Application icon will not delete?

I removed the program (Finder - Applications - dragged the game to the trash and emptied it.) Yet the icon is still there. The application that I want removed is the one with the big ? on it called Facade.
This is the picture:

Heres how
Press and hold Option. You'll see a small X at the top left corner of the icon.
Click that X and the icon is gone!!
I felt so stupid after that.....

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    Thanks that solved the issue with the trash.
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    Drag it to the trash icon in your dock.  This is a disk image, and you need to "eject" it, to get rid of it.  

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    Better yet, I'll just give you the command and tell you how to enter it.
    Open terminal by opening up Launchpad and clicking on Utilities and then Terminal.
    Type this
         rm -R Desktop/NAME_OF_FILE
    replace NAME_OF_FILE with the the name of the file (including caps) and press Tab then Enter
    If that doesn't work, let me know

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    Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below to select it:
    ls -@Oaen De* | open -f -a TextEdit
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C).
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V).
    A TextEdit window will open with the output of the command. Post the contents of that window, if any — the text, please, not a screenshot. The title of the window doesn't matter, and you don't need to post that.
    If any personal information appears in the output, anonymize before posting, but don’t remove the context.

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    @kavi - you actually NEED TO LEARN how to read user posts. that is not the case for this user. 
    there are things you can try to do but they are rather 'drastic' and make sure you have a back up. you can reinstall firmware or you can try these codes start with number one, tho it will not do much in your case i am afraid.
    i would go with reinstalling the firmware, something did get corrupted to the point of not responding to the commands.
     With all these operations I recommend you TAKE OUT MEMORY CARD and DO A BACK UP OF YOUR STUFF!!!
    1. *#7780# - Restore factory settings - resets all the settings to the default ( you will not lose any data)
    Make sure you back up your data as you will lose all of it when you perform option 2 or 3 on this list. The default code for ALL operations listed here is 12345
    2. *#7370# - Reformat your phone (out of the box, tho keep in mind that most newer nokia phones at least n series, e series and s60 based phones have udp - user data preservation so not ALL data may be lost. still it is a good idea to always do a back up of your stuff.)
    3. This you perform as a last resort. Nothing else is working.If the phone is not showing any activity, proceed with hard formatting , turn off your phone, hold the following buttons while pressing the power button. (the default code is 12345)
    hard reset - hold the following buttons *, 3 (number button) and talk/green key. turn on the phone and do not release those buttons until you see the Nokia boot up screen. once you feel the phone power up you can let go off the power button while still holding all three buttons ( for Nokia 5800XM - use the following buttons to do a hard reset, GREEN/RED/CAMERA keys pressed all at once on power up. this will only work on 5800's that have firmware version 20... and up. ) For Nokia N97 (unofficial version but works) is SHIFT /SPACE BAR / BACKSPACE while holding the power button. Again do not let go until you see the handshake screen.
    If these codes are not working the only thing for you to do is contact your Nokia Care Center/Service for assistance. 
    You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

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    u can actually force it to delete, oviously i assume you dont have the application or data etc open neware else?
    try restarting your computer, go into finder close all your open applications etc, servers, **** even clear your data in your web browser, do a disk utility check and verify your drives and repair em if nessicary.
    as chamar suggested look at
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    best of luck

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    thank you

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Read > AirPlay Mirroring requires an Early 2011 or newer MacBook Pro, so your MacBook Pro isn't supported.
    To mirror your MacBook Pro's display onto the Apple TV, you can use an application like Beamer or AirParrot even if AirPlay Mirroring isn't compatible

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    If it has a cloud icon it means its no longer on your device.  Tapping on the cloud will effectively reinstall the App from scratch to your device. 
    There is no way to remove it from the cloud because its not yours to remove from there. Its the general App repository, you are just given access to it to download content you've already purchased.

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    ed-n-burra wrote:
    Two days ago I noticed that both Safari & Mail icons were not in the dock. I opened applications and returned them, they just vanish, when I open them from apps they both work OK.
    I have worked round the problem by using an alias and placing that in the dock. Any way I can get back to were I was?
    When you launch the applications and Control-click on their icons in the Dock, do you see "Keep in Dock" or "Remove from Dock" in the contextual menu? If the menu says "Keep in Dock," click on that setting.
    Forgive me if you knew this, because I can't tell from your description if this is relevant or not: Normally, application icons will appear in the Dock when the application is running and disappear from the Dock when you quit the application, unless you have set the application icon to stay in the Dock via the above method or by dragging the application file to the Dock. (Dragging the icon out of the Dock will have the reverse effect, the same as choosing "Remove from Dock," and I'm thinking that might be what happened that caused your icons to disappear from the Dock after quitting.) Creating an alias of the application and placing that in the Dock is a workaround, but shouldn't be necessary.
    If the above doesn't work, something odd is going on with your Dock indeed. Post back and people will help troubleshoot further.
    Message was edited by: Rachel R

  • Icons will not appear on desktop

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    On Finder's menubar,  Finder > Preferences > General tab > select internal and external disks.

