Applications window scrolls to top

This has been annoying me for some time, perhaps back to 10.4 (I'm using 10.4.7). When I view any folder on my system drive -- for example, /Applications or /Library -- the window is scrolled to the top, regardless of where I left it when last looking at it.
When I view any folder on my second internal drive -- for example, ~/Desktop or ~/Documents (yes, I've moved my Home folder) -- the window retains the position it was at when I last looked at it.
How might I correct the behavior on the first drive, so that the views retain their previous positions?
PowerMac G4 (Sawtooth)   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

This is incredible. I have the exact inverse question. I have this annoying thing where the window goes back to where I scrolled too and the rest start at the top. It's my applications folder that stays where I left off and I want it to start at the top of the window every time I click. Anyone, how do we fix this problem?

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    Perhaps MSDN forum is better for resolving your problem.
    Thanks for understanding

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    I don’t think there is a way to teach Safari not to shift the window when a new one is created. And I don’t think it is related to the position of the Dock.
    I leave a few cm of space on the right side of the Safari window and have the screen filled from top to bottom with the Safari window. Then when I make a new window, it opens shifted a little to the right of the previous window, but it doesn’t put the scroll bar off the screen and because the screen is filled from top to bottom, it doesn’t shift down, just right next to the previous window.
    You might try using tabs. When you click a link that you want in a new window, hold the Command key down. It will open in a new tab in the same window and you can change between the window tabs by clicking on it on the top of the window. The X on the tab will close the tab.

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    Its not voiceover. This has happened to my computer ever since I upgraded to 10.6. It always appears after I watch some sort of movie, whether it is on youtube or embedded in a website. Black boxes will form around windows, on my desktop, over the dock. I'll post a screenshot the next time it happens to see if we are talking about the same thing. It goes away if I restart the computer.

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    Hi Elangsru,
    No there is not such program that does do that for you.
    I using a 24" Mac and ALL of my Applications that I use open ad FULL SCREEN.
    How I did that? Open one by one the Applications you are using and drag the window to the size you like, that's it. Next time you open the same Application it will be open at full screen ore what ever size you set it to.
    PS. the only Application I use and is NOT opening to the size I set it ore use it the last time is PhotoShop.

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    Yes I've created an Automator Application that does the job, but the "watch me do" function that does the Mail Merge is a rather Clunkey work around, as the mouse moves all over the place, thats the part i want to remove and replace with a script, or work out a different way around it that avoids the "watch me do" function.
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    Just in case this comes up for anyone else... I got the windows BACK by hooking my computer up to the external monitor, and REVERSING the arrangement of the monitors (so the one that was on the left was on the right, and vice versa). This placed the window in my field of view and I was able to retrieve it.

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    Closing the window doesn't quit the application on Mac like it does in Windows. You have to select Quit (Program Name) from the top menu or use the keyboard shortcut Command + Q

  • MS word document is not opening in front of one of the application window

    Hi All,
    we have application which is for creating proposals for business, in that application we have a Key/tab that is "generate proposal" when we click on that key it will create the poroposal in MS word format, now our issue is that when we
    click on theat key the ms word document is created perfectly but it is opening behind that application window, users get confuse that proposal is created or not,  to see that they have to minimize the application window or they have to click on the Doc
    icon in the task bar below. This senario was working fine on Windows 2003 servers, this is not working on windows server 2008 R2 with MS office 2007.
    things which i have tried:
    1. tried with some registry key for word document.
    2. installed : "Actual windows manager" to get the "Always on top" option but both are didn't worked.
    could anyone please help me on this to make this doc open in front of the application automatically.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi All,
    According to above link i have chaged the reg key as mention in the blog. but it is working only for my account.
    i want this change to reflect for all other user accounts. can any one please help on this.

  • Disappearing Application Windows?

