define the element's type as CONTENT instead of SYSTEM the parser removes it)
    So after this,i see that my new tag is in DTD.elements vector and DTD.elementHash hastable, so its defined in DTD structures.
    The problem is that I have to redefine most element's ContentModel field "content" so that the parser will parse correctly the html source.
    Here is the tracing of DTD.elements vector default contents + template tag.Sorry for the long text but i just want to be clear
    Index i 0 element name #pcdata type 19 content null
    Index i 1 element name html type 18 content (head , body , plaintext?)
    Index i 2 element name meta type 17 content null
    Index i 3 element name base type 17 content null
    Index i 4 element name isindex type 17 content null
    Index i 5 element name head type 18 content (title? & isindex? & base? & nextid?)
    Index i 6 element name body type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 7 element name applet type 18 content ((p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | input | select | textarea | tr | td)*
    Index i 8 element name param type 17 content null
    Index i 9 element name p type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 10 element name title type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 11 element name style type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 12 element name link type 17 content null
    Index i 13 element name plaintext type 1 content null
    Index i 14 element name nextid type 17 content null
    Index i 15 element name script type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 16 element name h1 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 17 element name h2 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 18 element name h3 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 19 element name h4 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 20 element name h5 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 21 element name h6 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 22 element name ul type 18 content (p | br | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | ol | ul | li)*
    Index i 23 element name ol type 18 content (p | br | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | ol | ul | li)*
    Index i 24 element name dir type 18 content (ul | ol | dir | menu | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | li)*
    Index i 25 element name menu type 18 content (ul | ol | dir | menu | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | li)*
    Index i 26 element name pre type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 27 element name xmp type 1 content null
    Index i 28 element name listing type 1 content null
    Index i 29 element name dl type 18 content (p | dl | dt | dd)*
    Index i 30 element name div type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 31 element name center type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 32 element name blockquote type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 33 element name form type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 34 element name hr type 17 content null
    Index i 35 element name table type 18 content (tr | caption)*
    Index i 36 element name object type 18 content (param | (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | (p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | address)* | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 37 element name tt type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 38 element name i type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 39 element name b type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 40 element name u type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 41 element name strike type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 42 element name s type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 43 element name big type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 44 element name small type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 45 element name sub type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 46 element name sup type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 47 element name em type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 48 element name strong type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 49 element name dfn type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 50 element name code type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 51 element name samp type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 52 element name kbd type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 53 element name var type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 54 element name cite type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 55 element name a type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | pre)*
    Index i 56 element name img type 17 content null
    Index i 57 element name font type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 58 element name basefont type 17 content null
    Index i 59 element name br type 17 content null
    Index i 60 element name map type 18 content (base | area)*
    Index i 61 element name nobr type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)+
    Index i 62 element name wbr type 17 content null
    Index i 63 element name blink type 19 content null
    Index i 64 element name input type 17 content null
    Index i 65 element name select type 18 content (option+)
    Index i 66 element name textarea type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 67 element name address type 18 content ((#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea) | p)*
    Index i 68 element name frameset type 18 content (frameset | frame | noframes)*
    Index i 69 element name noframes type 1 content null
    Index i 70 element name nohotjava type 1 content null
    Index i 71 element name animate type 1 content null
    Index i 72 element name tr type 18 content (td | th | script | map)*
    Index i 73 element name td type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 74 element name area type 17 content null
    Index i 75 element name option type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 76 element name dt type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 77 element name dd type 18 content (p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 78 element name li type 18 content ((p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6)*
    Index i 79 element name caption type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 80 element name frame type 17 content null
    Index i 81 element name th type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 82 element name template type 17 content null
    Can anyone plase give me advice how i can add my custom tag in this ContentModel structures for example as a content of "p" element
    I must do this for most structure elements.
    Or tell me any other way i can achieve the solution of my problem.
    A lot of topics here are still opened for solution for similar problems.
    and hope that there is any solution for my problem 'cause its urgent.
    Thanks in advance.
    Nenko Ivanov

  • Jsp:include problem in custom tag

    I call <jsp:include page="emailbody.jsp" /> within a custom tag(in a file
              caller.jsp), which does emailing.
              When I invoke caller.jsp from browser, I do get the output(body of the
              email) on the browser screen, but not the output is not send as the body of
              the email.
              When I use static include namely, <@include file="emailbody.jsp" />, the
              output is directed to the body of the email.
              The above means, for a static jsp include file, it is parsed and included in
              the body-evaluation of the custom tag.
              For a dynamic include file, it is NOT parsed and NOT included in the
              body-evaluation of the custome tag.
              The reason could be, How Weblogic loads classes for custom-tag for dynamic
              include files.
              Can anybody at BEA throw loght on this and the solution.
              Thanks in advance.