  • Frozen rogue image on macbook air: synced iphone, was asked to download from itunes, to restart, did this. when restarted there was photo of chocolate saying 'love you'. never seen image, it will not delete, the techs at work tried too. No luck.Virus?

    frozen rogue image on macbook air: synced iphone, was asked to download from itunes, to restart, did this. when restarted there was photo of chocolate saying 'love you'. never seen image, it will not delete, the techs at work tried too. No luck.Virus? any ideas?

    I'm an applications developer and also run a part-time videography business. As such, I require more than 3.12GB of RAM. That is the physical limitation of a 32bit system. Pointless to stay on 32bit if you plan on having more than that much RAM.
    I'm also not about to pay someone to fix my PC when I can do it myself. I was originally hoping for someone who had experienced the problem before to point me in the right direction so I didn't have to spend so much time trying to figure out what the issue was for myself.
    Basically, in the end the problem was caused because right at the point in time when I chose to uninstall, and reinstall; Apple released a new version of iTunes. This version in turn had a requirement of iOS 4.2 to sync with the iPhone. This is a pretty embarrassing for Apple that they would release software reliant on other software before said software was released.
    Had I realised I was downloading a newer version at the initial point of installation, this wouldn't have been an issue. I could've easily have rolled back iTunes to the previous version and gotten on with my life.
    Another issue is that iTunes is not actually a 64 bit application. It masquerades as one to allow installation on the 64 bit platform.

  • My mail icon will not open

    All my icons on my dock are opening without any problem, but my mail icon will not open.

    Launch Launchpad. Click Mail icon in the Launchpad to
    open Mail Application.
    Does it open?
    If Mail application  launches from Launchpad, drag the old Mail icon in the Dock
    upward about two inches, it will vanish in a puff of smoke.
    Launch Mail, when Mail icon appears in the Dock, right click it,select  "Options"
    and then "Keep in Dock".

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    Message Edited by AlanH70 on 03-26-2009 07:13 AM
    Go to Solution.

    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    Logman has suggested some great advice.
    Here is a very thorough way to search for unopened messages.
    From the main message queue do a search:
    service=ALL SERVICES
    folder: ALL FOLDERS
    show: ONLY UNREAD
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

  • Time Machine will not delete.

    The problem I'm having is that my 300GB backup disk is full. Time Machine says there is not enough room and it will not delete old backups to make room. How can I get it to do its thing?
    Thank you.