    I am running mac os x 10.5.5 on a 3.06 24inch imac with 4gb ram.
    recently I have a worsening issue with application windows disappearing. It seems to happen with all applications intermittently & i cant pin down why it is happening.
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    The only work around that i have found for this is if i go to the dock, click the app icon & choose hide when something has already disappeared.
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    Can anyone help me to solve this problem any better than that>? Surely mac os shouldnt be doing this?

    I don't use Leopard (yet), but I've heard of a bug with Spaces that causes applications to start on virtual desktops that don't exist any more, which sounds similar to what you're seeing.
    If you've disabled Spaces, re-enable it, and make sure all your applications are set to start up on the first virtual desktop. (Again, I don't use Leopard yet, so I don't know if you actually can enable/disable Spaces, but I do know you can tell apps which virtual desktop to open on.)

  • Dissappearing Application Windows?

    I am running mac os x 10.5.5 on a 3.06 24inch imac with 4gb ram.
    recently I have a worsening issue with application windows disappearing. It seems to happen with all applications intermittently & i cant pin down why it is happening.
    I do use spaces & have some applications set to run in certain spaces but this really doesnt seem to effect the problem.
    For example i will be working away in space 2 with mail & that will be fine. If I go to space 4 where itunes should be, spaces moves to the space but there is nothing visible from itunes window wise. I get the menus accross the top as itunes but no wimdows for the app.
    If i go back to space 2 with mail & click i tunes in the dock, it takes me to space 4 & I have the itunes menus again but no windows.
    If I check all of my spaces individually, none of the itunes windows are in any of the other spaces.
    The only work around that i have found for this is if i go to the dock, click the app icon & choose hide when something has already disappeared.
    If I then click the app icon in the dock again & choose show, spaces kicks in, takes me to the correct space & the application appears with the windows.
    Can anyone help me to solve this problem any better than that>? Surely mac os shouldnt be doing this?

    Thanks for the response, that sounds like an easier way to get everything back at once rather than one app at a time.
    I was beginning to think that I was the only person with this problem, in a way its nice to hear someone else has it too.
    It would be even better if it can get fully resolved in an update though!
    Thanks again

  • WIndow scrolling and refresh issues.

    I am having problems with intermittent window scrolling and refreshing. I noticed it first in Safari but I have confirmed it is happening in other applications as well. Typically I have no problems with window scrolling and refreshing. At times however, it becomes sluggish. For instance, I will be reading a web page and attempt to scroll down and the there will be a delay of approximately one or two seconds before the window updates. This occurs whether I am using the keyboard, trackpad or mouse to scroll. There is no video tearing or graphics artifacts, just a delay followed by an updated window. During this time, moving windows also results in a delay of one or two seconds. Again, there is no tearing or artifacts, the window just appears in it's new positioning seconds later. This unfortunately makes the system near unusable as I can not accurately scroll or position. The problem occurs whether or not I have a significant number of applications and the CPU and memory usage is not abnormal. Restarting solves the problem temporarily but it still returns. Oddly, activating show desktop or show all windows via Expose eliminates the problem for some time as well until it returns later. My system is up to date with 10.5.6.
    Seems like a problem with WindowServer. Has anyone seen this before or have any suggestions?

    Did you ever get an answer to your window scrolling issue. My new PowerMac seems to always have this issue now. (I just moved to the Intel platform from the G4.) Thanks for any help you can give.

  • I can't set shortcut for „Application windows"

    System Preferences → Exposé & Spaces → Exposé
    I can’t set shortcut for „Application windows” — first column with Fn key is OK, but the second column with mouse button doesn’t work. If I set „secondary mouse button” for „application windows”, it doesn’t work. But if I set „secondary mouse button” to „All windows”, it works! All mouse shortcuts for „All windows” or „Show desktop” work, but no mouse shortcut for „Application windows” work . The same with „Mouse button 3” and other buttons.
    Can you help me, please?

    Do you see the iTunes Library icon in the window? Click on it and the use the scroll bar to get to the tracks you want.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.≤br>
    Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

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