    Well I found out jsp:include is not supported inside custom tags for JSP
              spec 1.1.
              This was stated in section 5.4.5 of spec 1.1.
              May be in future spec 1.2.
              "Cameron Purdy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Have you sent this to [email protected]?
              > It sounds serious.
              > Peace,
              > --
              > Cameron Purdy
              > Tangosol, Inc.
              > +1.617.623.5782
              > WebLogic Consulting Available
              > "matthew mcclain" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:[email protected]...
              > > I have run into the same problem.
              > > I'm certain it's because CustomTags have their own buffer and
              > > jsp:include or pageContext.include() or requestDispatcher.include()
              > > all bypass the buffer and write to the underlying stream.
              > >
              > > I attempted to define jspx:include by wrapping the response object
              > > which is sent to requestDispatcher.include and then wrapping the
              > > OutputStream returned from the response with a stream which
              > > writes to the "out" of the pageContext for my tag.
              > >
              > > Unfortunately, I get a class cast exception because weblogic expects
              > > it's own class to be there as a ServletOutputStream:
              > >
              > > java.lang.ClassCastException:
              > > at
              > >
              > >
              > > at
              > >
              > >
              > > at com.allmystuff.wif.Include.doStartTag(
              > >
              > > So any chance, jsp:include will get fixed?
              > >
              > > Thanks,
              > > Matthew McClain
              > > [email protected]
              > >
              > >
              > > "chandra" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > > news:[email protected]...
              > > > I call <jsp:include page="emailbody.jsp" /> within a custom tag(in a
              > file
              > > > caller.jsp), which does emailing.
              > > > When I invoke caller.jsp from browser, I do get the output(body of the
              > > > email) on the browser screen, but not the output is not send as the
              > > of
              > > > the email.
              > > > When I use static include namely, <@include file="emailbody.jsp" />,
              > > > output is directed to the body of the email.
              > > >
              > > > The above means, for a static jsp include file, it is parsed and
              > included
              > > in
              > > > the body-evaluation of the custom tag.
              > > > For a dynamic include file, it is NOT parsed and NOT included in the
              > > > body-evaluation of the custome tag.
              > > > The reason could be, How Weblogic loads classes for custom-tag for
              > dynamic
              > > > include files.
              > > > Can anybody at BEA throw loght on this and the solution.
              > > > Thanks in advance.
              > > > Chandra
              > > >
              > > >
              > >
              > >

  • Custom tag in predefined tag

    Can anyone tell me why we are going for custom tag & why cant we do our own custom attribute in predefined tag.if we do like this it will work ?then why we need go to for custom tag

    You can't always go willy nilly altering other peoples code, and then distribute it as your own.
    The licence is that screen of info that you just click "yes" on without reading any time you download/install something.
    A licence grants you certain rights, normally to use/run the software. In some cases to distribute the software (retaining the original headers etc etc)
    Some of the stuff out there is absolutely free, go for it, use it and extend it as much as you like. Others are "Keep your filthy hands off our code"

  • Custom Tag Paths in CF8

    In CF8 it's not possible to use unc path for "Custom Tag
    Paths"? In CF7 this
    work! New feature? bug? possible workarounds?

    Mark Mongeau wrote:
    > I have serveral CF servers running. Is it possible to
    map to custom tags on one
    > server from another server without a share between the
    > Or even with shared drives?
    > What are the security issues if you create a share?
    > Thanks
    > Mark
    It would be possible but both servers would have to be able
    to read a
    common network/file location. Either a shared drive on one CF
    server or
    the other or a common directory on a file server that both cf
    can read. For any of this to work one or both of the cf
    servers will
    have to be configured to run under a user (localsystem by
    default on a
    windows box) that has the required permissions to read the
    remote resource.
    Once the required permissions are granted, one just needs to
    put the
    UNC/Mapped drive path to the shared custom tag directory in
    appropriate server setting.
    The risk is the same with granting any user permission to a
    common file
    location. They have the granted permissions to do what they
    are allowed
    to do at that location. With intelligent consideration of
    permissions to give the user designated to run CF under this
    can be
    easily mitigated to a low risk issue. Don't use an
    user account that can do anything anywhere. Create a CF user
    and only
    give it the required permissions to do what you need CF to

  • JDev 9.0.3 - Working with Custom Tags Hangs JDev Repeatedly!