    This might help...
    *_“This Backup is Too Large for the Backup Volume”_*
    First, much depends on the size of your Mac’s internal hard disk, the quantity of data it contains, and the size of the hard disk designated for Time Machine backups. It is recommended that any hard disk designated for Time Machine backups be +at least+ twice as large as the hard disk it is backing up from. You see, the more space it has to grow, the greater the history it can preserve.
    *Disk Management*
    Time Machine is designed to use the space it is given as economically as possible. When backups reach the limit of expansion, Time Machine will begin to delete old backups to make way for newer data. The less space you provide for backups the sooner older data will be discarded. []
    However, Time Machine will only delete what it considers “expired”. Within the Console Logs this process is referred to as “thinning”. It appears that many of these “expired” backups are deleted when hourly backups are consolidated into daily backups and daily backups are consolidated into weekly backups. This consolidation takes place once hourly backups reach 24 hours old and daily backups reach about 30 days old. Weekly backups will only be deleted, or ‘thinned’, once the backup drive nears full capacity.
    One thing seems for sure, though; If a new incremental backup happens to be larger than what Time Machine currently considers “expired” then you will get the message “This backup is too large for the backup volume.” In other words, Time Machine believes it would have to sacrifice to much to accommodate the latest incremental backup. This is probably why Time Machine always overestimates incremental backups by 2 to 10 times the actual size of the data currently being backed up. Within the Console logs this is referred to as “padding”. This is so that backup files never actually reach the physically limits of the backup disk itself.
    There appears to be a method for getting around this that may work for some. Bear in mind that it will involve deleting older backups that Time Machine does not yet consider “expired”. But it should allow you to complete the current backup attempt while at the same time preserving some of the previous backups. It is fitting, as well, to remind users that backup disks should be +at least+ twice as large as your Macs’ internal hard disk.
    The Time Machine error message tells you how much space the current backup requires.
    Using that measurement, go into the Time Machine Preferences and click “Options…”.
    Now using the Exclusion List, begin adding things like System & Library folders, and anything else that will get the “Total Included…” figure down to the amount that Time Machine reported was necessary. Leave your User folder for last. If it is still not enough, you can begin including folder within your Home folder.
    Once the “Total Included…” is below what Time Machine requires, then perform a backup. During the backup, Time Machine perform certain house-keeping duties that frees up additional space.
    Once the backup is complete, check Time Machine Prefs “Available:” line. You may discover that you now have more room than expected.
    Go back to the Exclusion List and begin removing items until the “Total Included…” is again just under what “Available” states.
    Perform another backup. Again more room may become available. You may have to repeat this procedure several time until a backup includes ALL of your desired files.
    *Backups WAY Too Large*
    If an initial full backup or a subsequent incremental backup is tens or hundreds of Gigs larger than expected, check to see that all unwanted external hard disks are still excluded from Time Machine backups. Time Machine will attempt to backup any hard disk attached to your Mac, including secondary internal drives, that have not been added to Time Machines Exclusion list.
    This includes the Time Machine backup drive ITSELF. Normally, Time Machine is set to exclude itself by default. But on rare occasions it can forget. When your backup begins, Time Machine mounts the backup on your desktop. (For Time Capsule users it appears as a white drive icon labeled something like “Backup of (your computer)”.) If, while it is mounted, it does not show up in the Time Machine Prefs “Do not back up” list, then Time Machine will attempt to back ITSELF up. If it is not listed while the drive is mounted, then you need to add it to the list.
    *Recovering Backup Space*
    If you have discovered that large unwanted files have been backed up, you can use the Time Machine “time travel” interface to recovered some of that space. Do NOT, however, delete files from a Time Machine backup disk by manually mounting the disk and dragging files to the trash. You can damage or destroy your original backups by this means.
    Additionally, deleting files you no longer wish to keep on your Mac does not immediately remove such files from Time Machine backups. Once data has been removed from your Macs' hard disk it will remain in backups for some time until Time Machine determines that it has "expired". That's one of its’ benefits - it retains data you may have unintentionally deleted. But eventually that data is expunged. If, however, you need to remove backed up files immediately, do this:
    Launch Time Machine from the Dock icon.
    Initially, you are presented with a window labeled “Today (Now)”. This window represents the state of your Mac as it exists now. +DO NOT+ delete or make changes to files while you see “Today (Now)” at the bottom of the screen. Otherwise, you will be deleting files that exist "today" - not yesterday or last week.
    Click on the window just behind “Today (Now)”. This represents the last successful backup and should display the date and time of this backup at the bottom of the screen.
    Now, navigate to where the unwanted file resides. If it has been some time since you deleted the file from your Mac, you may need to go farther back in time to see the unwanted file. In that case, use the time scale on the right to choose a date prior to when you actually deleted the file from your Mac.
    Highlight the file and click the Actions menu (Gear icon) from the toolbar.
    Select “Delete all backups of <this file>”.
    *Full Backup After Hardware Change/Replacement*
    If you are running out of disk space sooner than expected it may be that Time Machine is ignoring previous backups and is trying to perform another full backup of your system? This will happen if you have replaced your computer with a new one, or had significant repair work done on your existing Mac. Time Machine will perform a new full backup. This is normal.
    You have several options if Time Machine is unable to perform the new full backup:
    A. Delete the old backups, and let Time Machine begin a fresh.
    B. Attach another external hard disk and begin backups there, while keeping this current hard disk. After you are satisfied with the new backup set, you can later reformat the old hard disk and use it for other storage.
    C. Ctrl-Click the Time Machine Dock icon and select "Browse Other Time Machine disks...". Then select the old backup set. Navigate to files/folders you don't really need backups of and go up to the Action menu ("Gear" icon) and select "Delete all backups of this file." If you delete enough useless stuff, you may be able to free up enough space for the new backup to take place. However, this method is not assured as it may not free up enough "contiguous space" for the new backup to take place.
    *Outgrown Your Backup Disk?*
    On the other hand, your computers drive contents may very well have outgrown the capacity of the Time Machine backup disk. It may be time to purchase a larger capacity hard drive for Time Machine backups. Alternatively, you can begin using the Time Machine Preferences exclusion list to prevent Time Machine from backing up unneeded files/folders.
    Consider as well: Do you really need ALL that data on your primary hard disk? It sounds like you might need to Archive to a different hard disk anything that's is not of immediate importance. You see, Time Machine is not designed for archiving purposes, just as a backup of your local drive(s). In the event of disaster, it can get your system back to its' current state without having to reinstall everything. But if you need LONG TERM storage, then you need another drive that is removed from your normal everyday working environment.
    This KB article discusses this scenario with some suggestions including Archiving the old backups and starting fresh []
    Let us know if this clarifies things.

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