    I recently upgraded from JDev 9.0.2 to 9.0.3 because of the new support for JSP 1.2 and Servlets 2.3. As you probably know, JSP 1.2 includes additional support for custom tag development. Unfortunately, JDev 9.0.3 keeps hanging repeatedly when trying to work with a custom tag library. I have seen a couple other postings on this forum that indicate the fact that I'm not alone in this experience.
    It seems that I am able to open a taglib and make a modification, and then save the taglib without a problem. However, if I attempt to make any further changes to that taglib again without restarting JDev, it just hangs JDev and I have to kill the JDev process and restart JDev. This has made JDev extremely frustrating and unusable developing custom tags. I do not have this problem with JDev 9.0.2, but that version does not support the additionally tag library functionality of JSP 1.2, which is supported by 9.0.3.
    Is this a bug with 9.0.3? Does anyone know of a workaround I can try?
    Thanks in advance,
    Kyle Corley

    Logged as bug 2725712.
    JDev Team

  • For your reference: A real life AppleScript script regarding custom tags

    I'm working through a collection of photographs from iPhoto. One problem I have is that I have more than one set of the photographs and trying to eradicate duplicates and identify the true original images is rather difficult.
    One thing that can help is referring to the complete EXIF data from the image file. Unfortunately, Aperture doesn't give us the complete EXIF set, only a subset. In addition, Aperture doesn't allow us to see the File date/time; only the Image date/time.
    So I wrote this script. Before running the script, I batch renamed all of the images in my subject project using '<counter 4>—<Master Name>' to be sure that every image had a unique name. I then exported the masters from the subject project using '<Version Name>', the reason being that Aperture doesn't allow access to the file name via AppleScript. GraphicConverter will read the EXIF data from this exported set and the script will write most of the EXIF data back to the image in Aperture via custom tags.
    One caveat: Aperture is *slow*. It requires almost 4 seconds to write each custom tag. With 6000+ images in my subject project, this script will take a while to complete.
    The script:
    tell application "Aperture"
    tell project "untitled Project" of folder ""
    -- set theImages to every image version
    -- move through the images one by one, deleting and creating the appropriate
    -- custom tags from exif text obtained from exported versions via GraphicConverter.
    repeat with i from 1 to theImages's length
    tell theImages's item i
    -- tell image version id "++s5iIgRT1uKC8lrxd5bMg" -- test image
    delete (every custom tag whose name begins with "GC–")
    set exifdata to getEXIF(name) of me
    repeat with i from 1 to exifdata's length
    copy ("GC– " & exifdata's item i's first item) to tName
    copy (exifdata's item i's second item) to tValue
    make new custom tag with properties {name:tName, value:tValue}
    end repeat
    end tell
    end repeat
    end tell
    end tell
    property exportedImagesFolder : alias "Bulbul:- exported from Aperture -:Canon IXUS 2:"
    property exifTagsToIgnore : {"Make", ¬
    "Model", ¬
    "Resolution unit", ¬
    "Y and C positioning", ¬
    "Exposure time", ¬
    "F number", ¬
    "Exif version", ¬
    "Meaning of each component", ¬
    "Shutter speed", ¬
    "Aperture", ¬
    "Exposure bias", ¬
    "Maximum lens aperture", ¬
    "Metering mode", ¬
    "Flash", ¬
    "Lens focal length", ¬
    "Unknown tag (1)", ¬
    "Owner Name", ¬
    "Color Space", ¬
    "Interoperability Index", ¬
    "Focal plane resolution unit", ¬
    "White balance", ¬
    "Resolution unit", ¬
    "Offset to JPEG SOI", ¬
    "Bytes of JPEG data"}
    to getEXIF(vName)
    copy alias ((exportedImagesFolder as string) & vName & ".jpg") to vFile
    tell application "GraphicConverter"
    copy (get file exif of vFile) to theEXIF
    end tell
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
    repeat with i from 1 to theEXIF's length
    set theEXIF's item i to ¬
    {text item 3 of theEXIF's item i, text from text item 4 to -1 of theEXIF's item i}
    end repeat
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    set newEXIF to {}
    set fileDate to ""
    set imageDate to ""
    repeat with i from 1 to theEXIF's length
    copy theEXIF's item i's first item to tName
    if tName is not in exifTagsToIgnore and ¬
    tName does not start with "Unknown" then
    set end of newEXIF to theEXIF's item i
    if tName begins with "File date and time" then
    set fileDate to date (theEXIF's item i's second item)
    else if tName begins with "Date and time of original" then
    set imageDate to date (theEXIF's item i's second item)
    end if
    end if
    end repeat
    if fileDate is not "" and imageDate is not "" then
    if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 24 * 60 * 60) then
    set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Same Date", "True"}
    set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Same Date", "False"}
    end if
    end if
    return newEXIF
    end getEXIF

    Correction 1:
    please uncomment the line near the top of the script that reads:
    -- set theImages to every image version
    Correction 2:
    writing the custom tags via AppleScript gets faster after Aperture's done it a few times.

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